#[shaners]Funny. I read it the other way. But I see your point.
#[shaners]There’s no harm in marking up posts with something more than h-entry. For more specificity. If it helps a downstream consumer to have something more type specific, great.
Lancey joined the channel
#[shaners]If consumers just treat a post as an h-entry, then no harm no foul.
#[shaners]But if a downstream consumer does something else based on posttype / h-*, then they get it for free/cheaper.
#ben_thatmustbemeDoesn't help what to do with jf2. Unless we move to multi type
#ben_thatmustbemeOr just only pick up the h-entry and dump the h-blahblah
#aaronpkthe effort of automating it is ever so slightly more work than doing this manually
#aaronpki'm not sure it would pay off, especially if i start using let's encrypt soon
#bearif all of the ones I used to manage at &yet were in the same month... then I would have automated
#bearbut since most of them were one-off's it was much faster to click around
#aaronpkit'd be pretty great to have a command line utility for `verify-domain example.com` that would receive the verification code and submit it back
#tantekfrom what I understand, Let's Encrypt is supposed to help automate this stuff
#aaronpkaside from the UX issues, the biggest catch is that if you want to revoke a cert you have to pay $20
#strugeeI'm on their free tier and it kills, because it takes forever to renew certs and I have to do it twice in the year because half of my subdomains were registered months apart
#aaronpkthe threshold of how long before expiration you can renew. since i know they don't let you create another cert that matches a current active cert
#LoqiHTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers https://indiewebcamp.com/HTTPS
#aaronpkHTTPS links to StartSSL but there is no page
#aaronpkthere, got that whole conversation on the wiki
#bearthere is a "trick" to the only one domain active restriction
#bearthey validate the primary domain but with a wildcard you can have a www. and also a *.
#bearso if you need to revoke, you can re-issue using foo. and *.
#aaronpkthere is apparently another trick, which is you can add other domains to the cert. so now i have two certs active for ownyourgram.com for example
#LoqiA summary is short text that conveys a post's main point(s), or a plain text equivalent for kinds of posts like likes and RSVPs that use other properties to convey their meaning https://indiewebcamp.com/summary
#tantekdoes anyone have a UI for explicitlyauthoring a summary in their posts? e.g. in a note or article?
#tantek!tell KartikPrabhu do you have a specific UI for indicating or writing a p-summary for your posts? Or do you just manually add p-summary markup to your articles? https://indiewebcamp.com/summary#Kartik_Prabhu
#tantekanyone here POSSE to Flickr? Now that I'm using Bridgy to POSSE photos to Twitter & FB, and I do have a lot of photos (and friends) on Flickr, I was considering doing that automatically too.
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (+770) "/* improve replies details */ before that, implement summary more text UI so I can switch to using Bridgy Publish for all my POSSEing to FB (instead of Twitter->FB crossposting)" (view diff)
#tantek.comedited /Falcon (-103) "update current POSSE / photos support per this past weekend's implementations, auto POSSE photos to Facebook DONE, POSSE tweet photo DONE via Bridgy Publish, POSSE photos to Twitter via their API deprioritized to a minor itch" (view diff)
#petermolnar.eucreated /DNSSEC (+189) "Created page with "DNSSEC is a security extension to [[DNS]] to allow verification and authentication of DNS records and domain names to prevent tampering with domain records and DNS-based middle-m..."" (view diff)
#rhiaroI know someone in Seattle who might be interested
#rhiaroBut remoting into another HWC is a good place to start
#ben_thatmustbemefunwhilelost: if you start your own, i have a friend i have been trying to convince to go to one. he didn't seem to keep on the idea of driving from seattle to SF for some reason :P
#rhiaroWe've had people remote into Edinburgh ones before
#snarfedgRegorLove: looks like webmention discovery failed on your domain at some point. did you retry any of the responses? that clears the cached discovery and retries
#funwhilelostHmm... it's not obvious how to access it. The posting flow starts with "Status Update", "Post", "Photo", "Bookmark", "Location", "Audio". From these you can choose "Reply to a site" but I don't see a way to do the rest of the webmentions.
#kevinmarks_hm, I like them in woodwind and it posts the like to known; not sure what the plumbing is
#funwhilelostYeah, I'll definitely file an issue. In the `/share` UI it clearly shows the option for "like", "bookmark", "reply" at the top. When you click "Status Update" from the home page it does not show those options.
#gRegorLoveYeah, that's what I was just noticing. Seems it should be on the regular Status Update UI too.