LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 53 minutes ago: I've altered wp-webmentions-again; it now creates it's own table in the db to act as a queue, due to the lack of queue manager in WordPress; this way sending can be initiated from anywhere http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-13/line/1452726904184
snarfedi was thinking of a different question: if your site doesn't support post type X (e.g. RSVP), do you then suffer and never post Xes until you have code for them? which might take indefinitely long?
mblaneythere's obviously multiple levels of investment to make that happen, would be nice to be able to read about starting from the smallest set up to the largest
mblaneyok thanks, I guess that answers my initial question that from an indieweb perspective where we all have 1 server, the next level would be to have at least 4 servers.
aaronpkthere are really two parts to the cost, one is the actual cost of the servers, the other is the maintenance cost of making sure the fallback mechanism is working
[snarfed]all good redundancy discussion! mblaney I'll plug cloudflare again, they may have the best and easiest plug-and-play live serving redundancy service I've seen
hoplo2Yeah that website is really handy. I’m looking at adding microformats information to my posts, the end goal of this is to add classes to my html?
matthewschutte.comcreated /User:Matthewschutte.com (+1019) "Created page with "I am drawn to complex challenges that include: - surfing 50 foot waves at Mavericks - rethinking the role of privacy in a society - architecting a more useful structure for the i..."" (view diff)
hoplo2, snarfed, AngeloGladding, tantek and minsky joined the channel
petermolnaruntil there's a custom comment type support - it could be done with a few filters I believe, so I'll look into that - I'm sticking to this queue solution
petermolnarLoqi had a little time off, so: http://wpbin.io/4au9hq <- this might be enough to support custom comment statuses, but I'm yet to start testing it
GWGIt would be. But I'm not sure if there are other concerns. Although 4.5 might be the version of custom comment types, so might be a good time to slip it in.
petermolnara, suppress displaying the comment until 'approved'; b, suppress spam filters until the end of custom-approval, which is the pullback of the remote content
bearOpenSSH CVE-0216-0777 -- tl;dr; add "UseRoaming no" to your ~/.ssh/config or /etc/ssh/ssh_config to turn off the experimental feature that for some reason was enabled by default
snarfedon an unrelated note, i made a bridgy screencast for applying for facebook's user_actions.news permission. annoying but at least it's done! https://youtu.be/otq0rcidmyI
aaronpkif you *can* do async processing in the existing wordpress infrastructure then I think you should. if it requires a bunch of changes to core then probably not worth doing at the moment.
snarfedi'm curious which "page loads" you all keep referring to. webmentions usually aren't end user HTTP requests; humans generally aren't waiting on them to finish to see anything.
aaronpkcourse it has its own problems, which is why I usually set up a cron job that hits the wp-cron.php file manually and disable the automatic one in the config
snarfedhonestly you might consider waiting to see how the wp core people respond and what they actually care about and ask for. i suspect fully designed and hardened async support will be low on their list.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "problems, outside it not being guaranteed to run with the set frequency" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10BG
aaronpkthat's actually an interesting point, since the default async method is wp-cron being triggered by visitors, you're actually giving people a worse default than having the webmention request process it synchronously
aaronpkbest option of course is a real cron job to keep all the processing outside of web requests, but if you can't do that, then it might actually be better to have the webmention endpoint do everything itself
petermolnaraaronpk re worst user experience when you're using wp-cron based plugins one might assume it's aimed for environments where system cron triggers wp-cron
snarfedgRegorLove: if your small self-hosted WP site gets hit by, say, a 1kqps webmention DoS, you're going to have a bad time just trying to handle those inbound requests, regardless of whether you process them sync or async
aaronpkattacker makes 100 simultaneous webmention requests with a source URL that will keep the connection open for an arbitrarily long time. now all of a sudden your server is holding 100 connections open and using ram for each.
snarfedanyway. it's complicated. as usual, when in doubt, follow occam's razor, do the simplest thing until if/when you know there's a real problem to address
gRegorLoveDepending on the async delay, those 100 requests may not all hit the end target though, right? Which I guess falls under "somewhat mitigates" not prevent.
LoqigRegorLove meant to say: Depending on the async delay, those 100 requests may not all hit the end target at the same time though, right? Which I guess falls under "somewhat mitigates" not prevent.
petermolnaraaronpk I've seen a small spike in nginx requests, but to be honest, with all the iptables and nginx limits in place, I'm surprised it's even visible
petermolnarthe wp-webmentions-again you were hitting checks for valid url source, valid url target & maps the target url to a post id; if all these pass, it pushes it to the queue
tantekfavorite quotes is a feature of some silo profiles (like Facebook), where a user can add quotes that resonates particularly strongly with them or are self-describing.
LoqiA quotation is a type of post that is primarily a subset of the contents of another post, and often has a citation of that other post https://indiewebcamp.com/quotation
gRegorLoveThe /quotation definition also sounds like it must be a quotation of a post posted at a URL, so quoting something someone said offline wouldn't count?
tantekthe importance of the distinction is demonstrated by the existence of different phenomena in the wild, each deserving of their own documentation, analysis, clustering, and possible reconstruction. See for example [[favorites quotes]] vs [[quotation]] posts.