#tantek!tell kylewm HWC SF venue @MozSF confirmed for February meetups, and first meetup in March. 2nd March meetup venue up to you! All ready for you to post indie events + FB POSSE copies for 2016-02 and 2016-03 HWC SF events. Thanks much!
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 41 minutes ago: HWC SF venue @MozSF confirmed for February meetups, and first meetup in March. 2nd March meetup venue up to you! All ready for you to post indie events + FB POSSE copies for 2016-02 and 2016-03 HWC SF events. Thanks much! http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-29/line/1454118026780
#aaronpkyeah. your other option is to store an encrypted version in the database with a key that your application has, that way at least a compromised database doesn't expose all the tokens
#aaronpkhm actually i have a workaround for this particular case, but it's kind of a general problem with using named parameters like "photo" in micropub
#tantekwhich then begs the question, should an /event post with a featured/header photo be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo?
#tantekand should an /event post without a featured/header photo, but with a location, be POSSEd to Twitter as a tweet with a photo which is just a static rendered image of the map view of the venue / location?
#tanteknow wondering if I should build my event posts as extensions of my photo posts to kind of force that in my own posting behavior
#tantekI have no idea on what "engagement" or "response rate" is on events with header photos vs. events without, but I'm *guessing* that with photos is much higher
#tantekthough the event case is more like an article with a featured photo than a photo post
#TheDavidJohnsonSo I stepped out for a little bit, but if there's interest in doing something adjacent to WordCamp in Miami, I'd be glad to help organize
#GWGTheDavidJohnson: What do you plan to do at WordCamp?
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: Not sure yet... I'm taking my wife to familiarize her with the WordPress / open source community, so I'll be playing tour guide for sure
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: We use WordPress heavily in our business, so it should be fun for all sorts of reasons
#GWGTheDavidJohnson: I keep trying to get WordPress people interested.
#tantek.comedited /event (+681) "/* POSSE */ subheadings, a few more notes for tweet POSSEing" (view diff)
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: Sounds like a worthy goal. What do you find most challenging about bringing WordPress users around?
#GWGTheDavidJohnson: Well, judging by the feedback so far, the plugins we have need some simplification and improvement.
#GWGYou can't assume everyone can make the modifications themselves.
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: I just updated them for the first time in a while on one of my sites... so I haven't really used them in months. Planning to dive in to them this weekend and see how much they've improved
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: I installed one (I think it was "IndieWeb") and got prompted to install quite a few others
#TheDavidJohnsonHonestly, I lost track -- I had trouble with one or another of them, and couldn't make the time to try to sort out what was going on
#LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date https://indiewebcamp.com/going_on
#TheDavidJohnsonHa!! I have to get used to that. I guess I need to not phrase things in ways that can be confused as questions
#GWGTheDavidJohnson: That is the issue I'm trying to work on.
#TheDavidJohnsonGWG: I'm sorry I don't have useful feedback -- I'll get some usage under my belt here shortly and will be glad to do what I can to help
#TheDavidJohnson(I'm not much of a coder yet, but I can troubleshoot and provide detailed feedback)
#GWGThe plugins were written as itches by various people. They need some tweaking to work for a more general audience.
#GWGTheDavidJohnson: I'm a horrible coder, but I seem to survive.
#tantekmothersele: looks like no one here has heard of it, if you go, ask them if they support indieweb formats and protocols like Webmention and Micropub
#tantekgoal: make it both more interesting/attractive if you're just curious (want to find out more), and make it more welcoming to creatives of all kinds (similar to recent IWC Guest List page changes)
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: I haven't added a link to it anywhere yet. I'll figure that out after I launch, I just needed the functionality for my import script :)
#motherselethanks @aaronpk I've become averse to long, so called search-engine friendly, urls. i'm going to default to short urls. and 301 all my old urls to new short-url permalinks. does that seem like a reasonable thing to do?
#LoqiURL design is the practice of deliberately designing URLs, in particular, permalinks, typically for a better UX for everyone who creates, reads, and shares content https://indiewebcamp.com/URL_design
#aaronpksee some more thoughts there. there are some human-friendly reasons for having structured (and longer) URLs
#motherseleyes some good points on that page. i'll ponder this for a while. maybe i'm being too zen.
lewisnyman, Gold and wolftune joined the channel
#aaronpkheh so far i've been consistently at 3-4 years per site rebuild
#GWGvoxpelli: Working on some of your commits to the Indieweb plugin
#voxpelliGWG: cool, feel free to ask if you have any questions about them :)
#motherselehow about I use my short url as the permalink, but when routing, treat the end of the url as arbitrary fluff that is ignored. That allows me to write whatever i feel like writing on the end of the url, depending on context
#GWGvoxpelli: I'm merging in some of the code I used when I tried this problem elsewhere, and then I'm removing it from elsewhere
#kylewmmothersele: it lets anybody else write whatever they feel like writing too ;)
#voxpelliGWG: ok, if you need a review or somehting then give me a ping
#kylewmand would confuse e.g. bridgy -- it wouldn't know to backfeed comments on example.com/a1234/friendly-slug to canonical url example.com/a1234
#voxpellimothersele: depends on how that arbitrary fluffy stuff is going to get added and if you do a redirect if the fluffiness has has become the wrong kind of fluff
#Schnitzloqi !tell snarfed I haven't changed anything from my side but my posseing from tumblr does seem to work anymore, I'm still investigating if it has something to do with a change within tumblr, maybe you know more with regards to bridgy? https://brid.gy/tumblr/belp.audio
#Schnitz!tell snarfed I haven't changed anything from my side but my posseing from tumblr doesn't seem to work anymore, I'm still investigating if it has something to do with a change within tumblr, maybe you know more with regards to bridgy? https://brid.gy/tumblr/belp.audio !tell
#Schnitzhad 3 weeks of digital detox, still getting used to technology again... ;)
#GWGvoxpelli: To start, the Default Author is set on the widget itself. Since one of the proposals brought forth is t have a top-level menu for Indieweb enabled by the plugin, it should be set as a global option, not just for the widget.
#voxpelliGWG: ok, not sure it's actually needed at all actually
#GWGvoxpelli: Also, I'm trying to think of a scenario where you'd have an author for the site itself when it was multi-author.
#voxpelliGWG: since either the blog is multi-author and then everything should be attributed to each and every author individually, or it's single-author and then the default author is kind of obvious
#GWGThe logical change is that if there is only one author, then it should set up as author = site. If there are multiple authors, it should behave like a multi-author site and scope to the page.
#GWGvoxpelli: You beat me to the conclusion there, but I think we are both on the same page
#voxpelliGWG: to answer the scenario one – only I can think of is if one starts to have guest blogs on ones single author site, but that sounds like somewhat of an edge case :/
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: GWG: to answer the scenario one – only I can think of is if one starts to have guest posts on ones single author site, but that sounds like somewhat of an edge case :/
#GWGvoxpelli: If you have guest posts, it should be a repost.
#voxpelliGWG: guest posts are usually posted on someones elses blog and only later, maybe, posted on ones own
#aaronpki'm updating my phone to iOS 9 finally, as part of my site launch believe it or not
#GWGvoxpelli: I think we can consider it an edge case till someone asks though.
#Loqisnarfed: Schnitz left you a message 2 hours, 42 minutes ago: I haven't changed anything from my side but my posseing from tumblr doesn't seem to work anymore, I'm still investigating if it has something to do with a change within tumblr, maybe you know more with regards to bridgy? https://brid.gy/tumblr/belp.audio !tell http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-30/line/1454173805143
#mothersele@tantek adding the image makes it much more inviting
#KartikPrabhumothersele: better not to add the "@" in front of the names. In the logs it will link to a twitter account and @tantek is not tantek's twitter!
#tantekok that's a good enough stretch to try out the new intro text
#tantekalright, how about whichever city posts the best HWC photos from one meetup, we use it for the next event posting? (where best includes factors like total numbers, diversity, pose creativity etc.)
#tantekI know Portland has some good examples of that in the past :)
#SebselWell, if you edit your index.html and add <img src="/imagename.jpg"> to it, that will add an image to the page. But you'll have to upload that image to your Github too, to display it for everyone to see.
#SebselI'm not really familiar with Github pages...
#GWGNeither am I, I'm afraid. I should play with it
#miklbEmma1: you could use your twitter profile image if that's what you are looking for.<img class="u-photo" src="https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/657573921340960769/PIhVAcIf_400x400.jpg">
#Emma1how can i change the font on my website?? (also - does anyone have a suggestion of a good place to learn some basic things about building a website? I really dont know anything beyond the few things i learned at the indie web camp last weekend in NYC!)
#SebselWell, HTML and CSS are the place to start, I think, seeing the path you took with Github pages?
#SebselSearching for 'basic HTML CSS tutorial' must give you plenty of video's and sites :)
#GWGWell, I'm sure someone wrote a tutorial on writing a site on Github pages
#miklb\_O_/ officially sending webmentions with my Jekyll build
#miklbanother option, would be to look at something like http://html5up.net pick a design, and then use the references to understand what is going on in the code
#KartikPrabhuEmma1: instead of learning all of HTML/CSS or something what is the next thing you'd like to do on your site?
tantek joined the channel
#Emma1i'd like to add some structure to the page. i.e., a separation to write a bio, and tabs for different sections / pages
#KartikPrabhuEmma1: to start a new section use the <h2> tag just like you have used for your websites title. Then you can write things inside <p> tags (paragraph)
#LoqiRSS typically loosely refers to a set of XML feed file formats of varying degrees of use for syndicating typically time-stamped content from web sites https://indiewebcamp.com/RSS
georg_ joined the channel
#tantekEmma1 do those answers from Loqi make sense?
#tantekthe best tutorial is just to keep asking questions (as you are), and get answers in chat
#GWGEmma1: I was more speaking about the fact that none of us have looked for this sort of resource in a while and we're discovering that some are dated.
#Emma1how can i make things be indented or in the center of the page?
#GWGWhen I first started with HTML, you did all styling together with the content. Now, the two are mostly separated.
#KartikPrabhuEmma1: HTML is used for structuring and CSS is used to style how it looks. I would suggest putting the content you want in HTML first and then moving on to CSS
#kylewm!meme HTML5: The Good Parts | Shut up and take my money!
#KartikPrabhuEmma1: to start with CSS, 1. make a fodler inside your github called "stylesheet" and inside that an empty file with "main.css" or any other names you want