#kylewm!tell jgmac1106 non-dev people working on their personal website are absolutely welcome; and actually the non-dev perspective is invaluable for building stuff we want to be usable by people who aren't primarily programmers :)
#aaronpkhuh, i'm having trouble finding an example of a blog where the author info appears at the bottom. all the ones on /irc-people i've checked so far don't actually show any author info!
#acegiakas in remove wordpress? or just use PHP to interact with the http request directly instead of through wordpress's hooks, which is what's tempting me
#petermolnar!tell GWG WordPress Feature Plugin Chat: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 2100 UTC - I'll try to attend and see if pushing webmentions is possible, backed with the w3c draft now
#LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 5 hours, 16 minutes ago: WordPress Feature Plugin Chat: Tuesday, January 12, 2016 at 2100 UTC - I'll try to attend and see if pushing webmentions is possible, backed with the w3c draft now http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-08/line/1452247498180
#LoqiIndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather semi-regularly to meet in person, share ideas, and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indiewebcamp.com/indiewebcamp
#GWG"Upon receipt of a POST request containing the source and target parameters, the receiver SHOULD queue and process the request asynchronously to prevent DoS attacks. There are three possible responses to the request, depending on how the receiver processes it. "
#GWGThe webmention plugin does not queue and process. It processes immediately
#GWGThe last version of this would add the remote_source to the comment data, to be available to the preprocess_comment filter. The second part of the change would give comment_post access to the comment_data
#GWGYou'd be able to pull, preprocess, and post process without requesting the HTML twice
mattronix joined the channel
#GWGIt would allow a rewrite of semantic linkbacks to update pingbacks and webmentions before they hit the database instead of after
#petermolnarGWG I'm not sure this will fly; where is the HTML coming for the pingback data?
#GWGThe pingback function already pulls it. It just doesn't pass it to the filter
#petermolnarright, but the webmentions plugin implements it's own endpoint, and I thought it does not use the pingback, especially since pingback is xml-rpc based
#GWGpetermolnar: But it could also be set to pass the same data through.
#petermolnarI disagree with you on the approach for this; I'd store the received POST and cron the HTML pull
#GWGWhat I think would make sense is to abstract out the delivery mechanism from the processing mechanism and have pingbacks and webmentions processed by the same code
#GWGBut the pingback spec doesn't allow for async, I believe
#GWGThe only acceptable responses to a ping are for it to be processed.
#petermolnarI honestly believe the best 'async' you can get out of WP is via cron
#petermolnarso I'll try to implement something like that
#aaronpkmost likely not, but it depends on other plans
#tantekaaronpk: yes, there's been interest for Florida, and February is a cold month so Florida would be nice then. We can also do later in the year if we can't get a venue etc. in time.
#tantek.comedited /Events (+60) "/* 2016 */ update link to Moz All Hands in June, add December all hands dates, bold locked down IWC dates" (view diff)
#gRegorLoveYeah, I use lists for those I want to keep caught up with, just saying in general.
#gRegorLoveIt sounds like they want to be more like Medium
#aaronpkyeah I'm not saying I support long-form writing on twitter, I just am struggling to actually say anything in the remaining 80 chars after a bunch of @-mentions
#gRegorLoveA friend suggested they at least not make usernames count towards the character limit. I think that's a bad idea for spam and harassment, though.
#bearall of the moves twitter is making remind me of the changes facebook has made
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indiewebcamp.com/repost
#tantekthat's a one-off repost experiment, though I did markup the repost-of URL in my storage, so assuming I actually implement reposts, the appearance of that post will update automatically.
brianlove_swords joined the channel
#tantekhey brianlove_swords - we're having an IWC NYC 1/22-23! You still in Brooklyn?
#bearis testing his micropub post + webmention sending automation....
#tantekaaronpk: do you have a new ETA on your new site?
#aaronpkI'm not sure. I'm really struggling with the CSS/design finishing touches. I'm also worried I'm going to hit some snags once I start importing my content.
#petermolnarbut I honestly don't understand why is it good for X social network to add Y feature Z has; eventually they'll all become the same in different themes
#tantekpetermolnar: precisely what I predicted in my 2014 talk at Personal Democracy Forum
#tantekpetermolnar, it takes no effort from us for the silos to erode their own advantages like that. however it provides us with opportunity. it's up to us to seize it.
#GWGpetermolnar, if you convince Wordpress to start a webmention feature plugin, who would lead the project team?
#tantekGWG, my guess is that it would be met with skepticism due to their shutting down of pingback/trackback
#petermolnarGWG that I don't know; which means that I'll postpone this and first talk to everyone involved
#tantekuntil we've got more /Vouch implementation experience/deployment
#aaronpki could try to script my IRC client so that at least if i'm inthe channel someone else can restart Loqi
#tantekwhat we really need is /backfeed from Google News to our personal sites or any mention/inclusion of silo profiles like tantek/flickr or flickr/tantek
#tantekwonders how Bridgy could do backfeed from Google News
#gRegorLoveWith Syndication Links I think the functionality is not related, and agree with tantek's suggestions that the rel-me should be a core feature of the IndieWeb plugin.
#gRegorLoveSo in that case it's actually swapping to another plugin.
#gRegorLoveWebmention and Vouch are closely tied and make sense in one plugin, imo.
#snarfedright. it's not that you want to always try for more plugins or fewer plugins. you want the appropriate number, with the appropriate features together or separate.
#gRegorLoveMy thought with WordPress plugins is if most installed just Webmention plugin, then it took off, then there's spam problems, then they have to go back and install Vouch plugin.
#gRegorLoveA widget to add an h-card to a page, or to each post?
#kylewmI'd vote for separate plugins. Vouch is still experimental and many/most? people here do not use or support it
#snarfedthat seems like an argument to make it an opt in option, but not necessarily a separate plugin
#Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indiewebcamp.com/URL_tagging
cleverdevil, wolftune, jonnybarnes_ and modem_ joined the channel
#KevinMarksrel="tag" says ignore the linktext, use the last bit of the URL so that is tricky compared to u-category
tvn, raretrack, tantek and Pierre-O joined the channel
#tanteksnarfed, aaronpk is right, it's the term after the parsing prefix that's part of the vocabulary
#snarfedtantek: ok, sgtm. i guess it was a bit hard to grok that from reading http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2 , since properties are all listed with their prefixes, and it includes language like "properties: (parsed as p- plain text unless otherwise specified)"
#snarfedbut i don't feel strongly about any of this
#tanteksnarfed, probably means we can make the docs better
tvn joined the channel
#aaronpkyeah I agree the docs are misleading in that respect
#aaronpkbut it's a tough balance between including examples of the HTML you'd actually write vs what might be "technically" correct
#snarfedaaronpk: totally! i wasn't looking at examples in this case though
#snarfedi'll see if i can make some small language tweaks
#snarfedjust to confirm, some properties require certain prefixes, but others (e.g. category) support multiple...? and for those, the spec doesn't necessarily enumerate every possible/reasonable prefix for each property, but leaves it somewhat up to convention and best practice?
#aaronpkit's more like if the value is a string, you're *probably* never going to use a u- prefix for it, but there's nothing actually stopping you from doing so
#KevinMarksthough e-url or dt-url would be perverse
#aaronpk<a href="string-value-here" class="u-property"> would result in {"property":["string-value-here"]} but that's just weird
#aaronpksimilarly <time class="dt-url" value="http://example.com"> would be ridiculous but would work
#tanteksnarfed, no property requires a particular prefix per se, it's just that some properties only some (or one) prefix really makes sense to use in real world content.
#KevinMarksit is something that makes gong form parsed back to html a little harder