Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 6 hours, 59 minutes ago: is it possible to send a single webmention to Bridgy Publish to get it to publish to all the POSSE destinations (e.g. both FB & Twitter) you've linked to from your permalink? E.g. with 'target=http://brid.gy/publish' ? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-11-08/line/1447007012870
aaronpki was thinking about this today since i'm publishing h-events in my new top-level feed. if someone doesn't recognize how to render an h-event, i want them to do something sensible as a fallback
aaronpkbut at that point i can just not specify h-entry and just put a name and content property on the h-event so that the consumer finds those properties ignoring the type
ben_thatmustbemewe are going at this from different sides, you are assuming it'd probably be better to pick known terms first though, like in this case
[kevinmarks]That is usually true for lists, but not dicts. PHP preserves dict creation order, python returns them in hash order, go randomises them so you don't accidentally rely on order
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: the only reason for two classes I can think of is fallback. If that's the case and we want to have only 1 classes we have to take the fallback option always
ben_thatmustbemetantek, aaronpk was trying to figure if there is a need to support multiple types (multiple h-*) ever? whats the use case? the only one i could come up with is fall back. This came up since jf2 tries to use only one single type, and shaners is using class="h-entry h-as-note"
ben_thatmustbemehuh, aaronpk, tantek, i wonder if it makes sense to figure out what h-* item it should pick first if more than one of the known h-* classes are set
petermolnarI'm trying to code the decision algorithm for finding the post type based on that is set for a post instead of setting it manually, but yes, it probably would if they are not the same as you already have
voxpellilike follow/unfollow which can both be represented as the activities of following and unfollowing (probably h-entries) and the actual relation state between A and B which would be rel-contact between h-cards
ben_thatmustbemeso, if jf2 wants to only have 1 "type" (classes from mf2) and mf2's json format allows multiple h-* we need to select 1, we were trying to figure out the reason for every needing more than on in mf2, and really the only thing we can figure is that you provide h-entry as a fallback to h-mycustomthing
voxpelliGWG: if one wants the check-out to publicly show then it needs to be included in ones feed based on when one checks out – and an event would likely be included in ones feed when it is created
voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: tantek: it's an interesting question though – should it be possible to use new types through some kind of progressive enhancement strategy?
voxpelliwe had that problem with Activity Streams on Flattr – none of the existing types really suited us, but since Status.net was the only big deployed consumer we had to pick the least wrong type it supported
tantekthis is getting back to the problem of consuming-code design, where consuming code *thinks* it needs a type to do so something when in practice it actually needs to handle the presence/absence of properties
tantekI always wonder the impression of ordered classes/rel values comes from - nowhere has anyone ever said that - thus it must be something about the eyntax perhaps?
tantekvoxpelli: rather, practical consumers will discover that no matter what "type" based code they write, they'll have to handle presence/absence of different properties
tantekfocusing on post types is a sign of inexperienced (like haven't actually built/shipped solutions that interop with a variety of other implementations) or short term thinking in terms of this kind of stuff
rhiaroIf you're consuming, and someone gives you a type, and you know what properties to expect with that type, and you even trust the data you're consuming, you're probably *still* going to check for them before doing anything with them anyway, right?
rhiarohowever if you're super lazy or super trusting or have some kind of super generic consumed-data displaying thing, being given a type might be a useful shortcut. But most consuming code isn't going to be like that I suspect.
voxpelliI think the only non h-entry types I have are h-card and h-feed – hard to distinguish between a profile and an article if not using h-card on the profile i guess?
rhiarohaving types internally in my system helps me query stuff more easily (because I definitely trust and know what to expect from my own data), but I would probably ignore types coming from external sources and just deal with properties
rhiaroyeah so all my stuff on my site is h-entry and I've been meaning to add something into my mp endpoint that lets me specify a different mf type, but maybe I won't bother
ben_thatmustbemealthough i still contend the "note at a location" vs "checkin with text" are different things, but thats for my internal representation
rhiaroI maintain that top level objects that are similar enough to other top level objects property-wise yet still need to be displayed differently are the only ones that should have types. I'm not sure how many of those there really are.
voxpelliit would be interesting to test and see if one could express them as an h-item through additional properties instead and if that would makes things more or less clear
ben_thatmustbemerhiaro: i don't totally agree a note can't have a "location" as you can post a note about something, but again, this falls to your interpretation of some data, it does not work as a general rule for determining intent of the author of the data
voxpellikevinmarks: did you see my tweet btw about possibility to add some CSS to "img.webmention-error" to make failed images look better on your site?
ben_thatmustbemerhiaro: case is point "Rattlesnake (a place a few doors down from our office) is really sketchy, gave my co-worker food poisoning" I am not checking in, but i cite the location for others
tantekben_thatmustbeme: h-event has the use-case currently of h2vx.com - that is, robust automatic .ics file generation (because calendar programs / sites subscribe to that)
voxpelliben_thatmustbeme: rhiaro: check-in could be done same way as bookmarking / replies etc though? Add an extra "u-in-reply-to"-style to the geo-tag? "p-check-in-at"?
ben_thatmustbemetantek: problem with that philosophy is that is discourages experimentation. "no one else is publishing, so its not needed", but no one is publishing it because there is no option for it
voxpellitantek: only existing example of marking up whether a location is a checkin or not that I see while skimming through is "h-as-checkin" – and well, that's what started this discussion ;)
voxpelliwe're also lacking consumers, publishers we have plenty, but whether the publishes data is ambiguous might not truly surface until we have a wide variety of readers using that content
tantekeven if they lack their research, you can and should do better, set a better example for the next person that comes along and sees how/what they should do
gRegorLoveDespite having an HTML5 player, /Soundcloud apparently still requires Flash, at least on desktop. No audio and a notice "It looks like you have a Flash blocker browser setting or extension. Please enable Flash to hear this track."
gRegorLoveGWG: I think a feed of "everything" makes sense, and then separate feeds for each type. Perhaps an option to build hybrid feeds of only selected posts, too. That would give the most flexibility.
GWGsnarfed: It isn't just that. If I build events as a custom post type in WordPress, I can create a Post UI specifically for activity posts. There's a functional reason.
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