dhalgrenwhat do ppl here think about the solid project? https://github.com/solid/solid-spec . I was thinking about an approach compatible with both IndieWeb and this RDF-heavy stuff
dhalgrenlike, a site on a personal domain for IndieWeb serializing/deserializing between microformats2 and turtle, based on examples of equivalences in the ActivityStream2 specs or something like that
dhalgrentantek: github was my intention for a static page, or I might go crazy with the free heroku instance if this serializer/deserializer stuff happens. Carnet offers some web hosting services too, so I could just go all "communist" as well :)
dhalgrenkevinmarks: most of their services are - like cheaper internet connectivity for studends/professors and the like. But they're also where all .hr domain are registered; so academic, business or personal
tantekdhalgren: the nice thing about starting with github static pages is that you can later switch to deploying from github to Heroku etc. as a transition.
kylewm.comcreated /2015/SF/Demos (+97) "Created page with "IndieWebCamp SF 2015 Demos These will be transcribed in IRC or an etherpad and transferred here!"" (view diff)
dhalgren`idk, my recent experience has been quite the opposite; migrating from a silo to just a feed reader was quite liberating, and precisely because it discouraged interaction. I could go through a bunch of feeds over coffee and waste way way less time on rather useless online discussions
dhalgren`wait, I'm apparently reading a huge old irc log of a discussion you participated in, KartikPrabhu :) -- on trust-less micropub instead of webactions/indie-config stuff. did ppl get that running? are there examples of the UI? I'm wondering if the extra redirect to confirm is just irritating UX or does it flow naturally
dhalgren`quite likely, but that may still leave a bunch of ppl who prefer different kinds of interactions, just maybe caught in the network effect of the big silos (ie having all their friends there etc).
dhalgren`like, google reader had a strong niche appeal. perhaps if made more "social" it would've been a better shot at some traction for google in the social sphere than what G+ ended up being
dhalgren`KartikPrabhu: sure - still that's not a bad userbase to start with. today new social networks seem to specialize and target (or just end up with?) particular subdemographics, for the "generic net" category seems to be taken. I just mean, maybe building from that base would've gone further than trying yet another fb/twitter clone that late in the game
dhalgren`I'm still trying to wrap my head around this webaction story; so this trustless micropub version is where one gives only a to-be-moderated "comment" auth token, and actually the app that posts to your resource is your app, just pre-filled with the values sent by the form, whereas indie-config makes it so that any <indie-action> markuped actions are handled by your code, wherever on the web you find them, because you registered that c
voxpellidhalgren`: there are no POST involved in indie-config/webaction, just one GET to receive config and then regular browser window for opening URL specified in config
dhalgren`there's that step at the beggining where you need to tell your browser how to handle web+action links, and there's some js scripts to load, soo I thought the code there takes control somehow when the browser follows a webaction link
dhalgren`heh, I was thinking (plz bear with the nebulousness of the idea for a moment plz) - what if I never left my site at all? say that when I want to visit a socially-enabled site, I just tell my site to pull its h-feed somehow. Then I can easily comment and publish comments, all I need for interoperability is send a notification, and PuSH
dhalgren`plus I get a consistent look out of my web experience, as I'm usually irritated that I can't just theme all the web like I can a text editor (say zenburn and all looks that way)
dhalgren`code I've got is hakyll, a haskell clone of jekyll, perhaps slightly more flexible (or so I've heard but haven't compared myself). Code makes me vomit when I look at it these days, but will likely be what builds ver. 0.1 :)
tantek!tell aaronpk I'm seeing errors on new etherpads on IndieWebCamp like: "Warning: DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production. -- To suppress these warning messages change suppressErrorsInPadText to true in your settings.json" e.g. on http://etherpad.indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp-sf
tantekbengo, sounds like Google Cloud is too much of a pain to bother setting up - or too vulnerable to being too much of a pain if anything goes wrong.
tantek.comedited /Google_Cloud (+913) "expand dfn beyond just a URL, see also, issues / Billing issues very poorly handled, avoid using for personal website hosting" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /web_hosting (+1) "/* Static domain hosting */ put advantages/disadvantages at top of section, not part of a subsection that is service specific" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Google_Cloud (+111) "/* Billing issues very poorly handled */ more real world examples of how billing issues can easily happen" (view diff)
tantekI think we need to add Etherpad archiving to an explicit thing that IndieWebCamp organizers need to do, because so far we are 50/50 at best of session organizers archiving their own etherpads.
aaronpkcause this is not about a perfect solution. it's about making it easier for people to move the content to the wiki. Kind of like how we use "____ is" in IRC to create wiki stubs.
LoqiiCloud is what Apple summarily calls all of its various online services such as iCloud identifiers, online storage, syncing, etc https://indiewebcamp.com/iCloud
tantek!tell ben_thatmustbeme could you double-check the RSVPs for the FB event for indiewebcamp.com/2015/MIT and add the late RSVPs to the /2015/MIT/Guest_List? E.g. I know at least Yan was a late addition. Thanks!
@benwerdThe Internet and the web weren't created by startups: it was #edtech and research centers. Public funding for #indieweb would do it again. (twitter.com/_/status/671076448392769536)
bengo_, wolftune, Kongaloosh, singpolyma, Gold, reidab and sensiblemn joined the channel
tantek!tell aaronpk, kevinmarks, benwerd, snarfed, rhiaro, bengo, willnorris, dariusdunlap Go get your IndieWebCamp SF ticket from Eventbrite! http://indiewebcamp.eventbrite.com/
voxpelliis curious about rsvp-limiting when eg. tickets needs to be bought and spots at the event is limited – is PESOS only way? (a topic for another day maybe)