2016-02-01 UTC
# 00:00 matrrix is there not a wiki page about that?
# 00:01 mathpunkIRL i'm looking at it now, thanks
# 00:02 mathpunkIRL if you mean, at indiewebcamp.com, it has questions but not answers
# 00:02 mathpunkIRL and, evidently, I've edited this to add questions and forgotten about it
# 00:02 mathpunkIRL when i was trying to host multiple names on one VPS
# 00:02 GWG mathpunkIRL: Is IRL Ireland or In Real Life?
# 00:03 mathpunkIRL In Real Life, b/c evidently someone else on freenode has taken my nom de net
# 00:03 matrrix I am stubbing the S3 page right now
# 00:05 matrrix I am so bad at computering
# 00:07 matrrix aaronpk: I completely brainfarted on it and thought it was the wikipedia link
# 00:07 mathpunkIRL what's furrowing my brow is, I looked at my registar, and it has nameservers set to the vps
# 00:07 matrrix will add some stuff to that page instead...
# 00:07 mathpunkIRL see, I'm thinking about dropping the vps b/c of how I only barely know how to administer a machine remotely
# 00:08 mathpunkIRL and besides, I want to make a bunch of sites, and apache is confusing a.f.
# 00:09 mathpunkIRL does amazon have its own nameservers, then?
# 00:09 GWG mathpunkIRL: VPS is not for everyone. There is a time investment in using one vs managed hosting
# 00:09 matrrix Amazon has Route 53, another AWS thing like S3, yeah
# 00:10 mathpunkIRL oh, I wasn't sure if Route 53 was nameservers or a registrar
# 00:10 matrrix I've not used it, I always just rely on my registrars' DNS services
anarchivist joined the channel
# 00:10 matrrix Route 53 is their nameserver product, Idk if they have a registrar
# 00:10 matrrix If so it might just be a part of Route 53
# 00:10 mathpunkIRL huh, I wonder why I set the nameservers to the vps service's instead of using the registrar
# 00:12 matrrix mathpunkIRL: in all likelihood they manage all the DNS records for you so that you don't have to heck with it? which is fine as long as you're using the VPS service
# 00:12 miklb mathpunkIRL: fwiw, I use entryDNS for that reason. No matter where I host stuff, I can control name records without having to change anything if I switch VPS/mail servers, etc
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# 00:12 matrrix but migrating off of it could be interesting, I haven't done that before
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# 00:14 mathpunkIRL so many (seemingly indistinguishable) options to choose from~
# 00:15 GWG I've migrated so many times, I've got it down to a science.
# 00:15 GWG Practice makes perfect, I suppose
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# 00:19 mathpunkIRL Lemme write out what I think I'm doing for a plausibility check
# 00:20 mathpunkIRL I create an s3 bucket with that name
# 00:20 mathpunkIRL then I create a Route 53 Hosted Zone
# 00:20 GWG I feel depressed for the future of humanity now
# 00:20 mathpunkIRL and then I name THAT chiral.handaxe.sexy
# 00:21 mathpunkIRL and put in some address for the bucket that I pick up from the console somewhere
# 00:22 mathpunkIRL GWG: "There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it." -- Man Ray
# 00:22 GWG mathpunkIRL: I did that years ago for some infrequently changing files.
# 00:22 GWG mathpunkIRL: I'm not an artist though. I'm a librarian by training.
# 00:22 mathpunkIRL librarian.sexy is available AND THAT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE
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# 00:24 GWG mathpunkIRL: I might consider taking that to our off-topic chat room, #indiechat. But, I'll leave it be for now.
# 00:25 mathpunkIRL Evidently I'm misunderstanding s3 buckets 'cause I thought there'd be a place to find an IP address for it
# 00:29 mathpunkIRL oooooh... my bucket is a kind of subdomain of s3.amazonaws.com
# 00:29 mathpunkIRL And that's the CNAME you mention
# 00:31 mathpunkIRL ok, this was a big help
# 00:32 mathpunk ha ha I was competing with myself for my username
# 00:32 mathpunk I'm not going to figure this all out in the time I have remaining for this project, but I'm sure I'll be back whining soon enough
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# 00:53 tantek because they didn't want to write their own polling infrastructure likely
# 00:53 tantek so this actually justifies potentially creating an RSS feed
# 00:53 tantek s/actually justifies potentially/potentially justifies
# 00:54 Loqi tantek meant to say: so this potentially justifies creating an RSS feed
# 00:56 snarfed tantek: looks like it uses ifttt's feed channel, which supports atom as well as rss
# 00:59 GWG snarfed: I have a genericons question for you.
# 00:59 snarfed GWG: oh wow really? i probably don't have an answer :P
# 01:00 GWG snarfed: You removed it being included from Syndication Links because you already had it in your theme, correct?
# 01:07 tantek hmm - that was from 2015-10-08 last year - the Medium via IFTTT
# 01:13 GWG snarfed: I'm thinking of using it the same way for relme links in the Indieweb Plugin.
# 01:14 GWG snarfed: Do you have that plugin installed? I know you thought at one point it had been deprecated.
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# 01:19 snarfed GWG: no, i don't use the indieweb plugin. no need to worry about me!
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# 01:29 GWG !tell snarfed Maybe you might after this.
# 01:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:59 kylewm hehe, he is going to have no context when he gets that message
# 02:02 GWG kylewm: Doesn't it link to that point in the logs now?
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# 02:03 GWG kylewm: Either way, this is a chicken -> egg problem
# 02:04 GWG I've received reports that at a HWC, someone on WordPress wanted to Indiewebify their WordPress site and no one knew how. Trying to make that better by putting some basic stuff into the Indieweb plugin...relme and some basic hcard extensions, as well as the ability to add more plugins.
# 02:06 GWG Basically, hoping to get some people familiar with it, even if they don't use it themselves, so they can advise others
# 02:06 GWG snarfed's WordPress usage is very independent.
# 02:14 GWG kylewm: What are the features you like most about Known? And what is missing?
g3funk, lukebrooker and tantek joined the channel
# 03:00 tantek nice. i think andigalpern also had some iterations - forgot where she posted them.
# 03:00 GWG I'm still hoping for a more square rendition.
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# 03:28 [shaners] I'm still twerking on it. But I got to a good kinda milestone.
# 03:29 [shaners] I really like the simple silhouette of the original IWC logo. I just don't like all the little details. Especially the C. And the gradient.
# 03:30 [shaners] Next up is twerking on the word mark. Then a big write up with iterations, sketches and reasons.
# 04:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:26 kylewm tantek, yeah definitely lost some things. Worth the tradeoff for me to be working on something that other people can use
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# 05:00 tantek !tell kylewm since /venue design is such an interesting / involved challenge, do you mind if I screenshot one of your (old) venues (still in an open browser tab) and upload to the wiki?
# 05:00 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 05:02 kylewm KartikPrabhu: maybe! It was notify used much though so not high priority
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# 05:13 tantek kylewm: still useful to capture real world designs for others to use as inspiration
# 05:37 tantek !tell aaronpk looks like new p3k event lists e.g. aaronparecki.com/events no longer show maps of locations - was that deliberate?
# 05:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 05:54 aaronpk no that was either an oversight or a matter of putting it off until later
# 05:55 aaronpk it looks like it was in the original sketches of the new design (from June)
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# 07:01 kylewm so I bought woodwind.xyz for $1 (introductory price). should i redirect reader.kylewm.com??
# 07:03 tantek isn't that the domain that jacks up the price after the intro price?
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jihaisse, ttepasse, geor_gs, sanduhrs, friedcell, loic_m, Sebsel, lewisnyman, MrClaw, John_Duh, myfreeweb, tvn, adactio, squeakytoy and friedcell1 joined the channel
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# 13:19 petermolnar oh, morning was ~10 hours ago for me, frekin' morning flight, but good morning for you GWG
# 13:19 GWG petermolnar: I'm not finished yet
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# 13:27 GWG I want to get it ready to be pushed to the WordPress repo
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# 13:46 GWG petermolnar: Any suggestions at this point?
# 13:49 petermolnar not really, although I'd never thought of adding address fields, that is too personal for my taste.
# 13:50 GWG petermolnar: Depends on the person. I'd go locality and region, but not street address.
# 13:51 GWG I went strictly by the h-card list though.
# 13:57 GWG So, the idea is that at the end, it will cover the basics of establishing an identity.
# 14:02 miklb GWG: I just did that for a custom project, extending user profiles that is. Adding Twitter/FB links, address, custom avatar
# 14:04 GWG miklb: I've done it before in my own work as well. Trying to come up with something to help newcomers who want to do a quick enhancement to their WordPress site for it.
# 14:04 miklb sure. that is going to be my goal for a Jekyll theme as well
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# 14:30 pfefferle GWG some suggestions: rename getting_started.php to getting-started.php and move it to a templates folder, move class-* files to a libs folder, rename hcard_user class to HCard_User class, rename IndieWebPlugin to IndieWeb_Plugin, to be more consistent... what do you think?
# 14:33 interactivist pfefferle: +1 to all your suggestions - also perhaps prefix all class names with “IndieWeb_”
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# 14:36 GWG pfefferle, you know I am indent challenged
# 14:36 GWG That is why I started running phpcs
# 14:37 GWG As for the other suggestions, I like them all.
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# 14:37 GWG What do you think of where the plugin is going feature wise?
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# 14:39 petermolnar including the very basic indieweb requirements in the indieweb plugin makes sense imho
# 14:40 petermolnar but it should stick to be the very basics only and all additional layer an additional plugin
# 14:40 GWG petermolnar, that is what I am trying for.
# 14:41 GWG But it needs to be well integrated
# 14:42 pfefferle GWG what about extending/updating singpolymas extended profile plugin?
# 14:43 GWG I was going to try integrating some of it in and leave the rest for additional plugins.
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# 14:43 GWG Basically, the extended fields are already in the Indieweb plugin. I pushed that.
# 14:44 pfefferle GWG I saw it, but as petermolnar said... should it relly be part of the plugin?
# 14:45 GWG Back to the original scope question.
# 14:45 GWG Is it just rel me or is it h-card?
# 14:45 pfefferle GWG ...and why are you re-adding all the silo relme stuff in the h-card class?
# 14:46 GWG pfefferle, I moved it there. I didn't think it belonged in the main plugin class.
# 14:47 GWG I have more commits I haven't pushed yet.
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# 14:49 GWG But having things elsewhere adds to the confusion of setup, the issue that started this.
edjw, yakker, adactio and snarfed joined the channel
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# 17:24 aaronpk i've been able to post bookmarks, food, and bike rides already
# 17:25 aaronpk haven't set up posseing to twitter yet, tho in theory that should be quick since I worked on that code at IWC SF (using silo.pub)
# 17:27 aaronpk my list of things I still need to do is looooong, but I'm still glad I launched it anyway
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# 17:51 bear aaronpk - do you annotate webmentions made to your notes?
# 17:52 bear I referenced your note about the new site and my code sent a webmention for it
# 17:53 bear and i'm wondering if my webmention sending code is broken because I don't see anything about it
# 17:54 aaronpk hm! not sure where it went! it should show up on the note pretty quickly
# 17:55 bear i'll flush my "already sent" token later and rerun it
# 17:56 bear i'm totally stealing your css for some of the items you have - the minimalist layout is divine
sanduhrs, lewisnyman, loic_m, shiflett, gRegorLove, interactivist, snarfed and funwhilelost joined the channel
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# 19:09 KevinMarks it's not pulling posts from slack into irc, but the ones from irc get to slack
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# 19:18 cweiske ooooh having your own search engine is so awesome, especially since now I can have facets on language, domain, tags and type
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# 19:26 miklb How might one connect to this channel via slack? Would love to have one less app running.
# 19:29 Loqi Slack is a closed-source team communication tool similar to IRC but with expanding support for various types of content such as emoji polls, inline images, and attachments https://indiewebcamp.com/Slack
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# 20:09 aaronpk I think my next goal might be to make p3k easy enough to install that I don't mind installing a bunch of copies of it for various projects
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# 20:13 [shaners] The Heroku Deploy Button is good for this. If p3k is Heroku deployable.
# 20:13 bear that's what prompted the last refactoring of my site - i'm using it as a template for other projects that need web+something-automated
# 20:14 aaronpk I want to make a site for @squashreports so that I don't have to only use twitter for status updates, but I want something easy to install and maintain for it
# 20:15 aaronpk and I don't even care about customizing it much beyond basic stuff like author photo and maybe setting a color scheme for links
# 20:16 aaronpk with external services handling most of the tricky bits, p3k is now a pretty good option for that
# 20:17 aaronpk [shaners]: I'd have to figure out how to handle the filesystem storage on Heroku though, since there isn't a filesystem you can use
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# 20:31 aaronpk I started feeling guilty about having such a high number that I made it reset at 999
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# 20:36 kylewm snarfed: hehe thank you. that was born of me and mapkyca kvetching about not being able to tag/close issues
# 20:37 aaronpk I am still highly amused by the fact that my phone battery % is in the top corner of my website
# 20:37 kylewm aaronpk: re squash reports, why not posse from your normal site?
# 20:38 aaronpk I don't necessarily want all the updates originating on my site
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# 20:38 aaronpk but more importantly I want loqi to have a website
# 20:38 aaronpk and that would definitely not be appropriate to be my posts POSSEd
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# 20:45 [shaners] aaronpk: Oh right. Forgot that you use files as a datastore.
# 20:46 aaronpk yeah, looks like it would be easy to swap out with a database since i'm using that filesystem abstraction
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# 21:21 mothersele I did some crazy thing with Flysystem recently. Involved writing out JSON files and an simple sqlite for indexes. The project didn't need the complexity of running a separate database system.
# 21:23 mothersele I wondered if there was something like sqlite is to mysql, but for nosql/mongodb - I looked around, couldn't find anything
# 21:24 mothersele yeah didn't want to run a separate software, something like sqlite.
# 21:24 mothersele yeah didn't want to run a separate software, something like sqlite would be ideal
# 21:25 mothersele I'm also thinking for my site. It's currently static (jekyll) but I'm going to want to add notes soon and move off twitter. I probably need a db.
# 21:26 mothersele am i crazy for thinking about implementing a nosql db natively in PHP?
# 21:26 mothersele I'll have another look
# 21:26 snarfed maybe not the PHP part, but maybe yes for implementing your own :P
# 21:27 snarfed unless the primary reason is to learn and have fun, in which case go for it
# 21:27 aaronpk but it's not a general purpose DB, it's special purpose
# 21:28 mothersele did you write the page on database antipattern? :)
# 21:29 mothersele quartzdb looks interesting
# 21:29 aaronpk over the weekend I actually migrated several datasets that were 5-20gb from mysql into QuartzDB
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# 21:32 mothersele i like files on disk
# 21:32 mothersele aaronpk did you not think of using Flysystem for quartzdb?
# 21:32 mothersele or does it need to be local
# 21:33 aaronpk I didn't think about using flysystem, but also yes it is local
# 21:33 aaronpk tho I guess there isn't a reason not to make it swappable
# 21:36 aaronpk yeah that could be interesting, having QuartzDB use Amazon S3 as a backend
# 21:38 mothersele there's an embeddable nosql called UnQLite, and someone has created a php extension for it.
# 21:40 mothersele and i just found MongoLite - schemaless database on top of sqlite
# 21:44 KevinMarks I suppose you could do a file-based db that conforms to the data concierge API
# 21:44 mothersele data concierge looks like it has hard coded mongo dependency
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# 22:09 bear ah - found the issue that is causing my webmention to not get sent to aaronpk -- the domain for the webmention endpoint doesn't match the url of the mentioned article
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# 22:12 snarfed bear: huh. seems like that would fail on eg all webmention.io users?
# 22:12 bear I think his is the first i've noticed this error with
# 22:13 bear but yes, it probably is failing on all of them
# 22:13 aaronpk an SSL error on webmention.io or aaronparecki.com?
# 22:14 aaronpk they both use SNI and I know there is still a version of python floating around that doesn't support it
# 22:15 bear and this is the ssl error: SSLError: hostname 'webmention.io' doesn't match either of 'www.indieweb.org', 'indieweb.org'
# 22:16 bear hrmm, I thought I had that covered for other reasons
# 22:16 snarfed ah, so not checking that target domain matches wm endpoint domain. that's good at least
# 22:17 bear yea, that's why I was suprised it didn't work - I had already fixed that bug :)
# 22:23 snarfed joins #indiechat for the first time so he can talk The Witness with gRegorLove
# 22:23 bear oh poo - it's because i am testing on 2.7.10 but my server has 2.7.6
# 22:23 bear curses debian and it's lack of python upkeep
# 22:24 aaronpk yeah same with ubuntu and php/ruby. I always install those from source now.
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# 22:29 bear I need to figure out a way of helping people out with that - have ronkyuu warn on old versions or somesuch
# 22:34 bear (*sigh* but it looks like I still have work on my h-card)
# 22:35 aaronpk you're using the same last case of the authorship discovery that my new site uses
# 22:35 bear ah - then i'll move on to swiping more css and icons from your new site... :)
# 22:36 aaronpk "if the h-entry's page has 1+ h-card with url == author-page URL, use first such h-card"
# 22:36 jonnybarnes aaronpk: am I seeing you phone’s battery on your website? Is that live?
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# 22:37 aaronpk bear: oh actually you are missing one thing, which is that there is no author property on the h-entry
# 22:37 aaronpk adding an author property which is just a URL to your home page is enough
# 22:38 aaronpk jonnybarnes: oh yeah thanks, all the non-date permalinks didn't make it in the initial import
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