#matrrixmathpunkIRL: in all likelihood they manage all the DNS records for you so that you don't have to heck with it? which is fine as long as you're using the VPS service
#miklbmathpunkIRL: fwiw, I use entryDNS for that reason. No matter where I host stuff, I can control name records without having to change anything if I switch VPS/mail servers, etc
mattl and DePhraser joined the channel
#matrrixbut migrating off of it could be interesting, I haven't done that before
Garbee and bret joined the channel
#mathpunkIRLso many (seemingly indistinguishable) options to choose from~
#GWGI've migrated so many times, I've got it down to a science.
#GWGI feel depressed for the future of humanity now
#mathpunkIRLand then I name THAT chiral.handaxe.sexy
#mathpunkIRLand put in some address for the bucket that I pick up from the console somewhere
#mathpunkIRLGWG: "There is no progress in art, any more than there is progress in making love. There are simply different ways of doing it." -- Man Ray
#GWGmathpunkIRL: I did that years ago for some infrequently changing files.
#GWGmathpunkIRL: I'm not an artist though. I'm a librarian by training.
#mathpunkIRLlibrarian.sexy is available AND THAT SEEMS IMPOSSIBLE
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#GWGmathpunkIRL: I might consider taking that to our off-topic chat room, #indiechat. But, I'll leave it be for now.
#mathpunkIRLEvidently I'm misunderstanding s3 buckets 'cause I thought there'd be a place to find an IP address for it
#kylewmhehe, he is going to have no context when he gets that message
#GWGkylewm: Doesn't it link to that point in the logs now?
Lancey joined the channel
#GWGkylewm: Either way, this is a chicken -> egg problem
#GWGI've received reports that at a HWC, someone on WordPress wanted to Indiewebify their WordPress site and no one knew how. Trying to make that better by putting some basic stuff into the Indieweb plugin...relme and some basic hcard extensions, as well as the ability to add more plugins.
#KartikPrabhukylewm: maybe you should work on adding venue support to Known
#tantek!tell kylewm since /venue design is such an interesting / involved challenge, do you mind if I screenshot one of your (old) venues (still in an open browser tab) and upload to the wiki?
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: maybe! It was notify used much though so not high priority
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 1 minute ago: since /venue design is such an interesting / involved challenge, do you mind if I screenshot one of your (old) venues (still in an open browser tab) and upload to the wiki? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-01-31/line/1454302854416
#GWGSo, the idea is that at the end, it will cover the basics of establishing an identity.
#miklbGWG: I just did that for a custom project, extending user profiles that is. Adding Twitter/FB links, address, custom avatar
#GWGmiklb: I've done it before in my own work as well. Trying to come up with something to help newcomers who want to do a quick enhancement to their WordPress site for it.
#miklbsure. that is going to be my goal for a Jekyll theme as well
#pfefferleGWG some suggestions: rename getting_started.php to getting-started.php and move it to a templates folder, move class-* files to a libs folder, rename hcard_user class to HCard_User class, rename IndieWebPlugin to IndieWeb_Plugin, to be more consistent... what do you think?
#aaronpkokay this is pretty neat. I tracked my bike ride this morning and got the map onto my site using only my own services! No longer relying on Runkeeper as a proxy! https://aaronparecki.com/2016/02/01/2/
#LoqiSlack is a closed-source team communication tool similar to IRC but with expanding support for various types of content such as emoji polls, inline images, and attachments https://indiewebcamp.com/Slack
#aaronpkI want to make a site for @squashreports so that I don't have to only use twitter for status updates, but I want something easy to install and maintain for it
#aaronpkand I don't even care about customizing it much beyond basic stuff like author photo and maybe setting a color scheme for links
#aaronpkwith external services handling most of the tricky bits, p3k is now a pretty good option for that
#aaronpk[shaners]: I'd have to figure out how to handle the filesystem storage on Heroku though, since there isn't a filesystem you can use
#motherseleI did some crazy thing with Flysystem recently. Involved writing out JSON files and an simple sqlite for indexes. The project didn't need the complexity of running a separate database system.
#motherseleyeah didn't want to run a separate software, something like sqlite.
#motherseleyeah didn't want to run a separate software, something like sqlite would be ideal
#motherseleI'm also thinking for my site. It's currently static (jekyll) but I'm going to want to add notes soon and move off twitter. I probably need a db.
#motherseleam i crazy for thinking about implementing a nosql db natively in PHP?
friedcell, tantek and lukebrooker joined the channel
#bearah - found the issue that is causing my webmention to not get sent to aaronpk -- the domain for the webmention endpoint doesn't match the url of the mentioned article
funwhilelost, tantek and benwerd joined the channel
#snarfedbear: huh. seems like that would fail on eg all webmention.io users?
#bearI think his is the first i've noticed this error with
#bearbut yes, it probably is failing on all of them
#aaronpkoh, what's the reason you added that check?