#LoqiA multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout https://indiewebcamp.com/multi-photo
#adDoes that post also belong to Facebook and Twitter as well? or do they just serve as publishing platform
#Schnitzad: ah ok, what exactly do you mean with 'belong', in terms of hosting (physical location / storage) or copyright?
#adby belong I mean do they own it like anyother post made natively on their own platform - or will they treat post coming from IndieWeb any different?
#Schnitzthe first thing, it will be a post just like any other.
#SchnitzYou're in control of adding things to your posts you syndicate / distribute... you could add a text phrase 'original text: My Website' to pull me to your website. You can do so, but don't have to, up to u
#Schnitztechnically speaking the posts are copies, so the posts exists multiple times
#Schnitzad: sure, thats the whole idea about IndieWeb... you should go check out the Website / Wiki IndieWebCamp... lots of great examples and things to learn there... I've your looking for just one good example, check out Tantek.com ... he posts everything on his own independent site (Tantek.com) and everything gets distributed nicely into all the other social media platforms. He owns his data. He...
#Schnitz...only posts once to his website, and still gets connectivity with all the other platforms
#adThat's great but we are leaving the privacy of our data in hands of those publishing netrowks like Facebook and other big cooperations in Social Networks
#adAnd we don't want to do that. May be we need another kind of social network like Diaspora* (a better Diaspora* may be)
#Schnitzad: ah ok you're coming from a privacy perspective, alright, gotcha
#Schnitzad: so you're looking into physically owning the data all along
#Schnitzad: well, you know, I'm not aware of everything, I do have full knowledge of all the recent developments, etc. So all say maybe superseded. But, generally if you want to achieve this then a new social media system has be integrated into the web itself so it becomes truly decentralized. Things like IndieAuth and Microformats are a good start, but we still have a long way to go. Indie Web is...
#snarfedaww never! this is a simple easy one. go for it!
#SchnitzNot so sure this is such an easy one, Shrewdness was meant to be a prototype for validating tool, the notion might be lost when switching to the other two links provided by snarfed. I don't feel qualified (yet) to make that change. Still its an issue that the Wiki is pointing to something that isn't working
[snarfed] joined the channel
#[snarfed]you can start by just noting that shrewdness is broken
#Schnitzok thats weird... I thought Tantek's custom Tumblr template is properly marked up with h-entry and I thought it was a good idea to make that the default template being recommended on the Wiki, since it just look a lot more compelling that the previous. Turns out that the h-entry support is very spotty in that template. So right now we're encouraging users on the wiki to adopt a tumblr...
#Schnitz...template that is not currently set up in terms of h-entry. I feel responsible for this. I will try and investigate this further and come up with a suggestion
j12t and loic_m joined the channel
#SchnitzOK not so sure the original one (tumblr template) had better h-entry support either (http://andthenitcametotheend.tumblr.com) according to IndieWebify.me. So better coming up with something completely new. I added some h-entry support for now on my template for belp.audio. Since tumblr is a bit messy in the structuring of the posts via types, not sure whether perfect h-entry integrations can...
#tantekSchnitz, always ok to update the wiki, even with a minor parenthetical comment (like what snarfed suggested), or a question. Someone else will see it and build on your work!
#tanteksnarfed, well if your advice helped Schnitz then it's likely worth capturing (and perhaps not that discoverable)
#GWGDoes 2016-01-01 commitment mean I commit by 2015-12-31:2359 or on 1-01
#Schnitztantek / snarfed: the only issue I had is were to look, is was looking in my disqus account setting, not on my blog posts / comments section, that was it
#aaronpktotally did not expect to do this just now, but I have a physical button on my desk I can press which will "like" whatever song is playing on my stereo
#tantekaaronpk - pretty sure you can get the youtube video (if any) for the song from the last.fm API (if not from the HTML of the URL you "liked" "data-youtube-url" ahem ;) )
#tantekif for example you wanted to embed the video right there on your "like" so the music was playable on your site, instead of having to click through to last.fm
#aaronpkI don't really want to mix video and music like that
#aaronpkif I like a song that's playing, I don't really want to post a like of the video since I don't necessarily know what the video is
#aaronpkI'll enhance the presentation of those likes later. I can add a thing that recognizes the last.fm URL and embed a player or something
#tantekI wonder if there is some way to embed a youtube video iframe to not show the video but still play the audio
#tantekI'm not saying to change the URL being liked
#snarfedexcept they haven't suceeded yet. see the yellow exclamation points there :P
#Schnitzsnarfed: right... and they don't for me. Maybe those two initial webmention got lost 'cos I did have ID issues with disqus ... could you send me a fresh webmention now pls?
#snarfedsame "belporama forum not found" error as before. you can click the "X ago" links to see the logs
#Schnitzalright checked everything again now, may have had a case sensitivity issue, if that matters. Otherwise I should be fine. Can't see why this wouldn't work now. Please send me webmentions anyone to belp.audio (my layout isn't perfect yet, I apologize)
#snarfed1for tumblr, it uses https://superfeedr.com/ , which varies. looks like it's every 3h or so for your tumblr
#snarfedif you want faster, you can ask tumblr to support pubsubhubbub, but that's a big ask :P
#Schnitzsnarfed: thanks, thats OK, just good to know. I'm still in the mode of checking so I just to make sure I didn't do something wrong. I'll wait then, thanks for letting me know :-)