#tantekactually, everyone - what do you think of renaming the annual "main" IndieWebCamp in Portland, the "IndieWeb Summit" (but obv aaronpk as lead local organizers)
#Loqitantek meant to say: actually, everyone - what do you think of renaming the annual "main" IndieWebCamp in Portland, the "IndieWeb Summit" (but obv aaronpk as lead local organizer)
#tantekfinds it funny that his muscle memory assumes plural organizers :)
#bearIMO IndieWebCamp could just become IndieWeb Summit
#kevinmarksyou have to hold it on top of Mt Rainier?
#aaronpkif we pull off the Düsseldorf one again in 2016 that one is going to quickly rival Portland in terms of number of attendees and productivity though!
#tantekfinds only one instances of confusion of each with last year's indie tech summit, which itself was only tweeted about 4 times this year so it seems like it's safe to use IndieWeb Summit or Indie Web Summit or even IndieWebSummit for 2016
wolftune joined the channel
#dhalgren`is there any interest/chance of convincing Wordpress to be more indieweb-friendly by default?
#GWGtantek: Isn't Web Summit a conference in Dublin every year?
#dhalgren`makes sense; given your interest. I'm not sure what the priorities are; naively I thought producing uf2 markup we can consume from their common themes?
#tantekdhalgren`: WordPress is a very well respected peer around these parts
#tantekfolks using WordPress as the foundation of their IndieWeb efforts tend to be very productive and have quite advance /IndieMark levels
#GWGdhalgren`: WordPress has classic microformats, not microformats2 by default.
#kevinmarksalso silo.pub for posting to wordpress.com
#GWGdhalgren`: Have you tried any of the Indieweb WordPress plugins?
#dhalgren`no. I'll go w static site generation first; already have most of the code, though its a bit ineegant, but dammit it works.. Plus I can then write in org-mode and just git push, which is a nice authoring flow for me.
#dhalgren`figuring out the markup and what further metadata fields I should add, and then if this thing doesn't get live by the end of the week, I swear I'll amputate my brain, for its obv serving no purpose :)
#ben_thatmustbemehuh, aaronpk, i stopped using /author/1 for my url some time ago, but it looks like posts are still getting there that way
#ben_thatmustbemei just don't have a way to actually set the people who can access the post yet
#tantekI have no idea how I'm going to get person tagging done by tomorrow (and thus done in time to demo at IWC)
#tantekI think I nerdsniped myself into overdesigning the UI / storage etc. for it
#dhalgren`GWG: WP just looks like an enormous userbase it'd be nice to be (part-)compatible with, as a frequent comment I hear re silo alternatives is "but nobody's there". blogosphere is huge.
#dhalgren`fair; that is a bigger picture than my nerdjerking (though, I'll find it a home, somewhere!^^)... in fact, lemme take a look mayhaps I have free wp hosting opc clicks away.
#Loqidhalgren` meant to say: fair; that is a bigger picture than my nerdjerking (though, I'll find it a home, somewhere!^^)... in fact, lemme take a look mayhaps I have free wp hosting few clicks away.
#aaronpkare you intentionally redirecting to a 404 page before I log in, as opposed to showing a login prompt or some other indication that there's something there?
dhalgren`, singpolyma, tantek and andicascadesf joined the channel
#dhalgren`well, the dns resolves at least now, but I'm not sure I'll actually have ftp access which I gather is required to upload plugins so this might be an abortive attempt
dhalgren`, snarfed, shiflett, funwhilelost and tantek joined the channel
#kevinmarksdeletes schema cruft injected into my blogger template
#aaronpkrhiaro: you're using the webmention.io jf2 callbacks now right?
#tantek.comedited /2015/SF (+48) "/* Organizers */ adding Andi Galpern for her help with Eventbrite setup / outreach / and being another organizer contact" (view diff)
andicascadesf joined the channel
#rhiaroaaronpk: not finished switching to that yet, no
#tantekwelcome back andicascadesf - please coordinate with kylewm for any remaining IndieWebCamp planning before the event! Thanks!
#andicascadesf@kylewm Hi Kyle! Can you add me as an organizer / host to the Facebook event page? I’d like to help manage the attendees and make sure everyone confirms their spot by signing up on Eventbrite. https://www.facebook.com/events/175203116150206/
#aaronparecki.comedited /Webmention (+44) "/* Updating existing webmentions */ only delete the webmention when the target isn't found AND the source returned 200 (prevents accidental deletes from 404 pages)" (view diff)
j12t, aspec, lewisnyman and sparverius joined the channel
yakker, shiflett, KevinMarks, tantek, kevinmarks_ and bengo joined the channel
#kylewmgiving up on Hoodie for now. writing the frontend part of the app looked like it would be really fun, the plugin api seems to be in pre-1.0 flux and the only example I could find of a plugin exposing custom endpoints/authentication mechanism appears to be broken
gRegorLove joined the channel
#bengoSo... that means kylewm needs a new hack day project!
johnstorey and tvn joined the channel
#kylewmbengo: :) I still want to try to do the same thing (offline-first micropub app), just not with hoodie
#kevinmarks_bear - is there a way to stop talky sending me video, just audio?
#snarfedkylewm: fun convergence on mobile indieweb app. i threw together a short intro talk i might give on thurs, and that project is front and center
#snarfedtldr: "we've built solid MVPs of *lots* of indieweb functionality. what's the next big thing? i vote that it's a full featured offline first mobile (web)app."
#kylewmtantek: I have absolutely 0 experience estimating this kind of thing. no guess what percentage of people who registered via eventbrite or facebook are likely to show up