aaronpkbut then it has "Note: the CSS required to make this demo work cross-browser is slightly different from the CSS shown in the example above, which assumes a fully spec-compliant browser. See the comments in the source for more details."
aaronpk"sticky" meaning always at the bottom, so if the page is shorter than the window, it's at the bottom, and if the page is longer than the window, you have to scroll to see it
petermolnar!tell GWG I've spent a few hours on trying to morph the current webmentions plugin into what I believe could be async on receiving, but it uses a different logic from what I need, so it seems I'm about to write a another-webmentions-plugin for wp :/ not ideal, but I have no better way so far
LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 7 hours, 22 minutes ago: I've spent a few hours on trying to morph the current webmentions plugin into what I believe could be async on receiving, but it uses a different logic from what I need, so it seems I'm about to write a another-webmentions-plugin for wp :/ not ideal, but I have no better way so far http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-09/line/1452328287744
GWGBut I do think if there is an attempt to get webmentions as a feature plugin, it should be written up to full specification. petermolnar did suggest it as one.
GWGsnarfed, let's say, hypothetically, a man came up to you and said... "Webmention, that just sounds like a pingback. What's the difference?" What would you say?
GWGMy plan with Syndication Links is a minor rewrite to add some features and refine some code, because I still haven't decided if I'm going to split the plugin as suggested. For now, I'm just going to make the instructions better. But I intend to fix all issues.
[snarfed]thanks again btw for continuing to work on so much WordPress stuff, GWG! we're lucky to have you here. you contribute a lot of value to this community.
matrrixaaronpk_: I have a bunch of webmentions seemingly stuck between bridgy and webmention.io again :-( http://notes.whatthefuck.computer/1451896320.0-note.html for example should have quite a few according to bridgy, but none are returned