2016-02-12 UTC
FergusL, DePhraser, M-kegan and g3funk joined the channel
# 00:26 kylewm should it have u-url u-uid itself, and u-url to my twitter page?
# 00:27 aaronpk what do you need the u-url to your twitter page for?
# 00:28 kylewm just need some way for Known to figure out which icon to use
# 00:29 aaronpk pretend it's not twitter, but it's some other indieweb site
# 00:29 aaronpk like I want to syndicate from my personal site to my company blog which supports micropub
# 00:31 kylewm you might want to display your company's favicon and the name of the blog in that case?
LaraFZ joined the channel
# 00:33 aaronpk yeah, which presumably would be on the blog's home page
sid14726 joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# 00:46 [shaners] kevinmarks: did you have a word for the rounded rect / pill shape that I tried in one of the logo iterations in the C?
# 00:46 [shaners] I’m writing it up now and cant’ think what to call that shape
lukebrooker, M-Kodo and M-RyanRix joined the channel
AngeloGladding, desttinghim and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 01:03 snarfed er, sorry, add bridgy_omit_link=true to the webmention request. not that whole url. :P
# 01:08 aaronpk i'm struggling to get motivated to switch gears and start working on indieweb stuff tonight
# 01:08 snarfed mblaney: alternatively you can add class="u-bridgy-ignore-formatting" to the bridgy publish link in your html
# 01:10 aaronpk putting it on the target URL was an interesting idea tho! and would work with a regular webmention request then
# 01:11 mblaney I think you meant class="u-bridgy-omit-link", which I might end up using instead of the query parameter then.
# 01:13 tantek aaronpk - go outside and see if you can catch the sunset, but wait 3 minutes for the rain to stop first.
# 01:13 aaronpk is suspicious of tantek's hyperlocal knowledge of the weather at aaronpk's location
# 01:14 [shaners] tantek: my twitter syndication has a bug that i just noticed.
# 01:14 tantek is not the one publishing his high resolution geolocation coordinates
lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:15 [shaners] tantek: it was only including URL for article tweets, only long notes. so i deleted and reposted
# 01:15 tantek the yellow C makes a wicket chomping pacman for sure
# 01:15 Loqi tantek meant to say: the yellow C makes a wicked chomping pacman for sure
# 01:15 tantek a wicket is something else entirely, especially when sticky
# 01:16 aaronpk maybe i can work on this fun idea instead of fixing the boring bugs on my list
# 01:16 tantek aaronpk - try alternating iterations. make measurable progress on fun idea, fix a boring bug, go back to fun idea etc.
# 01:18 [shaners] Should I blow away the previous iteration? Add this one? Add to a new section?
# 01:18 tantek your blog posts are the good documentation of past iterations, with more context etc.
# 01:19 [shaners] Btw, this post is the first one that I’ve posted in a form in my browsers in 6 years. No more running my massive import script for any new content. :smile:
# 01:21 aaronpk wants a browser extension that hijacks twitter URLs and renders them in a simple HTML page
# 01:21 [shaners] My concern with blowing away previous iteration (I agree my posts have better context) is that people’s votes/notes are the iteration that’s currently on the /logo page. If I just swap out this image for that image, the votes/notes are not quite tied to the same thing anymore.
# 01:22 tantek yup - previous votes could (should?) be moved to a "Previous Discussion" section, with maybe just a small version of one of that past logo and link to your post for more
# 01:26 tantek gave a whole bunch to benwerd last night to sneak onto people's computers at Matter
# 01:43 tantek shaners - do we know if andigalpern still intends her logo to be considered as an alternative?
# 01:43 tantek I got the impression that she did that as a rough first iteration in a direction, but is not necessarily proposing it (anymore?) to be adopted
Schnitz_ joined the channel
# 01:45 tantek maybe from her tweets about it? I can't recall exactly where I got that impression
# 01:46 [shaners] I certainly can’t speak for her, but my impression was “I did this thing months ago. Here it is too.” Not necessarily any formal intention to have it considered.
# 01:46 tantek As indicated to a few folks in person recently (most recently last night), I've switched my IG to private
# 01:47 [shaners] In practice, it doesn’t much matter, right? Given that no one had +1ed hers since this discussion started.
# 01:47 tantek I've been considering it for a while, especially based on spam (follows, likes), but the expected change of API pushed me over the edge
# 01:47 [shaners] I think it can be removed from the page, but I didn’t add it in the first place.
# 01:48 tantek shaners, ah - I thought it was part of the previous discussion.
# 01:48 tantek So for now I'll keep using IG as a "photo posting client" for my own publishing purposes
# 01:48 [shaners] She certainly didn’t propose it for use in the intervening months since she designed it.
# 01:48 tantek a way of posting photos & videos from my iPod touch that puts them on the web somewhere so I can then post on my own site and POSSE out
# 01:49 tantek I don't really feel like making a big deal of it so I don't feel compelled to post about it either
# 01:50 tantek one fewer elsewhere on my sidebar for folks to click through to
# 01:52 tantek everybody's template was constructed by hand :)
# 01:54 tantek Schnitz: you know the drill, when in doubt, copy / paste from something similar and adjust accordingly ;)
Lancey joined the channel
# 01:55 Schnitz hmmm... but wouldn't then i just replicate my user page, isn't that redudant information then?
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# 01:55 tantek Schnitz: did you look at someone else's template?
# 01:56 aaronpk i probably should not have made that, it doesn't really serve any purpose
# 01:58 Loqi Sorry, there was a problem retrieving the locations.
# 01:59 Loqi IndieWebCamp code of conduct tl;dr: Be respectful of other people, respectfully ask people to stop if you are bothered, and if you can't resolve an issue contact staff. If you are being a problem, it will be apparent and you'll be asked to leave https://indiewebcamp.com/%F0%9F%8C%88
# 02:00 Schnitz shaners ok your logo should be +1 from me now, there you go :-)
thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 02:01 [shaners] Thanks, yall. I’m shutting down for the night. !tell me if you need me. Toodles.
# 02:03 Vendan you get anywhere on the dropbox hosting stuff?
# 02:03 Schnitz I'm using a 15 years old cherry keyboad. I love it. But thats why I have all these typos. Bear with me. Save cherry keyboards from the 90ies!
# 02:04 Vendan I use laptop for only main computer, and also as the mouse and keyboard for my desktop
# 02:07 Vendan I've been looking at writing one, it's a little annoying though
# 02:07 Vendan as you can't really distribute open source with a dropbox api key
# 02:08 tantek Schnitz - want to update /pancake.io with your data? I think it's likely worth it since now you have several days of experience
sid14726 joined the channel
# 02:21 Schnitz Vendan so getting back to the dropbox issue, in general, not just pancake.io
# 02:22 Schnitz its a 100% pancake.io and its missing one key feature and you have to pay for it
# 02:22 Schnitz you get humans actually writing *welcome aboard* messages
# 02:23 Schnitz but if you ask them technical questions, they don't answer
# 02:23 tantek Schnitz: ^^^ could you make a quick note of that there?
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# 02:29 Schnitz page this needs editing, will do so in a sec, 1 draft
# 02:31 Vendan ahh, App/<whatever> can only be shared for viewing
# 02:33 Vendan sad part, that is literally an option in the dropbox app creation process
# 02:34 Schnitz I'm not even checking duet.to because it being from Abu Dhabi
# 02:34 Schnitz but its about long-term perspective, not being discriminating
# 02:34 Schnitz I cannot imagine a United Arab Emirates Tech Startup to be anything long-term
# 02:35 Schnitz because society, which I know a bit, is so short-lived
# 02:35 Schnitz they build skyscrapers in dubai that last 10 years, then they fall apart
# 02:36 Schnitz Vendan: so in short, lots of potential / opportunity in that area currently
# 02:37 Schnitz for something really simple, clean, stupid, realble... and free
# 02:39 Vendan I'm looking at it, issue is I want to to make it simple
# 02:39 Vendan which is a no go for Schnitz's use case cause you can't collaborate on an app folder
# 02:40 Vendan Schnitz, I wouldn't be looking at free, but I'd think about hosting a cheap version on my own server, and also offering the software as open source
# 02:41 Schnitz maybe give people 1 page, or one subdomain, for free
# 02:42 Schnitz indie style for musicians, bongkers layour, no more...
# 02:42 Vendan only thing I would consider is offering the full paid package for a trial or something similar
# 02:43 Schnitz I do not sign up with my credit card *before* I have something wokring that convinces me
# 02:44 Schnitz like if the pancake.io guy would *now* show and say, hey, give me 50 bucks and I'll fix these issues for good, I'll probably say yes... see?
# 02:46 tantek oh that's interesting, looks like instagram.com has the nearly same reader experience as their mobile app now, and it even looks a lot like mobile when you narrow your window!
# 02:47 tantek so this is fascinating, we can now compare personal site mobile UX to IG's mobile-ish UX side by side
# 02:48 aaronpk considers making alternate layouts for his different channels
# 02:49 Schnitz Vendan 2nd example, I did this on http://svs-events.site44.com/ ... its meant to be simple events page were people jointly just edit the page with new events ... doesn't work, Site44 offer no shared folders, pancake.io is unstable. Full Stop.
# 02:49 tantek aaronpk: I think the stream of one photo column is more compelling
# 02:49 tantek you're pretty close to fullbleed in the narrow window view
# 02:49 aaronpk yeah i got as close as i could without a ton of extra work
# 02:49 Schnitz Vendan but I'm not looking into huge site, but more small little individual indieweb *pages*
# 02:50 Schnitz Vendan therefore applying a financial model is difficult
# 02:50 tantek aaronpk - you can hack it with negative margins in an @media rule ;)
# 02:50 Vendan like I said, a $5 DO Droplet could serve all the stuff you are looking at with room to spare
# 02:50 Schnitz they beauty of the dropbox hack would be to deploy small things *fast*
# 02:51 Schnitz like do a page nearly as fast as a *post* in a SILO
# 02:51 aaronpk to be fair, it is almost 7pm pacific time and if you haven't had dinner yet now is a great time to do so, so it isn't entirely unreasonable for me to post something to make you hungry :P
# 02:52 aaronpk ah yeah now I remember, I couldn't make it wider again after I used margin-left -8px
# 02:55 Schnitz just like tantek is always pushing to write wiki pages I urged some software people to perhaps get some good service done ;)
# 02:56 aaronpk hmm interesting. i may have a solution, which also makes it full-width so there is no white border around the image on wide screens which actually looks good i think
# 03:00 aaronpk i just have to double check all the different kinds of posts once i make this change
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# 03:14 aaronpk hmm should photos in a blog post be full bleed too?
# 03:15 aaronpk (and yes turns out this was as complicated as I thought, but now i'm committed and about 70% done)
# 03:17 Vendan ugh, one library has support for the calls I need, but doesn't support getting access tokens, another supports getting the access token, but not the calls I need
# 03:31 aaronpk Loqi tries to expand links before they get here, but he's erroneously matching the comma as part of the tweet so it fails
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# 03:50 aaronpk just split my list into two, migrations/import vs new features
# 03:50 aaronpk they're both still long, but at least now I can deal with them separately
# 03:57 aaronpk okay yeah i think i like the full-width/full-bleed photos
tantek and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
snarfed, sid14726, tantek and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 04:52 aaronpk I do enjoy how tantek's old posts still look like they did when they were posted
# 04:54 aaronpk it was already being sent up with my GPS coordinates that are used to geotag all my posts, so it wasn't a lot of work to do that :)
# 04:54 bret oh wild, is that from a native api? or can the browser get that too?
# 04:56 bret i've been playing around with donpdonp's ice condoor a bit
# 04:56 aaronpk I want to find a subtle way to put the states of my magic click in the header bar too
# 04:59 aaronpk are you gonna be able to come to homebrew website club again soon?
# 05:00 bret i've been pretty sapped through the end of last year and january. had a job i wasnt down with and took over the pdxnode meetup kinda haphazardly
# 05:00 bret but i got a new job thats awesome now, and finding some help with pdxnode.... so yeah! i hope to soon
# 05:02 bret how is the w3c stuff going? its cool to see the webmention stuff
# 05:02 aaronpk yeah got webmention and micropub published! Need to iterate on Micropub more now!
# 05:03 bret yeah kinda lost track around the json and simplifed mf2 thingy
# 05:06 bret i've been playing around with https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork recently. dominictar and this guy named paul have been making crazy headway on a p2p/mesh/offlinefirst twitter clone. interesting parallels
sandro, Loqi and reidab joined the channel
# 05:13 bret you peer with a few 'pubs' that helps with establishing peer connections and keep copies of content around, but the pubs lack any authority in the network. it eliminates the need for most people to maintain any sort of hosting, but also eliminates the networks reliance on specific hosted nodes or pubs, so when it goes down, all peers have the slice of
# 05:13 bret history they care about, and can continue peering directly and through any other remaining pubs
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# 05:14 aaronpk it doesn't really appear to be webby, more like a replacement for email?
# 05:15 bret it flows more like twitter / forum threads
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# 05:17 bret you can host it like a webapp, but its more like an application
# 05:17 bret right, its content addressable and peers maintain copies of themselves and their network
# 05:18 bret so it avoids global singleton issues like bitcoin have
# 05:19 bret you could write an http interface on top of it.... which is how the patchwork client is written
# 05:19 bret so there are permalinks, its just hosted on localhost
# 05:19 bret the permalink is some ungodly hash haha
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# 05:33 aaronpk was just thinking that i'm starting to have so many repos for p3k that i need an org for it
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# 07:17 Loqi [indieweb] "For all those who do not believe that your data is a commodity.
cweiske, sid14726, KartikPrabhu and thehighfiveghost joined the channel
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# 09:11 Phyks KartikPrabhu: ah, indeed, they should no overlap mutch
# 09:11 Phyks KartikPrabhu: about scientific papers, was not thinking in applying it directly to html files (indeed, they are usually pdf files)
# 09:12 Phyks but rather taking some concepts such as webmentions and indexing / decentralization ideas that open access and indiewebcamp have in common
# 09:13 KartikPrabhu Phyks: that is my point, I don't see how webmention would work with PDFs and also "indexing"
# 09:13 KartikPrabhu on a side note I have seen some journal successfully and nicely convert Latex stuff to HTML
# 09:14 Phyks I was thinking in this landing page rather than the article itself
# 09:16 KartikPrabhu Phyks: yeah so if there is interest a first step would be to use microformats on those
# 09:16 Phyks indeed, Nature is doing an html export as well
# 09:16 Phyks but I think the render is still one step behind the true pdf
# 09:18 Phyks for instance, one of the major problems that could arise from open access (in my opinion) is also that the same paper will exist in different versions across the web. And it will be difficult to uniquely identify it etc. And I think that may be things you encountered also, when cross-posting to Twitter for instance
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# 12:19 cweiske simply clicking on the follow button yield that errors?
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# 12:39 petermolnar yeah, it's most probably something with my slightly paranoid settings
# 12:43 voxpelli petermolnar: do ping Julien about it if you think it could be something that the Subtome tool could be adjusted to work with though :) I think he would appreciate feedback
# 12:46 voxpelli petermolnar: just to be sure – are you rinning Firefox normally or in private mode?
# 12:47 voxpelli petermolnar: and have you eg. disabled cookies or something?
# 12:56 Zegnat Has anyone here ever looked at amberlink.org? It seems similar to the previously discussed /Owark
# 13:09 voxpelli Zegnat: I believe it has been mentioned here before – think eg. adactio wrote something about it
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# 14:08 petermolnar voxpelli not private mode; paranoid plugins, like Policeman + uBlock, but I've disabled both while testing; third party cookies disabled; do-no-follow enabled;
# 14:10 voxpelli petermolnar: searched the error message a little bit and one indication was a correlation between disabled cookies and that localstorage error
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# 16:27 GWG Hello, Schnitz. What is new and intriguing?
# 16:27 Schnitz do I count as a candidate for such things here these days? :-)
# 16:28 GWG I ask everyone. My deepest hope is someone will have something to share.
# 16:29 GWG I also have a selfish reason. Other people's stories often inspire me
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# 16:42 [shaners] !tell jkphl There’s a new iteration of the logo redesign. Wanna take a look and see if it meets your approval? (Since you commented on the previous iteration.) /logo
# 16:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 18:16 gRegorLove Heh, tantek went private on instagram so pestagram now redirects his user page to the front page. Result: a stream of public photos in my Woodwind subscriptions. :)
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# 18:46 tantek aaronpk: what are the chances of including links to the notes and photos from the past week's HWC?
# 18:48 aaronpk i'd need some sort of mf2 property to grab the notes or link to the notes from. for example I could pull in the "summary" text from the event page
Tino joined the channel
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# 18:53 aaronpk oh yeah woodwind doesn't go fetch the contents of the URL
# 18:53 aaronpk i'm hoping that by including photos of the events in the newsletter, it will encourage us to post more photos :)
# 18:54 tantek aaronpk: what do you think of s/Past Events/Recent Events
# 19:03 aaronpk "p-name summary" shouldn't be parsing that as a summary property...
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# 19:11 tantek yes it's wrong. if there's an h-* class on an element then no backward compat root parsing should occur on that element
# 19:11 tantek and backward compat properties are *only* for backward compat roots
# 19:11 tantek and lastly, "summary" should parse as "p-name" in an h-event
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 19:22 tantek software? do you install it? I though it was just an online service?
# 19:25 KevinMarks the g+ integration made it awkward tho, as if you labelled people it sent them a person tag email
# 19:28 sknebel still haven't found anything else that does automatic face tagging well and without uploading everything somewhere
# 19:28 sknebel (at least early picasa did it offline, when the G+ integration came we got scared off it. + moving the generated tags to other software was a pain anyways)
thehighfiveghost joined the channel
# 19:40 aaronpk tantek: did you see my full-bleed photos on my site that I launched last night? :D
# 19:41 tantek aaronpk, added to issue 45 regarding backcompat properties only inside a backcompat root
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# 20:03 cweiske it has facial recognition and works completely offline
# 20:04 sknebel ages ago, then it probably didn't have the feature
# 20:06 sknebel (currently my entire photo workflow lives in an old version of Lightroom, which is going to become an issue once I need to work with a newer camera)
# 20:07 sknebel (For my archive, bird species identification would probably be more useful ;))
# 20:10 tantek KevinMarks: is that twitter user names tweet a criticism?
# 20:33 tantek just looked - looks good! we can try it out incrementally right?
# 20:33 tantek want to use it to add the HWC events for March?
# 20:35 gRegorLove I like the updated intro text on the event permanent links. Should I use that on /Events or the usual "Are you building your own website? . . . "
# 20:40 tantek which, the "Join us for an evening of quiet writing, IndieWeb discussions, and demos! " ?
# 20:53 tantek KevinMarks: "iOS 8.0 all the way up to 9.3 beta 3, so yep, it includes 9.2.1." <-- evidence of my hypothesis that 7.1.2 was the last good version of iOS
# 20:57 sknebel now, how to hijack NTP requests from a large number of iPhones?
# 20:57 tantek FWIW I turn off that silly network time update stuff anyway because I go on planes often enough that I don't want anything screwing with my time settings. I like being concious of my timezone changes thank you very much.
# 20:57 tantek sknebel: some Android fanboi is likely already on it ;)
# 20:58 sknebel Getting in the NTP pool apparently isn't that hard, see the shodan case
# 20:59 aaronpk the NTP setting is different from the automatic timezone setting though
# 21:00 tantek aaronpk: not AFAIK. you have to turn off NTP to set the timezone manually
# 21:07 tantek singpolyma: browsers apparently mentioned in previous conversation
# 21:08 tantek singpolyma: in general if you see jargon in IRC, you're encouraged to say what is to make sure it has a page
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# 21:41 aaronpk 10 minutes to sneak anything else into the weekly newsletter :)
# 21:48 petermolnar midori is a lightweight, webkit based browser that is the default browser in elementaryOS linux distribution
# 21:49 petermolnar Pale Moon is a pre Australis (the new UI in version 29 ) Firefox fork
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# 21:51 aaronpk oh I should probably be tweeting these out from the indiewebcamp account huh
# 21:56 tantek funny KevinMarks, I think of something else when I see "Whole Known Network" ;) (cc: benwerd)
# 21:58 singpolyma (actually, I think the public timeline should go away. but people do not agree with me :P)
# 21:58 tantek but again, early on it showed that a service had activity, and gave some idea what people were doing there
# 21:59 singpolyma public timeline is neat, but it leads to people wanting to read it, which leads to people complaining when stuff they don't want to read is in it. which is perposterous
# 21:59 tantek hmm - I don't remember seeing those complaints about Twitter
# 22:00 singpolyma I've had those complaints directed at me on GNU social sites, and also seen it directed at others
# 22:00 tantek singpolyma: if you can find the URLs for the complaints, it's probably worth documenting
# 22:01 singpolyma KevinMarks: I only use GNU social for testing and development of GNU social and other PSHB related testing
# 22:01 singpolyma to make sure people on GNU social can still follow my website, etc
# 22:02 singpolyma (it's in a plugin, I'm working on getting sites to turn it on)
# 22:02 tantek singpolyma - can you help with submitting a pull request to gnusocial so it doesn't depend on JS to show something?
# 22:03 singpolyma tantek: main gnusocial doesn't, that's just Qvitter-based sites (quitter.se, quitter.no, and friends). I did put a patch in to Qvitter to at least put (hidden) microformatted markup into the page without JS
# 22:04 singpolyma not my preference, but better than JS-only (esp when working on getting webmention stuff in)
# 22:05 tantek !tell singpolyma agreed that that's an improvement. could also add h-cite to the u-in-reply-to!
# 22:05 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 22:06 aaronpk was hoping that was going to include the photo this time
# 22:06 tantek because you can't depend on Twitter to use their invisible metacrap
# 22:07 aaronpk it's going through silo.pub and is using the same code i wrote yesterday to publish photos
# 22:07 aaronpk totally out of band of the html that's on that page
# 22:10 aaronpk aha. php 5.6 changed the stupid way files are uploaded
# 22:12 aaronpk okay it's pretty great with the photo attached. think it's okay to delete that tweet and redo it one more time?
# 22:12 aaronpk gRegorLove: php 5.5 and before, if a value of a field starts with "@" it looks for a file at that path and does multipart uploads. in 5.6 that is disabled by default
# 22:13 aaronpk it's one of those unfortunate PHP things that gives PHP a bad name
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# 22:15 tantek aaronpk, we'll have to see if the photo helps at all with "engagement" 😂
# 22:16 aaronpk ah crap it wanted an absolute URL. not smart enough to resolve the relative image url for me
# 22:17 aaronpk *sigh* well i can't re-send that one, so that will wait until next week
# 22:18 tantek do people really want photo enclosures in their email?!?
# 22:19 tantek aaronpk: perhaps an HTML embed of the photo is sufficient (since you're sending HTML email already anyway, right?)
# 22:19 aaronpk email newsletter get better "engagement" when there are photos too :)
# 22:19 aaronpk i actually have very little control over this. i'm using mailchimp's RSS->email thingy
# 22:19 aaronpk and apparentely they don't parse the contents, cause they just put the <img> tag in the email verbatim
# 22:20 aaronpk i was expecting them to be smarter, like at least resolving the relative URL in it
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# 22:21 tantek KevinMarks, you had me at "feeds are really poorly defined"
# 22:21 aaronpk oh good point actually. would it be relative to the feed URL or relative to the URL the item represents?
# 22:23 matrrix i dont have/need an account :/
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# 22:25 tantek Hmm - I don't think Mozilla can shutdown Persona.org as along as MDN depends on it ;)
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# 22:30 tantek matrrix: If I'm around, feel free to ping me about that kind of off topic stuff in #indiechat
# 22:40 matrrix tantek: didnt even know there was an indiechat
# 22:41 matrrix i am there now
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# 23:03 KevinMarks hm, woodwind thinks all the "this week in the indieweb" posts were 4 hours ago - missing dt-published?
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# 23:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:51 tantek !tell tbrb is there a HWC Edi next week or the week after?
# 23:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 23:51 tantek gRegorLove: do you think the one day event templates are good enough to use to add HWC meetups in March to /Events ?
# 23:52 gRegorLove tantek: I found a bug with the dt-start that I need to fix first.