2016-02-14 UTC
tvn joined the channel
tantek, j12t and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 02:01 GWG petermolnar: How do you feel about genericons?
# 02:10 GWG Genericons is an icon font set created by Automattic and popular with WordPress themes.
# 02:12 petermolnar too much varying in size ( as in width and height ), not enough things, no, I don't like it
# 02:13 GWG It's used by Jetpack for its social menu
# 02:18 GWG petermolnar: The reason why I'm asking is that I was looking on how to enhance the rel me menu
wolftune joined the channel
# 02:30 GWG Only Dashicons, the admin font set.
# 02:30 GWG I think, if KevinMarks were here, he'd suggest SVG.
# 02:33 GWG KartikPrabhu: I understand the pros. I just tend to feel that there isn't as much adoption of it in WordPress. I use it in one of my plugins.
tantek and wolftune joined the channel
# 03:02 tantek no I was attempting to trigger Loqi into helping you out
# 03:02 tantek in case that helps, specifically for your use case of rel=me link icons!
# 03:03 GWG I was looking at what is popular on WordPress to try and make it familiar.
# 03:04 GWG Hasn't been updated in a while though
# 03:05 tantek besides all you really need are the ones for IndieAuth
# 03:10 GWG tantek: But we are not only about Indieauth. Rel-me for me is about where else I am. Not only auth.
# 03:15 GWG This has always been a prioritization issue for me.
# 03:17 GWG I see the benefit of the achievement of Indieauth, but beyond that, it doesn't help me interact with others
KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 03:32 [kevinmarks] You indieauth into the site, then it sends an anonymous webmention to your valentine :hearts:
# 03:34 GWG KevinMarks: I have no issue with SVG. I implemented it. It just isn't as prevalent in WordPress.
# 03:37 [kevinmarks] If you've learnt how to build themes a particular way, it is harder to change
tantek joined the channel
# 03:40 GWG KevinMarks: I may give it a try regardless.
# 03:43 GWG The other problem is putting in SVG is more code right now
# 03:46 GWG I am. I'm rewriting the text based version to be better prepared for that in a v2...or rather, to be technical, we're up to v3...so v4.
# 03:47 GWG v1 - Original Indieweb Plugin - Semantic Linkbacks and Webmentions merged into a plugin
# 03:47 GWG v2 - No bundled plugins, Plugin installer
# 03:47 tantek GWG, do you have a history documented on the wiki?
# 03:47 GWG I thought we did have a page for it
# 03:49 GWG Should it be called the Indieweb Plugin?
# 03:49 GWG We had that problem with the Webmention Plugin
# 03:50 GWG What is the WordPress IndieWeb Plugin?
# 03:51 tantek GWG, perhaps start by linking to it from the Getting Started With WordPress page
# 03:51 GWG Well, I need to work on that page. It started as a mirror of a page inside the plugin
# 03:57 tantek yes that's a good page to always keep in mind, it helps set the right context for why Indieweb plugin
# 03:59 aaronpk did google+ stop working entirely? I should just disable it in indieauth.com if so
# 04:00 tantek KevinMarks: can you look into the Google+ rel=me support? ^^^
tantek, rbrt and arlen joined the channel
# 05:50 aaronpk about to publish my first blog post on the new p3k
# 05:50 aaronpk already filed some feature requests with the Quill editor
# 06:08 aaronpk twitter didn't autolink "gogs.io:" but silo.pub thought it would, so it cut off my last hashtag
tantek joined the channel
# 06:13 aaronpk (that's the corrected tweet above. i added the photo and tweeted it manually)
korayal and wolftune joined the channel
j12t, squeakytoy2 and [aaronpk] joined the channel
yakker and gRegorLove joined the channel
geor_gs, KartikPrabhu, elima_ and loic_m joined the channel
# 08:57 petermolnar keybase.io is a silo for what indie sites could do better with h-cards.
geor_gs joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
catsup, geor_gs1, Pierre-O, mapkyca, tantek, geor_gs, thehighfiveghost, arthurspooner, squeakytoy2, Kopfstein and Garbee joined the channel
Pierre-O, Kopfstein, Pierre-O1, j12t_, mattronix and kerozene joined the channel
ttepasse, Pierre-O, jonnybarnes and elima_ joined the channel
geor_gs, arthurspooner and Lancey joined the channel
# 16:14 kylewm aaronpk: sorry about the silopub issue, the check for bare ccTLDs was case-sensitive. it should be fixed now!
loic_m joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 17:15 [aaronpk] kylewm: I don't actually know why Twitter doesn't auto link gogs.io, is it because it's so short?
arthurspooner joined the channel
# 17:20 [aaronpk] I guess this is the same trick Tantek uses for ttk.me I wonder if he knows the pattern
# 17:31 GWG aaronpk: What server are you running?
# 17:42 kylewm aaronpk, yeah twitter doesn't autolink bare cctlds
arthurspooner joined the channel
Pierre-O, arthurspooner, loic_m and [aaronpk] joined the channel
wolftune, squeakytoy2, RussNelson and nelson joined the channel
# 18:52 nelson Two things, "selfdogfooding" first. It's kind-of a strange term, yes. Maybe CIMBY? Coding In My Back Yard. Advantage? Everybody knows what NIMBY is, so telling them that the C is for Coding should get the idea across.
# 18:52 nelson Disadvantage is that NIMBY is a bad thing, unless, of course, *you* are the NIMBY.
# 18:53 GWG nelson: Dogfooding is a long standing term. That isn't always a good reason though, admittedly.
# 18:53 Loqi dogfood in the context of the indieweb, refers to the software practice of "eating your own dog food" but in particular with using your own creations on your own personal site that you depend on, day to day https://indiewebcamp.com/dogfooding
# 18:55 aaronpk I agree "selfdogfood" is not the greatest term, however there has yet to be a better suggestion
# 18:56 nelson that's why I'm suggesting CIMBY. It's not widely used, and doesn't need to be explained beyond the "Coding" part.
# 18:58 GWG Well, coding suggests the only contribution someone can make is coding.
# 18:58 GWG That is a problem that often occurs in projects.
# 18:58 GWG Things like user testing, writing documentation, design, feedback, etc.
# 18:59 nelson Good point. Serious problem in the Open Source world. I withdraw my suggestion.
# 19:00 GWG Negativity in open source is something that drives me crazy whenever I try to get involved.
# 19:00 nelson Okay, on to the second thing. I love IndieAuth, but it isn't working with Google+. Yes, I saw the caution, but I've got it in Profiles, not links.
# 19:01 nelson One thing I noticed is that Google+ is using rel="me nofollow". Is that going to screw up IndieAuth?
# 19:01 aaronpk German is good at taking complex concepts and turning them into a single word, right? Maybe there's a german word we can use :)
# 19:01 GWG It was inquired about yesterday. I think someone was going to check.
# 19:02 aaronpk can you check the HTML of that page and see if there is in fact a rel=me link?
# 19:03 nelson Urgh, X-Chat inserted a space where it should be /"
# 19:06 GWG So, nelson, what brought you here today? I like to hear people's stories.
# 19:08 nelson I've got an account on Known, which I don't use very much because most of my photos get posted to a Facebook group. I want to figure out how I can post photos to my own blog, to the Facebook group, and to Flickr.
# 19:09 GWG Ah, the POSSE dilemma. I know Known supports Facebook. It doesn't support groups? I thought when I saw a demo of it that it did.
# 19:09 nelson I have known that, yes.
# 19:10 nelson I also thought I should eat my own dog food. I don't like silos. I like protocols. Time to put up or shut up.
# 19:11 aaronpk nelson: I don't actually see that html when I run curl
# 19:11 GWG nelson: I don't like anything that puts out a welcome mat and then closes the door behind me.
# 19:11 GWG It's sort of the digital equivalent of Hansel and Gretel.
# 19:14 GWG aaronpk: I think I saw something about this in the logs last night
# 19:14 GWG I think that might have been nelson tweeting tantek
# 19:15 nelson aaronpk: that's weird. curl isn't logged-in, so we should be getting the same thing. When I run it, I get 25951 characters of which several are the string:
# 19:15 nelson <a class="OLa url Xvc" href="http://russnelson.com/" rel="me nofollow" target="_blank" title="My home page">My home page</a>
# 19:16 nelson yes, I saw @t's name associated with IndieAuth and took a shot in the dark.
# 19:16 GWG But it looks like tantek asked KevinMarks if he could look at it. I guess he might still have contacts there.
# 19:17 nelson GWG: I don't like how everything used to be interoperable using published protocols, but now you're supposed to log in to a silo and use their proprietary API.
j12t and singpolyma joined the channel
# 19:18 nelson aaronpk: this is barfalicious, but: nelson@d2:~$ curl https://plus.google.com/+RussellNelson/about | grep 'href="http://russnelson.com/" rel="me nofollow"' | sed 's!.*<a class="OLa url Xvc" href="http://russnelson.com/" rel="me nofollow" target="_blank" title="My home page">My home page</a>.*!<a class="OLa url Xvc" href="http://russnelson.com/" rel="me nofollow" target="_blank" title="My home page">My home page</a>!'
# 19:19 GWG nelson: I agree. And sometimes the API is restricted. It would at least be doable if the API was easy to work with
# 19:19 GWG Look at Bridgy. The fighting to get API access.
# 19:19 nelson I could handle logging in IF I didn't have to learn a proprietary API every time.
# 19:20 nelson I mean, you have to login to IMAP, right?
# 19:22 aaronpk oh it is in there, just buried in between other crap
# 19:25 nelson I speculate that rel="me nofollow" is confusing IndieAuth.
# 19:26 aaronpk yeah when I load the page from the ruby environment that indieauth.com uses, there is no link to russnelson.com in the html
# 19:26 nelson I pasted what I see into a comment, which github "helpfully" interprets as HTML, but you can see it there.
# 19:26 nelson WEIRD. I blame Google.
# 19:27 aaronpk i'm pretty sure that link isn't actually in parsable HTML. i suspect it's in a comment block or some other script thing
# 19:29 nelson Github found it in the comment I posted to that gist.
# 19:29 aaronpk github is likely munging the crap out of that html before rendering it
# 19:29 aaronpk so they may have removed a script tag or whatever
# 19:30 nelson Ahhhhh, interesting, when I load that html back into Chrome, it shows me about the same thing you pasted in the gist.
# 19:31 nelson I think your theory is correct. I'll look at the HTML and see if there is a work-around.
# 19:31 aaronpk sadly this means any solution is going to involve hard-coding specific behavior for google+, so at that point might as well use the API since it will be less prone to breaking
# 19:34 GWG aaronpk: I heard they have a new API for that somewhere
# 19:34 sknebel wow, webstorm nearly craps itself trying to make sense of that file
j12t_ joined the channel
# 19:45 aaronpk I just tested it loading that HTML directly instead of having it make the HTTP request itself, and it still can't find it
# 19:45 aaronpk at least now I know google isn't returning something different to indieauth.com
tvn joined the channel
# 19:56 nelson That's good. I'm trying to parse it using sax and .... it's not a happy camper.
tantek joined the channel
# 19:58 nelson morning, tantek. Trying to figure out why G+ hates IndieAuth right now.
# 19:58 tantek morning nelson - good q, I haven't kept up with G+ revisions
# 19:59 tantek aaronpk: do we have anything in the logs for the last time someone IndieAuth'd via G+?
# 20:01 nelson Well, sax is just plain confused. It sees the <script> but is trying to parse the javascript as XML.
# 20:03 aaronpk oh interesting, they put a different URL for their G+ profile
# 20:04 aaronpk i load the page and it starts to render stuff, but then the whole screen turns grey and now it's hanging
# 20:05 tantek aaronpk, if it stops working via curl, we should just document that as an Issue on /Google+ and note that Google has broken their markup, again.
# 20:05 tantek nelson, are you able to use an alternative for now like GitHub?
# 20:05 aaronpk i *think* that is the case but trying to actually confirm it
# 20:06 aaronpk indieauth.com is still able to confirm someone else's G+ profile with the URL in that format
# 20:08 tantek aaronpk and yes re: trick for Twitter not auto-linking ccTLDs and ttk.me
# 20:09 tantek I'm sure they don't autolink because they found too many false positives in the random stuff people tweet.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 20:11 nelson GRRRRRRRR....... yes, that works, aaronpk.
timweston joined the channel
# 20:12 nelson Maybe change the example page on indieauth.com/setup so it says plus.google.com/+aaronpk/p/pub ?
# 20:13 nelson tantek: I'm able to use five alternatives. :-) Every one but G+ works, and G+ works now.
# 20:13 tantek The will.i.am problem refers to the problem of auto-linking plain domains on ccTLDs leading to false positives, exemplified by the musician will.i.am (actual spelling) who does not own the "i.am" [[short-domain ]], and the likely reason why Twitter does not [[autolink ]] ccTLD domains.
# 20:13 nelson You mean I don't have to set up all of them?? ;)
# 20:14 tantek The will.i.am problem is the problem of false positives when auto-linking plain domains on ccTLDs, exemplified by mentions of the musician will.i.am (actual spelling) who does not own the "i.am" [[short-domain ]], and the likely reason why Twitter does not [[autolink ]] ccTLD domains.
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 20:16 nelson Yes, it looks like he did a deal with them.
# 20:16 aaronpk well it's still a problem unless you have piles of money
# 20:21 aaronpk KevinMarks: wow the pin13 parser sees something totally different
# 20:22 tantek KevinMarks: NO, I have had that markup on my site for AGES
# 20:23 tantek they actually 404d it. It used to work in the Buzz days
timweston joined the channel
# 20:31 tantek except they likely then broke the original profile URLs
# 20:31 KevinMarks looking at archive.org, it was a 302 to profiles.google.com/[name]
# 20:36 tantek right, I think the Buzz team's enthusiasm for supporting standards motivated me to work with it to see how far we could move things along
# 20:44 KevinMarks still puzzled by why unmung is seeing rel-me links and pin13 isn't
# 20:48 singpolyma "IndieWebCards/0.5 like Mozilla or IE or is it Trident? Maybe Presto. Some WebKit influence. Does you sniffer like Blink? Firefox and Iceweasel and Dillo and lynx. Mozilla again."
# 20:50 aaronpk "AppleWebKit/537.36" is the string that triggers the different response from g+
# 20:50 aaronpk with that string, I don't get any rel=me URLs. without that string I see the h-card and a bunch of rel=me
# 20:52 aaronpk i'm pretty sure i snagged the whole user agent string from chrome to use there
# 20:53 aaronpk the flip side of this problem is i was seeing some peoples' sites not return HTML unless the user agent looked like a browser
# 20:53 aaronpk which is why i put a browser user agent string in there in the first place
# 20:55 KevinMarks hm, the G+ rewrite was supposed to enable both client and server rendering
lukebrooker, mattronix, arlen and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 22:17 KevinMarks singpolyma, you've spent more time with gnusocial - does the twitter lookalike skin originate with quitter.se?
# 22:17 singpolyma KevinMarks: I believe Qvitter (the js;dr twitter-alike GNU Social plugin) was developed originally for quitter.se -- the guys behind quitter.se are also behind the Qvitter github, etc
Schnitz joined the channel
# 22:35 sknebel loading as many random files as your browser will allow?
# 22:37 sknebel btw, how fixed are you on dropbox? as in, is dropbox what you want, or the UX of simply putting files in a local folder and it works?
# 22:42 Schnitz I've set up some batch image manipulation is gimp for this
# 22:43 Schnitz I hope to get other non-technical people exciting about homebrew website thru the dropbox hack
# 22:43 sknebel and if people have to install something new it get's complicated
calumryan, squeakytoy and lukebrooker joined the channel