SchnitzI did what you said, snarfed, I just added a BELP FP for now, and added as a link in the profile. All works, and now I published manually in bridgy a post to be sent to FB, looks good, but not showing up in FB (yet)
GWGacegiak: Not specifically. Still using mf2_(property name). mf2_duration is gone, but if it still exists in an old post, it will use it over dt-end minus dt-start. So backward compat is preserved.
Schnitzsnarfed, oh ok, now I do think I might have an issue. When I hit send in bridgy, I'm directed to FB, but FB is totally to switch from my FB page profile (BELP) to my FB User Account profile, and when I click ok, no post happens.
LoqiSchnitz meant to say: snarfed, oh ok, now I do think I might have an issue. When I hit send in bridgy, I'm directed to FB, but FB is asking me to switch from my FB page profile (BELP) to my FB User Account profile, and when I click ok, no post happens.
GWGacegiak: If you look in the code for class-kind-view and the views/kind-default files, I've set it up for future custom templates by kind if you have any ideas.
Schnitz!tell snarfed I got it to work with facebook under my user account profile BTW. There /might/ be an issue with posting to FB pages as opposed to user account profiles, but I cannot be fully sure. Just wanted to let you know that it does work for me under the user profile account, Thanks
petermolnarhyperboria is a "peer-to-peer IPv6 network with automatic end-to-end encryption, distributed IP address allocation, and DHT-based Source Routing.". See
rabbit.withknown.comcreated / (+127) "Created page with "I'm interested in owning my content and publishing it on an independent platform, but I haven't quite gotten my stuff together."" (view diff)
aaronpkthe presentation is pretty simple. it includes an icon that somewhat represents the food or drink in broad categories, and then text which describes the food or drink
aaronpktyping a name of a food gives you an autocomplete list but then lets you add it if it's not found (this is something I've been wanting Teacup to do)
Loqi[snarfed]: Schnitz left you a message 14 hours, 55 minutes ago: I got it to work with facebook under my user account profile BTW. There /might/ be an issue with posting to FB pages as opposed to user account profiles, but I cannot be fully sure. Just wanted to let you know that it does work for me under the user profile account, Thanks
petermolnar!tell GWG I may have a better idea for people tagging, but I'm a bit stuck with the WordPress-friendly implementation: if I have a table of: handle - regex pattern - domain, I could match the regex in the post and auto-mention that pattern with the corresponding domain; in this case, you wouldn't need to specify the tagging by hand, and could work with exotic posting, like post via email
LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 33 minutes ago: I may have a better idea for people tagging, but I'm a bit stuck with the WordPress-friendly implementation: if I have a table of: handle - regex pattern - domain, I could match the regex in the post and auto-mention that pattern with the corresponding domain; in this case, you wouldn't need to specify the tagging by hand, and could work with exotic posting, like post via email
petermolnarGWG I was thinking that if I was to write a post no via the wordpress interface - via mail, as plain text, etc. - it would not have the interface to select a tag from; therefore I'd need something that auto-links and auto-mentions, based on probably a username pattern matching, so GWG, gwg and gwg_ (rare irc possibility) would mean the same
aaronpksomething about the setup is returning even though he entered something different (i'm guessing either or
Schnitzsnarfed: yes I know :-) I'm expecting that to work. I'm trying to come up with a real workflow now where I just post away on my tumblr and gets automatically relayed into other Silos, without even me thinking about... and the commentary ges collected back to the web version of my tumblr. How awesome is that?
snarfedyeah i appreciate setting up my apache/.htaccess so i can throw arbitrary files into a dir and serve them appropriately, automatically, based on extension