2016-01-11 UTC
# 00:18 GWG I've never done a review as anything but an article. I may start.
# 00:22 kylewm KartikPrabhu: thanks, it's SubToMe, which is amazing
# 00:22 Loqi SubToMe is a button content publishers can put on their sites which enables users to subscribe to their feed in whatever reader they choose — sort of a universal follow button https://indiewebcamp.com/SubToMe
# 00:28 GWG I suppose I should reserve review for future use
lukebrooker joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# 00:48 [shaners] The plan is to use Dark Matter + generic noun for all the parts and pieces
# 00:48 [shaners] Dark Matter Publisher, Dark Matter Reader, Dark Matter Box, etc
ttepasse joined the channel
# 00:56 [shaners] I had previous plans to name my eventual reader thing “Feed Me. See More."
# 00:57 [shaners] While clever, it didn’t tie into Homesteading (as a name), nor into Dark Matter.
# 00:58 [shaners] aaronpk: how’s the home stretch looking for new site launch?
# 00:59 aaronpk only two more minor features to implement, then i'm going to start the import/conversion process
# 00:59 aaronpk which I expect to turn up a few bugs and maybe missing features
# 01:00 [shaners] I have one bug in my export/import script from old site content into new content. (Which I’m waiting on Bookis for help on). Then I’m flipping the switch.
# 01:01 [shaners] Then, the real work starts. Adding features: webmentions, posse, micropub. Plus more post types.
# 01:01 [shaners] But it won’t be speculative anymore. It’ll be running on my site proper. Finally.
snarfed, lukebrooker, tantek and [shaners] joined the channel
# 01:36 [shaners] aaronpk: when you get to the part where you import your old content, if you can wrap disparate sections in their own threads, then holy cow it goes faster.
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:36 aaronpk it's gonna take a looot of spot-checking individual posts since i have a lot of different kinds of content
# 01:38 [shaners] Same. But as I get each post type importing correctly, I’m able to push it into the done pile. Wrap it in a thread. And pew pew pew!
# 01:38 tantek what is this "import" process you speak of? why is the storage format changing? was it not a standard format to start with?
# 01:39 tantek pretty sure anyone with a mf2 parser could use my (Falcon) storage files. just saying.
# 01:39 [shaners] I’ve re-imported my whole thing several times now. That speed really starts to matter after the frist fews times.
# 01:40 aaronpk yes part of the process is indexing everything in the database
# 01:40 tantek heck, the storage files themselves are public on my website (not directly linked to except from the indiewebcamp wiki)
# 01:40 [shaners] tantek: do you have anything of importance that is not wrapped in mf2
# 01:41 aaronpk but also i'm changing from storing posts in a subfolder per type to a single collection of dated files, so EVERYTHING is getting renamed
# 01:41 tantek the storage files have some rel=next rel=prev links between them, and technically that's not mf2 though mf2 parsers do parse the rels
# 01:41 aaronpk even though my actual "file format" isn't changing much, i still have to convert everything
# 01:41 tantek well, the directory structure you use *is* part of the file format because it has assumptions built into it
# 01:42 aaronpk there is no "just" in storage implementation details
# 01:43 tantek "single collection of dated files", um, does that mean one giant flat folder of YYYY-MM-DD-... files?
ttepasse joined the channel
# 01:46 [shaners] tantek: my import process is moving from my pile of duct tape and popsicle sticks codebase to Dark Matter (formerly HS). Some of my assumptions changed in that time. And some of our assumptions in the community changed in that time.
# 01:46 [shaners] eg, I was calling things “activities” before, now I’m calling them “posts”. etc
# 01:46 Loqi gives aaronpk the index number to be in date order
# 01:46 aaronpk tantek: that's just the storage location, as a URL it doesn't contain the "public" part
# 01:46 tantek shaners, to be fair, getting storage formats right over a long time period is difficult
# 01:46 aaronpk anything in the "public" subfolder is rewritten in nginx and doesn't actually get processed by any of my PHP code
# 01:48 aaronpk I didn't want the "post.txt" file to potentially be visible since I will be storing private posts the same way, I didn't want someone to try adding "post.txt" to the end of my URL
# 01:51 tantek shaners, similarly, I made the first storage design decisions in 2009
# 01:52 tantek ah I found a flaw. I started with pure hentry, and then started adding mf2 properties to it.
# 01:52 tantek so the decisions we made to make the mf2 parser stricter in terms of back compat will no longer handle my storage format
# 01:53 tantek (obv I have a custom format-specific parser since I implemented it before we had mf2 parsers)
kbs joined the channel
# 01:54 [shaners] another change of heart and mind, i’ve had is having the /nth/ in the URL. I’m dropping it for Dark Matter. I’ll set up redirects for my personal site, to not break URLs in the wild. But I’m not pushing that onto other DM users.
# 01:56 tantek well we're covering various URL design options at least
# 01:56 aaronpk interesting. the initial post type in the URL is exactly what i'm moving away from
# 01:57 [shaners] Yep! We’re going in opposite ways on this particular detail.
# 01:57 tantek I think they're important for user-friendly URLs, and search rankings
# 01:58 tantek I think it's important to keep them malleable since they're user data, and user data should always be editable by the user without breaking anything.
# 01:58 [shaners] this is one of my favorite pars of the #indieweb community/movement. we all get to decide what’s important to us and do that thing.
# 01:58 tantek shaners - how do you handle a user wanting to have two posts with the same slug in the same day?
# 01:59 tantek shaners - right, we're exploring different design options using our own websites. this is a good thing.
# 01:59 [shaners] tantek: auto-increment the slug (if it’s the same post type)
# 01:59 tantek so part of the slug is auto-generated then, and not user-authored
# 01:59 [shaners] two posts on same day of different types can use the same slug
# 02:01 aaronpk being able to edit slugs is probably the main reason I didn't want to use the slug as the internal identifier
# 02:01 [shaners] It can be human authored. If it’s not, it gets generated from a slugging algorithm.
# 02:01 [shaners] If it’s human authored, and not unique, it gets incremented.
# 02:01 tantek aaronpk: "solved" it, uh, keeping track of redirects across site installs is a major pain and majorly fragile
# 02:02 tantek aaronpk like when you change domains and do redirects etc.
# 02:02 tantek I've yet to see someone make that work with wordpress AND changing slugs
# 02:03 aaronpk wordpress keeps a history of every old slug for a post, so you could absolutely create an export that redirects every previous version of a post slug to the new domain
# 02:03 tantek aaronpk - wordpress had to since they painted themselves in a corner
# 02:03 aaronpk of course not everybody properly sets up redirects when they change domains or change platforms, but that's not really a wordpress problem
# 02:04 [shaners] tantek: if an author changes her slug after publishing a post? Lookups are still done by the combo of type + date + slug. But we try to fallback if we can’t find it.
# 02:04 aaronpk i still have yyyy/mm/slug entries in my master redirect list from when I was running wordpress
# 02:04 tantek I change my slugs, sometimes several times, on 10-20% of my posts
# 02:04 tantek so nice to not have to keep track of that anywhere
# 02:05 [shaners] any part of the URL is deletable from right to left. all subsets of paths still return something.
# 02:05 aaronpk "not have to keep track of that anymore" is only true as long as you are running software that understands the way you handle slugs
# 02:09 aaronpk back to automatically adding location data and setting local timezones for my posts
# 02:10 aaronpk i actually feel i have a good handle on it in my current site which is nice
# 02:10 aaronpk (it helps having a persistent source of my current location)
kousu, KartikPrabhu1, xregetic, j12t and wolftune joined the channel
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# 05:00 kylewm it pointed out that one of my libraries has a license I can't use
arlen and tantek joined the channel
# 05:35 tantek sometimes I find open tabs of old IRC logs (like over a year)
# 05:37 tantek aaronpk, shaners, how would you describe what you are doing with your site update / site transition / export / import process?
# 05:38 tantek I'm trying to figure out a name for it so we can capture some of these challenges (may help with future design)
[shaners] joined the channel
# 05:41 [shaners] And to move all of my content from old database to new database, I did what is effectively an export/import.
# 05:41 KartikPrabhu1 i called it "redux" when I wrote about moving from Blogger
# 05:42 [shaners] So, prolly not quite right for what aaronpk and I have each done.
# 05:44 [shaners] kylewm: retooling doesn’t feel quite right either. at least in my case. i can’t speak for aaronpk, of course.
# 05:44 [shaners] but i used almost all of the same tools (ruby, rails, pg, heroku). I just re-did it all from scratch.
# 05:44 tantek shaners, both you and aaronpk are making very drastic (code + data changes)
# 05:44 KartikPrabhu "site transition" seems to capture it. It could be transitioning from one codebase to another or from silo to own site etc...
# 05:45 Loqi tantek meant to say: shaners, both you and aaronpk are making very drastic (code + data) changes
# 05:46 tantek other types of "transition" - site redesign - where the focus is presentational - the underlying DB / CMS etc. might still be the same
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 05:46 [aaronpk] I usually just refer to it as rebuilding or rewriting my site
# 05:46 tantek site update or site upgrade - might be same-ish design but new version of CMS
# 05:47 [aaronpk] as in, "It took me 10 months to rewrite my site. I don't recommend doing that."
# 05:48 tantek shaners is leaning towards "[site] rebuild" and aaronpk is leaning towards "[site] rewrite"
# 05:50 [aaronpk] I wouldn't say relaunch unless I had stopped writing on my old site
# 05:55 [shaners] This milestone is a “launch” of Dark Matter as a thing re-usable by other people though.
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# 06:21 [shaners] Sure, I guess. But I’ve rebranded my site before without rewriting the underlying software.
lukebrooker, j12t, tantek, nitot, cweiske, KartikPrabhu1, Jihaisse, e-lima, squeakytoy and sanduhrs joined the channel
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# 16:36 [jonnybarnes] Did David ever make his Laravel inidiewb plugins? https///indiewebcamp.com/Laravel
# 16:37 aaronpk my new site is written in Lumen (a subset of Laravel)
# 16:44 mwunsch aaronpk: thank you. didn't know if there was more to do other than just editing the Wiki
# 16:45 aaronpk have you already signed in to the wiki before or do you need help setting that up?
tvn_ joined the channel
# 16:47 mwunsch aaronpk: I signed up a while back; all good. thanks
loic_m, tantek and friedcell joined the channel
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# 17:25 aaronpk i do sometimes include commentary inline in my collections, which then makes it not a repost
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# 17:28 aaronpk still firmly believes a repost can only be a repost if there is no additional content
jgmac1106 and ttepasse joined the channel
# 17:34 tantek I see both perspectives, having believed what aaronpk is saying, and yet having done a manual repost+comment myself
# 17:34 tantek petermolnar: "share" is too watered down to be specific about
# 17:35 aaronpk "repost with comment" is totally a thing but is different from a repost
# 17:35 tantek aaronpk: that's another way to consider it yes
j12t_, friedcell and obensource joined the channel
# 17:41 jgmac1106 excited to actually maybe make my first #indiewebcamp in NYC, the NYC offerings usually cooincide with Mozilla offerings, but the boss (wife) did not give me clearance to head out to Singapore for the leadershup summit
# 17:41 Loqi jgmac1106: kylewm left you a message on 1/7 at 4:07pm: non-dev people working on their personal website are absolutely welcome; and actually the non-dev perspective is invaluable for building stuff we want to be usable by people who aren't primarily programmers :) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-07/line/1452211639709
# 17:43 jgmac1106 @Ben Werdmuller you get onlien left this message on wrong channel: Hey Ben you didn’t mind me citing there may be no indieweb federated network tweet. I always hesitate and rarely cite a tweet without explicit permission
# 17:46 jgmac1106 @kylewm Thanks working on the logisitics and will make atelast one day work
# 17:46 aaronpk I need a microformat to store links to translations of my blog posts
# 17:46 aaronpk can I use h-cite if i'm not actually including any of the cited work other than the name?
# 17:47 aaronpk i can't use rel because that doesn't work with my mf2 storage
# 17:47 aaronpk i can publish it on permalinks yeah, but i need an mf2 way of storing it
# 17:48 aaronpk i will use h-cite in an "alternate" property then?
cleverdevil, squeakytoy2, fkooman and snarfed joined the channel
# 18:03 jgmac1106 h-card is my next step. I think I got webmentions and bridgy working but have done nothing with h-cards
# 18:21 jgmac1106 my first focus for 2016 is to really figure out lets encrypt for all my web properties
# 18:22 jgmac1106 but thats more long term a q1 but people have told me the way I am setting up my classes by using myclass.mywebsite.com is a huge security risk
# 18:25 aaronpk milestone unlocked! I just implemented the last remaining "feature" before I am ready to start importing content!
# 18:25 aaronpk I fully expect the import process will uncover bugs or missing features, so I wouldn't say I am close to "done" yet but this is good progress!
# 18:32 mwunsch i put a little tribute to david bowie on my site: markwunsch.com
# 18:47 dietrich tantek: someone else in pdx might be interested in hosting though
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# 19:45 bret aaronpk: unfortunately i have a work related thingy on wed >:[
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# 20:50 tantek aaronpk: had any thoughts about when to host Socialweb wg f2f?
# 20:58 tantek which reminds me - where's their CFP? is it too late to submit?
koray, todrobbins, cleverdevil, sonicrocketman and modem_ joined the channel
# 21:50 sonicrocketman Hello everyone. I'm new to IndieWebCamp, and I wanna see what you all are all about!
# 21:51 tantek What do you think of the main points on the home page? indiewebcamp.com
# 21:52 sonicrocketman @tantek I love all of those things, and it's why I wanted to check this out, but I am kind of unclear as to what you do...
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# 21:53 tantek sonicrocketman: are you curious about what to do next?
# 21:53 sonicrocketman brianschrader.com
# 21:54 tantek awesome! have you tried signing-into the wiki with it?
# 21:54 sonicrocketman Just did
# 21:58 sonicrocketman thanks!
lukebrooker, snarfed, cleverdevil, frzn, friedcell, obensource, singpolyma, Pierre-O, hober, Erkan_Yilmaz, shiflett and KartikPrabhu joined the channel