aaronpkwell regardless of the name, I need a thing that parses a page and gives me a sane version of it, while also archiving the page as it exists at that time
bearI stopped because getting even the full html from a sight with heavy js usage can be tough - so much is built now in the browser with tools like react and the like
Loqibear meant to say: I stopped because getting even the full html from a site with heavy js usage can be tough - so much is built now in the browser with tools like react and the like
gRegorLovetantek: Did you see my comments earlier about month and day? We can display the full month name via template easily, only entering the yyyy-mm-dd once.
Schnitzon sc we get fake account owners actually writing nice but enigmated comments, just so you wonder and follow the account back and there is an ad or so... really weird, since deleting that comment then seems a bit harsh in a way, since it most likely written by a person and *does* have something to do with you...
aaronpkin the session description: "One way to handle comments is through the pingback or trackback protocols, both of which are widely implemented in many major blogging platforms. We can discuss the merits and drawbacks of each, and other possible solutions. A workshop session could involve implementing trackbacks/pingbacks on your own site, or implementing a new mechanism for using them."
VendanI can spin up my own complete IRCd and have my own irc network running in about 10 minutes. I'll admit that IRC is slightly siloized, but nowhere near the level of slack
aaronpkthe only thing that IRC has over Slack is that the protocol is (somewhat) standardized, so you can use an off-the-shelf client with your own IRC server
Loqi[indieweb] "ich bin heute 15,4ĆĀ kilometer gegangen, in ca. 3:30 stunden. / (gemacht mit compass und GPS-logger) / und atlas: - wirres.net" by Daniel Nix http://wirres.net/article/articleview/9267/1/0/
Schnitz!tell snarfed there seems to be an issue with responses getting back to my tumblr. I commented on both twitter and FB to a post that I possied thru bridgy, and after 12 hours, nothing showed up. I could manually crawl for twitter https://brid.gy/twitter/belp_audio# then the commentary shows up via disqus on my tumblr post, but I haven't found a way to manually crawl FB and the FB responses...
petermolnarsknebel I'm really, heavily against the trend which helps avoiding learning anything, including compiling a thing that is probably one of the easiest to compile of all
aaronpkit does require that your micropub endpoint accept the access token in the post body instead of the http header, since IFTTT can't set http headers
terminalpixel_Yeah I do it in basically the same way but send more simplified data than a full micropub document to specific endpoints with an access token.
Loqisnarfed: Schnitz left you a message 5 hours, 21 minutes ago: there seems to be an issue with responses getting back to my tumblr. I commented on both twitter and FB to a post that I possied thru bridgy, and after 12 hours, nothing showed up. I could manually crawl for twitter https://brid.gy/twitter/belp_audio# then the commentary shows up via disqus on my tumblr post, but I haven't found a way to manually crawl FB and the FB responses... http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-09/line/1455020931298
Loqisnarfed: Schnitz left you a message 1 hour, 42 minutes ago: not sure whether you've done anything but all comments were just now automatically routed back, so all good, thank you :-) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-09/line/1455034088075
tantek"single shared conversation space" can be made true, if you support receiving salmentions and show all comments on your original post, like ben_thatmustbeme does
[kevinmarks]Right, but the respondents may have only seen a subset of the comments when they are standalone posts, so presenting as deeply nested replies can be misleading
snarfedfwiw, bridgy does intentionally still backfeed replies to "mention" posts (like your linkslaps, i'm guessing) as well as POSSE posts. i'm open to debate on that.
gRegorLoveSounds like setting yourself up for more work if you're going to vet indieweb plugins and decide which ones get listed in "The" Indieweb Plugin
[shaners]"Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on one's own domain using third-party clients. Web apps and native apps (e.g. iPhone, Android) can use Micropub to post short notes, photos, events or other posts to your own site."
[shaners]Is the part about "on one's own domaināĀ and "to your own siteāĀ really necessary? Micropub can be used to post to sites other than my own, right?
petermolnaraaronpk I've been preparing to use micropub once in the future; for that, I first need to automate all the logic I apply manually on a post right now ( eg. has attached image, image has exif, exif has certain values => photo ); is this only an issue for me?
petermolnarI post various things: photos (images I take), things (short notes, bookmarks, etc), long things ("articles"); some of them needs some magic, depending on their type, which I used to to by hand ( select Format, select Category, apply Tags, etc. )
petermolnaryes, I'm applying the rules of post-type-discovery, but adding some extra: for example, I store webmention reply as an extra field and checking if that url contains anything supported by bridgy, if yes, post to bridgy
petermolnarI've tried reaching out to the Cambridge University ( the UK one ), so far, no response at all; also tried reaching out to whoever I've found on the irc-people page being in the UK to organize one in Cambridge; apart from one response - sorry, too far - nothing :(
tantek.comedited /Events (-370) "revert back to YYYY-MM-DD because MM-DD was more confusing/ambiguous, also fix next HWC locations to currently known" (view diff)
[shaners]Iām sorry I introduced this into the channel today. I didnāt mean to inflict this onto anyone. Shouldāve added a #triggerwarning to the message.
gRegorLoveWhat's the reasoning for not using "February 9, 2016" for the display date again? Just realized these iterations on /events are already coming close to that.
tantekjust noticed that the lightbox display of tweet permalinks has a new UI feature! "previous" < > "next" arrows that go to the arrow that go to the next / previous (yes, flipped) tweets!
aaronpki used to have a read-only text input that would show the short URL for my posts, so if you put your cursor in that and tried to move around to select the text you'd end up navigating away
tantekgRegorLove: what do you think of the event details on this Events Calendar? (not that it's a great/good example, just a possible source of ideas) https://www.oasis-open.org/events/