aaronpkoh maybe someone here knows, I couldn't find the answer online. when you are requesting a cert for subdomain.example.com, does letsencrypt check for the verification file at example.com or subdomain.example.com?
Loqicweiske: KartikPrabhu left you a message 10 hours, 2 minutes ago: thanks for reporting. It was a glitch in the code. In any case the hfeed2atom form is causing my server to "freeze" for some reason, so I have disabled it until I fix the problem. Sorry about that. I am no good at running services http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-06/line/1452123704062
petermolnar!tell snarfed,kylewm bridgy to Flickr location support tested, working flawlessly; one concern unrelated: if I use responsive images with srcset and the fallback, original image is small, that is the one that gets pushed. Would it be possible to parse srcsets and other responsive image methods? It might soon be needed.
tantekpetermolnar: it may look like making your life harder, but I'm actually making a smaller more constrained request that *should* help with getting us (as a community) as a whole solve the larger challenges you are bringing up!
KartikPrabhumy problem with srcset is it ties presentation ( image sizes in vw ) with HTML markup. I have no idea how to sanely implement it for a given arbitrary image
tantekBridgy folks will ask what's the right mf2/HTML5 way to parse it etc., and likely we need a way of specifying it explicitly in HTML5+mf2 for other consuming code as well.
tantekpetermolnar, KartikPrabhu the bigger challenge here is that we may need to add mf2 parser support for explicit srcset handling, and mf2 JSON updates as well. TBD based on real world examples.
petermolnarresponsive images are an extension to HTML to allow different resolutions of an img or a picture element, according to screen resolution or screen pixel density.
petermolnarwiki related question: 4 spaces should be code, but it seems like it executes the html in there. should I manually escape the <s ans >s or is there something I'm not aware of?
petermolnarthat comes from PHP; I've added definite image sizes to wordpress to generate these; when the content is generated, I auto-add the featured image if present and the featured image is html is generated like this, if that is the question
petermolnarby the way, I have this in the css: @media (min-width: 960px) and (orientation: landscape) and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min-width: 960px) and (orientation: landscape) and (max-resolution: 220dpi),(min-width: 2400px) and (orientation: landscape) and (-webkit-max-device-pixel-ratio: 1.9),(min-width: 2400px) and (orientation: landscape) and (max-resolution: 290dpi) {
KartikPrabhuso if I have the CSS #img1{width: 20%;} and #img2{width: 100%} the browser does not know until it downloads and parse the CSS but by that time it has laready requested the images
KartikPrabhuI think it does work as such. Which is why now I have JS doing the "responsive images" thing. But the drwback is that the JS has to wait for the CSS
Jeenainteresting, some guys here at the customers office I work at now listen to one of KevinMarks podcasts and got interested in my IndieWeb talk at foss-gbg next month, cool stuff :D
petermolnar!tell snarfed,kylewm granary is awesome! one note: is does not display images (neither inline, nor as attachment) when it's used in atom mode for Flickr
petermolnardoes the happy dance, got blogroll2email work with granary's json-mf2 mode work flickr and instagram, and now can has notifications in email
Loqisnarfed: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 41 minutes ago: bridgy to Flickr location support tested, working flawlessly; one concern unrelated: if I use responsive images with srcset and the fallback, original image is small, that is the one that gets pushed. Would it be possible to parse srcsets and other responsive image methods? It might soon be needed. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-07/line/1452160368618
Loqisnarfed: petermolnar left you a message 2 hours, 43 minutes ago: granary is awesome! one note: is does not display images (neither inline, nor as attachment) when it's used in atom mode for Flickr http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-07/line/1452171061991
snarfedadding a new silo is a lot of work, though, and i don't use soundcloud (and i don't think kylewm does either) so i doubt either may be unlikely for either kylewm or me to do anytime soon
Loqikylewm: petermolnar left you a message 7 hours, 19 minutes ago: bridgy to Flickr location support tested, working flawlessly; one concern unrelated: if I use responsive images with srcset and the fallback, original image is small, that is the one that gets pushed. Would it be possible to parse srcsets and other responsive image methods? It might soon be needed. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-07/line/1452160368618
Loqikylewm: petermolnar left you a message 4 hours, 21 minutes ago: granary is awesome! one note: is does not display images (neither inline, nor as attachment) when it's used in atom mode for Flickr http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-07/line/1452171061991
[snarfed]hey kylewm, does silo.pub support syndication? ie if i have silo.pub tumblr and twitter accts, can i use it to post to tumblr and posse that post to twitter?
kylewmno, interesting idea though... so you'd send your micropub request for tumblr with syndicate-to[]=https://silo.pub/twitter.com/schnarfed, and it'd pass the request along?
Loqimicropub chaining is when you have one micropub endpoint itself use micropub to post to another micropub endpoint, like to POSSE a post to silos, or to a community site or other commons https://indiewebcamp.com/micropub_chaining
kylewm[snarfed]: in my mind I guess it would work just like redwind does now. there is some UI for adding a micropub syndication target to your tumblr account
kylewmsnarfed: Schnitz: of course the major drawback would be you'd have to use Quill or another client to publish...not Tumblr's native client which I'dgues is pretty good?
aaronpkbut even still, to the user it just looks like another syndication target, doesn't really matter if the syndication target supports micropub or not
Schnitzkylewm: Tumblr's native client *is* pretty good, thats the point. I alllows Rich Text that becomes clean HTML, and you can author in HTML directly, which is nice (that how I add my webmention <a href="">) to my posts manually right now
snarfedaaronpk: sure. for normal syndication targets, agreed. it seems like the difference w/chaining is that a URL syndication target automatically tells the mp server to use micropub
snarfedkylewm: Schnitz: understood! it's a tradeoff, i guess. the benefit of silo.pub is that you'd get more sophisticated POSSE support than bridgy publish
aaronpkkylewm: yeah totally. right now the two approaches are either change the response of the syndication endpoint query to include that info, or have the client make an HTTP request to fetch the info from the syndication URL
Schnitzto post formatting wise we're down to either just text or one image plus text if you want it to be equally well recepted on Tumblr / FB / Twitter, not so much a technical issue, more about audiences and their usage patterns
gRegorLoveHah. Looking at Facebook's "Memories" for the first time. Ye olde tweets that cross-posted to FB are prefixed with "is twittering:" I'd forgotten about that.
aaronpkmy current rel=icon is my favicon (different from my profile photo), and I'd just have to add "aaronparecki.com" or "Aaron Parecki" to the title attribute
j12t, Pierre-O, webhat_, rhiaro_, ramsey_, voxpelli_, brucewang and tridnguyo joined the channel
aaronpkyou want the syndication button to say "aaronpk on twitter" or "twitter.com/aaronpk" though, in case there are more than one button on the same service
petermolnarI finally finished reading this: http://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm - this is probably the most important articles I've read in years; it's conclusions would also work as a manifesto for the web of the (near) future ( sorry for linking it again, it sure has been mentioned, but I'm amused and happy to read this. Finally something on 'what to do' not just 'what's borked and it used to be better' )
Loqipetermolnar meant to say: I finally finished reading this: http://idlewords.com/talks/website_obesity.htm - this is probably the most important article I've read in years; it's conclusions would also work as a manifesto for the web of the (near) future ( sorry for linking it again, it sure has been mentioned, but I'm amused and happy to read this. Finally something on 'what to do' not just 'what's borked and it used to be better' )
jgamc1106ooh may have to make the NYC IWC this year thoguh as non-dev person wonder if I somethign to contribute/learn. Wanted to make it last time but had travel conflict