JeenaSo why do you think paying someone to fix your software doesn't make it free? Isn't the freedom there to be able to do that in contrast to that you just can't fix your software because the developer doesn't want you to use it in some specific way?
tantekanyway - regardless, go write a post about why indieweb matters to you, whether it is about freedom or anything else you care the most about! that's the point
JeenaI was looking at the frontpage of and the three headlines: Your content is yours, You are better connected and You are in control. All of this souns to me a loot like freedom
KartikPrabhuA writes a post and B replies to it. When B get a level-2 reply B displays it and sends a "salmention" to A. So for A it is level 3 comment. Is A supposed to ignore the level-3 response?
aaronpkyou can try it out on facebook. click "reply" to a post and it will nest it under the post. click "reply" on that, and it will nest it. then click "reply" on that one, and it appears directly under it, no longer nested
KartikPrabhuyeah has been tried and is still a nightmare to click around a whole bunch of trees then getting back to level0 you have to click through again etc...
KartikPrabhugRegorLove: on forums yes. But a level-3 on your post might be a level-2 salmention from somewhere else and a level-1 comment some other where
KartikPrabhugRegorLove: yes and if I get a level-3 salmention propagated comment should I ignore it because it might be bad or accept it and show it as level-1 (which means it is not bad?)
aaronpkfwiw I am planning on implementing it like Facebook once I start showing comment threads at all, since right now i am only even showing the first level of comment
JeenaI actually really don't like it how facebook does nested comments, it is mostly not usable because they sort them differently for everyone + the not leveling deeper, which creates so much confusion and bad blood because people think someone answered on one thing but they did on something else, etc.
aaronpkKartikPrabhu: i'm saying i don't think it matters at that point. plus you can always click the permalink of the post in question to see exactly what it's in relation to
KartikPrabhuwhich is almost as good as not showing "salmention" propagation. If people want see comments on a comment then should simply go to the permalink
KartikPrabhuluckily kylewm's comment webmention arrived precisely after the comment he was replying to otherwise that would have been completely out of context
Jeenahm, doesn't have a RSS feed and I'm using just like I used Twitterm as a stream for reading short notes when I'm bored. Longer articles I really like to read in my normal Feedreader.
Jeenahave you been thinking also using something like that <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Blog" href="/atom" /> so browsers would show it in their UI?
Jeenaand KartikPrabhu after everything I read it looks like that you should use rel="alternate home" not rel="alternate feed" even though I think all the explanations are quite wage on why and it doesn't quite fit your and mine use of it where we want to link to different feeds for articles and notes, and not to a website-feed
Jeenahehe I tried to make this not possible by linking to your homepage which is allowed to have rel=alternate instead of home and by linking to their own developer pages where they describe how and why to use <a> instead of <link>
aaronpkhuh it just occurred to me that I can add both bridgy publish *and* as syndication options in my site, and use each one separately when I want
aaronpkall I know is I clicked the date on the tweet, clicked my browser bookmarklet to reply to the tweet, which prefills the in-reply-to field of Quill, and it was not the permalink
KartikPrabhu[kevinmarks]: also "contain" is hard to do with multiple images which Twitter supports. Of course it could do contain on single images and cover on others
tantekKartikPrabhu: as cweiske pointed out, it's not out of order, I misinterpreted KevinMarks's statement as response to me when it was a response to something earlier
KartikPrabhuerrr image layout/cropping is not easy... silos might be able to do it with some image processing AI type tools but i don't know anyone who does it on thir site
LoqiA multi-photo is like a photo post, except just with multiple adjacent photos, either in a series, or tiled / arranged in some layout
Phykshey, just wondering, have you ever heard about people willing to implement basic ideas behind indiewebcamp to some entirely different domains? (thinking in scientific publication for instance)
loic_m, ttepasse, Pierre-O and myfreeweb joined the channel
Phyksactually, I am working with some friends on open access policies and related stuff around scientific publications (not sure how familiar people on this chan are with these things)
petermolnarat this very moment, I really don't need it as I have most of my needs covered; I know it's against selfdogfooding, especially that I triggered some changes in it
PhyksIn particular, there are many (decentralized) repos to post open access scientific papers and this raises concerns about indexing and archiving them (there are some people at working on this for instance)
Schnitztantek for people with a non-technical background its great entry into indie web to make them use dropbox to get started with their first own self-authored web site
Schnitzthats the good part, instead of DropPages, which sucks since its just giving you some weird CMS trying to generate stuff, does NOTHING, gives you a folder, you put in your on HTML
Schnitzwell nothing was bit premature, there a two JS scripts being added. Need to check whether thats in any way problematic, but otherwise it seems straight-forward...
Schnitzthe problem with such things is that it would really get people trying to move to something indieweb frustrated, 'cos the system just fails in between by itself, and I know its them, but someone with less background won't know and get frustrated real fast. So as it stands we should really take off from the WIKI
Schnitzis now quite unsure how to judge such a service that seems abandoned and 'flickers' between functioning and disfunctional with regards to the Wiki and promoting to other people or using it at all
tantekThe key here is not to "bash" but rather to document cold hard facts that can help new folks avoid trying unstable, buggy, fragile, or unreliable things
tantekit's possible that it's creators may re-emerge, and then it will help that any such documentation is purely factual. because then they can edit it once they have changed the circumstances.
Schnitza whole page might just be a little too much attention, it being located where it is in the wiki seems the right level of awareness for this project
belp.audiocreated / (+1027) "Created page with "=Pancake.Io= is a service that turns your dropbox into a web hosting service. While the idea seems good and the implemenation (mostly) straight-forward, we currently ..."" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /projects (+609) "add Take A Chance category after Get Inspired for projects in personal-site-use by people in the community, but not by the creators/developers, note FrancisCMS is selfdogfooded as is WordPress! Update Known description a bit" (view diff)
kylewmSchnitz: this is something where i think the stuff is interesting. you could set up the server and offer to host your friends' stuff on it
kylewmyes I agree, I was more thinking about the tilde club idea of multiple people sharing one server. if you wanted to run a little script that copies documents from html into your server, that'd be awesome
Loqikylewm meant to say: yes I agree, I was more thinking about the tilde club idea of multiple people sharing one server. if you wanted to run a little script that copies documents from dropbox into your server, that'd be awesome
Schnitzas side note on, my test ran well for like an hour again, then I made one change to my index.html, as suddently it failed:
SchnitzI think what I wanted to get at is ... author a good and clean indie web single index.html web site for my fellow musicians friends band acts, and if you something like would work out of the box, and they had their little website then going for free, I know they would be exciting *enough* that they might learn a little bit of HTML...
tantek.comedited /projects (+1886) "Other projects, Ask Questions - two easy questions to ask about any project before taking it seriously" (view diff)
Vendanhonestly, unless you get insane amounts of traffic, or they start doing a lot of large file stuff like audio, a $5 droplet or whatever could do way more then 5~10
Vendanso basically, what you need is a linux dropbox api client that can handle multiple api connections simultaneously, updating files on disk so a webserver can serve them
tantek!tell jgarber how long have you been using FrancisCMS on since what date? do you have a "first post" of that sort you could link to?
ben_thatmustbemeWith all the rsvps via eventbrite, i wonder if we should draft up some email we can send out to guests before IWC to set their expectations and point them in the right direction on some things, like getting a URL
jkphlhi all! is there already something like a consensus on adopting shaners new logo draft? we are currently doing the final layout of a print article and could / would include it if ready and adopted. would need to finalize until sunday ...
jkphltantek: i'd be fine with that as well. i was just thinking that a print product would probably last for some time, so if there's already a consensus, i should take the chance. ;)
gRegorLovetantek: /Nucleus isn't quite "take a chance" but I would advise caution in using it. Not sure if there's a place for that on /projects, or just note it on /Nucleus.
jgarber_tantek: I thought I'd noted that somewhere on the wiki… Looks like I didn't. has been running on FrancisCMS since 2016-01-14 and I've been meaning to write a post ever since. Hoping to work on that at HWC DC tonight!
Loqijgarber_: tantek left you a message 28 minutes ago: how long have you been using FrancisCMS on since what date? do you have a "first post" of that sort you could link to?
jkphlbtw. i just got this message from the the opensuse spokesman who also arranged the sponsoring for our nuremberg camp: "Hi Joschi. We are going to have our openSUSE Conference in Nuremberg in June. It would be great to have IndieWeb there." - whatever this means ... i'll find out.
gRegorLoveNucleus development is re-opened (publicly), though github makes it look like it's just one person. And that's after the project page had a sunset message on it for 1.5 years.
jkphlabsolutely. i'd be open for it! it's really awesome to have them. they're originally nuremberg based and one of the oldest and biggest linux distro providers here in germany, which is quite a nice match i think.
jkphltantek: sure! will have to post-pone a little, however. it's almost 11 p.m. here and i should leave the office ;) ... openSUSE is their free linux distro. ~25% market share in germany, 14% worldwide.
desttinghim1, olivermakes, jgarber, j12t_, renoirb_, anarchivist_, benwerd, Pierre-O, martinBrown_, Jeena_, kmahan, mattronix_, mcverryj1, arlen, neanias and g3funk joined the channel
Schnitzkevinmarks I didn't want to sound harsh. I have 100% sympathy for known. I was actually really looking forward to use. I happen to explain to you why I didn't work for me...
Schnitztantek do you mean something like ? (very personal BTW, don't look, and you need to enable this option internally within tumblr, I have it disabled)
Schnitzkevinmarks nothing too much technically, more of use pattern thing. If this goes too far off-topic here lemme know, happy to move the discussion anytime
SchnitzI feel kinda stupid because I personally do not care (and can change UIs myself anyways), but the people I'm involved have a certain expectations how things should look & feell, as silly as that is, but thats how it is
SchnitzI wouldn't even argue that running for those ... say 'media' people is really worth it, but, with a different style, it would be attractive for sure
Schnitzgregorlove right... now if you could get something like bandcamp or soundcloud to actually POSSE into all the SILOs and be indieweb friendly in itself, that would be huge
Schnitzso for KNOWN, for example, everything should be managed conceptually around the media itself. Not so much blogging, but more.. 'I have content - say music / video'... then 'now what do you want to do with it?"...
Schnitzknown does this already, I know, but the whole idea is more about a continous stream of posting anything to anywhere right now, and the UI is very neutral / clean, thats a bit too broad
SchnitzI still haven't abandoned the dropbox hosting approach... interesting looking at the alternatives. both site44 and do exactly the same thing. Also the same price. Interesting is from Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), thats amazing
[kevinmarks]"kevinmarks looking for a way of using this within my network of people, and therfore the whole approach is too blog-centric" as in they would share a site or want one each?
Schnitzhmmm seems like 100% commercial clone, simply working. One wonders why the guys didn't at least try at rally that a bit (adding a pro level or so)