2015-11-10 UTC
KartikPrabhu, scoates_, snarfed1, snarfed and nitot joined the channel
Calli, snarfed1, snarfed and bengo joined the channel
# 02:22 aaronpk speaking of how awful client certs are, is anyone else having trouble logging in to startssl.com right now or is it just me?
bengo and [shaners] joined the channel
# 02:32 [shaners] RE: the post-type / h-* discussion. I think it’s about the Robustness Principle (aka Postel’s Law).
# 02:34 [shaners] There’s no harm in marking up posts with something more than h-entry. For more specificity. If it helps a downstream consumer to have something more type specific, great.
Lancey joined the channel
# 02:35 [shaners] If consumers just treat a post as an h-entry, then no harm no foul.
# 02:35 [shaners] But if a downstream consumer does something else based on posttype / h-*, then they get it for free/cheaper.
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:40 snarfed aaronpk: are you getting ssl_error_unknown_ca_alert?
# 02:40 snarfed if so, delete all of their Software Security Device certs
# 02:40 snarfed in firefox, it's prefs, advanced, certificates, view certificates
# 02:41 aaronpk snarfed: what do you mean? do I need a new client cert from them? i thought that one didn't expire?
# 02:43 [shaners] Anyhow, I’m crashing for the night. Sweet dreams, indiewebcamp!
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 02:46 aaronpk my class 2 validation is gone, and i can't retrieve any of my previous certs
# 02:47 aaronpk i did, but it's expired so it won't let me use it
# 02:48 aaronpk "I also notice you need a merge, send us an email to..."
# 02:49 bear they just merge your old account to the new one
# 02:49 aaronpk I assuem they just need my email address and they can figure it out from there?
# 02:50 bear once you validate as the same email again
# 02:50 aaronpk so much for trying to renew indiewebcat.com tonight
# 02:51 bear they are generally very fast - and this is their daytime hours :)
# 02:51 aaronpk true. they have always been very good about support.
# 02:52 aaronpk yeah 1 year is long enough to completely forget whatever process you went through
# 02:52 bear sure, once cert renewal is automated, then lower TTL makes a lot of sense
# 02:52 aaronpk honestly i wouldn't mind even if the startssl certs expired every 90 days. mayyybe 120 days.
# 02:53 aaronpk it would force me to be better about proactively renewing and automating as much as possible
# 02:53 aaronpk i do have enough certs now that i'm renewing them pretty often, so i've streamlined it as much as i can
# 02:53 bear that is why I now always use a shell script to generate everything - documentation is built in
# 02:58 aaronpk seriously considering scripting this domain verification process
tantek joined the channel
# 03:05 aaronpk the effort of automating it is ever so slightly more work than doing this manually
# 03:06 aaronpk i'm not sure it would pay off, especially if i start using let's encrypt soon
# 03:06 bear if all of the ones I used to manage at &yet were in the same month... then I would have automated
# 03:06 bear but since most of them were one-off's it was much faster to click around
# 03:07 aaronpk it'd be pretty great to have a command line utility for `verify-domain example.com` that would receive the verification code and submit it back
# 03:08 tantek from what I understand, Let's Encrypt is supposed to help automate this stuff
# 03:08 aaronpk which is why it's not worth it for me to automate the startssl process
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:15 aaronpk wow with class 2 validation i can add a whole bunch of domains to the same cert
jasons joined the channel
jasons joined the channel
# 03:18 aaronpk lets me get as many wildcard certs as i want, so the cost was recouped already
# 03:18 aaronpk plus those certs are good for 2 years even if i don't pay $60 next year
# 03:18 jasons @aaronpk sorry just joined; sounds like a good deal — where is this?
# 03:19 aaronpk it's a terrible interface and there are many reasons to avoid it, but i've been using it nonetheless
# 03:20 aaronpk aside from the UX issues, the biggest catch is that if you want to revoke a cert you have to pay $20
# 03:20 strugee I'm on their free tier and it kills, because it takes forever to renew certs and I have to do it twice in the year because half of my subdomains were registered months apart
# 03:21 aaronpk i feel like i'm finally getting the hang of the process now, only took like 2 years
# 03:22 strugee I'm way, way too good because I have like 15 subdomains that each have to have their own _individual cert_
# 03:23 aaronpk StartSSL is a service that provides SSL certificates
# 03:23 strugee also, there's definitely a page already mentioning StartSSL
# 03:23 aaronpk the threshold of how long before expiration you can renew. since i know they don't let you create another cert that matches a current active cert
# 03:23 Loqi HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers https://indiewebcamp.com/HTTPS
# 03:28 strugee aaronpk: I love your "Why do I need this?" answer in the twtr.io FAQ
# 03:33 bear there is a "trick" to the only one domain active restriction
# 03:33 bear they validate the primary domain but with a wildcard you can have a www. and also a *.
# 03:33 bear so if you need to revoke, you can re-issue using foo. and *.
# 03:34 aaronpk there is apparently another trick, which is you can add other domains to the cert. so now i have two certs active for ownyourgram.com for example
# 03:37 aaronpk the interesting thing is ownyourgram.com already has an active cert
# 03:39 GWG Think I should give up on startssl in favor of Let's Encrypt?
# 03:40 aaronpk hooray for getting a new cert before i need to cut over so it actually has time to propagate through the ocsp thingies
# 03:41 aaronpk tomorrow i will launch the new indiewebcamp.com cert
mdik joined the channel
# 03:43 strugee I've added an exception but earlier I saw an expired cert error
# 03:45 aaronpk uh i don't know, i've never changed any settings in firefox
# 03:45 tantek snarfed++ for updating the bridgy docs re: 201!
# 03:46 aaronpk point is, i've never changed any of these settings, so whatever firefox is shipping with makes it care about OCSP errors
# 03:46 strugee last I checked it didn't hard-fail but maybe they changed it
# 03:46 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: not styled, but i added an option to socialstreams to allow outputting as html instead of plaintext
# 03:47 ben_thatmustbeme i'm planning to figure out some generic styling to get things rendering in to at least something useful
# 03:49 strugee I wonder why I can't reproduce it in my main profile?
# 03:49 bear i'm guessing a security exception is in that profile
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 03:50 [aaronpk] Omg I just realized why I get the SSL expiration warning emails two weeks before the cert expires
# 03:50 [aaronpk] I always assumed I couldn't get a new cert until closer to the expiration so I kept ignoring those emails lol
# 03:51 bear startssl is one of the orgs that I pay attention to every email they send
# 03:51 bear because they don't send anything at all unless it's actionable
shiflett joined the channel
# 03:52 strugee bear: yeah I added an exception for the just-expired cert, but it should have been invalidated when aaronpk installed the new cert, right?
# 03:52 bear I don't think so, it stores them by domain IIRC
# 03:52 [aaronpk] bear: good point. I will pay more attention in the future :-)
# 03:53 bear exception certs and all that is why I test certs using private browsing tabs
# 03:53 bear that way it's always a fresh/clean view
# 03:57 Loqi A summary is short text that conveys a post's main point(s), or a plain text equivalent for kinds of posts like likes and RSVPs that use other properties to convey their meaning https://indiewebcamp.com/summary
# 04:01 tantek does anyone have a UI for explicitlyauthoring a summary in their posts? e.g. in a note or article?
# 04:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
nitot_ joined the channel
Calli joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and cweiske joined the channel
# 07:00 KartikPrabhu !tell tantek manually. Only my articles have p-summary which by my definition are posts authored in HTML
# 07:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
e-lima joined the channel
# 07:08 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 07:13 KartikPrabhu aah yes. because I don't give the cropped version to non-JS users. I should change that
# 07:13 cweiske kevinmarks, the link on "html as tex replacement" is broken
# 07:16 cweiske for kevin it also works for all but the first 2 cards
# 07:18 kevinmarks yes, when I wrapped a div around the h-entry I forgot to mark up u-url
sanduhrs joined the channel
# 07:22 cweiske kevinmarks, re htmlversustex - writing formulas in tex is still so much easier than in any other language
nitot joined the channel
# 07:26 KartikPrabhu what really is needed is a good writing UI that allows input in tex for formulae and then convert them to mathml
# 07:27 KartikPrabhu I had half a mind to work on such a thing but then didn't pursue it because it was too much work for a side-project
loic_m and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 07:35 KartikPrabhu oh mathematica is horrible because it has this propreitay fornat for things
# 07:39 KartikPrabhu kevinmarks: I try not to rely on fonts. Even if they don't load it is OK
# 07:40 KartikPrabhu but mathjax relies on all these fonts it wants to use with no way to say "use the default font on the page"
# 07:44 KartikPrabhu mathjax used to work great on FF with mathml rendering but something seems to have failed
# 07:49 [kevinmarks] Put data points in the SVG directly for graphs to correct sig figs, and change view coordinates instead
melvster joined the channel
bengo, petermolnar, j12t, eschnou, fkooman, friedcell, benwerd, e-lima, ttepasse, interactivist, glennjones, modem, lewisnyman, loic_m, fahrstuhl, adactio and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 11:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sanduhrs joined the channel
friedcell, tvn, tantek and edjw joined the channel
# 13:27 tantek ^^^ that is a very strange reply, as AFAIK the account replying doesn't use the indieweb hashtag either
j12t joined the channel
tantek, sanduhrs and j12t joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
# 14:54 tantek ^^^ aaronpk what the what is going on with that Flickr URL?!?
# 14:58 tantek of course we can always be doing better, yet we shouldn't neglect/ignore the progress made since 2010.
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:10 tantek ben_thatmustbeme++ yay for getting mobilepub working again!
# 15:12 ben_thatmustbeme no, the mobilepub side was that it was written before indieauth.com actually cared about csrf so it didn't use state=
# 15:13 ben_thatmustbeme alos indieid just never reterns anything from an attempt to verify the key, not sure why
# 15:15 bear Kongaloosh++ congrats on your first webmention!
j12t joined the channel
# 15:32 tantek anyone here POSSE to Flickr? Now that I'm using Bridgy to POSSE photos to Twitter & FB, and I do have a lot of photos (and friends) on Flickr, I was considering doing that automatically too.
# 15:34 tantek oops I thought the support was already there because adactio POSSEs to Flickr
# 15:34 tantek but maybe he is calling Flickr APIs directly!
# 15:34 snarfed we'd also need flickr publish support for silo SWAT0
# 15:34 snarfed so far flickr and facebok are the only two possibilities
# 15:35 petermolnar I do posse to flickr, but I'm doing it the lazy way of using a wp plugin
# 15:35 petermolnar however, for backfeed, I did write my importer for flickr if that helps
edjw joined the channel
# 15:41 tantek.com edited /Falcon (+770) "/* improve replies details */ before that, implement summary more text UI so I can switch to using Bridgy Publish for all my POSSEing to FB (instead of Twitter->FB crossposting)" (
view diff )
edjw1 joined the channel
M-RyanRix, edjw, snarfed and [jonnybarnes] joined the channel
# 15:58 [jonnybarnes] obv if you pull the photos directly from instagram the filter will already be applied
edjw and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:02 [kevinmarks] I think medium treats an h2 under the h1 as a summary, and a photo there as featured
shiflett joined the channel
# 16:06 tantek.com edited /Falcon (-103) "update current POSSE / photos support per this past weekend's implementations, auto POSSE photos to Facebook DONE, POSSE tweet photo DONE via Bridgy Publish, POSSE photos to Twitter via their API deprioritized to a minor itch" (
view diff )
# 16:10 petermolnar tantek, about auto-posse to FB: I dropped that due the we-can-use-your-stuff policy of FB, are you not concerned about that?
j12t joined the channel
e-lima joined the channel
# 16:14 tantek petermolnar - since the photos are already public on IG, I'm not sure putting them public on FB makes it any worse?
# 16:14 tantek eventually I hope to switch to using ownyourgram + micropub
# 16:15 tantek and then figure out my own photo posting / hosting solution independent of IG
# 16:15 tantek at that point I may start subsetting the photos I POSSE to FB
# 16:15 tantek until then I'm not sure it makes much difference
tvn joined the channel
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wolftune joined the channel
# 16:42 petermolnar.eu created /DNSSEC (+189) "Created page with "DNSSEC is a security extension to [[DNS ]] to allow verification and authentication of DNS records and domain names to prevent tampering with domain records and DNS-based middle-m..."" (
view diff )
# 16:44 petermolnar I believe the missing page is a sign of not-yet-done by indieweb members :(
kevinmarks, MrClaw, tantek, gRegorLove, glennjones and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:18 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
tme5, benwerd, cleverdevil, bengo and KevinMarks joined the channel
wolftune, eschnou and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 18:37 GWG !tell ben_thatmustbeme It didn't work for me
# 18:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
j12t joined the channel
# 18:44 GWG Loqi suggestions, no telling within 120 seconds
kevinmarks, KevinMarks_, benwerd and bengo joined the channel
# 18:53 snarfed hey flickr users, does flickr have "mentions" independent of people tags? like @-mentioning people on twitter?
# 18:53 snarfed looks like no, but i don't use it so i'm not sure
petermolnar joined the channel
friedcell, kevinmarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 19:17 GWG Kevinmarks, you are in town or were and didn't say anything?
# 19:23 GWG Snarfed, no excuse. He should have retroactively told me that he was coming to town.
eschnou joined the channel
# 19:24 GWG Thinking about making event a custom post type in WordPress still and using that for all time based activities.
petermolnar, KartikPrabhu and snarfed1 joined the channel
bengo and funwhilelost joined the channel
petermolnar joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
bengo joined the channel
bengo, squeakytoy and interactivist joined the channel
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 20:42 rhiaro Hey funwhilelost. Sure, ping the person listed as organiser for your preferred HWC and see if they'll set up a talky.io or similar
# 20:42 rhiaro I know someone in Seattle who might be interested
# 20:43 rhiaro But remoting into another HWC is a good place to start
# 20:43 ben_thatmustbeme funwhilelost: if you start your own, i have a friend i have been trying to convince to go to one. he didn't seem to keep on the idea of driving from seattle to SF for some reason :P
# 20:43 rhiaro We've had people remote into Edinburgh ones before
# 20:46 rhiaro funwhilelost: I don't think there's one tonight
# 20:46 rhiaro at least, Edinburgh is in a different timezone, and may have already happened?
# 20:48 tbrb I did not, personally, I'm pretty ill
# 20:48 tbrb though it would have finished ~ 1hr ago I'd imagine
# 20:50 tantek funwhilelost: I thought Rob Dolin wanted to do a Homebrew Website Club in Seattle but I can't find a reference for it.
# 20:52 tbrb Next person would be Kongaloosh I'd guess, rhiaro, though people actually seem to organise themselves :v
# 20:53 tbrb not that it's anything as formal as that :v
# 20:55 GWG Did someone say something about remoting into an HWC?
# 21:04 funwhilelost GWG: I was curious if people were remoting into the Edinburgh meetup.
# 21:05 GWG I'd like to remote into somewhere
bengo joined the channel
# 21:08 snarfed gRegorLove: looks like webmention discovery failed on your domain at some point. did you retry any of the responses? that clears the cached discovery and retries
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# 21:14 GWG Kongaloosh: Is this just your attempt to hear more of my story?
# 21:15 snarfed gRegorLove: if it's the capitalized domain i'm going to laugh :P
bengo joined the channel
# 21:19 GWG I just like to be inspired by others working on their site, no matter where they are
# 21:19 GWG Although I have always wanted to visit Scotland
# 21:20 snarfed gRegorLove: not sure what happened, but they're all sent now
bengo joined the channel
# 21:21 GWG snarfed: By the way, the new functionality was very helpful, thank you
shiflett joined the channel
# 21:24 snarfed yeah, the retry button is way more powerful now. reruns OPD, clears a bunch of cached stuff, etc
# 21:25 snarfed personally i'm also partial to the extra info on user pages now: next poll, last synd link, webmention sent, etc
shiflett, funwhilelost and bengo joined the channel
# 21:39 gRegorLove snarfed: Cool. Did you initiate the retry or it just resolved itself?
shiflett_ joined the channel
# 21:40 gRegorLove snarfed: Noticed the poll/syndication link info. Definitely like it!
# 21:40 snarfed both poll and responses auto-retry, with exponential backoff capped at every hour
shiflett, snarfed1, bengo, lukebrooker, interactivist, friedcell, Calli, tantek, KevinMarks, kevinmarks_, j12t and nitot joined the channel
# 23:14 funwhilelost Known users: when you want to 'u-like-of' a post from Known do you just add the <a> to your post/status?
# 23:15 funwhilelost There's also the "Reply to a site" link but I think that's just for 'u-in-reply-to'.
# 23:16 tantek time to publish photo to IG to my site then POSSE to Twitter + FB: 2 minutes
# 23:17 tantek funwhilelost: pretty sure Known has a "like" post type you can just create and paste in a URL
# 23:19 funwhilelost Hmm... it's not obvious how to access it. The posting flow starts with "Status Update", "Post", "Photo", "Bookmark", "Location", "Audio". From these you can choose "Reply to a site" but I don't see a way to do the rest of the webmentions.
# 23:20 kevinmarks_ hm, I like them in woodwind and it posts the like to known; not sure what the plumbing is
# 23:22 funwhilelost It may be that micropub is happy to add the content to Known but I don't see an obvious way to do it in the posting UI.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 23:31 [kevinmarks] funwhilelost: if you use the share book marklet you get a like option
# 23:33 funwhilelost Just to confirm: when you indieweb "like" a post it creates an empty status with a 'u-like-of' webmention?
# 23:34 tantek it doesn't need to be empty - it can have summary text saying "you like ... "
# 23:36 funwhilelost Yeah, I'll definitely file an issue. In the `/share` UI it clearly shows the option for "like", "bookmark", "reply" at the top. When you click "Status Update" from the home page it does not show those options.
# 23:37 gRegorLove Yeah, that's what I was just noticing. Seems it should be on the regular Status Update UI too.
shiflett joined the channel
nitot joined the channel