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#SchnitzNot sure the order is relevant too, personally, but in a kinda improving things mindset, I'm taking the first proposed theme when reading from top to down and see what it does for me
#tantek(of the "tumblr indie web theme" you mention)
#tantek.comedited /poster_frame (+664) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ note Shaners support for poster attribute since 2015-12-13, but poster image does not load currently :(" (view diff)
#Schnitztantek: yes I understand, to be honest I think its already and improvement it you put the code of YOUR theme at the exact spot where this one is now
#Schnitzsecond <p>: There is a indie web version theme already marked up that you can use. Click on the customize link and copy and paste this over the existing html.
#Schnitzyes, icon second to the far right, last option, I guess
#tantekI have to dig for it every time since I use the Tumblr UI so rarely
#aaronpkwow so now that I launched Telegraph, and updated my new site to use it to send webmentions, I'm struggling to remember what the thing I was working on before that was. That turned out to be a way bigger project than I anticipated.
#tantekI've made my opinion on this very clear in many forums including W3C Social Web
#tantekas you might expect, some folks got really upset and decided to be negative and unhelpful
#SchnitzNo I don't want to rant or anything ... since eveything was a great gift in many ways... BUT, one is true, the who is fault question is very complex, lots of weird energies and situations, and to a certain extent its also OK to say that the W3C at that time was just naive as a operating entity, in allowing so many people with no filter to just decide on these things
#tantekit based its operating culture on the bodies that came before it, IETF, ISO etc.
#tantekassuming that everyone there was of good will and technical expertise
#Schnitztantek: Its your duty today to say this to people and piss them off, seriously
#SchnitzI know, folks like Larry Masinter for example, THAT level of quality. Different story.
#tantekLarry is his own person, we've had some good conversations
#SchnitzI'm sure. He inspired me a lot. He always stuck to simple things.
#tantekI'm not going to pick on anyone in particular because I am hopeful that anyone can become better behaved.
#tantek.comedited /Tumblr (+220) "/* Add microformats support */ update instructions to edit a theme in Tumblr, update link to use my Tumblr theme gist since I have no idea what happened to the person who contributed the other one." (view diff)
#Schnitztantek: very wise. I myself was confused any made wrong decisions.
#SchnitzOk thats a small improvement right there... if I read this Wiki page for the first coming from Tumblr, I'll be way more happy with your stylesheet / theme Tantek than the previous one, for sure
#tantekI vaguely remember obsessing for like a day and ripping tons of things out of a Tumblr theme and simplifying it until it looked like what you see there
#tanteknow I just copy stuff there from other silos
#tantekposter frames are yet another way my site is now better than Twitter. Twitter video posts do not have nor allow you to pick an explicit /poster_frame. :)
#Schnitztantek: updated CSS for ... just a really quick CSS hack, still lots of issues, will still fix em of course, but nice for just now
#SchnitzOh yeah that was great fun very cool nice result ... I especially like the hovering permalink button, brings it very much to the point, good job Tantek
#Schnitz12 years of XHTML Friends Network ... jeeesus.
#tantek!tell rhiaro you added IndieAuth support to your site recently - what kind of challenges did you run into, and what additional site-features have you built on top of it?
#belp.audiocreated / (+1077) "Created page with "Happy to be here, what a great project. Been involved with computers / networking for a little while, had my own FIDO mailbox in the early 90ies, hooked up to the Internet for th..."" (view diff)
#SchnitzLOL I should go to bed, so many fucked up typos and twists... well
#aaronpkwhat's the UI element called where typing text into a field and then a space turns the text you just typed into a little rectangle with an X? Facebook does this when typing a person's name into the text box
#aaronpkI coulda sworn I had bookmarked a library that does that but I can't find it now
#tantekthough with the FB example, a space *does not* turn it into a little rectangle with an X - you have to pick it from the drop down menu
#tantekbut the general concept of text word(s) turning into little boxes with an x is useful - don't know a name for it
#aaronpktoken input is a style of form element which allows the user to type free-form text (or select a term via autocomplete), and then turns each term into a new inline element, usually outlining the term and showing a little "x" which allows the user to delete the term by clicking it.
#KartikPrabhu!tell Schnitz: if you want to put an image in the page from your own URL you can use the <img> tag. If you want to upload the image to the wiki then click on the link on top of your page and it will take you to an upload page for the image file
#SchnitzI don't see the file link in the Wike Edit Box
#SchnitzI've upload it now, ok that works, and I can reference it, now you see the image. But the 'first' link trying to reach this image on the web cannot be deleted
#Schnitzand I upload, I just get a new file reference like I just did
#[shaners]And my poster frame support goes way further back then what you put on the wiki. That’s only when I added u-featured and fallback img. I’ll dig up the commit with first poster frame support. ...
#tantekshaners, great. I posted the date that I had a citation for. such support could be measured by the later of: commit + first such video permalink.
#tantekwho was it that was recently chatting about wanting to log more reviews or library related things to their own site, regarding books, books read, etc.
#tantek!tell gRegorlove,tommorris,rhiaro,GWG you're either listed on or I remember you mentioning wanting to user your own site to track/publish what you've read. I've started experimenting more. Would be interested in discussing.
#GWGThe following ones are reserved for future use: Weather, Exercise, Travel, Check-in, Tag, RSVP, Event, Food, Drink, Follow...
#GWGIt generally means I intend on using them at some point
[shaners] joined the channel
#[shaners]gwg: do you mean that you intend to use them in the URL or in your UI or both or neither?
#tantekinteresting GWG, have you added all those to your itches list on your User: page?
#tanteksays as he notes that he experimented with /read posts, and implemented /poster_frame support without either one being on his itches list first.
#tantekGWG, from aaronpk's experience, I'd suggest avoiding any use of post-types in the URL
#GWGtantek: I should do that. But in my case, it is because I release the plugin to the WordPress repository and want to keep those words in case someone extends the plugin.
#tantekeven in my own experience, I find myself using the "notes" type for more and more different kinds of posts
#GWGtantek: For me to do that, my Post UI would grow exponentially, and for anyone other than me, I'd have to hope they understood what those properties meant.
#tantekGWG, not necessarily. There's no need to grow a post UI exponentially. Just means it's a more challenging UI design problem.
#GWGRight now, I have a URL property that applies to in-reply-to, like-of, etc based on the type of post explicitly set. If I did implied types, I'd have to switch to separate properties for those examples.
#tantekin my hasty storage design I have separate properties for each URL for each of those
#tantekmore of a 1:1 mapping of what eventually goes into the generated h-entry markup in post permalinks
#GWGtantek: I store a 1:1 mapping, but my UI is not 1:1.
#GWGThe combination of the explicit post type or kind and the Post UI elements forms the properties saved.
#GWGSo, url + reply kin sets the value of url to in-reply-to.
gidzit joined the channel
#GWGI switched to that from storing the properties in a custom format so if the post UI changed, they would be stored appropriately. Also good due the micropub plugin
#aaronpkdoes the mf2 parser use the "poster" attribute of the <video> tag?
#aaronpki'm trying to figure out where to put the poster image for my video
#aaronpki want it to show up as the "photo" attribute
#aaronpkas a fallback for consumers/readers that don't support the video
glennjones and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]The trick is to use an img fallback for now, though we should support u- for a poster property too
#Loqi[kevinmarks]: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 1 day, 19 hours ago: supporting reacji from quote tweets is not likely to happen, I have to start removing syndication urls (truncated in the exact same way twitter does with uses the '...' single character)
#LoqiTo read or reading is the act of viewing and interpreting posts or other documents; on the IndieWeb, a read post expresses that something has been read, like a book or section thereof
#tantekgRegorLove: I started experimenting with "read" posts as I started doing some reading during the holiday. And then I documented what I thought of as a result.
#tantekgRegorLove: definitely interested in your feedback / thoughts as well! Have you been posting any more "read" posts recently?
glennjones joined the channel
#gRegorLoveI posted a few for that Harry Potter book back in January, that's all.
#SchnitzTantek: did you yourself write the CSS for the tumblr template from scratch or did you take it from somewhere else?
#tantekI probably just modded it a little from somewhere else
#tantek!tell snarfed how has your checkin frequency been for 2015 vs 2014? Wondering about how well has worked out. Do you have a "checkins" archive page?
#Schnitztantek: h_card is coming next... had to clean up the CSS mess in the tumblr template first, or like stopped doing so now 'cos its kinda making rethink everything, so leaving this for now
#Schnitzsnarfed: that true, but inside tumblr, this is like 'design'... like furniture? People 'buy themselves' an expensive chair, just to feel good. Similar with Templates
#snarfedsure! some people may well buy your theme and feel good. i just doubt it will have much impact on making indieweb seem more "serious," though. and it will definitely mean way fewer people actually use your theme.
#Schnitzsnarfed: the theme will be avail as well on GITHUB and this Wiki
#SchnitzI you know how to copy'n'paste markup, you get it for free
#Schnitzaaronpk: but thats something thats also a lesson learned for me, the masses are different. That needs to be respected and taken from there. At some point. Maybe not yet. For sure. You don't have to do this. But that may become important when Indie Web wants more outreach
#[shaners]The way I’m building Homesteading is for both me right now and others soon.
#[shaners]Nerds who can create a Heroku account and set some settings next. Non-nerds soonish after that.
#tantekshaners - BTW did you see the whole discussion (months ago?) about how "homesteading" as a term upset a bunch of people due to historical usage vs american indians etc.?
#[shaners]As I understand it, lower case h homesteading is the back to land subsistence living. Upper case H Homestead Act was the US government granting “free” land to settlers willing to go where was relatively undesirable by Europeans/Americans. (“Free” in that it was stolen from the indigenous peoples that lived here [the US] before white people.)
#[shaners]The use of the word and the act of homesteading predates the Homestead Act.
#[shaners]But maybe I need to start looking around for a different name. Before I really ship is easier than after.
#[shaners](I would be veganstraigthedge in here too, but Freenode doesn’t allow usernames that long)
#Schnitz[shaners]: Oh.. ok, well you asked, right? Its just a good term, positive and such. Thats it. Maybe sticky. Maybe. Thats it. Just off top of my head. Nothing special.
#[shaners]Ok. I’m looking for something that conjures what HS did for me. Self sufficiency, agency, autonomy, ownership, your own little space in the internet. Goodness is not that. Thanks though.
#Schnitz... alright I'm slowing packing my vinyls together, I have a DJ gig at 4 am, its nearly 1 am here now... need to get over to that location and start syncing with the energies there