#tanteksnarfed - re: surprised - one thing I've considered is building a (semi-)private "notifications" page that aggregates all my webmentions for me to quickly check (like a dashboard), before I build the per-page displaying stuff (which I think is more work)
#tantekGWG - some of us have found it to be a useful client for posting - since you have Micropub support, you may want to consider a private IG account purely as a client for ownyourgram/micropub to your own site
#tantekright now I'm manually PESOSing from IG to my site, and then automatically POSSEing that to FB & Twitter with Bridgy Publish
#GWGYour design had the generation of data directly called by the query parser. I switched it, partly to make the unit tests easier, to being attached to the before and after micropub hooks you had.
#[snarfed]looking fwd to your first person tag POSSE now!
#tantekas an inline UI element, it's pretty easily missable/skippable (which is what you want in such a specific user action/affordance)
#tanteksuch a Crawl Now button would only really stand out if you were reading the specific "web site crawled... " text - in which case it is contextually relevant
#tantekwow I need to document my brainstorms for plain text person-tag authoring!
#tantekthe problem with the "it's the environment!" excuse is that if that were so, then it should apply to everyone in such environments - which in practice it doesn't
#tantekthus it doesn't matter if people are product of their environment (as in "so what?"), because everyone is, and thus it doesn't in anyway lessen the contributions of individuals
#snarfedit definitely matters when your job is making public policy
#snarfed"get rid of the bad apples" vs "change the systemic incentives" are extremely different answers to problems
#tantekif the incentives and systems were so powerful then they would have affectted more of the people that are surrouned by them
#tantekthe fact that only a few stand out is evidence in and of itself that something special is going on
#snarfedincentives are always powerful, we just rarely tune them right to get the ends we want
#tantek^^^ but that's exactly why individual achievement is remarkable - because such incentives are rarely tuned anyway!
#snarfedsure. again though, when i think about whole ecosystems, i want to think about incentives to get better results from *everyone*, rather than fetishizing the exceptional people
ben_thatmustbeme and Kongaloosh joined the channel
#tanteksnarfed - agreed - incentives to get better results from people by default is better UX design, and more sustainable :)
#tanteksnarfed, I do strongly believe in structure/incentives/culture as an important baseline and in practice what matters the most, hence when there are individuals that are able to consciously go against and think outside those default, *and* achieve, that I think it is worth noting
#tantekthe next photo I have queued up to post has no people in it, but is of a red starbucks cup (decorated), thus if I was going to tag it with anything I would tag it with #starbucks.com(@starbucks,Facebook/Starbucks)
#tantek^^^ yes that's a bit of brainstorm syntax for plain-text multi-url-identity-tagging
#snarfedjust fyi for bridgy publish right now you'd need to use their page (user) id, which may be hard to find :(
#tanteksure, that "Facebook/Starbucks" in the plain text would be converted by auto_link to <a class="u-category" href="https://www.facebook.com/Starbucks/">(f icon)</a>
#[snarfed]or may not since they haven't authed bridgy
#tantekso the question remains is <a class="u-category" href="https://www.facebook.com/22092443056">f</a> good enough for Bridgy Publish to use fo page-tagging?
#tantekeither way - same id space as fb.com/id works
#tantek(for linking to it to redirect to the named page)
#tantekI feel like solving cross-silo person-tagging is a major federated social web use-case that pretty much no one else is thinking about or solving with any serious attempt (certainly no one else in W3C Social Web WG has gotten that far outside of the indiewebcamp explorations)
nitot and [snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]tantek: bridgy person tagging uses domains and fb usernames when it knows them for a bridgy user
#tanteksure. photo is the more compelling use case for person-tagging :)
#tantekand hopefully Twitter too - so that from that person's personal URL, Bridgy Publish can person-tag them on both FB and Twitter (though I guess that latter half still needs Twitter API support for person-tagging people in Twitter photo posts)
#[snarfed]yup. which will likely never exist, based on taking with people there
#kylewm@snarfed: up for reviewing some pull requests? O:)
j12t, ttepasse, tvn_ and nitot_ joined the channel
#voxpelliDo anyone know any Heroku (or Surge.sh) like HTTP2-enabled services or any other way to easily add HTTP2 Push to ones site without having to manage the servers oneself?
j12t, friedcell, interactivist, mlncn, loic_m, ramsey, arlen, tantek and mattl joined the channel
#LoqiLOCKSS is an acronym for Lots Of Copies Keeps Stuff Safe, a mnemonic for the technique of keeping and encouraging many copies of things as a way of improving their longevity https://indiewebcamp.com/LOCKSS
#JeenaI'm a really bad salesman because I always feel that advertising is always like intruding peoples space and if I do it every other week they all will hate me for it
#tantekJeena - in reality if it is invitations to events, the feedback I have gotten is the people really *like* being invited
#Jeenahm but speaking on other meetups about it would be cool I guess
#tantekit is the opposite of intrusion, but rather they feel *included*
#tantekit is a bit more work, however it is much more effective, and even if people don't come, you leave them feeling better by feeling included, and they may come after a few invitations
#tantekso even if they don't respond or decline, keep inviting them personally! hopefully you will at least have a chat with them.
#tantekadactio: I like the rel=canonical usage - makes sense
#tantekadactio, while you're hrere, do you have a citable reference for the LOCKSS principle? Seems to be 15+ years old and web search engines tend to be bad at things that far in the past
#Loqitantek meant to say: adactio, while you're here, do you have a citable reference for the LOCKSS principle? Seems to be 15+ years old and web search engines tend to be bad at things that far in the past
#adactiotantek: I don't have a good LOCKSS reference offhand. Lemmee see if I can find something...
#tantekadactio: one would think there would be lots of copies of the description LOCKSS Principle
#acegiakGWG: how do I turn off the automatic populating thing in post kinds? I don't want there to be a citation content for this post but it keeps repopulating it :/
#tantekkylewm: ^^^ based on your questions last night about how to compose the text/link re: "originally posted on" etc. started a page about the feature with examples - please add more!
#tantek.comedited /POSSE (+10) "/* Why */ no need to pick on two pieces of software which are shifting to try to federate with other solutions" (view diff)
#aaronpkoh and it looks like my "see original" links are gone
#aaronpkthis seems to happen more and more... i'm considering adding a threshold where Loqi silently deletes the !tell if the person replies within x seconds of it being created
#tantekheh - I thought you were going to say something about last minute PDX HWC venues "this seems to happen more and more..." ;)
#LoqiWelcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
[erikstl] joined the channel
#[erikstl]I used to live in IRC, though I don't think my residence there was as productive as yours.
#[erikstl]Once I started working for a place that blocked IRC ports, I realized my ability to stay here long-term was going to be seriously hampered.
M-RyanRix, M-Kodo and M-kegan joined the channel
#petermolnaryou just need an ssl irc jumper on port 443
#Jeena[erikstl], we're fighting a client (we have to work at their office) to give us uncomplicated open internet
#petermolnardigitalocean -> vps -> install znc on port 443 -> done
#Jeenaeveryone there uses a http_proxy but we're using our own phones all day until they give us a open network
#Jeenapetermolnar, as I am saying at work all the time, that is a technical sollution for a social problem, which is the company treats you like a child.
#petermolnarJeena not disagreeing, just pointing out potential solutions
#kylewmI'm trying out Glowing Bear connected to weechat and it's pretty darn nice, although I'm not sure if it's doing the communications with weechat on the client side or server side
#aaronpkkylewm: i think glowing-bear.org is just an HTML/js client
#aaronpkyeah "you can just use our hosted version powered by GitHub pages... Your browser connects to WeeChat directly, so it does not matter where Glowing Bear is hosted."
#aaronpkwe don't even need any new properties or anything. if the content of a reply is a single emoji character, don't display it as a comment, but instead, group it with other single-char replies and show the count of them on the post
nitot joined the channel
#singpolymareplace like-of with reply-to and a heart ;)
#Loqireacji is an emoji reaction, the use of a single emoji character in response to a post, introduced as a feature by Slack[1] https://indiewebcamp.com/reacji