tantekdavidascher: yes! ideally. however, like some other open source projects, they like to see adoption of functionality in a plugin before including it in core ;)
GWGBy the way, in the Settings Page for Syndication Links, it has a check box that says "Add rel-me links to the header, and below it a text box for the rel=me links."
tantekno one could find it or figure it out - we were all trying to help a new IWC participant who uses WordPress get up to speed and none of the instructions worked for any of us
tantekGWG, best way to learn more (about) user issues is to work directly with new users and listen and take notes when they're confused or ask questions.
GWGtantek: I'm eagerly awaiting one to work with. I have had a few things for Post Kinds lately that I did based on feedback, but no one has said anything until your comment. And I intend to try and rearrange it.
GWGtantek: I could add how to use Syndication Links to add rel=me to the wiki, or hold that off till I update with a better explanation in the plugin itself
GWG4. Alternatively, if you wish the links to be visible, do not select this box, visit the Appearance -> Widgets page, and add the Rel-Me Widget to add it to any widgetized area of the theme.
tantekbecause then you're aware of them, and if/when you change them in the future, (as in change what accounts you use), you'll see the obvious out of date accounts
tantekfrom a new person's perspective, it's like, here, please solve this UI maze adventure of several screens deep before we reward you with the functionality.
davidascherI mean that having a way to just configure WP to make it indieweb is great, because in some setups (wp.com IIRC) installing plugins isn't possible.
gRegorLoveThe hypothetical rel-me plugin could have a link in the main sidebar, so it's not hidden under Settings > or Tools >. One click, enter rel-me links one per line in a textarea, click save.
GWGgRegorLove: That is doable. Coding the plugin to recognize the installation of the Indieweb plugin and moving the main link under there instead of under Settings
LoqiRelated Reading is a feature of some blogging silos (like Medium, Wordpress.com) where at the end of a blog post, the system suggests another deemed-likely-interesting-to-you given your assumed interest in the topic that you just read about https://indiewebcamp.com/related_reading
GWG!tell acegiak, pfefferle, snarfed What do you think about the idea of the Indieweb plugin creating a unified settings area for any of the plugins included in it?
KartikPrabhudavidascher: the post author might have designed the post in a specific way with some custom design/scripts. I have no desire to "spoil" that experience for readers by showing the post in my site's design
davidascherMy own perspective is a) I care about the ideas inside the post reaching a broad audience, b) requiring people to visit N sites for N authors is not working compared to silos, so I'm looking for alternative ways to get the content to readers while keeping the idea of a federated web alive.
davidascherKartikPrabhu: which is a good feature request to my idea -- make it possible for people to indicate which posts can be syndicated, and which ones really need the entire context.
tantek.comedited /related_reading (+1498) "Why - based on reasons in original article, and provided by davidascher in IRC. How to, brainstorming" (view diff)
tantekdavidascher: do you want to provide a Related Reading on ascher.ca, or do you want your posts on ascher.ca to show up in others's Related Reading sections? Or both?
davidaschertantek: Personally, my content is generally script-free, so most of it i would syndicate out; I'm actually equally interested in having "related reading that is available through links" but that makes for a less smooth, stream-y experience, so I expect most of those links wouldn't be followed.
tantekLoqi is multifunctional, notifies us of wiki edits, Twitter mentions etc. in addition to being useful at answering some questions for folks in the channel.
davidascherKartikPrabhu: the point of the ring (and I think of my suggest-you-read-this "tunnel") is to create a virtuous cycle of recommendations between web authors. I send the 'network' traffic and expose the ideas that I think are interesting in a way that is more seamless than a "you should read this <link/>", and hopefully if my stuff is interesting you'll
LoqiTantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indiewebcamp.com/tanteking
davidascherwhich, of course, one can only do by first reaching level 1 certification, which is clearly how tantek thinks he's going to win over the world. One sucker at a time.
gRegorLoveGWG, acegiak: If the authors desired, any (future) IndieWeb plugins, bundled or not, could add to the "IndieWeb" main navigation link. So whichever plugin is installed first would add it.
davidascherWhile I want to use the "intellectual economic" incentives of web authors to participate -- if indieweb participation means i get more traffic and my ideas reach more brains (or at least as many as publishing on Medium), then I'm more likely to adopt an Indieweb approach.
tantekdavidascher_afk - I too have to run, however, a JS-required reading list would make sense - so others's articles wouldn't get indexed on your pages!
tantek.comedited /related_reading (+164) "Brainstorming how to provide a Related Reading feature - use a JS-required feature to avoid having others content indexed on your site" (view diff)
acegiakGWG: seems to be saving datetimes now? I dunno, maybe posting from my mobile is different. Should the duration be prefaced with PT in the frontend display?
petermolnarno, it works on text. html is text. markdown is text. it doesn't work in binary. but currently, it's a little too sensitive, so I'll work on that.
petermolnarcweiske the <pre> issue I haven't figured out yet (I still don't want to parse HTML), but for a little more restrictive matching this should do I believe; any opinions? https://regex101.com/r/uS1oV9/1
Schnitzmorning snarfed, another little success on my end, I got twitter signed up on my bridgy tumblr now, and POSSEd a new track of mine into fb & twitter, and look how nicely the commentary is now collected back from both FB & Twitter on my site belp.audio via Bridgy / Disqus: http://belp.audio/post/136678013002/11k-soundcloud-follower-free-bonus-track-the
aaronpkwell right now, Loqi is really just a UDP->IRC gateway. there's a UDP port he listens on and anything sent to that port ends up in this channel.
aaronpkso the twitter search is running on a separate server, builds the text to send to IRC and then sends it to the API. by the time it hits the IRC bot, there is no meta data, it's just a line of text
Loqi[snarfed]: GWG left you a message 16 hours, 26 minutes ago: What do you think about the idea of the Indieweb plugin creating a unified settings area for any of the plugins included in it? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-04/line/1451957187673
aaronpki'm not sure how that happened. it only sends a notification once for the same mention, so sending two webmentions wouldn't cause two notifications here
GWGsnarfed, how so? You are familiar with the Wordpress admin. If Indieweb was a top level in the side bar instead of plugins having stuff under settings that even you can't find...
gRegorLoveCan even ignore the question of the top "IndieWeb" link for now. Can always add that later. Pointing someone to "Settings > Rel-me Links" is clearer than currently.
Guerillerothanks, tantek. I have hung out in this chan for a while I learned about indewebcamp from tommorris a few years ago but never got around to adding my site as an example
snarfedGWG: i'm with gRegorLove, rel-me and synd links are pretty independent functionality. from a user perspective, it's not clear that they should be bundled in the same plugin
aaronpkI could be more aggressive about finding a profile pic too, by checking for rel=me links on the person's home page and looking for a photo in other profiles
aaronpkthat's what i mean though. if you just search "libravatar" and read about it, it is centralized, since all the examples point to you using their server
aaronpkyou keep saying "decentralized by default" but literally the first example is "Turn the image into a URL by prefixing it with the base URL http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/"
aaronpkin order for it to be decentralized by default, the description of how to use it needs to include the discovery step. otherwise people will just use libravatar.org and not do the discovery
aaronpkrhiaro: that's an interesting point. the fact that your email address is on your home page means anyone *can* get your gravatar picture if they know your URL
tantekI just kept hearing about it, asked about it, found out it involved weird DNS configuration tricks (that nearly no one bothers figuring out how to do)
LoqiLibravatar is a protocol specification for fetching avatar images for E-Mail addresses and OpenIDs in a decentralized way https://indiewebcamp.com/libravatar
kylewmpetermolnar: snarfed: definitely possible in the api (silo.pub does it), just have to figure out how ActivityStreams wants to represent lat/long locations