#LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indiewebcamp.com/URL_design
#aaronpkhm not sure where to share personal anecdotes
#tantekI think other pages have a perspective section where it's clear people are whole-heartedly expressing what they know are likely outspoken personal opinions
#[shaners]tantek: I guess I just added /events when I re-launched veganstriaghtedge.com with Dark Matter on 2016-01-10. I forgot that my old site didn’t have them.
#sknebelI got a bit confused since the list of providers on the front page seemed incomplete (which I just discovered was my aggressive adblocker), so I went to GitHub to check in the source
#[shaners]I mean, it might be the browser, but it’s fixed with a space character between the image and text.
#tantekaaronpk: I think we don't want any extra space in the sparkline template because it is supposed to be used for things "like" characters that can be adjacent without sapce
#tantekshaners - yeah, seems fine so no big either way
#tantekI don't mind re-purposing maker from make magazine - they don't own it
#KartikPrabhutantek: I know most events are passive, but I didn't know "maker event" was used for participatory events
#bearmaker == lab; in my mind - it shows that you are not just going to sit and listen to someone talk about *their* experience but rather you will also get a chance to participate
#tantekmore than participatory - should signal that you'll actually have the opportunity/ encouragement to create something
#tantekanything "hack" or "dev" or "build" gives too much of a developer/engineer focus (or implied requirement)
#tantekhave heard that feedback many times, so trying a different variant
#bearagree that hack/dev/build are overloaded and carry (now) negative connotations
#bearthat article is making the assumption (or has a bias that) making is a wholly physical/consumptive act IMO and completely ignores the fact that teaching is creative/maker and in order to even begin to criticize you would first have to have been a creator
#kylewmthe jump from making to "making a product to sell" is too big to take that article seriously
#bearI do like the over all point the person was trying to make - that in the past makers were a boys club and we should strive to avoid that in the future
#bearand that making a nurturing environment should be given the same weight as making something physical
#tantekright now I'm automatically POSSEing photos to Twitter & FB because of that support, and just manually POSSEd (via Bridgy UI) a photo to Flickr to test it
#tantekI've been manually POSSEing videos to Twitter (using their iOS app)
#snarfedman i have zero experience w/videos on silos other than youtube
#snarfednever posted, watched maybe one on twitter, that's it
#tantekso much toxicity on Youtube, I never want to post there
#tanteknevermind their takedown / re-ownership policies
#LoqiJSON (abbreviation for JavaScript Object Notation) is a data serialization format often used by HTTP APIs, growing in popularity instead of XML, and also the canonical output of microformats2 parsers https://indiewebcamp.com/JSON
#tantekmeta name was a hopeless attempt at encouraging web authors to publish invisible (meta)data which suffered from numerous problems from template copypasta, to typos, to spam, to inevitable rot with the passage of time.
#SebselTwitter is down... usually I search for the name of the service to see if others are having troubles too, but that's impossible now. Good excuse to work on my own site :)
#jgmac1106yeah weired I never changed them to “no follow” that I remember,
hs0ucy joined the channel
#jgmac1106thanks for help peter. I think it is stupid wordpress editor. If it opens in the visual editor everythign gets stripped away and then when I switch over to text I am left with: <div style="text-align: center;"><i class="fa fa-twitter fa-4x"></i><i class="fa fa-google-plus fa-4x"></i><i class="fa fa-github fa-4x"></i><i class="fa fa-medium fa-4x"></i>
#petermolnarjgmac1106 do you have jetpack installed on your WP?
#jgmac1106pisses me off so much. Everytime I edit my front page I lose all my stuff. Yes to Jetpack
miklb joined the channel
#petermolnarit has an extension to use markdown instead of html
#petermolnarso if you don't need too fancy content you might want to turn off the visual editor and enable the markdown support via jetpack
#jgmac1106has to be soemthing in my theme causing the issue bc I know I don;t have a social-tooltipl and socila-links, defined in my css sheet, something is taking over
#jgmac1106I will do, and nvm on the other code snippet that was in my footer. I just wish wordpress would stop deleting the stuff I add. Will try removing visual editor and biting the bullet on learning markdown….honestly don’t understand all the fuss when I compare the chatacters it doesn’t seem to save that much time
#jgmac1106late for work now thx for help Peter, I copied a text mate file of my homepage so I can quickly put back in what Wordpress strips out..until I can get the jetpack/markdown thing figured out
#kylewmtantek: I don't think the Facebook person tags is going to work for people who have never signed up for Bridgy... I don't know why the numeric ID worked for that one guy at HWC though :/
miklb, jgmac1106, snarfed, shiflett and snarfed1 joined the channel
#tantek!tell snarfed,kylewm figured I should capture that in the issue for the feature - commented on https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/459 and reqeusted to re-open to track/fix this apparent regression.
#kylewmtantek: I don't think it's a regression -- Facebook only lets us work with app-scoped-user-ids; even if we give it real IDs, it ignores them. and the only way Bridgy can know someone's app scoped ID is for them to have signed up for Bridgy
#snarfedok, so far i don't see that we did anything wrong. we sent the person tags in the right format, which we've used before successfully, and the FB API call returned a 200, which it usually won't do if we get anything wrong.
#snarfedwe did get approved for a new FB permission recently, user_actions.news, but that *should* be unrelated
#snarfedtechnically you don't need to disable first, you can just re auth directly from the front page. disabling is fine too though
ehlovader joined the channel
#snarfedso just to confirm, you disabled listen, it redirected back to your user page, you clicked to disable publish, and it showed you "user not found" ?
#tantekmaybe? I might have hit back and saw the mixed state?
#petermolnarfirst time ever I want to leave a comment on a tumblr post... apparently, that is not possible. i can like it, repost it, embed it, follow or pm the person, but there is no comment, no pingback, no webmention.
#snarfedwow that led me down an amusing mini rabbit hole. one of their tips on a "lesser known ios app feature":
#snarfed"Smash the cache to free up extra memory on your phone—it should run faster and crash less. Tap the account tab (the human), then "Settings," then smash your cache."
#voxpellikylewm: ping me if you want update help :)
#Loqivoxpelli: tantek left you a message 21 hours, 7 minutes ago: is "A WebMention Endpoint" seriously the formal name of webmention.herokuapp.com or would you consider a more specifc (less confusing as a general phrase) name? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-18/line/1453157580745
#tantekI think aaronpk had a # of sign-ins into the wiki too for 2015
#kylewmthere's, number of people building stuff, number of people attending events, or number of people using indieweb stuff
#Jeenabut 'a couple of thousends' is good enough, thanks!
#tantek.comedited /2015-review (+2143) "/* IndieWebCampers */ stub with code and a few folks from the top of my head from 2014 that also went in 2015, please add more" (view diff)
#tantekvoxpelli: if you have a moment, could definitely use help with going through the /2015/ IndieWebCamps and copying over people from their Guest List pages to that grid ^^^
j12t joined the channel
#voxpellitantek: not really time with that now, but can spider them for Twitter users accounts later :)
#aaronpki've never seen it before. what does it mean?
#tantekthat's an indicator that that person was not notified of that reference, can't be notified because the reference is on a post that they do not have access to
#Loqigroup in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indiewebcamp.com/group
modem_ joined the channel
#tanteka private group is a group where the posts, members, and any other content in the group is only viewable by members of the [[group]], a common social [[silo]] feature (like on [[Facebook]]).
#LoqiBackfeed is the process of syndicating interactions on your POSSE copies back (AKA reverse syndicating) to your original posts https://indiewebcamp.com/backfeed