GWGJust realized...the person who lifelogs as much as he can wants to remove his address from as many things as possible. I find that worthy of thought.
aaronpkhm oregon doesn't let you do that apparently. "A mailing service (drop box) may be used for your mailing address but not for your residence address."
GWGsnarfed, I get some of those things. But the misspelling of names deliberately is a hallmark of fraud in my business, and I don't quite get why your car needs to be in the name of an LLC
LoqiPlumbing in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to all the underlying code, backend setup, protocols, formats that is all merely there to support the design and user experience of a site, the actual user visible and interactive parts
tantekironically found that cartoon via CNNHD (yes, actual cable broadcast television), which showed the cartoon but attributed Facebook/Deniz Yurdakul - which was enough information to find it, and then I was able to read her Turkish to understand that she was reposting it (in agreement) from another French person, and then after more digging found the source
LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites
tantekfaced with the choice of 1) native retweet of the cross-posted tweet of the original IG photo that lacks a photo, or 2) POSSE of your photo repost to Twitter *with* photo, I'm thinking 2) makes more sense, yet wonder if there's some way to connect it to the cross-posted tweet of the original IG
tantek"You can use the subject line to give your photo or video a title and the body to add a description. You can also use a special code to add tags before you send your email."
tantekpost by email is a feature for publishing new content on a website by emailing a special email address, supported by some [[micropub]] publishing clients (like [[Quill]]) and some [[silos]] (like [[Flickr]]).
GWGThe other problem is that I write a plugin that is used by a few others. So, while I won't let that stop me from making changes, I have to be aware of it.
GWGacegiak wants multikind support...the ability for a post to both like and reply, for example. I have the hook if someone ever wants to write it in, but I'm not going to spend any amount of time building it.
tantekto be clear, a repost of any kind of post I currently support: note, article, RSVP (maybe not a repost of a like - not sure that makes much sense)
tantekI don't know what would happen if I tried to post a reply which is a photo - it is theoretically supported in /Falcon code but I've never tried it
[kevinmarks]“the 140-character limit is creating a weird new idiolect of hashtags and compacted URLs, he’s right. Tons of the stuff in Twitter don’t look remotely like human language now, and that’s commonly the most interesting stuff”
[snarfed]the bridgy docs are terse, they don't enumerate everything bridgy doesn't support, and they don't explicitly call out RTs with photos vs without because twitter itself doesn't really distinguish... but let me know if you think they're incomplete
tanteksnarfed, what if we flipped this around a little, what if Bridgy Publish *only* gave a "can't repost" error IF you tried to Bridgy Publish a repost of a Facebook permalink
tantekspecifically, multi-replies that have u-in-reply-to both to the indie post (non tweet), and u-in-reply-to to the POSSE tweet copy of that indie post
tantekI wonder if in that case Bridgy Publish would be smart enough to see that there is *a* u-in-reply-to to a Twitter permalink, and use it, rather than attempting to apply too much intelligence to the *first* u-in-reply-to in my post
kylewm"message": "(#10) To use taggable_friends on behalf of people who are not admins, developers and testers of your app, your use of this endpoint must be reviewed and approved by Facebook. To submit this feature for review please read our documentation on reviewable features:",
tantek.comedited /Falcon (+93) "/* Working On */ summary text UI will help drop twitter->fb auto-crosspost, prioritize separable incremental photo post improvements" (view diff)
tantekhmm - looks like unwinding this desire to get photo reposts working is going to get me to implement key pieces of my replacement for Markdown syntax for autolinking things
tantekupon reflecting on plain text publishing patterns, I'm leaning more towards content first, and hyperlinking of it second (rather than vice versa)
tantekthe time away from my Markdown brainstorming has given me a detached enough perspective to see improvements I couldn't see months ago last time I touched it
tantekif you can depend on your future self to be different enough from your present self to provide a second opinion on something, when is the additional perspective worth the time delay?
tantekso perhaps that is the key - avoid adding syntax without experience, no matter how much of a sense of "completeness" may pressure you to do so, or people may make feature requests for it
tantekI am starting with just - the rest beyond that were brainstorms that I will likely re-assess as I gain experience with just this bit
tantekgoing to implement it as part of autolink, as an enhancement of the "do embeds" boolean param - as I can't think of a case where anyone would want auto-embedding (creating of images etc.) and not the additional functionality of linking those embeds
tantekand it's live. just updated my /cassis.js to support - which means all my images/photos in my posts that used to just link to their .jpg, now instead link to the URL that *follows* the .jpg in the plain text content, which I've been authoring as a while as the URL to the page with the image (e.g. the IG URL)
tantekAs well as something more sensible happening when you click on images in my notes/photo posts, this means that the next photo post I POSSE via Bridgy to FB/Twitter will no longer start with an URL. Cleaning up my POSSE posts one bit at a time.
tantekand now I'm going to take a break and appreciate those new improvements on my site before I consider design/implementation details for especially in a plain text way
tantek!tell aaronpk in Quill's /post_by_email support, do you have a way to person-tag people in the photo? e.g. would or # cause Quill to make those into person-tags in the subsequent post, especially photo post?
tantekbear - it's a good indicator - if they're putting text patterns out on billboards etc. it's likely they've measured how usable/understandable they are with user studies etc.
bearresource@location is one that has been around for decades -- but yet it's now avoided because it's too tightly associated with email which was not it's original use case
[shaners]`tantek:twitter` which would default to .com, but could also explicity but a tld on the right side of the colon if need like, (or whatever)
aaronpkalso i keep seeing things in the logs where it looks like it's trying to send email to people it shouldn't, and it's not configured as an open relay, so i don't really understand what's going on
bearsure, I was just noting what I thought could be the reason media folks started using that pattern - it's staring at them at the top of the browsers every day
tantekit's the whole point of why I'm building it the way I am - to go from plain text-ish authoring storage -> HTML that works on my website and for POSSE purposes
[shaners]like your editor (or whatever alchemy you use to write) turns facebook/@tantek (or whichever shorthand you use) into a real life HTML link (or whichever format is appropriate for where youre POSSEing to).
tantekshaners, the key is I'm not fixing Markdown to fix Markdown, I'm fixing Markdown as a side-effect of incrementally improving my plain-text authoring format for real world needs one feature at a time, based on real world plain text publishing patterns.
tantekit's actually been really useful to write down the rants/ideas/thoughts/proposals first, have folks critque them in public, have myself come back to them and re-assess them, before ever implementing anything
aaronpki have never regretted doing that. also helps me track down *when* a particular feature launched. much easier to search my posts for that than searching git commits
tantekseriously considering generating silo person-tag markup like <a class="auto-link u-category" href="">Facebook/</a> from plain text of "Facebook/", contextually of course, e.g. immediately after a photo img/permalink URL(s), and "With ..." prefixing the plain text person tags
kevinmarks_I was cahtting to him about ti this week - he said the toughest thing is getting the location data and timestamps to make sense, and he has a load of heuristics for that
tantekkevinmarks_: disagreed re: person-tags in content. common usage of person-tagging nearly everywhere (except 4sq) is in a separate section - all other use of person names in content in practice on silos are *mentions* - not tags
tantekalso disagreed re: annoying about SWAT0 defn - as person-tagging is an explicit thing that has UI/UX/meaningful expectations above and beyond "mentions" which is why we chose it for SWAT0
tantekI wonder if that's because the @-name is assumed to already be their identity and the /Periscope is just one particular "channel" from that identity
tantekthey actually show person-tags *separately* from the inline person-mentions - in a little mini-face-pile at the bottom just above the (Cancel) (Checkin) buttons
tantekI see the confusion - when you mention someone inline, the mention is captured as an uneditable person-mention, *and* their editor/UI auto-adds every person-mention as a person-tag as well in the bottom list
tantekhowever, each person-tag has a little orange circle with white x on its lower left quadrant, and clicking that will remove the person-tag (but leave the person-mention)
Loqitantek meant to say: however, each person-tag has a little orange circle with white x on its lower right quadrant, and clicking that will remove the person-tag (but leave the person-mention)
tantek.comedited /person-tag (+718) "/* Foursquare */ actually, Swarm, and update details distinguishing between inline person-mention and separate person-tag face-pile with close boxes to remove them individually" (view diff)
tanteke.g. if I want to tag and @aaronpk explicitly when authoring (since I don't have a nicknames cache to do it automatically / conditioninally per silo etc.)
tantekalso for Bridgy Publish convenience because I'm not going to assume that Bridgy can figure out the indieweb -> silo profile mapping for person-tags (it's a second phase feature request in the gh issue)