[snarfed]tantek: interesting. i assume you wouldn't similarly protect your twitter account due to mention spam because your followers don't normally see those mentions?
Schnitzso snarfed getting back to my lil superfeedr question, you basically fetch any URLs anywhere in the DOM of the RSS right so it doesn't really matter where I put the webmention facebook public <a href> as long as its somehwere as a value and its shows up via superfeeds parsing?
aaronpkI think I'm going to flatten those into blog posts for now, possibly for good. I might re-create that experience as a new way to author things in Quill.
KartikPrabhuif a filesystem is bad everything built on top of it inherits its badness and then some more. So if the filesystem is the base-level you have access to then use that
acegiak!tell GWG I'm having trouble getting start and end stamps to work. are they working for you? The metadata is there but it's not showing up in the fields or the post display after saving
tommorrisenjoying https://whatdoesmysitecost.com/ - loads your web page, tells you how much it'll cost to buy the data necessary to load the page in different countries.
LoqiGWG: acegiak left you a message 40 minutes ago: I'm having trouble getting start and end stamps to work. are they working for you? The metadata is there but it's not showing up in the fields or the post display after saving http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-04/line/1451911396808
petermolnarKevinMarks I'm reading the filesystems post; there is no mentions of zfs' and btrfs' copy-on-write by default mechanism, which in theory, is pretty resilient.
friedcell, lewisnyman, endi, mxuribe, hs0ucy, tvn, ttepasse, marcthiele and snarfed joined the channel
Schnitzthat would have been semantically kinda nice and ok, 'cos tumblr allows me to access that via tagging... adding a tag with publich webmention url to a post in tumblr seems kinda natural
Schnitzso basically you poll the RSS to see if anything is new, take the webmention call from there, THEN go to the HTML version and use h-entries, etc.?
Schnitzvery interesting... but this also means you're actually making some sense out of my HTML representation and there I /should/ have some control it, since I /can/ control the HTML in Tumblr. This is awesome.
Schnitzmaybe silly question, can you handle more complex posts then into FB like photosets, etc.? H-entry-wise this should be no problem to be marked-up, or complex threads, question is in what way can you get this into FB?
Schnitznot too bad. Photo posts is something I should definitely be able to bugfix then with my current setting. I have something to check out / improve then. Thanks :-)
lewisnyman_, squeakytoy2, glennjones and shiflett joined the channel
tantekpetermolnar: I've kind of given up on clicking on hackernews / reddit links due to low quality of discussion. If there's something particularly interesting, please quote it inline! Thanks!
petermolnarby the way: I see tweets and notices going to the Old Ones of Blogging (anildash, h0d3r, etc) about blogging, none seem to reply or look interested, and I really wonder, why?
tantekfortunately for every old one of blogging, there are dozens if not hundreds of new ones of blogging, so progress is not bottlenecked on any particular gatekeepers.
tantekand yes, the Social Web Working Group *charter* included Webmention explicitly as one possible input (years ago), and last year decided to adopt it as an editor's draft, and then resolved to publish a first public working draft too! (all last year)
Schnitzdon't do this to me, and official invite to get back to w3c... I had promissed myself to do something else in life, I feel very much flattered and tempted though :-)
tantekwe're likely going to have a disposition of comments with lots of formal objections like ("doesn't include my pet hypothetical feature which is required for anything to work")
aaronpkSchnitz: lol that sounds like my framework I called "Website Template Framework" (WTF) so that the lawyers had to write that in all the legal docs I was involved with
LoqigRegorLove: tantek left you a message on 12/31 at 8:04am: we are a go for 2016-01-13, can you help out with creating pages for 2016-1? Thanks! (also feel free to expand the HWC template embed to redlink the whole year) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-12-31/line/1451577851070
ben_thatmustbemethey are all there, its the right number of them, but the way streams was written was just as permalinks to the likes, not any author info
snarfedi definitely prefer that instead of omitting url so that people can click through to the silo post. (ideally end users should never end up on bridgy's own mf2 pages, which is what would happen otherwise.)
LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indiewebcamp.com/backfeed
snarfedhaving said that, i kinda wonder if webmention.io should handle this better. bridgy definitely provides unique uids for each like, but webmention.io doesn't serve the uid, so if consumers want to de-dupe, they have to fall back to de-duping on url
ben_thatmustbeme!tell tantek i had a chance to look at that issue again, it would have shown the author if it had a type value for the author. if there is no type, its not in the correct format, and thus ignored
Schnitzsnarfed, always a first, this might work, reblogging pgotos inside tumblr and while reblogging, adding the webmention post url... basically 'shooting' stuff out of one silo into anther by just adding http://brid.gy/publish/[silo] when reblogging... pretty cool, should show up my FB test page soon
Schnitzyou could always copy'n'paste manually, but thats little more 'active', and you feel 'you're doing something'. It being automated adds a new level of fluidity.
Schnitzand get the post with your publish routine *regardless* of webmentions, just to see whether in the HTML representation there are webmention <a href=""> and then publish
Schnitz... I had thought implementation wise, since you already have code behind those webmention url grabbing the post as HTML, you could use that and modify it to a 'webmention detect' URL, so when bridgy gets something from Tumblr you then first throw it against that and find the actual webmention URL in the HTML, but thats an implementation detail I cannot foresee of course, sorry for that
SchnitzI am very happy to extend the wording of issue 590 text-wise to cover this idea as a possible way of dealing with this, if its any help, snarfed
snarfedthey're definitely related! this one sounded like triggering publish specifically. 590 sounds like fetching HTML to get all URLs, including outside of content.
Loqitantek: ben_thatmustbeme left you a message 2 hours, 34 minutes ago: i had a chance to look at that issue again, it would have shown the author if it had a type value for the author. if there is no type, its not in the correct format, and thus ignored http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-04/line/1451939694582
tantekben_thatmustbeme: I think I'm still not understanding where the problem might be - is there an assumption of what a particular post type has / doesn't have?
davidascherhi y'all. tantek mentioned on twitter that people have been thinking about how to federate the stream, in response to a tweet of mine. I haven't written up what I had in mind yet, but I'm happy to start by reading what others have done.
tantekdavidascher: a good place to start is what do you mean from (your) user perspective? what user feature are you talking about implicitly when you say "federate the stream"
davidascherI'm assuming that I have a network of people willing to work in cooperation, and in particular happy to defer any questions of monetization.
tantek(davidascher aside: each my @-replies to you actually originated on my own site, tantek.com, which then automatically syndicated those to Twitter so you would see it, a type of forced-silo-federation as it were)
davidascherI've found that there have been some interesting UX advances in the world of blogging, both w/ medium and wordpress, which lead me while reading one piece to reading other related pieces.
davidascherI'd like to explore whether there's a way to foster that kind of reading content that may be originally hosted on different, unsiloed blogs, but with the same continuity of reading that these silos have built.
davidascherIOW, could I make ghost or wordpress.org find related content via an explicit author-managed or (ideally) reader-influenced network of related content.
tantekdavidascher: one thing the indieweb community has proven is that no separate REST endpoints nor RSS feeds are needed, if you do a little bit of work on your home page
tantekdavidascher: but to answer your question, I don't know of anyone yet on their own site where they have some sort of (semi?)automated "Related Reading" function to articles on *other* sites.
davidascheryea, I'm specifically looking at related reading as a way of dealing w/ the UX failure that (I consider) feed readers, but with the same silo-tunneling goal.
davidascherWhat I'm wondering is whether we can turn a blog into a thing that doesn't just display the article from that one blog but also a front-end that can display content from other sites. It does presume that 'article' is a content type.
davidascherIn particular, I'm wondering not whether it's technically possible (it obviously is, provided enough effort), but whether people have thought about ways to do decentralized recommendation systems beyond "webrings".
davidaschersnarfed: yup, that could work. Another thing I was wondering about is local spidering of a twitter graph for example -- look at who the author follows on twitter, check their home page for appropriate content, suggest that.
davidaschersnarfed: q: how critical is it for "everyone to do themselves" in this community? I assume we're all using some OSS software and not requiring everyone to host baremetal and hand-craft html pages yea?
snarfedyup. in general we support all different levels of hosting. the one constant is that people need their own domain. that's what enables owning your data, migrating, etc.
petermolnarsnarfed about the owning the domain thing: I'm still sad that there is no way to actually "own" a domain; at best you're renting it for a while. Except for .onion, where you get a random generated string; that, in theory, you do own.
snarfeddavidascher: sorry, yeah, that plugin is kinda deprecated. we now recommend that you install the webmention and semantic-linkbacks plugins individually instead
tanteksnarfed, where on the wiki does it say "we now recommend that you install the webmention and semantic-linkbacks plugins individually instead" ? or how new is that recommendations?