2015-12-26 UTC
# 00:02 Schnitz Yep, Alive and kicking, I will join this thingy of yours here, its cool man!
# 00:03 Schnitz Don't worry, this time I won't mess it up, like I did with Xforms ... :-)
# 00:03 tantek Schnitz: no worries, we all learn from these experiences.
# 00:04 tantek Schnitz, just got to keep saying NO to all the architecture astronomy mafias, no matter what shape they take.
# 00:04 Schnitz definitely... I watched your youtube video Tantek Çelik - The once and future IndieWeb and I like 100% agree
# 00:04 Schnitz That was like a resurrection for me... man I felt so bad all these years
# 00:05 tantek Schnitz: it's ok man, it's not your fault. The forces at work were overwhelming and unavoidable.
# 00:06 tantek Not until the great web schism of 2004 did we start to get somewhere. With the subsequent formation of WHATWG and microformats.org
# 00:08 Schnitz Yeah totally. I'm 100% ok with how things went on, with all the deviations and errors. Then Silos came. And were all wrong about putting user experience first. Architecture astronauts. I was one too. I know. But hey. Its a about the people. I had such a great time back then with you guys and especially you. I value that a lot and often think about all those things that happened BESIDES...
# 00:08 tantek Until that point it was an unwinnable battle. There's nothing you or I or anyone could do singlehandedly to beat the architecture astronauts.
# 00:08 tantek You were not an architecture astronaut. You built things. You built working things.
# 00:09 tantek Just because we gave in to the architecture astronauts in the early 2000s doesn't mean we became them.
# 00:09 tantek You compromised. We all did. But that doesn't mean you became them.
# 00:11 tantek KartikPrabhu: do I need custom flex settings for each image?
# 00:11 KartikPrabhu unfortunately yes. I tried to figure out how to avoid that but there doesn't seem to be another way
# 00:12 KartikPrabhu each image has a diff. aspect ratio so i don't see how to have a catch-all CSS
# 00:13 tantek In my experience with multi-photo posts, I want to do such things automatically
# 00:14 tantek KartikPrabhu: pretty sure there's a way to do it
# 00:15 tantek I may eventually. Right now I just let them stack
j12t joined the channel
# 00:21 tantek Schnitz: when you're ready to setup your site with IndieAuth, we're ready to help :)
# 00:22 Schnitz I'll do that for sure man...! Give me a couply of days, ramping up some stuff currently and then I'll be all into it :-)
# 00:32 GWG Now that I've documented the problem, can someone please help me figure out how to solve it?
# 00:38 Schnitz I have a company in Nürnberg that does Semantic Web stuff BTW
# 00:41 tantek Schnitz: great - we should talk about practical web vs. semantic web
# 00:42 Schnitz right... we should and can... however no worries, the company is using SemWeb Technology for Medical in Intranets... so nothing for the wide open web
# 00:42 tantek right, as invisible plumbing all that stuff is fine. if it helps get the job done easily, more power to you.
# 00:42 tantek when it affects the UX and makes it awkward for users, then it's a problem
# 00:43 tantek which is what often happens on the pratical, open web
# 00:43 Schnitz For the web out there... I'm totally with you, dead simple, UX first, forget about plumbing and all standards bullshit, as long as its simple and it works we're good
wolftune joined the channel
# 01:19 ben_thatmustbeme !tell snarfed, KevinMarks supporting reacji from quote tweets is not likely to happen, I have to start removing syndication urls (truncated in the exact same way twitter does with uses the '...' single character)
# 01:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KartikPrabhu1, yakker, Schnitz, j12t, tantek and shiflett joined the channel
endi and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 03:58 tantek.com edited /Planning (+467) "/* Planning */ San Francisco, interested, can co-organize, May and December as possible months. Suggest February for Florida" (
view diff )
# 03:59 tantek !tell adactio want to add a "Brighton" section here and suggest some months or dates that you think would be good for an IndieWebCamp Brighton 2016?
# 03:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 03:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
tantek joined the channel
j12t, Schnitz, tantek, wolftune, KevinMarks, endi, KevinMarks_, loic_m, wholewheattoast, Pierre-O, elf-pavlik, petermolnar, ttepasse and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:31 GWG What's new with you in IndieWeb terms?
# 16:35 gRegorLove I'm making good progress on reply contexts. Should hopefully have it launched today.
# 16:35 gRegorLove Using php-mf2 and aaronpk's twitter-shim. Working great so far, just working on the CSS.
# 16:36 gRegorLove Also need to account for private Twitter accounts and not show those reply contexts.
# 16:36 GWG Working on the same problem from a design perspective actually
# 16:37 GWG Does the Twitter shim give you a PHP strict standard warning?
# 16:39 GWG My problem is that on some things being replied to, the author is more important than others
# 16:40 GWG I fixed it, but was considering raising it as an issue
# 16:41 GWG I haven't figured out how to distinguish multi author sites which makes the site more significant than the single author
# 16:41 GWG Example, I reply to a newspaper article vs a tweet
# 16:43 GWG I display everything the same now
# 16:43 GWG A like displays the same as a reply
# 16:48 GWG I'm not sure if anyone is varying their display based on the type of url being responded to.
arlen and [shaners] joined the channel
# 16:54 GWG What would you consider an example?
# 16:55 GWG I have referenced multiple discussions
# 16:55 [shaners] You tell me. Copy the HTML from a webpage that has the hentry class misused.
# 17:00 GWG shaners, where would you put your hentry? On what element?
# 17:12 gRegorLove GWG: What are the content post types WP adds hentry to that it shouldn't?
# 17:26 aaronpk i haven't checked on the twitter shim in a while. I don't think I've run it on php 5.6 yet
# 17:29 GWG page, specifically for built in types
# 17:30 GWG aaronpk, have you noticed a strict standard issue?
Pierre-O, j12t, wolftune and squeakytoy joined the channel
modem joined the channel
tonious joined the channel
# 18:05 aaronpk I may have just created a webmention loop to myself
# 18:15 aaronpk so I think if a post gets a webmention from the "in-reply-to" URL of that post, it should not treat it as a regular mention
# 18:27 gRegorLove In Twitter API responses, "protected": true means the account is private, right?
# 18:28 gRegorLove I'm debating whether to still store the reply-context but not display it publicly in that case.
[aaronpk] joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
KevinMarks and martinBrown joined the channel
Lancey joined the channel
Schnitz and mlncn joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 19:06 Schnitz so I added the rel="me" link to the tumblr template on my tumblr, that has my domain name on it (belp.audio) and IndieAuth tells me "belp.audio This is not a supported authentication provider." I guess its prohibited to use / hijack something like Tumblr for your one website and join IndieWebCamp with that?
# 19:09 gRegorLove Hi Schnitz. I see a rel-me to belp.audio only. IndieAuth uses rel-me links to your other profiles like Twitter, Github, etc. to authenticate you.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 19:13 Schnitz gRegorLove: interesting. I don't have other profiles, just Tumblr... oh wait, yes, Soundcloud, but thats it, I add a rel=me on my soundcloud link on belp.audio
# 19:15 gRegorLove Don't think Soundcloud is supported for IndieAuth, unfortunately
# 19:16 Schnitz Ok interesting. Is this a new problem? I don't have Twitter, Facebook, etc. BECAUSE they are Silos :-)
# 19:17 Schnitz whats they least 'annoying' supported authentication provider, GitHub?
# 19:18 Schnitz alright, thanks for letting me know. Will check that out later... TTYL
# 19:18 Schnitz interesting. Thanks for the link! Will check that out!
# 19:19 gRegorLove Indieauth does support email authentication (via Mozilla Persona), SMS, and PGP.
# 19:20 gRegorLove First two require your email or phone number being in your HTML, of course.
wolftune, j12t, Schnitz_, KevinMarks_, squeakytoy2, loic_m and endi joined the channel
# 21:12 Schnitz This happens after successfully authorizing myself at Mozilla Persona
j12t joined the channel
# 21:34 Schnitz Hmm really not getting it how to add my Picture for this IRC
tantek joined the channel
# 21:42 tantek Hey Schnitz I don't see any rel=me links to email addresses on belp.audio
# 21:42 Schnitz hey I took that one out, it was there before, no I use SMS
# 21:43 Schnitz just don't get it how I'm supposed to get my image in here, is it supposed to 'pull' it off some silo?
# 21:44 tantek huh? once you sing-in you should be able to edit any wiki page!
# 21:44 Schnitz kinda seems I'm either not persistently logged in ... or I'm missing something
# 21:46 Schnitz Could be that with SMS login, I'm logged into the IndieAuth site but NOT IndieWebCamp?
# 21:47 Schnitz Cos it seems like I'm not logged in again, even though I did
# 21:48 tantek in other news, I just got poster frame support (for my video posts) working locally
# 21:48 tantek realizes he didn't even document this as an itch
# 21:50 Schnitz BTW in general I love what is written about tumblr
ttepasse joined the channel
# 21:50 Schnitz Tumblr can be a first class if limited IndieWeb platform if you tweak it
# 21:51 Schnitz I will do that for a little while and then probably venture of into a completely indepedent website
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 21:55 Schnitz Tantek / everyone: Does anyone know of a web standards max friendly Tumblr template I can grab off somewhere? Has this been already done? Simple + clean HTML plus microformats?
# 21:57 tantek Schnitz: pretty sure it's on that very page you linked to ;)
j12t joined the channel
Schnitz_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:12 Schnitz Yup, no it works... even added a preliminary avatar image ... all good, I'm in
endi and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 22:18 Schnitz BTW, there really might be an issue with loggin in via SMS, but cannot fully conform. Email worked fine with me. With SMS is didn't return me to IndieWebCamp from IndieAuth and then I lost my login everytime
ttepasse joined the channel
# 22:24 tantek Schnitz: I think I added instructions for adding h-entry to any Tumblr theme
# 22:26 Schnitz There is a indie web version theme already marked up that you can use.
# 22:29 Schnitz right ... I really like your theme grafically, BTW
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 22:37 tantek Anyone else here support poster frames on video posts?
# 22:47 tantek a poster frame is a static image taken from one frame of video to represent a video (like a /video post) visually in various contexts such as a thumbnail or before the video is played.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 22:55 GWG gRegorLove: Who was tanteking? I didn't know.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:35 Schnitz My Only Real Friend In Life, Zakim, the W3C IRC BOT
# 23:36 aaronpk we try to keep this channel mostly on-topic since people like catching up on the logs, so we have #indiechat which isn't publicly logged
tantek joined the channel
Schnitz joined the channel