2016-01-30 UTC
# 00:00 aaronpk syndicating, sending webmentions, sending PuSH notifications for each feed the post was added to
tantek and benwerd joined the channel
# 00:04 kylewm not to mention the stuff that happens in response to a PuSH notification
Lancey joined the channel
DeltaWhy and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek and TheDavidJohnson joined the channel
# 00:38 aaronpk all of it is running in a background queue for me
TheDavidJohnson joined the channel
# 00:47 aaronpk *whew* okay my new runkeeper import is working now!
# 00:48 tantek reads yesterday's logs from tomorrow in Sydney.
# 00:48 aaronpk I swear I am going to launch this site this weekend
# 00:50 GWG aaronpk, in my professional life, I am often called upon to give motivational coaching to those I supervise. Do you need a pep talk.
# 00:50 aaronpk oh I have plenty of motivation! and this time also have the time!
# 00:52 GWG I have decided to pause my venue work in favor of the Indieweb plugin update.
# 00:53 GWG I was stalled on a few design points anyway
# 00:55 GWG Of course, still wondering where to draw the line.
hober2, awolf, DePhraser_, anarchivist_, FergusL__ and Leeky_ joined the channel
brandonrozek and Phae joined the channel
# 01:14 aaronpk forgot to add photo import to runkeeper but now that is done
# 01:14 GWG I prefer not to outsource that myself.
# 01:15 aaronpk lately i've actually been entering it manually from an app on my pebble that doesn't sync anywhere
# 01:15 aaronpk but ideally I want this to be using the jawbone since it's still the best
TheDavidJohnson joined the channel
# 01:25 tantek davidascher: I see you got yelled at for advocating HTTPS
mothersele joined the channel
# 01:40 tantek !tell kylewm HWC SF venue @MozSF confirmed for February meetups, and first meetup in March. 2nd March meetup venue up to you! All ready for you to post indie events + FB POSSE copies for 2016-02 and 2016-03 HWC SF events. Thanks much!
# 01:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
DeltaWhy and singpolyma joined the channel
# 02:21 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 41 minutes ago: HWC SF venue @MozSF confirmed for February meetups, and first meetup in March. 2nd March meetup venue up to you! All ready for you to post indie events + FB POSSE copies for 2016-02 and 2016-03 HWC SF events. Thanks much! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-29/line/1454118026780
# 02:30 GWG kylewm: Did I miss this? Did you abandon redwind?
# 02:35 GWG Well, if someone came up with an Android h-feed reader..
# 02:39 kylewm it turns out I do not know how to redirect a query string
# 02:40 aaronpk you can match that at your web server layer if you want to avoid php
# 02:42 kylewm I bet it's upset about that repost that had all sorts of garbage in it
# 02:42 GWG But I'm not talking to the tt-rss developer about it
# 02:43 kylewm unrelated - should I be salt/hasing API tokens that are stored in my database??
# 02:43 aaronpk technically that's best practice, but if you plan on ever being able to show the token to users then you can't
# 02:46 kylewm and like, silo.pub has no choice but to store them
# 02:46 kylewm GWG: I'd be curious to know if the feed is working now
shiflett joined the channel
# 02:47 aaronpk yeah. your other option is to store an encrypted version in the database with a key that your application has, that way at least a compromised database doesn't expose all the tokens
# 02:47 GWG LibXML error 26 at line 179 (column 42): Entity 'mdash' not defined
# 02:48 GWG Let me see if I can force a refresh.
# 02:49 tantek I wonder if an IndieWebCamp adjacent to a WordCamp would make sense.
# 02:49 GWG But would require a lot of that discussion we've been having.
# 02:50 GWG Possibly worth having at a Wordcamp
# 02:51 GWG tantek: I was going to go to Wordcamp NYC, but I hurt myself before and had to spend the weekend sitting very still.
# 02:52 GWG But there is definitely potential for cross-pollination
# 02:53 tantek GWG, indeed, I don't want to rush that discussion for sure
# 02:53 tantek I'm also hoping for general community cross-pollination
# 02:58 aaronpk hm actually i have a workaround for this particular case, but it's kind of a general problem with using named parameters like "photo" in micropub
# 03:11 tantek there's just too much goodness in that event photo to fit into a tweet about RSVPing to the event
shiflett joined the channel
# 03:18 tantek which then begs the question, should an /event post with a featured/header photo be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo?
# 03:19 tantek and should an /event post without a featured/header photo, but with a location, be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo which is just a static rendered image of the map view of the venue / location?
# 03:21 tantek now wondering if I should build my event posts as extensions of my photo posts to kind of force that in my own posting behavior
# 03:21 tantek I have no idea on what "engagement" or "response rate" is on events with header photos vs. events without, but I'm *guessing* that with photos is much higher
# 03:22 tantek though the event case is more like an article with a featured photo than a photo post
# 03:23 kylewm also curious about event photos with people vs. event photos that are just the IWC logo
# 03:27 tantek ah she added the @-names and #SquadGoals ok this is now making more sense
TheDavidJohnson joined the channel
# 03:38 TheDavidJohnson So I stepped out for a little bit, but if there's interest in doing something adjacent to WordCamp in Miami, I'd be glad to help organize
# 03:40 GWG TheDavidJohnson: When is WordCamp in Miami?
# 03:41 GWG I won't be in Florida till early March.
# 03:42 GWG I have to find a lifestyle that supports my desire to attend conferences.
# 03:43 GWG Either way, back to updating the Indieweb WordPress plugin, speaking of that.
# 03:44 GWG TheDavidJohnson: Hope you will tell me if you work it out as well.
# 03:46 GWG TheDavidJohnson: What do you plan to do at WordCamp?
# 03:47 TheDavidJohnson GWG: Not sure yet... I'm taking my wife to familiarize her with the WordPress / open source community, so I'll be playing tour guide for sure
# 03:49 TheDavidJohnson GWG: We use WordPress heavily in our business, so it should be fun for all sorts of reasons
# 03:51 GWG TheDavidJohnson: I keep trying to get WordPress people interested.
hrrsn joined the channel
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# 04:05 TheDavidJohnson GWG: Sounds like a worthy goal. What do you find most challenging about bringing WordPress users around?
# 04:07 GWG TheDavidJohnson: Well, judging by the feedback so far, the plugins we have need some simplification and improvement.
# 04:08 GWG You can't assume everyone can make the modifications themselves.
# 04:08 TheDavidJohnson GWG: I just updated them for the first time in a while on one of my sites... so I haven't really used them in months. Planning to dive in to them this weekend and see how much they've improved
# 04:10 TheDavidJohnson GWG: I installed one (I think it was "IndieWeb") and got prompted to install quite a few others
# 04:10 TheDavidJohnson Honestly, I lost track -- I had trouble with one or another of them, and couldn't make the time to try to sort out what was going on
# 04:12 TheDavidJohnson Ha!! I have to get used to that. I guess I need to not phrase things in ways that can be confused as questions
# 04:12 GWG TheDavidJohnson: That is the issue I'm trying to work on.
# 04:13 TheDavidJohnson GWG: I'm sorry I don't have useful feedback -- I'll get some usage under my belt here shortly and will be glad to do what I can to help
# 04:14 TheDavidJohnson (I'm not much of a coder yet, but I can troubleshoot and provide detailed feedback)
# 04:15 GWG The plugins were written as itches by various people. They need some tweaking to work for a more general audience.
# 04:15 GWG TheDavidJohnson: I'm a horrible coder, but I seem to survive.
kerozene joined the channel
# 05:04 tantek kinda shocked there's no "opened envelope" emoji
kerozene joined the channel
wolftune and mothersele joined the channel
# 05:44 GWG I'm bookmarking that. I'm working on new Indieweb Menus for the WordPress plugin.
# 06:34 tantek mothersele: looks like no one here has heard of it, if you go, ask them if they support indieweb formats and protocols like Webmention and Micropub
# 06:34 mothersele yep will do
# 06:34 mothersele looks like it uses xmpp
# 07:25 miklb hmm. Seems like my build and webmention fires before the page is available on GitHub so bridgy doesn't send the mention
j12t joined the channel
# 07:32 miklb yeah. After everything to get all of it to work, stymied again
ttepasse, KartikPrabhu, geor_gs, shiflett and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
ttepasse joined the channel
loic_m joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
# 12:23 cweiske aaronpk, I get a white page (but 200 OK) when trying to sign into your website
mothersele joined the channel
lewisnyman, tantek and mothersele joined the channel
# 13:46 tantek having RSVPd to the HWCSF events in February, thinking about what would make a more compelling but brief event description
# 13:47 tantek goal: make it both more interesting/attractive if you're just curious (want to find out more), and make it more welcoming to creatives of all kinds (similar to recent IWC Guest List page changes)
# 13:57 mothersele short codes, as used in url shortners. are there any best practise recommendations for generating them?
mothersele joined the channel
nitot_ and tantek joined the channel
# 15:21 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: I haven't added a link to it anywhere yet. I'll figure that out after I launch, I just needed the functionality for my import script :)
# 15:33 mothersele thanks @aaronpk I've become averse to long, so called search-engine friendly, urls. i'm going to default to short urls. and 301 all my old urls to new short-url permalinks. does that seem like a reasonable thing to do?
# 15:34 aaronpk see some more thoughts there. there are some human-friendly reasons for having structured (and longer) URLs
# 15:36 mothersele yes some good points on that page. i'll ponder this for a while. maybe i'm being too zen.
lewisnyman, Gold and wolftune joined the channel
# 16:01 aaronpk heh so far i've been consistently at 3-4 years per site rebuild
# 16:03 aaronpk 1999-2004, 2004-2008, 2008-2012, 2012-2016, 2016-present
# 16:03 aaronpk still can't believe i lost the files for the first version of my site tho
# 16:33 kylewm mothersele: a nice middle ground is having the identifying part of the URL be short, but include a descriptive slug that can be anything
Sebsel joined the channel
# 16:33 kylewm so if it gets line wrapped by an email/irc client, or you change the slug, the link still works
# 16:40 voxpelli if one does that, then ensuring a redirect or a rel-canonical to the expected slug is also a good idea
# 16:41 GWG voxpelli: Working on some of your commits to the Indieweb plugin
# 16:42 voxpelli GWG: cool, feel free to ask if you have any questions about them :)
# 16:42 mothersele how about I use my short url as the permalink, but when routing, treat the end of the url as arbitrary fluff that is ignored. That allows me to write whatever i feel like writing on the end of the url, depending on context
# 16:42 GWG voxpelli: I'm merging in some of the code I used when I tried this problem elsewhere, and then I'm removing it from elsewhere
# 16:43 kylewm mothersele: it lets anybody else write whatever they feel like writing too ;)
# 16:44 voxpelli GWG: ok, if you need a review or somehting then give me a ping
# 16:44 kylewm and would confuse e.g. bridgy -- it wouldn't know to backfeed comments on example.com/a1234/friendly-slug to canonical url example.com/a1234
# 16:45 voxpelli mothersele: depends on how that arbitrary fluffy stuff is going to get added and if you do a redirect if the fluffiness has has become the wrong kind of fluff
# 16:45 GWG voxpelli: Lots of work first. I had icons
# 16:46 aaronpk well that was a weird trip down memory lane. just archived my 2008-2012 mediawiki site as static HTML so I can keep it around
lewisnyman and Schnitz joined the channel
# 17:03 Schnitz loqi !tell snarfed I haven't changed anything from my side but my posseing from tumblr does seem to work anymore, I'm still investigating if it has something to do with a change within tumblr, maybe you know more with regards to bridgy? https://brid.gy/tumblr/belp.audio
# 17:04 Schnitz loqi !tell snarfed ... doesN'T seem work anymore ...
# 17:05 Loqi Schnitz meant to say: loqi !tell snarfed ... doesn'tN'T seem work anymore ...
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 17:10 Schnitz !tell snarfed I haven't changed anything from my side but my posseing from tumblr doesn't seem to work anymore, I'm still investigating if it has something to do with a change within tumblr, maybe you know more with regards to bridgy? https://brid.gy/tumblr/belp.audio !tell
# 17:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:11 Schnitz had 3 weeks of digital detox, still getting used to technology again... ;)
# 17:11 GWG voxpelli: To start, the Default Author is set on the widget itself. Since one of the proposals brought forth is t have a top-level menu for Indieweb enabled by the plugin, it should be set as a global option, not just for the widget.
# 17:12 voxpelli GWG: ok, not sure it's actually needed at all actually
# 17:12 GWG voxpelli: Also, I'm trying to think of a scenario where you'd have an author for the site itself when it was multi-author.
# 17:12 voxpelli GWG: since either the blog is multi-author and then everything should be attributed to each and every author individually, or it's single-author and then the default author is kind of obvious
# 17:13 GWG The logical change is that if there is only one author, then it should set up as author = site. If there are multiple authors, it should behave like a multi-author site and scope to the page.
# 17:13 GWG voxpelli: You beat me to the conclusion there, but I think we are both on the same page
# 17:13 voxpelli GWG: to answer the scenario one – only I can think of is if one starts to have guest blogs on ones single author site, but that sounds like somewhat of an edge case :/
# 17:13 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: GWG: to answer the scenario one – only I can think of is if one starts to have guest posts on ones single author site, but that sounds like somewhat of an edge case :/
# 17:14 GWG voxpelli: If you have guest posts, it should be a repost.
# 17:15 voxpelli GWG: guest posts are usually posted on someones elses blog and only later, maybe, posted on ones own
# 17:15 aaronpk i'm updating my phone to iOS 9 finally, as part of my site launch believe it or not
# 17:16 GWG voxpelli: I think we can consider it an edge case till someone asks though.
DeltaWhy joined the channel
# 17:22 GWG voxpelli: I also split the various classes into their own files.
bupkes joined the channel
# 17:23 GWG It is now at three php files, not counting the Getting Started page.
# 17:24 GWG One for the Rel-Me Widget, one for the extensions to the user profile, and the main file for the settings.
# 17:27 GWG Also, petermolnar coded Last.FM. Is that an IndieAuth provider?
# 17:32 aaronpk i think last.fm broke their rel=me link on their latest redesign
# 17:33 aaronpk yeah there's no more link to my site on my last.fm profile :(
# 17:34 GWG aaronpk: I'll leave it on the list. Just trying to make sure I have everything in.
# 17:36 bupkes sorry about those edits, my bad.
# 17:59 aaronpk taking this opportunity to also upgrade my ubuntu system while i'm at it
benborges, rMdes and geor_gs joined the channel
# 18:21 aaronpk i'm writing everything down and setting a reminder to do this every 2 months tho
# 18:21 aaronpk including updating nginx, openssl, and updating the cipher list
# 18:23 GWG aaronpk, all good things. You should write about them.
# 18:25 kylewm I really need to figure out the micropub syndicate-to stuff
# 18:25 kylewm the syndication buttons in woodwind look beyond terrible now
# 18:26 aaronpk i will gladly help as soon as this site is launched
# 18:27 GWG aaronpk, how stable is the standard with the draft specification out?
# 18:27 aaronpk not very. I added a big red warning in a couple sections.
# 18:28 GWG I guess I will hold off on the problem for a bit then.
j12t joined the channel
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snarfed, georg, cweiske and lewisnyman joined the channel
# 19:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:58 aaronpk *sigh* php on my old site is too old and i can't install a dependency for my export script
# 19:59 aaronpk i'm gonna have to export it from my laptop version
miklb, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 20:20 GWG I can try, but it is a weakness of mine.
# 20:21 tantek ^^^ and that's a general request for anyone in the channel - feedback request that is
# 20:23 GWG I like the image at the top. It makes it look more inviting
# 20:25 KartikPrabhu I like the inviting intro; better than having just a when where etc... to start
# 20:29 mothersele @tantek adding the image makes it much more inviting
# 20:30 KartikPrabhu mothersele: better not to add the "@" in front of the names. In the logs it will link to a twitter account and @tantek is not tantek's twitter!
# 20:32 GWG tantek: Only one thing...shouldn't the caption be domain names on the picture, not Twitter handles?
# 20:32 aaronpk oh man, apparently I broke images in a bunch of my old blog posts and never noticed
# 20:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: it's ok, I have @tantek too - it just tells people to use @t :)
# 20:33 mothersele twitter handles -> irc names -> domain names? how do we identify ourselves
# 20:33 tantek the point is that no matter how you identify yourself, you should be able to "follow your nose" and find the indie web site
# 20:35 tantek oh dear, and now you've nerd-sniped me into updating that FOUR YEAR OLD page :P
# 20:36 tantek KevinMarks: can you ask Liberty for a version that photo with our domain names instead (or at least *before*) our Twitter handles?!?
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:41 aaronpk there seems to be a disconnect between the opening sentence and that photo: "join us for an evening of quiet writing"
# 20:43 tantek yes - photo posing improvement suggestions welcome!
# 20:45 tantek ok I'll add the bullets to the next 02-24 also
# 20:47 tantek and for the photo - we can add that based on the next one!
# 20:59 tantek ok that's a good enough stretch to try out the new intro text
# 21:00 tantek alright, how about whichever city posts the best HWC photos from one meetup, we use it for the next event posting? (where best includes factors like total numbers, diversity, pose creativity etc.)
# 21:00 tantek I know Portland has some good examples of that in the past :)
snarfed and Emma1 joined the channel
# 21:19 Emma1 how can i add a picture to my website?
# 21:24 GWG Emma1: That may require more information. What is your website?
Sebsel joined the channel
# 21:37 Sebsel It looks like you have the GitHub-pages setup?
# 21:39 Sebsel Well, if you edit your index.html and add <img src="/imagename.jpg"> to it, that will add an image to the page. But you'll have to upload that image to your Github too, to display it for everyone to see.
# 21:40 Emma1 ok, thank you - i'll try that!
# 21:40 GWG Neither am I, I'm afraid. I should play with it
# 21:42 miklb Emma1: you could use your twitter profile image if that's what you are looking for.<img class="u-photo" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/657573921340960769/PIhVAcIf_400x400.jpg">
# 21:45 Emma1 oh cool! thanks!
Sebsel joined the channel
# 21:49 Emma1 how can i change the font on my website?? (also - does anyone have a suggestion of a good place to learn some basic things about building a website? I really dont know anything beyond the few things i learned at the indie web camp last weekend in NYC!)
# 21:52 Sebsel Well, HTML and CSS are the place to start, I think, seeing the path you took with Github pages?
# 21:53 Sebsel Searching for 'basic HTML CSS tutorial' must give you plenty of video's and sites :)
# 21:53 GWG Well, I'm sure someone wrote a tutorial on writing a site on Github pages
# 21:53 miklb \_O_/ officially sending webmentions with my Jekyll build
# 21:54 Emma1 ok, cool! thanks for the suggestions
singpolyma joined the channel
# 21:55 miklb GitHub does have some info for GitHub pages.
# 21:58 Emma1 awesome -- thanks!
# 21:59 Sebsel Maybe a good idea to update the blank site starter with an external CSS file? Then we could've suggested one line to change the font now
# 22:00 Emma1 hmmmm how do i do that?
# 22:03 GWG Sebsel: I think that you may be getting ahead of things.
# 22:03 GWG Emma1: I think the first question is: Is basic web design something you want to learn?
Sebsel joined the channel
# 22:05 GWG Okay, having established that, you need to cover enough some basic HTML and CSS ground.
# 22:05 GWG You can try something like this...to get some basic information
# 22:06 GWG There are dozens of online courses
# 22:06 GWG I'm trying to find basic tutorials.
# 22:06 GWG Not sure if I have a recommendation. KartikPrabhu, do you know what is good in a basic HTML/CSS tutorial?
# 22:07 KartikPrabhu I learnt by making files and adding stuff to them na dseeing other people's source code
# 22:07 GWG I read a few basic tutorials, then started looking at how sites I liked did things
# 22:08 miklb another option, would be to look at something like http://html5up.net pick a design, and then use the references to understand what is going on in the code
# 22:08 KartikPrabhu Emma1: instead of learning all of HTML/CSS or something what is the next thing you'd like to do on your site?
tantek joined the channel
# 22:12 Emma1 i'd like to add some structure to the page. i.e., a separation to write a bio, and tabs for different sections / pages
# 22:13 KartikPrabhu Emma1: to start a new section use the <h2> tag just like you have used for your websites title. Then you can write things inside <p> tags (paragraph)
# 22:15 Emma1 ok, cool, thanks! ill try that
# 22:16 GWG I think maybe I'm overthinking the question again
# 22:16 Emma1 thank you, everyone, for your help! i realize im asking some broad sweeping questions -- appreciate all of the answers and suggested resources!
# 22:16 KartikPrabhu so it would go <h2>New section</h2> <p> Some stuff in the new section</p>
# 22:18 Emma1 ha, thanks Tantek!
# 22:18 KartikPrabhu HTML is very very error-safe so it is great to just learn by experimenting
Sebsel and benwerd joined the channel
# 22:20 Emma1 ok thanks. KartikPrabhu your website is so cool!
# 22:21 Emma1 this shows all of the code for your website?
# 22:22 Sebsel No, you have to right-click on the page and go for 'inspect element', or 'show source', depending on your browser
georg joined the channel
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# 22:26 Sebsel Hi, sorry for logging on and off... the server keeps kicking me. Is there a place to troubleshoot about that? I can't find anything.
georg_ joined the channel
# 22:27 Sebsel I want to be on-topic and helpful, but I can't this way.
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# 22:28 KartikPrabhu Emma1: that link is the atom feed for RSS readers. To see the code on Firefox your can right-click "View Source"
georg_ and squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# 22:29 Emma1 what does atom feed for RSS readers mean?
# 22:30 KartikPrabhu Emma1: Things like Google Reader (now dead) can read that file so that people gets updates about new post :)
# 22:30 KartikPrabhu yeah that claim was "technically incorrect" Atom feed for Atom readers ;)
# 22:31 Emma1 ha, Tanek, great question!
# 22:31 Loqi RSS typically loosely refers to a set of XML feed file formats of varying degrees of use for syndicating typically time-stamped content from web sites https://indiewebcamp.com/RSS
georg_ joined the channel
# 22:32 Emma1 the atom link is helpful
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 22:33 aaronpk I think I am going to flip the switch on my new site before I import comments
# 22:36 Emma1 one other question! how can i make the text appear in different rows.
# 22:36 Emma1 i see that if i use <li>
# 22:36 Emma1 there will be a bullet point
# 22:36 aaronpk if I have my site archive avatars when I do the comment import i think this might take days
# 22:36 tantek Emma1, try putting a <br/> where you want a line break
# 22:38 tantek wow that's a really bad ordering of elements to teach someone
# 22:39 tantek really needs to just start blogging his chapters of "HTML5: The Good Parts"
# 22:40 tantek Emma1: MDN (developer.mozilla.org) is a *great* reference
# 22:40 tantek KartikPrabhu: sigh, even that tutorial starts off wrong. heading tags to start with? really?
# 22:41 GWG I think if we find a really good tutorial on HTML and CSS, we should add it to the wiki
# 22:43 tantek KartikPrabhu: yeah the ones from search engines are really bad
# 22:43 Emma1 hahahaha. no you guys don't scare me!
# 22:43 tantek the best tutorial is just to keep asking questions (as you are), and get answers in chat
# 22:44 GWG Emma1: I was more speaking about the fact that none of us have looked for this sort of resource in a while and we're discovering that some are dated.
# 22:44 Emma1 how can i make things be indented or in the center of the page?
# 22:45 Emma1 hahaa no worries GWG.
# 22:45 Emma1 for example, right now, all my stuff is left aligned
# 22:45 miklb Emma1: that would be best served with CSS, as with your font question
# 22:46 GWG When I first started with HTML, you did all styling together with the content. Now, the two are mostly separated.
# 22:47 KartikPrabhu Emma1: HTML is used for structuring and CSS is used to style how it looks. I would suggest putting the content you want in HTML first and then moving on to CSS
# 22:47 kylewm !meme HTML5: The Good Parts | Shut up and take my money!
# 22:48 GWG How about HTML5 Now? I hear it comes with a DVD with 2.5 hours of tantek.
# 22:49 GWG Emma1: I'm sure you could convince tantek to give you an autographed copy.
# 22:49 Emma1 only if he tells me how i can move on to CSS
# 22:49 Emma1 would i be interested in buying his book
# 22:51 KartikPrabhu Emma1: to start with CSS, 1. make a fodler inside your github called "stylesheet" and inside that an empty file with "main.css" or any other names you want
# 22:51 GWG I learned CSS from O'Reilly, but this is me.
# 22:52 GWG Once you have a CSS file...you might want to look at the same file on people's sites to get an idea of how they are structured.
# 22:52 KartikPrabhu that might not work, since CSS files might be compressed and completely unreadable
# 22:53 Emma1 ....how do i make a new folder?
# 22:53 Emma1 see an option to make a new file?
# 22:53 aaronpk oh dear. google has started crawling the local version of my new site
# 22:55 KartikPrabhu Emma1: click on new file and when it asks for name put in "stylesheets/main.css"
# 22:55 aaronpk the funny thing is this is listerally running on my laptop so it's only "online" when my laptop is turned on
# 22:55 GWG voxpelli: Pushed changes to Indieweb plugin repo. More coming
# 22:55 Emma1 ok, cool, thank you
geor_gs joined the channel
# 22:56 aaronpk i dropped some links into the logs here, I guess that's how
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# 22:57 aaronpk and I guess my computer has been on a lot recently :)
# 23:00 KartikPrabhu Emma1: now in your HTML file inside <head> below the <title> put <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/main.css" />
geor_gs joined the channel
# 23:02 Emma1 hmmmm does that mean not to do <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/main.css" />
# 23:02 tantek Emma1: just start with a main.css file next to your index.html
# 23:03 tantek start with everything in the same folder until it gets too much
# 23:03 Emma1 what is "too much"?
# 23:03 Emma1 LOL re: too much question
# 23:04 Emma1 ok so what does that mean "start with a main.css file next to your index.html"
# 23:05 tantek I think you can click the Create New File button and call the new file "main.css"
# 23:05 miklb Emma1: same directory your index.html file is in
# 23:05 KartikPrabhu Emma1: it means making the "main.css" file directly next to the "index.html" instead of putitng it in a new folder
# 23:06 KartikPrabhu Emma1: sorry about that. Since you have already made a folder, maybe let that remain?
# 23:06 miklb I've always found deleting empty folder with git to be difficult
# 23:07 Emma1 certainly no need to apologize!
# 23:07 Emma1 so ill just leave that and make a new file
# 23:08 tantek didn't realize folders were baggage in github
# 23:08 KartikPrabhu Emma1: At this stage we can work with the main.css you have already made
# 23:08 aaronpk there is no way to create a folder in git, you can only create a file in a folder
# 23:09 tantek so git is bad at garbage collecting folders then
# 23:09 miklb that's it, time to switch to mercurial ;-)
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# 23:13 Emma1 KartikPrabhu: do you have any suggestions as to how to start working on the main.css page?
# 23:13 KartikPrabhu Emma1: to see any effects of that you'd first need to put the <link> thing I suggested in the index.html
# 23:18 Emma1 ha ok...i cant figure out how to get back to the page where i was editing things
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# 23:21 Emma1 ok, so i put link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/main.css
# 23:21 Emma1 below the title!
# 23:21 Emma1 making progress!
# 23:22 Emma1 also -- just as an FYI -- and not to be rude, because i very much appreciate your time, patience and knowledge that youre sharing with me
# 23:22 Emma1 i have to go in ~20 mins to a dinner!
# 23:22 KartikPrabhu neat! OK now a simple (but not great) way to center things on your site
# 23:24 Emma1 that it to make everything on the whole page centered?
# 23:24 KartikPrabhu it will tell everything inside the body of your HTML to align in the center
# 23:24 Emma1 ok - actually, what i'd like, is just to create a margin on the left hand side
# 23:26 Emma1 how can you guys all see my page?!
# 23:27 Emma1 can i see your pages?
# 23:27 KartikPrabhu github has default public-visible code. you can get a paid account for private ones
# 23:27 Emma1 oh i dont mind! its proven helpful :) was just curious how you got to know where it was
# 23:28 Emma1 ok so i did the 10% thing but i dont think its working
# 23:28 Emma1 cool! thank you!
# 23:32 Emma1 ok! changed that
# 23:32 KartikPrabhu and there you go. there should be a margin on your site when you refresh the page
# 23:33 Emma1 hmmm it doesnt seem to be working
# 23:33 Emma1 maybe i need to make the % larger
# 23:33 KartikPrabhu on my browser it does have a margin on the left compared to the previous one
# 23:34 miklb Emma1: same here. Refresh the page a few times. Broswer caching can be the bane of debugging/live coding.
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# 23:36 Emma1 mine is still not showing it...but i trust all of you trustworthy people that it's working.
# 23:36 Emma1 and will keep refreshing
# 23:37 Emma1 ah! that worked!
# 23:37 Emma1 now there is a serious margin
# 23:37 Emma1 i got a bit over eager when it didnt seem to be moving!
# 23:38 KartikPrabhu to be complete the %-value is "the margin will be that % of the total width"
# 23:38 Emma1 cool, that is very helpful indeed
# 23:38 tantek when it seems like something is not working, exaggerate it to see if it is having any effect at all
# 23:38 tantek I still do that with all kinds of code and it's useful for finding weird bugs
# 23:39 Emma1 i'm a natural coder ;) ;)
# 23:39 aaronpk yeah I definitely do that in PHP too, with things like die("WHAT IS GOING ON")
# 23:39 Emma1 KartikPrabhu thank you so much for you guidance and help! and for explaining everything step by step
# 23:39 Emma1 that was very kind of you!
# 23:40 KartikPrabhu once you see how HTML/CSS works you can start experimenting on your own
# 23:40 Emma1 yeah...i feel like i still need some more context / background to even know what my questions are or how to experiment
# 23:41 aaronpk lol at anomalily's first reaction to seeing my new site. "It looks the same as before"
# 23:42 Emma1 goodbye everyone! have a great saturday evening