#GWGdavidmead: Anything missing for you otherwise?
#GWGI'm working on Post Kinds improvements right now. After that, I might do a quick update to Syndication Links to switch from icon fonts to SVG, add pages support and a few other options.
#GWGThen circle back to Micropub, where I'm currently avoiding Unit Tests again for snarfed.
#davidmeadGWG: I was saying on GitHub that I’m going to map out how I use it and see where I expect the plugins to fill in.
#davidmeadGWG: Is there anyway plugins can show up in the WP app at all?
#tantekGWG, could you capture what you'd like to do with posting old (pre-web, 80s?) things on https://indiewebcamp.com/throwback - perhaps in a "Brainstorming" section?
lukebroo_, snarfed, nitot, lukebrooker, sandro, jden, benwerd, wolftune, loic_m, bengo, loic_m_, cweiske and friedcell joined the channel
#petermolnaridea for the throwback stuff: post it with original date, add a repost for today ( I wrote this down before reading the latest edit on the throwback entry )
#petermolnar!tell GWG I've found a potential bug in the WordPress svn commit hooks; sent mail to plugins@, tried to reach out on #wordpress, no response; any ideas?
#GWGpetermolnar: Try the Slack channel for core development.
#LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 3 hours, 19 minutes ago: I've found a potential bug in the WordPress svn commit hooks; sent mail to plugins@, tried to reach out on #wordpress, no response; any ideas? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-12-11/line/1449826888798
loic_m, friedcell, j12t, interactivist, mxuribe, tvn, tantek, danlyke and [jonnybarnes] joined the channel
#[jonnybarnes]Should /silo list Netflix? I don’t feel this is _indie_. The value of sites like Facebook/Twitter is their social data. But it isn’t theirs, its *our* social data.
#[jonnybarnes]The value of netflix is the copyrighted content they have licensed for us to view
#GWGI'm still tweaking a new design. In a bookmark, do people want a full citation?
#petermolnaryou'll need to be a bit more details, I may not understand that question well enough
#petermolnarby the way, I made a new wp addon: wp-cron based url snapshotter; looking for urls in post content, and creating a wget snapshot in the db; I'm a bit tired of linkrot, so this is my personal archive https://github.com/petermolnar/wp-url2snapshot
#GWGTantek, do you have any thoughts on what data belongs in a bookmark display? I know I may store more than I am thinking of displaying. The previous version of my code displayed anything that I had everywhere.
#tantekGWG, I would start with documenting and analyzing the presentation of bookmark posts on existing bookmark silos
#aaronpk[jonnybarnes] I think the indieweb relevance of netflix is the viewing history and ratings. I exported my whole viewing history before I closed my account and am planning on importing it to my new site kind of like scrobbles
#[jonnybarnes]I see what you mean, as I said before though I see it as a difference in value. Other silos derive their value from the data we put into them, the tweets we write etc., Netflix’s value is the media content it licences from the film/tv studios. Even if they didn’t allow ratings etc. I’d still use netflix
#LoqiFriendica is an open source, federated social platform that aims to federate with many other networks (silo and indie alike) https://indiewebcamp.com/Friendica
#LoqiGNU social is a free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server" https://indiewebcamp.com/GNU_social
#tantekGoogleDocs, ironically, are not indexed by Google, (nor internet archive) and are thus dead to history
#tantekThese IRC logs may end up being the only record that that list of projects ever existed.
#kylewmPyOfWave was an attempt to combine email, IM, forums, wikis, etc. into one system, that hoped to "undo whatever it was that made Google Wave fail".
#tantekkylewm: you could ping wilkie - I think he built it
#tantekGWG, re: bookmark presentation, start with taking/uploading screenshots of what https://indiewebcamp.com/bookmark#Silos show for bookmark posts as well as lists of bookmark posts
#GWGTantek, I agree. But the levels identified are useful in framing my thoughts. I am waiting for a delayed flight to NYC. I may not have room on the plane to document, but will try.
#GWGIf not, then after I that I want to document Pinboard as a pinnacle of text first design.
#petermolnarI bought a similar one a while ago, it was pretty much restricted to the app and the windows-only web interface; this looks better though, but since then, I prefer the raspberry for anything similar
snarfed, funwhilelost and interactivist joined the channel
#[snarfed]the downside of my design is it's js;dr. the upside is it's progressive enhancement, and works with any CMS by just including the script, no server side changes needed
#tanteksnarfed, kylewm another Bridgy Publish photos to FB datapoint: when I POSSEd two photos, then a note (via Twitter), then another photo, FB clustered all three photos together into an "added to album" post on my timeline, despite the intervening note post.
#tanteksnarfed: I think I now prefer my photos to show up on my FB timeline unclustered if possible
funwhilelost joined the channel
#snarfedah, right. i was thinking about backfeed, but for publish, agreed...it'd be nice to be able to control that, but sadly i don't think it's possible right now
#snarfed:P i get "positive instead of negative" at the high level, but negative is probably ok for lower level small things like this when it's maybe the clearest description
#snarfedif you're interested in digging into this, maybe try some of the ideas in that SO post, e.g. uploading photos to the "Timeline Photos" album
#snarfedyou can set their privacy to "Just Me" so other people don't see them
#tantekensure each photo post shows up as its own post on timeline instead of being culstered into an album post