snarfed!tell tantek hey, can i file a falcon feature request? it's great that you dropped the leading instagram urls (and FB etc) from photo posts! any chance you could do it in your atom too?
aaronpkbut you will notice that what I publish on my site might be slightly different from the storage versions, so at least I can hold off on that aspect if I want
[shaners]tantek kylewm aaronpk: wrt G5 listed as the copyright on php-mf2 (somehow), should I just go ahead and change that to public domain / CC0 like the other things?
[aaronpk]You copied the license from the Ruby parser verbatim including the copyright G5 part. It was also my fault for not noticing when I merged the PR
aaronpk[shaners] interesting. I'm not sure I agree with that completely, "activity" is a generic/overloaded term so pretty sure I want to avoid using that term
danlyke_, yakker, Pierre-O, singpolyma, shiflett, lewisnyman and hs0ucy joined the channel
aaronpkI want the posts to appear on the date of the talk (not the date I made the post about it), I create these posts both before and after the talks, they sometimes include a link to slides or video
aaronpkhere's what I've got so far. It doesn't actually treat these as a distinct post type, but includes the "view slides" link if the post has embedded slides, and shows the event name if the post is linked to an event
Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 16 hours, 17 minutes ago: hey, can i file a falcon feature request? it's great that you dropped the leading instagram urls (and FB etc) from photo posts! any chance you could do it in your atom too?
tantek!tell snarfed totally fair request. Do you have a suggestion or link to best practices for photo posts in Atom? Would happily help document on wiki and dogfood it.
aaronpkyeah, forget the name of them. what i'm actually trying to do is have a permalink with a date of the day I gave a talk, which collects information about the specific talk
tantekaside: I've always found the compsci usage of parent/child a horrible analogy/metaphor because rarely (if ever) do compsci parent/child relationships actually represent something that (co-)creates or raises or is responsible for something else.
tantekit's always a containment/hierarchy relationship in compsci, which is a fraction of (and at at that, not the most important part of) actual parent/child relationships
tantek(one could also imagine renegade subevents which were not officially part of OSBridge but tookover an OSBridge room during when OSBridge was happening)
voxpellitantek: since I arrived in the middle of this discussion – small question: would you say that this experimental property would be useful on a standalone conference page as well?
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 8 minutes ago: totally fair request. Do you have a suggestion or link to best practices for photo posts in Atom? Would happily help document on wiki and dogfood it.
aaronpkit's a subtle difference because there's no reason a "collection" post can't be updated later, which then means it has some properties similar to feeds
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "difference between a feed and a collection" yet. Would you like to create it?
tantekthe term "feed" is both so abstract and so plumbing-centric that it becamse kinda useless. and hence it was replaced the the similarly abstract and plumbing-centric "stream"
Loqitantek meant to say: the term "feed" is both so abstract and so plumbing-centric that it became kinda useless. and hence it was replaced the the similarly abstract and plumbing-centric "stream"
tantekKevinMarks: I think the point is one of prior art/term existence, e.g. TV channels, IRC channels, and even Pointcast channels - thus there was no need to invent "feed" or "stream" to mean the same thing.
voxpelliwas thinking non-plumbing centric in the way that people don't start to think about plumbing when they hear channel in the same way they do as when they hear feed or maybe stream
tanteknote that in CDF - there was no in-place sending of the content in an ITEM, instead, an ITEM would only have an HREF to the actual "article contents" (presumably as HTML)
LoqiGNU social is a free software project that "will be a decentralized social network that you can install on your own server"
tantekit's good to gather publishing practice, but writing a bunch of code without new functionality (a new post type "label" is not really new functionality) is kind of a form of yakshaving
miklbhey! Been lurking past day or two & doing a lot of reading on indieweb. Just want thank everyone for sharing info. Very inspired to embrace more of the ideas I've been reading.
gRegorLovemiklb: Cool! Have you signed in to the wiki yet? You can add yourself to /irc-people with an avatar and then it will show up in the logs and link to your site.
miklbgRegorLove I have not yet. I will once I have a little more implemented. New to Ruby in general, so slowly working through the implementation. Currently working on using Aaron Gustafson's Jekyll webmetion gem
LoqiJekyll is Ruby software that helps you create "Simple, blog-aware, static sites" suitable for static domain hosting
Loqiselfdogfood is a stronger form of dogfooding, that is, using your own creations on your own personal site that you depend on, as an aspect of your primary online identity, day to day — if you're not willing to use your creation on your own primary personal website, why should anyone else use it on their primary personal website?
tantekgRegorLove: I think that's a kind of anti-pattern - prepopulation with filler text that just serves as a distraction / dilution of the actual meaningful text in the page
tantek.comedited /selfdogfood (+2220) "why vs why not, move quotes back to top since they are more generally illustrative than why/whynot specific, add self to examples, subheads for people" (view diff)
miklbsknebel: the gem I mentioned earlier seems to be a good solution. I just need to figure out how to add a rake file to the travis ci publish script I have
tantek!tell voxpelli is "A WebMention Endpoint" seriously the formal name of or would you consider a more specifc (less confusing as a general phrase) name?
miklbpetermolnar: specifically in my case, I don't know Ruby (yet) so having an out-of-the-box solution is proving difficult. Also, I tend to over engineer and get ahead of myself.
petermolnardo you know bash, do you have a shell access on the site generator server, or are you generatic the site locally on your computer and just pushing the static files?
miklbpetermolnar: currently I do have a VPS, but am using travis ci to build the site and push from a git branch to the master on GitHub, bypassing their restrictions on built in Jekyll support
miklbsince one of my goals was to be able to publish to my site from iOS, this is a workflow that is allowing that. I can write a markdown file on my phone, and push via another iOS app (Working Copy) have it publish