2016-01-02 UTC
renoirb and Gold joined the channel
# 00:03 Schnitz I have yet to understand why my simple webmentions do not show here
# 00:03 Loqi Schnitz meant to say: another one is on its way
# 00:04 aaronpk it's a problem with the buffered/grouped notifications in webmention.io. I'm not sure what happened really.
M-RyanRix joined the channel
# 00:05 Schnitz I would very much look forward to actively participate, I post links to IndieWebCamp often on my now webmention enabled tumblr blog. And it would be great if people could see it show it here. But don't feel bad in any way. I was just wondering when I can do anything, but its seems nothing on my side really
# 00:07 aaronpk yeah sorry! I will fix it soon but not until I finish my site ;)
jden joined the channel
# 00:08 Schnitz thanks, take you time, as I say, no urge! I'm already thrilled with everything thats working so far, thanks so much, this is all very awesome, never forget that :-)
ramsey, voxpelli, M-RyanRix and davidmead joined the channel
# 00:21 GWG So, now that I've added dt-start and dt-end properties to my post interface, what can I do with them?
# 00:22 tantek Now that you've found start/end dates, what are you going to do with it? (with apologies to Heavy D)
# 00:23 GWG Right now, I use them to calculate duration. But I know there is more
# 00:26 GWG If I go back and iterate on location, location plus duration is event.
# 00:26 GWG 2 locations plus duration is travel.
lukebrooker and modem joined the channel
# 00:35 tantek anyone here POSSE notes to Instagram by screenshotting them from your site and posting that to IG?
Schnitz_ joined the channel
# 01:07 Schnitz aaronpk the webmention is only fired once by bridgy right? when I change the webmention link the post it won't work when bridgy pulls this in again next time, I have to do a new post right?
# 01:08 aaronpk it depends on whether bridgy checks for changes in the post. if it does, it should recognize there is a new outgoing link there
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:13 tantek ok now we have an indieweb example of manually POSSEing text to IG
# 01:14 tantek similar effect is happening (in terms of likes) - more likes on the IG POSSE copy than on the tweet POSSE copy! (despite far more followers on Twitter than IG)
# 01:15 Schnitz hmmm weird telegraph is not finding the webmention links I have in my blog post, I probably tagged up wrong
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 01:24 aaronpk strange. Well it definitely assumes it will find an h-entry in the post
# 01:24 aaronpk there's also a separate tab you can use to enter a source and target manually
# 01:25 aaronpk the "fancy" feature of telegraph is that it looks for an h-entry and finds all URLs inside it and gives you buttons to send each
# 01:27 aaronpk Odd... Can you file an issue on telegraph with that link included?
# 01:27 Schnitz whereas 'seems' is there is webmention new.indiewebcamp.com URL in the contents
# 01:28 Schnitz where exactly can I file the issue with telegraph, GitHub?
# 01:37 Schnitz hmmm I have a manual webmention sent successfully via mention-tech.appspot.com: "webmention received successfully:
# 01:47 davidmead np tantek. feel free to edit. still not familiar with link my user page (which i may have to update) or writing in the 3rd person :-)
# 01:50 Loqi Untappd is a social silo for posting consumptions of beer (which they call "Check-ins" to beers) and optionally any or all of where (venue, thus making it an actual checkin), 1-5 star rating, photo, or review commentary https://indiewebcamp.com/Untappd
# 01:56 GWG The year is still digesting, tantek
# 01:58 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 1/5 5:58pm (#5784)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:19 bear oh my - why have I never thought of POSSE'ing my untappd entries before now...
# 02:19 bear (except maybe I don't want to show exactly how much beer I consume on a regular basis ;)
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:53 Schnitz Kartik: thanks so much, I needed a second opinion, I was about to tear apart my template
# 02:53 Schnitz Could be that news.indiewebcamp.com had a problem?
# 02:54 KartikPrabhu aaronpk should know more about those. I think they both use the ruby parser
# 02:56 KartikPrabhu it might not be the easiest to parse the JSON tree but it gives you all the info
# 02:56 Schnitz OK so changing something on my side seems premature, right now
# 02:57 Schnitz do you know of another news service that works like news.indiewebcamp.com (displays / fetches the post and renders it on the web when you simply add the URL to it and send it over via webmention) that uses a different parser than ruby? :-)
# 02:58 KartikPrabhu Schnitz: i wouldn't worry about every site gettting it right. Post away on your site :)
# 03:01 KartikPrabhu sure thing. I use p-summary for summaries of long posts/articles and u-featured for a featured image
# 03:02 Schnitz lemme do this know :-) I'm in coding mode, wait a sec
# 03:02 Loqi Schnitz meant to say: lemme do this now :-) I'm in coding mode, wait a sec
Schnitz_ joined the channel
# 03:14 KartikPrabhu Schnitz: oh nevermind, i thought your indieweb/soundcloud post had all its contents in a summary but it doesn't.
# 03:16 Schnitz so I'm happy chicken, I'll just pretend I'm have and both news.indiewebcamp.com and telegraph have issues :-)
# 03:16 Loqi Schnitz meant to say: so I'm happy chicken, I'll just pretend I'm fine and both news.indiewebcamp.com and telegraph fine issues :-)
# 03:17 Schnitz Kartik: thanks for the help, you really made my day. Spent quite of time on my site and already declared victory and suddenly became unsure tonite, since I've already upload my Tumblr Template to GitHub :-)
# 03:18 KartikPrabhu yeah. if the problem is diagnosed you can always update your template so not to worry
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 03:22 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
lukebrooker joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
snarfed, j12t, tantek, lukebrooker, topyli and shiflett joined the channel
lukebrooker, j12t and KevinMarks joined the channel
sanduhrs, KartikPrabhu, j12t, lukebrooker, squeakytoy3 and DailyGkCapsuke joined the channel
stream7, glennjones, Pierre-O, j12t and lukebrooker joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
elf-pavlik, sanduhrs, j12t, lukebrooker, squeakytoy2, modem, singpolyma and JasonO joined the channel
sanduhrs, lukebrooker, Schnitz, singpolyma, tantek and glennjones joined the channel
snarfed, wolftune and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 17:38 snarfed "Real-time updated, P2P websites using Bitcoin cryptography and the BitTorrent network" ahahahaha
# 17:46 snarfed also has facepiles on wordpress, i wonder if he's using pfefferle's in progress code for that
# 17:47 snarfed Schnitz: the likes and reposts yes. some comments and mentions may be native
# 17:47 Schnitz fascinating. Very advances. way to go. This is what I want to achieve, too
# 17:49 snarfed i vaguely remember benwerd saying he did an accidental load test on known that got ~5k responses backfed from bridgy to one post, that may still be the biggest single post
# 17:49 snarfed over 1% of the total 300k that bridgy has ever sent! :P
snarfed1 joined the channel
squeakytoy2 and wolftune joined the channel
Lancey, jedahan, snarfed, lukebrooker, tantek, modem, stream7, j12t, singpolyma and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 20:12 GWG I feel like we need some spirited discussion
# 20:24 GWG petermolnar, I was looking at your hcard plugin idea on your user page
# 20:28 GWG I had a similar idea, but using the user table instead of custom taxonomies.
# 20:30 petermolnar i had to custom taxonomy idea because then it's easy to use it similar to the tags
davidmead joined the channel
# 20:31 GWG That would actually be a great use of it
davidmead and Schnitz_ joined the channel
# 20:47 GWG This just gave me an idea. Venue as a taxonomy now that it have meta
# 20:48 GWG I'll have to do a major rewrite of Simple Location
# 20:55 davidmead could be my template but the formatting is breaking when displaying as a reply
# 20:57 GWG I forgot 4.4 embeds Wordpress sites
# 20:58 GWG It isn't supposed to if the title = the summary.
# 20:58 GWG That was how I tried to automatically address that
# 20:59 GWG I'm on my phone, so can't see the source code of the first link right now
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 21:00 GWG Maybe I need a different solution to that problem then
Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
# 21:00 GWG Improvement over the previous version?
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 21:01 davidmead GWG - I do like the way it’s handling the different kinds, and I’m no longer getting odd characters coming through in the citation anymore
# 21:02 davidmead for me just the name, instead of name/title, would be better as the tweet/post is displayed below. Seems repetitive.
# 21:02 GWG The screenshot isn't coming in from my phone. Will be home in twenty. Will have a look.
# 21:03 GWG When there is no title, it is supposed to say 'a post' or a 'tweet'
# 21:04 GWG The issue I was struggling with is how to determine a URL represents something like a tweet over an article and change the display
# 21:05 Loqi Post Type Discovery specifies an algorithm for determining the type of a post by what properties it has and potentially what value(s) they have, which helps avoid the need for explicit post types that are being abandoned by modern post creation UIs https://indiewebcamp.com/post-type-discovery
# 21:06 GWG KartikPrabhu, I studied that. But that covers post type, not whether the publication or the author is more important
# 21:07 GWG Publication being the site name in many cases
# 21:08 GWG Am I responding to Bob or Example.com
# 21:08 davidmead GWG it’s tricky. the title of a tweet could be the whole content.
# 21:09 GWG Davidmead, that is why I checked to see if they were equal
# 21:09 GWG Or rather if the title is a substring of the summary
# 21:12 davidmead GWG does it matter which order i fill in the ‘post content’ and the ‘post kind’?
squeakytoy3 joined the channel
jedahan and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 21:29 GWG davidmead: Actually, no, it doesn't. But it will more in the future. I want to write custom presentations for each post kind. Right now, they all use the same presentation style.
# 21:29 GWG Just got back to my computer. Looking at your screenshots now.
# 21:29 GWG Had to be some pseudophedrine. Phenlyphrine does nothing for me
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 21:31 GWG I''ll look at the first and seocnd one. But it isn't supposed to show the name/title if it equals the summary
# 21:32 GWG I think the wrapping is the theme. But will look further.
# 21:37 GWG Note to self. Add note on theming to readme for Post Kinds plugin
Pierre-O, lukebrooker and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
elf-pavlik joined the channel
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 22:45 KartikPrabhu Schnitz [snarfed]: is the problem that belp.audio does not have an explicit h-feed?
# 22:46 Schnitz Kartik: wait, I'm still trying to learn the basic, like in which direction what would be posted :)
# 22:47 [snarfed] Schnitz: try adding belp.audio to your FB profile and sign up again
# 22:47 Schnitz snarfed, thanks for the hint, my personal FB profile or for the page I
# 22:49 [snarfed] oh, right, this is an FB page. let me take a step back. what's your use case?
# 22:50 Schnitz thanks for helping. Actually TBH I'm not sure what use case is
# 22:51 Schnitz Ok of course I want to get the commentary on the FB onto another website
# 22:52 Schnitz no problem, I'm most grateful for any help. What would work easily / or are most people doing, may I ask?
# 22:52 [snarfed] btw KartikPrabhu interesting. i see different content at / vs at /#2016-01-02. regardless, i expect they sent the wm with the # in source, so that's why news has it
# 22:53 Schnitz I've put belp.audio under website now for the FB page (Schamoni Film)
# 22:53 KartikPrabhu yes. i think the URL design on the server-side includes a #. it is strange
# 22:54 [snarfed] well servers don't see the fragment, so they can't use it when rendering
# 22:55 KartikPrabhu oh hmm yeah... very strange indeed. And I don't know how to webmention that page because it has no URL for a post only days
# 22:56 [snarfed] Schnitz: first step is to sign up schamoni's tumblr for bridgy, if it's not already, so that it can receive webmentions
# 22:57 Schnitz thanks, I would do that and then get back to it, thanks for the help!
# 22:57 [snarfed] (btw i was wrong, no need to add belp. audio to it if it's a page. you just need the sites it will backfeed to, eg the tumblr)
# 22:58 Schnitz I will take out belp.audio from the FB profile then now
# 22:58 petermolnar re KartikPrabhu "i checked. the page is rendered server-side" CSS magic
# 23:00 [snarfed] btw including a fragment in a webmention target for a SPA post sounds similar to doing it for marginalia
# 23:01 KartikPrabhu yes. but the post has a days page only. if there are multiple posts on a day who knows
# 23:04 KartikPrabhu yeah i know about :target and href in CSS, but using those to display posts is really overkill
# 23:05 KartikPrabhu CSS is supposed to be for styling and not for URL navigation. Same problem with using JS
# 23:06 petermolnar sure, but if someone insist on a single page site, this is still a nice way to do so
# 23:06 KartikPrabhu also it is downloading the HTML of all the posts even if I want to see only one of them
# 23:07 petermolnar by the way, it seem to have a webmention endpoint, but nested in the content: <p><a href="//webmention.gidzit.org/w/" rel="webmention"></a></p>
acegiak, tantek, lukebrooker and jedahan joined the channel