2015-12-14 UTC
# 00:12 bret it was probrably one of the weirdest multipart posts ive ever made
# 00:13 bret luckiy node's primary file interface handles file chunking
# 00:13 kylewm i write out 1MB temporary files and then upload them one at a time
kousu_xmpp joined the channel
# 00:15 GWG I haven't done a reply to a webmention enabled site in a while, thank you, tommorris
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 01:29 tantek now thinking of expanding my image+URL auto-linking to video+image+URL to make it easier to paste video URL, poster URL, permalink URL and have it all auto-combine into a <video> element with poster, source src, and fallback link inside to the permalink
# 01:29 tantek GWG, none so far, I mean, I'll be in town, but that's the only for sure so far.
# 01:39 GWG tantek: We could always try something.
# 01:40 GWG I'm told that two people still form a group
# 01:46 tantek true. I may try to work from Mozilla Brooklyn on Friday
# 01:51 GWG And I could head into Manhattan Thursday night
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:59 kousu_xmpp Hello #indiewebcamp! I have a newbie question about IndieAuth.
# 02:01 kousu_xmpp If IndieAuth.com can get auth from a bunch of providers, what's the motivation for sticking a web page in the middle?
# 02:02 kousu_xmpp The Web Sign In page
# 02:02 kousu_xmpp with all the rel=me tags
# 02:02 snarfed kousu_xmpp: indieauth gives consumers your domain (ie web page), not your account on a silo
# 02:02 snarfed the indirection lets you switch silo providers invisibly without any consumers noticing or caring
# 02:03 kousu_xmpp I found python-social-auth for Flask, which lets me consume a bunch of identity servers, but it's a nuisance to set up each OAuth backend. At first glance, IndieAuth sort of looks like I could use it instead of PSA, except it forces all of my subscribers to have a website and put up their Web Sign In links.
# 02:04 snarfed kousu_xmpp: true. if you want to accept silo logins directly, without web pages in the middle, indieauth isn't for you
# 02:05 snarfed i'm guessing python-social-auth is basically the same thing
# 02:05 rhiaro Dreamhost sponsoring Known... led me to believe there would be a one-click install for Known in the Dreamhost control panel... but there isn't... did I just misunderstand this whole deal?
# 02:06 snarfed kousu_xmpp: honestly setting up the oauth apps for each silo is way way less work than actually writing the code for each api. python-social-auth has done the vast majority of the work for you :P
# 02:07 kousu_xmpp By the way, I am searching for ways to dump silos. I was excitedly explaining some ideas along those lines and a friend just pointed me at you. I feel kindred to your ideas.
# 02:07 kousu_xmpp snarfed: that's probably true, but it's still too much for me to try to talk my friends into migrating
# 02:08 GWG kousu_xmpp: It isn't dump so much as live outside the walls.
# 02:10 kousu_xmpp Ah, yeah, that's a good way to explain it. I want to jump Facebook but I hate that doing that also makes me a pariah from most things in my social world
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:10 GWG kousu_xmpp: You effectively move from living in a gated community to just visiting
# 02:11 kousu_xmpp I saw the backfeed page. It seems ..hard in general.
# 02:12 kousu_xmpp I am glad there are people who have the stomach for that, I guess
# 02:14 rhiaro never mind, found new hosted site, just the button seems to have disappeared from the homepage..
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 02:16 GWG As a result of hard work done by snarfed and kylewm
wolftune and kousu joined the channel
# 02:19 GWG snarfed, your thoughts on Bridgy Publish vs Silo.pub?
mxuribe joined the channel
# 02:26 kylewm even though I don't consider them competitors, still lol at that versus
# 02:36 GWG kylewm: Working in the same space
# 02:36 GWG snarfed, I think some mentions just got through
kousu joined the channel
# 03:14 kousu I am feeling somewhat overwhelmed. Will you tolerate me just picking your minds? what can I use to set up camp outside the walls right now?
# 03:14 kousu are my options Tumblr and WordPress?
# 03:15 kousu also, is there any way to do federated friends-locked posts?
# 03:16 GWG kousu: I'm pro-WordPress, as that is what I run. But there are other options of course.
# 03:16 GWG kousu: Private posting isn't widely supported.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 03:17 [snarfed] kousu: check out known, it's probably the most mature indieweb-first CMS
# 03:25 GWG KartikPrabhu: I will accept the correction.
# 03:26 GWG But even among those who have implemented it, usage is minimal
# 03:29 GWG kousu: If you decide on WordPress, I will volunteer my services as member of the WordPress Outreach Club
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 03:36 kousu hah, thanks GWG :)
# 03:37 GWG Every time someone tries to set up an Indieweb WordPress site, there are problems. I want to refine the process.
singpolyma joined the channel
# 04:01 kousu ah, that's noble of you, but also exactly the sort of thing I expect from WordPress and why I would avoid it if possible
# 04:10 GWG I just think the documentation needs work.
# 04:10 GWG WordPress is plugin based, and the plugins lack guidance.
ben_thatmustbeme, reidab, bengo, tantek, cweiske, M-RyanRix and xregetic joined the channel
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# 07:31 tantek and with Kyle's example we're up to three consumable uses of u-video
# 07:38 tantek it could, but it's clearly structured as an article
# 07:39 cweiske so the algo is only used for pages without post type markup?
# 07:41 tantek not sure, it has some existing uses, could be used for more
# 07:41 tantek nonetheless - not sure why you said "then ... would count" - as that permalink lacks any u-video
# 07:42 tantek but you're right. video tags would lead to false positives.
# 07:46 tantek u-video is for the actual video file, not a script that does something to do something, nor an iframe that loads something to load something
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 07:56 tantek cweiske++ appreciate the article with a primary video (but not video post). helps subsantiate the FAQ with a real world example.
# 07:57 KartikPrabhu tantek: I would object to this wording "Also, video posts should be your video, something you recorded, or animated yourself." in the case of a response-context. If I reply to a video post I would like to have a h-cite>u-video in the reply-context
# 07:57 KartikPrabhu granted I have no examples but I am thinking of vimeo.youtube response contexts
# 08:04 KartikPrabhu tantek: yes. I am looking at the vimeo api to see if I can get to the video url.
# 08:04 tantek I don't understand your objection. It's worded about "video posts" and you're talking about a "reply"
Jihaisse, friedcell, squeakytoy and Pierre-O joined the channel
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# 14:01 GWG Trying to figure out how to answer this
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# 15:09 Loqi recipe is special kind of post, that typically has a name, like articles do, a list of ingredients, and a list of instructions for making something, usually food or drink https://indiewebcamp.com/recipe
friedcell, nitot, wagle, jedahan, tvn, wolftune and [shaners] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 16:27 aaronpk whee all my linode servers rebooted overnight for maintenance
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# 16:36 tantek in following on the /video post and poster image discussion yesterday, I've come up with what I think is a good (hopefully easy to remember, hard to false positive) start to a plain text shorthand for a video with fallback hyperlink, optionally with poster image.
shiflett joined the channel
# 16:36 aaronpk actually only 2 of my servers rebooted. which means more reboots tomorrow night
# 16:37 aaronpk 1 day 17 hours until Loqi goes offline soon while some more Linode servers reboot
# 16:37 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 12/16 1:37am (#5779)
kousu[xmpp] joined the channel
# 16:43 tantek aaronpk: why are they rebooting? did you put them on a schedule or does Linode do that for you?
# 16:44 aaronpk There is a security vulnerability in the underlying OS and they are doing mandatory reboots for everything.
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# 16:53 tantek shaners, I'm curious about why you decided to use the poster image explicitly also as a fallback img (instead of making a separate poster vs. fallback) on videos.
[shaners] joined the channel
# 16:55 [shaners] And I'm iOS only for the foreseeable future and can't easily do those tasks. :confused:
# 16:55 tantek and is the value you get from having a fallback worth duplicating the image URL then?
# 16:56 tantek I'm considering the same question and was curious about your reasoning.
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:57 tantek I'm wondering what browsers today either 1) don't show video and thus would show the fallback image, or 2) have a user option to turn off videos, and would thus show the fallback image (presumably instead of the poster of a video which can't be played).
# 16:59 tantek sure, though in their case, they either support e-content, or if they only do plain text the presence/absence of an image makes no difference to them.
parzzix_ joined the channel
# 17:00 [shaners] Tasks: create a different image for each video (or even just one image to replace the all), upload to my asset host on S3, change access permissions on uploaded files, update all video posts.
# 17:01 [shaners] Tantek do you get iMessages at your email address? Or did you quit iMessage altogether now?
mlncn joined the channel
# 17:01 tantek iMessages fallback to email from non-apple devices
# 17:01 tantek from Apple devices I have seen different failure modes
# 17:02 tantek still trying to work it out, in the mean time, I deprioritized iMessage and FaceTime on my /contact page
# 17:12 tantek I'm guessing that @U03QR2B3P was supposed to be aaronpk?
# 17:12 aaronpk weird, wonder why the bridge didn't translate that one.
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:13 aaronpk it's going! I'm currently in the middle of webmention sending, by breaking that out into a new service
# 17:13 [shaners] Tantek. Yes. I like markdown. Though, it's certainly not perfect.
hat428 joined the channel
# 17:14 tantek shaners, then I'd definitely appreciate your analysis and feedback on tantek.com/w//Markdown
# 17:14 [shaners] <@U03QR2B3P: I just have a couple slugging bugs to get fixed before I can flip the switch from bubble gum and Popsicle sticks codebase to Homesteading proper.
# 17:15 [shaners] Tantek I'll take a look. How would you like me to give you notes? In this channel?
# 17:15 tantek sure that would be welcome, as I do intend it as a plain text authoring replacement for markdown
# 17:15 tantek that anyone could use to more easily / quickly write posts (of many types)
# 17:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 17:17 tantek shaners, I've tried several name ideas and they all so far are already used to mean other things
# 17:20 kylewm I like Markdown because it's "good enough" and widely available
# 17:21 bear "pubnotes" because it's simple enough to use in a pub on your phone
# 17:23 tantek that's a key reason I don't either. e.g. link and image syntax is totally borken in markdown
# 17:23 KartikPrabhu well, i don't think it is broken. It works if you remember it, but i just find writing plain HTML much easier
# 17:23 tantek kylewm, KartikPrabhu all of these problems make markdown *not* "good enough" IMO: tantek.com/w/Markdown#Problemssummary
# 17:24 kylewm it's only difficult to remember for me when I'm switch back and forth with mediawiki :)
# 17:24 tantek KartikPrabhu: my perspective is from the plain text side, Markdown's syntax fails to read as plain text, and thus fails it's #1 design criteria
# 17:24 Loqi tantek meant to say: KartikPrabhu: my perspective is from the plain text side, Markdown's syntax fails to read as plain text, and thus fails its #1 design criteria
# 17:25 bear except for the link syntax, markdown IMO comes closer to plain text then most of the wiki formats out there
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:25 tantek bear - nah, the image embedding is so not plain text either
# 17:25 aaronpk i always write a preprocessor before I hand off the text to the markdown parser so that I can add back mediawiki link syntax
# 17:26 tantek and markdown always does false positives when I type what I think is normal plain text into github comments
# 17:26 bear ah, I was lumping image into links -- and it gets even worse for other embed types
# 17:26 tantek right, mediawiki does not pretend to be plain text friendly, so that's fine
# 17:27 bear yep, once you get a beta version going, the first thing i'll do is write a conversion service for myself
# 17:27 tantek bear - I've been slowly adding support to cassis.js auto_link
# 17:27 Loqi bear meant to say: text, markdown, tantektext, mediawiki
# 17:28 aaronpk kylewm: I would want the syndication target name to also include the network, so I would expect to see something like "Kyle Mahan on Facebook"
cleverdevil joined the channel
# 17:30 tantek bear, shaners, I have found *one* candidate name that seems to not have any meaningful collisions
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# 17:31 bear textmark is nice but a shade too close to textmate
# 17:31 tantek textmark is also heavily overloaded already (see google search)
# 17:32 bear oh, i'm not bothering my name suggestions with the hinderance of facts right now, i'm in too good of a mood this morning ;)
# 17:37 bear oh, linode reboots (just now reading backscroll) -- now i'm really glad we have multiple indieauth servers
# 17:38 tantek now that the "stuff" season is upon us, what services (or indie web software) does everyone use to keep track of their "stuff"
# 17:38 tantek says as he looks at a couple of boxes of stuff to sell/donate.
# 17:38 bear the receipt box as I am gifting to goodwill most things I unbox
# 17:39 bear "well that has been in a box for 6 months" == "goodwill"
# 17:39 aaronpk heh I should use 6 months as my criteria. I think I'm at 2 years or so right now.
# 17:39 tantek bear, the reason I ask is I wonder if an indieweb solution to this would encourage more swapping / infinite loaning
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# 17:40 hat428 I usually keep stuff until I move
# 17:40 tantek I've definitely had stuff set aside where when I've had guests/visitors they've been very happy to get to "borrow" stuff (without expectation of any particular return time)
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:40 tantek the thinking is that if I published that to a small set of friends, then maybe they could see things they would really like and request / receive them
# 17:41 tantek I like the idea of things I bought going to a specific good home
# 17:41 tantek instead of who knows if it will end up anywhere with good will etc.
# 17:41 aaronpk me too. I would much rather give things to friends even more than selling them on craigslist.
# 17:42 tantek I feel like it begins by having a system to just track your own stuff yourself
kousu[xmpp] joined the channel
# 17:42 tantek and then you publish a subset of that, the subset you wouldn't mind just giving to friends
# 17:43 tantek as a design constraint (to make tracking simpler/easier), I want to be clear this is for non-perishable stuff
# 17:43 tantek hence the examples of books, cds, dvds, games, toys etc.
# 17:44 bear each item would be an h-entry with the content of the entry any desired microformat to describe the item
# 17:44 tantek bear, I suppose h-entry is usable for that but feels like overkill for what is just a list
# 17:44 aaronpk I like this plan. I have a few boxes of things I need to sort through.
# 17:45 tantek also, the purchase or sale/giving/donation would make more sense as dated h-entrys
# 17:45 bear true, but a list would not be able to be rsvp'd to show it's borrrowed status :)
# 17:46 tantek does anyone here publish wishlists on their own site?
# 17:47 bear I have never caught on to the idea of a wishlist, I tend to be a "buy it if I need it" kinda person
# 17:49 tantek bear, wishlists are useful for both procastinating buying things, and clustering them for later purchases
# 17:51 bear ah, one of these days i'll be able to plan that far ahead ;)
# 17:51 tantek aaronpk: is there a HWC in Portland this week?
# 17:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 17:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:53 adactio tantek: There is a HWC in Brighton this week (I need to update the wiki).
snarfed and [shaners] joined the channel
# 17:55 [shaners] Tantek: if you go down the path of researching existing / past attempts at "giving stuff to friends instead of the curb/goodwill/Craigslist" apps/sites, checkout:
bengo and friedcell joined the channel
# 17:55 tantek indeed, I remember NeighborGoods - that was a bit broader scope than I'm thinking
cleverdevil- joined the channel
# 17:56 tantek aaronpk, I'm optimistically assuming we're having a HWC Portland this week :)
# 17:56 tantek shaners, yes, if we can come up with some minimal conceptual way to start thinking about it
# 17:57 [shaners] I guess for the "stuff inventory with minor emphasis on sharing with friends" app: see also Delicious Library.
# 17:58 aaronpk I have wishlists on amazon but I mostly use them as private lists to collect related items
# 17:58 tantek aaronpk: should we change the header of the site?
# 17:59 [shaners] DL was originally just for "media" things, then they expanded to anything things. All backed by Amazon inventory.
# 17:59 aaronpk if there is no next-iwc it will be the default grey banner
# 17:59 Loqi aaronpk meant to say: if there is no h-event on the next-iwc page it will be the default grey banner
# 18:00 hat428 Hey is it just me or does G+ no longer work with Web Sign-In?
# 18:02 aaronpk hat428: it's not just you. they changed something recently and I haven't figured out how to handle it yet.
# 18:03 tantek Delicious Library is https://delicious-monster.com , an application for keeping inventory of your stuff with minor emphasis on sharing with friends. It was originally just for "media" things, then they expanded to anything things. All backed by Amazon inventory.
# 18:03 hat428 Yea they have a "New google+" and the links no longer have rel="me" in them
# 18:04 hat428 took me a bit to determine since I still use the old G+
# 18:05 [shaners] Tantek: I have read your markdown thoughts. I've got some feedbacks that I want to percolate before sending.
# 18:06 tantek shaners, I figured you'd have some good critical thinking on this :)
# 18:06 [shaners] In the meantime, I have a challenge for you to test your hypothesis. And exercise some corners and edges that you don't mention in your write up.
# 18:07 tantek shaners - I am - most of what I've written up I'm doing live on my site, either in just plain text, or plain text that auto-converts to markup
# 18:07 [shaners] The challenge for you is to convert the Homesteading markdown readme to <your thing>.
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# 18:08 tantek I'm more likely to take on the challenge of writing whole blog posts myself using "tmark"
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# 18:08 tantek it would be a better usability test to see how it felt to you to convert your readme - but I'm not asking that (yet) of course
# 18:09 tantek I despise having to read markdown "source" so I wouldn't be a good converter test.
# 18:09 tantek the very fact that one can tell if something is markdown *source* is a key "hey this is obvious" problem with markdown
# 18:10 [shaners] Or just look at the webpage view and write it up from there
# 18:10 tantek yeah - comparing the output would make more sense
# 18:10 tantek hence why I'm likely to try writing a whole article with it
# 18:11 tantek so far I'm very happy with the image and video embedding / linking
# 18:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:13 [shaners] I created a templating language a few years ago to address *some* of the same issues you originally raised way back when. Mine was not aiming to be plaintext though.
# 18:14 [shaners] Needless to say, my usage of it didn't last long. And I've basically abandoned it. Having gone back to full HTML + erb (similarish to PHP views).
# 18:14 tantek I'm likely to solve it with coming up with a pure HTML way of doing templates
# 18:15 tantek I really dislike all the <% <$ <# whatever extra template markup
# 18:15 Loqi tantek meant to say: I really dislike all the <% <$ <# whatever extra template syntax
# 18:15 [shaners] But there was trying to do what you were too around using #id.class etc. which you've since dropped.
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# 18:18 tantek shaners, you can answer Loqi by saying "Dang is (your description here)"
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# 18:26 kylewm aaronpk: re: "Kyle Mahan on Facebook", that's what i was wondering too (and presumably the icon should be a FB icon, not my avatar)
# 18:26 kylewm it seems like it's not quite an h-card that we want
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# 18:27 aaronpk it's an h-card that describes the service, not the person
# 18:29 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: mind fixing your u-video markup?
# 18:29 tantek shaners, bear re: the "lists of stuff", for now I just keep static HTML pages with <li> (from years of habits of doing so)
# 18:30 [shaners] I mostly just stopped keeping track of my stuff because I have so little of it anymore.
# 18:32 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, i really dislike the idea of putting <video> on all source tags, it really should be able to support alternate video encodings
# 18:32 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: pretty sure I discovered that multiple encodings are no longer needed
# 18:33 tantek so I'm going to pushback on that since keeping the simple case as simple as possible is more important
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# 18:35 tantek if you publish video *today* you can do so with .mp4 that works cross browser
# 18:35 aaronpk should really go re-encode all his videos from <2005
# 18:35 tantek ^^^ and that's exactly how people are going to deal with it
# 18:35 tantek easier to re-encode/upload/replace a bunch of video files
# 18:35 ben_thatmustbeme except you don't always get a choice of encoding on video... mobilepub is stuck with whatever the phone decides to output
# 18:35 tantek than to maintain a bunch of multi-encoding markup
# 18:36 aaronpk hopefully i still have something that can read .wmv files :-/
# 18:36 tantek " stuck with whatever the phone decides to output" <-- then you still have only one encoding anyway
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# 18:37 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I think you're worrying about a theoretical future expansion of legacy uploading/encodings
# 18:37 tantek how? both publishing scenarios you provided had only one encoding
# 18:38 tantek no one who publishes old videos is bothering with publishing multiple encodings (including you)
# 18:39 tantek why not fix your actual markup now and procrastinate worrying about multiple encodings until you care enough to publish them?
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# 18:41 ben_thatmustbeme i would think it really should support it, but you are correct, until there is a documented need for it, i suppose there is no point right now
# 18:42 ben_thatmustbeme though i would not admit the need for such parsing will not be of possible need in the future... especially with multiple image files
# 18:43 tantek until then, let's stick with simple, minimal, existing publishing practice
# 18:46 ben_thatmustbeme i had to do some bitwise math in order to go from utf8->url encoded hex -> decimal value
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# 20:54 Jeena !tell tantek no HWC in Gothenburg this week because most of the people don't have time because of preperation for Christmas, etc.
# 20:54 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
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# 21:38 tantek I figure this is the last HWC before people disappear for the holidays so ...
# 21:38 tantek "Come share what you're styling, designing, or hacking up for holidays on your website!"
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# 21:46 eli_oat I think I MAY have just registered in such a way that my name is now eli.li (my URL), instead of eli_oat...whoops!
# 21:50 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed, kousu[xmpp] and tvn joined the channel
# 22:12 tantek aaronpk - do we have any stats on # of new site logins via IndieAuth or on IndieWebCamp.com this year? vs. total?
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# 22:13 tantek kylewm - how did you use silo.pub to upload a video to Twitter? did you use a micropub client with silo.pub?
# 22:15 tantek also, should I file a Bridgy feature request to publish video to Flickr, or are you already looking at that?
# 22:15 kylewm tantek: I used curl to publish a video to Twitter via silo.pub
# 22:16 kylewm feel free to file a feature request for publishing videos to Flickr
# 22:20 tantek.com edited /video (+251) "/* How to POSSE */ #574: Bridgy Publish to Flickr: detect u-video and post video, kylewm used silo.pub with curl" (
view diff )
# 22:22 aaronpk 2014: 471 of the 590 people who logged in were new that year
# 22:24 tantek interesting that 2014->2015 was flat in terms of unique logins
# 22:25 tantek (though we have half a month to go I don't expect a big change)
# 22:25 aaronpk 2012: 115 of the 115 people were new that year ;-)
# 22:25 tantek these sound like they could make an interesting chart
# 22:26 aaronpk also interesting in that of the 471 new people last year, most of them did not log in again this year since there were 448 new people this year
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# 22:36 tantek the numbers between 2014 and 2015 look reversed from above
# 22:37 aaronpk typed 148 instead of 138 which threw everything off
# 22:57 tantek has anyone blogged about their IndieWeb 2015 Year in review yet?
# 22:57 tantek e.g. what you've gotten working on your personal site this past year?
# 22:58 aaronpk basically all progress on my site halted in may when I started rewriting it
# 22:58 aaronpk definitely have to flip the switch before the 31st. although that will still only get me to feature parity with my current site.
# 23:01 tantek that's still huge (feature parity using delegated services building blocks!0
# 23:03 aaronpk it will definitely be worth writing up but nothing like my 2014 review!
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