2016-01-01 UTC
j12t, snarfed, lukebrooker and tantek joined the channel
# 01:03 GWG Flipping back to Firefox. I seem to flip back and forth between browsers every few months.
j12t, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
Schnitz joined the channel
# 01:40 GWG tantek: What do I need to do for IWC NYC?
# 01:42 Schnitz Hey its already 2016 over here :-) Happy New Year everyone!
# 01:44 Schnitz GWG: You mean, uhmm... my indieweb-friendly tumblr site I'm working on?
# 01:45 Schnitz Thanks for asking, I'm personally extremely satisified with what I got to work in last week
# 01:46 GWG And listening to a song about the first transatlantic passenger, but that's a bit off topic
# 01:47 Schnitz ... lets move to #indiechat, I'm happy to go on there :-)
# 01:53 Schnitz So back to on topic, very happy with how belp.audio works with webmentions. I cleaned up the template just now and uploaded it GitHub. No perfect, but a start. I wrote little User Experience write-up on the Wiki where I collected my experiences with this, trying to address non-technical people coming for the first time from Tumblr: http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Belp.audio/MyTumblr
# 01:59 tantek wow I'm seeing repeated failures attempting to post to IG
j12t joined the channel
# 02:04 Schnitz On a related side note, I'm a bit positively surprised how much traffic there is on indiewebcamp. I opened up this more personal page (see above link) and it has already accessed over 100 times since 24 hours. For a quite hidden page deep down this is nice. Hope its not all bots :-)
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 02:07 [aaronpk] Ha! I never even noticed the page view counter on the wiki!
danlyke_ joined the channel
# 02:17 Schnitz aaronpk: have fun, its quite impressive / uplifting
nitot and nitot_ joined the channel
j12t and Schnitz_ joined the channel
# 03:16 GWG kylewm: How are things going with Goodreads?
mlncn, j12t, nitot and tantek joined the channel
katsuki, bear, nitot and falcon42 joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 06:12 falcon42 ah it probably wants an in-reply-to
nitot, snarfed, topyli, snarfed1, Gold, koray and korayal joined the channel
j12t, mapkyca, wolftune, snarfed, snarfed1, Pierre-O and modem joined the channel
singpolyma, tantek, danlyke_ and j12t joined the channel
# 16:41 GWG Okay, 2 2016 commitments completed
nitot, singpolyma, j12t, mlncn, danlyke_, snarfed, squeakytoy2, Lancey, wolftune, Pierre-O, snarfed1 and tantek joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
davidmead and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 20:53 [kevinmarks] Rhiaro is your auth stuff why your feed is full of blank posts in woodwind?
# 20:55 rhiaro kevinmarks.. Ohh boy. No idea what is happening there.
# 20:59 rhiaro Something is triggering a new bit in my micropub endpoint
# 21:00 rhiaro I've clearly majorly screwed something up here
# 21:01 tantek does anyone here post "played" posts, or perhaps "performed" for when they themselves play a musical instrument or do a musical performance?
# 21:01 tantek thinking about this as I'm re-teaching myself piano this year and will likely be capturing when I feel confident playing various pieces again
# 21:02 tantek "play" could be so many things, like games etc.
# 21:02 tantek though in music track terminology, "performer" is used, so perhaps "perform" is a reasonable shorthand name for this kind of post
# 21:02 tantek I vaguely remember acegiak capturing / posting "play" of games posts
# 21:03 aaronpk I would assume "perform" implies audience, so it would seem strange to use that when just noting playing things yourself
# 21:03 tantek aaronpk: what if the audience is as a result of the post?
# 21:03 tantek aaronpk: in musical recordings there is (typically) no specific audience you are performing for
# 21:04 aaronpk i guess i could see noting "practice" and "perform"
# 21:04 rhiaro kevinmarks: lolll bug in my mp endpoint wasn't doing auth properly so I think crawlers must've been triggering blank posts all night \o/
# 21:04 tantek kevinmarks, the term "performer" or "performed by" seems quite dominant
# 21:06 tantek kevinmarks, you mean like performance art? ;)
# 21:09 [kevinmarks] With music data you tend to see a title/artist/album model applied in a Procrustean way
# 21:10 tantek (aside: whenever kevinmarks says procrustean I imagine someone who is vehemently for eating the crusts of toast and pizza slices)
# 21:10 davidmead hmm. that’s odd tantek. i just posted that error on the Wordpress Plugin Forum. Didin’t expect to see it pop up here
# 21:12 petermolnar since when flickr photo search doesn't contain real links?! inline JS, 'onload' adding target url to the images, this is WRONG.
# 21:12 tantek Resisting IRC discussion is futile, all discussions lead to IRC ;)
# 21:12 aaronpk petermolnar: yeah :( I think with the last redesign
# 21:14 [kevinmarks] “each service has their own database. if you can match 85% you're a magician”
# 21:16 tantek I need to figure out what the latest interface is between 1980s MIDI and 2010s USB
# 21:16 tantek connecting devices across three decades seems pretty fun
# 21:17 wolftune totally missing the context, but… tantek: I posted old music of mine under CC-BY-SA recently and included MIDI files as some source material…
# 21:18 petermolnar tantek I've checked midi a few years ago, when I dived a little into dj controllers; both arduino and raspberry pi has impressive libraries to handle and interface midi
# 21:19 wolftune there was chat in LinuxMusicians forum about GPL for music ideas and what it means to provide source for art and music… complex topic, interesting though
# 21:22 tantek wofltune - you're posting directly to archive.org?
# 21:23 wolftune tantek: that's right. I still need to figure out getting my own server and moving my site off of Blogger :(
# 21:23 tantek wolftune: have you considered starting with a withknown.com site?
# 21:24 tantek (pretty easy to transition to your own Known install AFAIK)
# 21:24 tantek and pretty sure (not certain) it can import from Blogger
# 21:26 wolftune what are the ramifications / downsides vs the full goal of my own server running my own site (acknowledging that isn't happening easily right away) ?
# 21:26 GWG davidmead: I'm looking into it now.
# 21:26 tantek and I believe they commit to redirecting to your own domain once you have one
# 21:27 wolftune yeah, I really am concerned about link preservation / redirects
# 21:27 wolftune the thing is, I'd like to eventually have a totally distinct site that does all the various things I want differently and better than my blogger thing… is withknown a positive step toward that?
# 21:27 davidmead tantek are those commitments to build something, or just implement POSSE, PESOS, etc., on your own sites & silos?
# 21:28 wolftune I have my own domain and lots of existing links that are out there in the world…
# 21:28 tantek davidmead: they are different for every person
# 21:28 aaronpk I might need to "extend" my deadline to the end of the weekend :)
# 21:28 tantek aaronpk do it! edit the wiki accordingly to note that - helps give others implicit permission to also do so!
# 21:29 wolftune "Registration for free Known sites has been paused while we prepare for the next iteration of the Known platform" is an interesting message… maybe I should wait for a coming-soon iteration regardless of free vs pro?
# 21:30 davidmead OK. I just implemented an IFTTT recipe for posting Swarm checkins to WP via Foursquare, and Foodspotting & Untappd checkins to WP by using RSS & a WP plugin
# 21:30 tantek hmm - that is odd, I'm not sure why they paused registration
# 21:31 wolftune tantek: they say the "free" is paused but they still accept Pro for now
# 21:31 tantek can you add a PESOS section there that describes how to do what you di with Swarm checkins to WP via Foursquare?
# 21:31 tantek oh hey ^^^ davidmead perhaps start that page?
# 21:31 Loqi Untappd is a social silo for posting consumptions of beer (which they call "Check-ins" to beers) and optionally any or all of where (venue, thus making it an actual checkin), 1-5 star rating, photo, or review commentary https://indiewebcamp.com/Untappd
# 21:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:36 kylewm oh nice handling of private vs. public tweets in reply contexts, gregorlove. that is something i have not done well
# 21:37 tantek kylewm: whoa I didn't even notice that - could you share a permalink to a reply to a private tweet
# 21:40 GWG davidmead: I have an alternate method for you
# 21:40 tantek uh could someone share a URL to such a reply?
# 21:43 tantek I don't know if anyone has done that before explicitly
# 21:44 davidjohnmead.com created /Foodspotting (+448) "Created page with "Foodspotting is a social [[silo ]] for posting consumption of food and drink (which they call "Spotting") and optionally any or all of where ([[venue ]], thus making it an actual [..."" (
view diff )
# 21:46 GWG davidmead: Can you try a test for me?
# 21:46 GWG Try replacing this file in your plugin directory
# 21:47 GWG If that works, I may push it to the repository
# 21:48 GWG Hmm..I think Post Kinds needs an icon
# 21:49 GWG What should an icon for a post kinds plugin look like?
# 21:53 GWG It will go in the next version. I'll give it time to see if anyone else has any bugs to report.
# 21:55 davidmead GWG i did have to keep removing “from Twitter” when it was a repsonse as it duplicated it
# 21:55 davidmead GWG and the citation was pulled in an posted automatically which meant that was duplicating too.. I removed that
# 21:56 GWG davidmead: I played with it. It should be more reliable in that regard, but have a look
# 21:57 davidmead i will when i next reply to a Twitter post and let you know
# 21:58 GWG davidmead: Anything you notice tell me. I want to keep making it better.
# 22:02 kylewm sort of denoting different kinds of things on a page?
# 22:04 GWG I feel a lack of inspiration on the problem
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 22:06 [snarfed] aaronpk tantek that second reply contact isn't private, i see it on twitter
# 22:13 Schnitz the soundcloud intergration with bridgy suddenly seems extremely useful again :-)
# 22:15 davidmead tantek: i created the foodspotting page. will add the PESOS stuff later tonight
# 22:19 Schnitz [snafed] I have to honest, this will exceed my programming skills currently
# 22:25 [snarfed] Schnitz first step is just to file a feature request, along with the features it supports (and doesn't) and links to API docs
# 22:26 Schnitz See the above post I just made to already understand what I'm trying to get at
# 22:41 falcon42 tantek: Are you in disney world right now? I'm leaving on the 4th to go there
# 22:42 falcon42 spaceship earth is one of my favourite rides
# 22:42 falcon42 always gives me hope for humanity
# 22:42 falcon42 I scared him away :(
# 22:43 GWG falcon42: I'll be over there in the future as well.
# 22:43 falcon42 GWG: Like... the near future?
# 22:48 falcon42 thats the new year in some cultures
j12t joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 22:53 tantek my Colloquy froze after I posted that video. unrelated I'm sure ;)
# 22:53 falcon42 I'm an addict. I've been going every year for the last 5 years or so
# 22:54 falcon42 and I live in portland
# 22:56 falcon42 irc client for osx
# 23:01 tantek Though oddly enough I'm only seeing the survey in the Twitter iOS client - and not on e.g. Safari desktop browser!
Tristitia, j12t, Pierre-O, CaptainCalliope_, MylesBraithwait- and halorgium_ joined the channel