2016-02-16 UTC
tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and minsky joined the channel
bear, j12t and lukebrooker joined the channel
# 01:34 tantek interesting, the wiki link is an absolute link, not a local wiki link (hence the lock icon next to the link)
# 01:51 gRegorLove I can't, and include the u-url on the same link. Mediawiki template limitations.
acegiak joined the channel
# 01:53 gRegorLove I was using Mediawiki {{localurl}}
to generate <a href class="u-url"> and was going nuts trying to figure out why it stripped the href. Guess it's a limitation to encourage using the bracket syntax for internal links
# 01:54 gRegorLove Template was initially set up to accept a bracketed wiki link, which I would prefer, but not sure how to get the mf2 u-url then, short of a hack/plugin for MediaWiki (not it! :) )
# 01:55 aaronpk i just made a minimal "built-in" editing interface for p3k, that does only the most common functions, but it's actually a Javascript Micropub client
# 02:05 aaronpk had to add something to the spec to support that :)
acegiak joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 04:09 GWG How do you display a domain name?
acegiak and [aaronpk] joined the channel
# 04:13 [aaronpk] I'm going to make a more thorough editing interface for Quill
bupkes, jedahan and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 05:16 GWG I've already decided to switch the Let's Encrypt when my current certificates expire, or when I have time...whichever comes first.
yakker and [aaronpk] joined the channel
# 05:24 [aaronpk] I've already started switching to Letsencrypt, as well as Amazon's certs.
# 05:25 GWG aaronpk: With any new server project, you need a block of time.
# 05:25 GWG I also don't support ALPN, which is an issue as Chrome wants to shutter NPN
# 05:25 GWG aaronpk: I thought Amazon certs only work for Amazon hosted things.
# 05:26 GWG aaronpk: You support ALPN. Don't worry
# 05:26 [aaronpk] Yeah they do , but that's great when you are running Amazon things
# 05:27 [aaronpk] Basically the whole landscape is changing rapidly to commoditize SSL certs, and that's a good thing
# 05:33 [aaronpk] I would be surprised if in two years, it's unusual that your hosting company doesn't provide SSL with a checkbox
# 05:37 [aaronpk] That was meant to be a plural "your". Stupid English doesn't have enough pronouns.
telostia joined the channel
gRegorLove, elima_, KartikPrabhu, loic_m, lukebrooker, jdp_, dogada, shiflett, jihaisse, Pierre-O, XgF, rhiaro_, michel_v, friedcell, sh4l and cweiske joined the channel
# 08:05 Loqi cweiske: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 31 minutes ago: are you going to document the Woodwind counter-evidence as well? As well as the fact that originally RSS had this "description-as-summary only thus must retrieve permalinks" inefficiency, while both Atom/h-feed allow for full content? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-15/line/1455571999541
# 08:05 Loqi cweiske: tantek left you a message 10 hours, 30 minutes ago: thus sites/consuming-tools *must* be inefficient with RSS, and can be equally (in)efficient with Atom/h-feed, which leaves Atom's markup-wordiness/excess-artificial-precision inefficiency (compared to h-feed). http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-15/line/1455572070610
loic_m joined the channel
sanduhrs, bupkes, loic_m, arthurspooner, mothersele, sh4l, shiflett and marcthiele joined the channel
# 09:44 telostia anyone here into rpg games?
# 09:44 telostia like jrpg in particular
MrClaw and tobiastom joined the channel
loic_m_, loic_m__, sknebel, nitot, adactio, Erkan_Yilmaz and sh4l joined the channel
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sh4l, lukebrooker and Erkan_Yilmaz joined the channel
loic_m, elima_, sanduhrs, mothersele and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 14:33 wwwtech.de about created /User:Wwwtech.de_about (+341) "Created page with "= <span class="p-name">Christian Kruse</span> = <span class="p-role">Software developer</span> from <span class="p-locality">Steinfurt</span>, <span class="p-country-name">German..."" (
view diff )
mxuribe, luxagraf, squeakytoy and M-kegan joined the channel
snarfed, singpolyma, tvn, friedcell, M-Kodo, M-RyanRix, hs0ucy and ttepasse joined the channel
luxagraf, M-Kodo and wolftune joined the channel
# 16:30 aaronpk i shouldn't be seeing "no log found" when I click one of the timestamps on my bridgy page right?
# 16:37 aaronpk bridgy feature request: a form that takes a supported silo URL and turns it into the bridgy URL, so that I can more easily create the bridgy URLs to manually send myself webmentions for them
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:44 snarfed eg a given tweet has multiple different bridgy urls since bridgy interprets it differently depending on whether you're using it as a reply, a repost, or a normal post
# 16:45 snarfed also likes/reposts generally don't have permalinks, so you need the original post and liking/reposting user
# 16:45 snarfed (you could give bridgy its own synthetic permalink, but then you're already doing much of the hard work of generating a url yourself)
# 16:46 aaronpk hm yes now even though i constructed the comment url with both tweet IDs, it still isn't finding my original post
shiflett joined the channel
# 16:48 snarfed aaronpk: any idea how much of this use case for you is due to mgirating to your new site? as opposed to something you'd want ongoing?
# 16:49 snarfed sorry, no, not re that specific tweet. i was asking in general, how often and why you'd want to retrigger old posts/responses
# 16:49 aaronpk ah, no this hasn't come up because of the site migration
# 16:50 petermolnar snarfed is there a way to query bridgy for things published via bridgy by the source url?
# 16:52 petermolnar I meant that source, not the POST target/source ( eg. brid.gy/silo/usrt
tantek joined the channel
# 16:55 aaronpk oh I think Known is treating the "like" property as "like-of"
# 16:56 aaronpk i'm publishing the list of likes I received in the "like" property, is that correct?
# 16:57 petermolnar snarfed my issue is that with bridgy publish (wordpress) I'm not always able to catch the response corrently, so I don't have the silo url needed in the syndicated list and I'd like to be able to query that somehow
# 16:57 aaronpk *whew* just posted an emoji reply and syndicated it to twitter with silo.pub and everything worked! :magic:
# 16:59 aaronpk one way I was syndicating in my old site used that path yes
# 16:59 petermolnar finding the url where the silo syndicated version is available for a webmention source {url}
# 17:00 aaronpk oh man, my salmention sending is a little out of control
# 17:01 aaronpk one for each response URL and one for each profile image URL
# 17:01 snarfed petermolnar: understood. thanks for the feature request! i'll file an issue
# 17:03 snarfed aaronpk: sadly bridgy may not notice that u-syndication change, since it's below the fold in your h-feed
# 17:04 aaronpk oh! that reminds me... i need to tell bridgy about my full feed now.
# 17:06 tantek aaronpk: interesting. we should figure out a way to do h-feed discovery so that /readers can find your full feed and not have to retrieve each permalink URL (cweiske's criticism).
# 17:07 aaronpk i meant "full" as in all content, but i still don't show the full article contents on that page
# 17:07 aaronpk i'm trying to remember the original reason i didn't include the full article contents in feed views
# 17:09 aaronpk i forgot to add the converter URL before i launched
# 17:09 aaronpk i really don't want to write any code for it, but i should add back a feed through a converter
sh4l joined the channel
# 17:11 tantek alright I'm going to document GNU Social's js;dr
# 17:11 tantek because frankly, at least Twitter is not js;dr :P
# 17:13 aaronpk so i can tell what this actually looks like in readers
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:15 snarfed wow actually granary's mf2 => atom fails pretty spectacularly on aaronpk's articles :(
# 17:15 aaronpk does it? i mean i don't have article text there, so...
# 17:16 aaronpk I want to see a compact list of my articles because i often scroll through and look for old ones to send around
shiflett joined the channel
# 17:20 aaronpk i could make a totally different view that's actually optimized for finding things in the archive
# 17:20 aaronpk it kinda is! i mean you can always ctrl+f that page to find stuff
# 17:21 aaronpk it requires no extra clicks to get to older stuff
# 17:25 tantek.com edited /GNU_social (+656) "re-order sections, putting some positive sections nearer the top, history to bottom, add Issues / js dr and note about at least invisible content there with mf2" (
view diff )
shiflett joined the channel
shiflett_, sh4l and shiflett joined the channel
# 17:36 aaronpk wow seeing webmention.io getting hammered makes me really want to redo it and run it on not my infrastructure :P
funwhilelost joined the channel
# 17:41 aaronpk a lot of home page mentions of @t from bridgy, but also it looks like someone's script went a little rogue and is sending the same 4 webmentions over and over
# 17:42 tantek I might help with that soon by taking my Twitter account private for previously discussed reasons, including reasons why Stephen Fry quit Twitter.
# 17:42 tantek Or would Bridgy keep sending @t home page mentions?
# 17:42 snarfed aaronpk tantek alternatively let me know if you want me to special case those @t mention wms. i know the signal to noise ratio makes them almost useless.
# 17:42 tantek aaronpk: is the haywire script from a single IP? or DDOS?
# 17:43 snarfed would be well in line with good spam/moderation handling in general including lots of heuristics, many hand tuned
# 17:43 aaronpk it's from a single IP, it's someone's blog sending webmentions for indiewebcamp events (i wont' mention names to avoid placing blame)
# 17:43 snarfed tantek: not at all! doesn't cause bridgy any problems.
# 17:44 snarfed fwiw, if you took @t private, bridgy would stop doing anything for it. (intentionally.)
# 17:44 tantek would just mean I'd have to implement my own backfeed support
# 17:44 tantek and then I could share what code I had to write to filter the nonsense
# 17:46 tantek I'm considering taking @t private, and then occasionally using @tantek to publicly syndicate specific posts if I feel the need
# 17:48 snarfed tantek: i'd be happy to whitelist @t for backfeed
shiflett joined the channel
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shiflett_, bupkes, tantek and shiflett joined the channel
# 18:22 cweiske aaronpk, tantek - I used KartikPrabhu's hfeed2atom proxy, but it's down since some time
# 18:23 cweiske so I no longer receive updates from aaron in tt-rss
snarfed joined the channel
shiflett_, raretrack, sh4l, friedcell, bengo and Pierre-O joined the channel
shiflett, sh4l and bengo joined the channel
# 19:08 aaronpk what's interesting to me is why AIM and the early IM networks didn't end up getting ported to mobile platforms
# 19:09 aaronpk I wonder if it was because the wave of web-based things like Facebook and Twitter took over in between
shiflett joined the channel
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# 19:11 tantek AIM fell victim to classic innovator's dilemma, they were asleep when web-based-as-an-option chat took off
# 19:12 tantek and frankly, only FB has made realtime chat "work" well (responsively, low latency) across web, native apps, etc.
# 19:12 tantek I wouldn't be surprised if FB messenger was a primary driver behind the work on / architecture of the React framework
# 19:13 aaronpk oh nevermind, i still can't get group chats on my desktop
# 19:14 tantek sknebel: blackberry never made the jump to web-based-chat-as-an option either
# 19:14 tantek again, innovator's dilemma from their lead in low-latency BB-only "blackberry messenger"
# 19:15 KevinMarks initially I think it was not spooking the carriers about SMS revenue
# 19:15 tantek kylewm: yeah hangouts is a pretty sad excuse for a Google product
# 19:15 tantek KevinMarks: right, because fear is what causes winners to win. \ :/ /
# 19:15 tantek KevinMarks: apple is still behind because there is no web UI to iMessage
bengo joined the channel
# 19:16 ben_thatmustbeme tantek, kylewm, much of that is because its based on some proprietary company's software they used for group video.... Vidyo i believe it was called
# 19:16 sknebel I'm not sure the web-based thing is *that* important
# 19:16 tantek sknebel: it's enough of a difference on the margin
# 19:16 sknebel on mobile we use apps, and most people were used to having messengers installed locally
# 19:17 tantek being able to use your desktop/laptop without having to install something is *very* convenient
# 19:17 sknebel it certainly helps to get to all platforms though
# 19:17 tantek for reaching tons of people who may not have whatever mobile (cr)app
# 19:18 sknebel Facebook chat got there because it was in a website people already visited, and neatly made them spend more time there
# 19:18 KevinMarks google really dropped the ball on that, there are so many sms apps on android
# 19:18 sknebel what other important web-based messengers am I missing?
# 19:19 sknebel and pre-web had kinda lost already when mobile really came around...
# 19:20 sknebel so guess tantek is kinda right, they would have needed web to retain market share long enough to get on mobile
bengo joined the channel
# 19:21 tantek I have yet to reinstall Slack on my reset-to-blank-with-OS iPod touch and I don't miss it
# 19:22 sknebel as in, first half of 2010, high-school: 1 person had one (winCE based)
# 19:22 tantek but that might have been a cultural problem, not a tech problem
# 19:22 sknebel 2011: everybody goes to university, large number has one
# 19:22 KevinMarks well, we were using sidekicks as ops pagers, so it grew from that
# 19:23 singpolyma my company uses slack, but I join using my normal IM client. I never use their UI. the bridge is ... good enough, but not great
# 19:24 cweiske I had 5 bug reports and 3 feature requests which they closed as wontfix
# 19:29 sknebel I really wish the modern mobile messengers had desktop interfaces as well
bengo joined the channel
# 19:30 sknebel but many of them don't even allow multiple devices per user
# 19:30 singpolyma When I asked the Kik CEO about that he specifically said that they only want one device so that the "messages always go to the device you actually have, just like SMS"
# 19:30 aaronpk "just like SMS" heh. my SMSs go to 4 devices now.
# 19:31 aaronpk well, iMessage go to 4, SMS to 2 mostly, sometimes 3
# 19:31 sknebel heh. means that most mobile messages go to the one device I have... left at home
# 19:32 aaronpk so the ones sent to my iphone number end up on all my computers and my ipad
# 19:32 tantek yes, the goal should be to supplant and replace SMS
# 19:32 aaronpk i actually have a computer at home which all it does is get a copy of my iMessages and archive them in HTML files
# 19:33 tantek let the silos do the R&D (including UX) for how to do that, and the we fast follow with our own indieweb sites
# 19:33 tantek ^^^ exactly aaronpk. not a big step from that to turning that computer into your own personal real time message router
# 19:33 singpolyma I basically never get SMS, but I have a viteltiy SMS-to-XMPP number set up for the few times when I do
# 19:34 sknebel for ICQ/AIM/XMPP/SMS... that's doable. not very well documented often, but doable. but getting whatsapp/Telegram/Signal/... in the mix
# 19:35 KevinMarks but clearly the id simplicilty of it works for a lot of people
bengo joined the channel
# 19:35 singpolyma I think libpurple has whatsapp/telegram/facebook/skype plugins now
# 19:39 snarfed (...but sadly connecting it to whatsapp accounts is extremely difficult. i've never managed to.)
tantek joined the channel
# 19:45 singpolyma my upcoming strategy is to bridge to people primarily through SMS, since they still all have that (mostly)
# 19:46 tantek singpolyma: SMS has bad international portability, and depends (without Google Voice) on institutional / regulated monopolies, thus it makes sense to move away from it
# 19:47 singpolyma I'm not saying SMS is good, just nicer to work with than a lot of other options, and has better penetration with users I need to communicate with
# 19:49 sknebel everybody has their own local distribution of protocols that are relevant
# 19:49 singpolyma for me it's almost a 100% SMS and Facebook overlap. Except for close friends and close family, who are XMPP
# 19:51 sknebel aaronpk: you mentioned you had looked at matrix.org, right? Do you think that's going to be a candidate for the core of a "personal message router"?
# 19:51 tantek singpolyma: I've used iMessage + carrier-MMS-emails-filtered-to-a-special-gmail to replace SMS.
# 19:51 aaronpk sknebel: no, i'm planning on something way more low tech
# 19:53 singpolyma Sure, but when my fiancee starts her phone up and it has a huge banner saying "Use this other app for SMS now please" it doesn't seem optional to her
# 19:53 tantek hangouts primarily sucks because they dropped support for (handling of) gtalk: and xmpp: URLs
# 19:53 ben_thatmustbeme they just had a single pop-up to give the let people know its an option for those that don't like it
# 19:53 aaronpk i don't even know what popups you're talking about
bengo joined the channel
# 19:54 tantek I bet this is the result of some political infighting inside Google
# 19:55 tantek Hangouts team: hey, we're *the* messaging app for Google now, so, Android team, we're going to handle SMSs
# 19:55 tantek Android team: really? um, ok, does it really work?
# 19:55 tantek Hangouts team: yes of course it works! And it's one unified messaging UX! simpler for users!
ttepasse joined the channel
# 19:55 tantek (insert months of bad Hangouts latency, performance, confusion)
# 19:56 tantek Android team: so... we've come to the conclusion that Hangouts is too slow, can you fix it?
# 19:56 tantek Hangouts team: what do you mean? works great on our (desktop, laptop, over-powered android) devices on superfast wifi networks at Google HQ
# 19:57 tantek Android team: no, seriously, you need to fix the launch latency, the contact list latency, the recent conversations latency, the push-message unreliability, etc.
# 19:57 tantek Android team: You know what, Hangouts sucks so bad that it makes our SMS and thus phones look bad compared to iPhones, we're going to make our own non-sucky Messages app
# 19:57 tantek Hangouts team: what? no way we'll fight this.
# 19:59 kylewm does anyone have thoughts on how a micropub client could tell the difference between a "checkin" and a note with location?
# 19:59 aaronpk what does that have to do with a micropub client?
# 20:00 singpolyma This gives google teams way too much credit. Based on what I saw when working there, it's more like "Hey, we just switched SMS users to Hangouts, mmmkay?" for awhile, no one notices, then "wait, how did this happen? I'mma change it back"
# 20:01 kylewm aaronpk: sorry micropub endpoint, not the client
# 20:01 singpolyma kylewm: obviously you just add <this-is-a-checkin-my-friend xmlns="http://urn:123:idon'tknowhowtoURI/.zip" /> to your SOAP envelope
# 20:03 tantek kylewm: ok that's a legitimate reason to take another look at this
# 20:06 tantek cweiske: you want h-cite, since those are not actual books, but rather citations of books :)
j12t joined the channel
# 20:06 tantek cweiske: also, good for you for publishing your library! that's pretty awesome
# 20:07 Loqi An events listing is a page or portion of a page (like on a homepage) of an indieweb site that shows a list of events, perhaps including some subset of their event, invitation, and RSVP posts, displayed as a list or grid of some sort https://indiewebcamp.com/events_list
# 20:07 cweiske should prevent people from giving me books I already have
# 20:07 tantek looks for a similar example and finds a typo, likely his
# 20:08 tantek cweiske: yes I should update that, as use has spread beyond
# 20:08 kylewm really the only difference between a checkin and a note+location is your intention in posting it...
# 20:08 tantek kylewm: there's a lot of previous discussion on this topic on /checkin and related pages - have you read through those?
# 20:09 tantek more discussion than merits a "the only difference" summary
# 20:14 kylewm the wiki suggests "p-location venue" as the differentiator
# 20:14 kylewm but Instagram photos frequently have a venue associated
# 20:17 aaronpk i post photos with venue tags all the time, and they are definitely not checkins
# 20:19 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: some argued the difference was insignificant and it was sort of dropped mostly as people were getting rid of post types
# 20:20 KevinMarks also, google calling their new SMS app Messenger is a big passive agressive troll on FB
# 20:21 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: I could be convinced to add a jf2 "feed" if that's interesting to consuming code
# 20:22 kylewm I'm not necessarily crazy about properties being optionally lists .. it seems like you'd have to do a lot more checking in consuming code
# 20:22 ben_thatmustbeme I'm sort of torn on this, having a seperate feed for jf2 allows for people to have different jf2 and mf2
# 20:23 ben_thatmustbeme kylewm: yeah, that has been a little bit confusing. I'm thinking it may have to move to just string or object instead of string, object, or array
# 20:23 aaronpk my interest in jf2 is to have something easier to consume than mf2
# 20:23 aaronpk which to me also means things like restricting where the author of an entry can show up
# 20:24 aaronpk like it would be great if a valid jf2 feed only had one place an author of a post could appear
# 20:25 tantek reviews his queue: h-cite, checkin+comment vs note+loc, checkin+photo vs photo+loc, jf2/mf2json optional list vs always list
Pierre-O joined the channel
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# 20:28 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: regarding adding a jf2 "feed" i'm somewhat concerned it would be just going back to another feed file, the question then becomes, why do you need the MF2 then
# 20:32 aaronpk on a totally unrelated note, what's the best way to replace relative image URLs with absolute URLs in my articles when displaying them?
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 20:32 aaronpk this is one of the reasons I don't have article content on anything except the article permalinks
# 20:33 aaronpk the posts are written with relative image URLs, so I need to munge that into a full URL in order to display it on a page like / or /articles
# 20:34 tantek !tell gRegorLove in your use of /Goodreads have you found a "personal library" feature where it keeps track of the books you *have*? Or only books you have *read*?
# 20:34 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:35 tantek !tell rhiaro,tommorris do you keep a list of all the books you own? do you publish that list anywhere? what do you call it? personal library?
# 20:35 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 20:44 kylewm tantek: yes Goodreads has a checkbox when you add a book for whether or not you own it (which always seemed like a weird brag)
# 20:44 singpolyma why add a book you don't own? Just because you kinda like it?
# 20:45 tantek kylewm: does it have a URL for you to brag about your personal library of all the books you own?
# 20:45 tantek and while you're checking, I'll look at checkins
# 20:51 tantek !tell snarfed ok let's do it. whitelist @t, instagram.com/tantek, and facebook.com/tantek.celik for backfeed even though private
# 20:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
funwhile_ joined the channel
# 20:51 tantek does anyone else publish a "personal library" or list of "owned books" or "owned media" or "stuff"?
# 20:52 tommorris tantek: I keep a list in Delicious Library (Mac app) but don't publish it
# 20:52 snarfed expects the social/personal reactions of tantek going silo-private will be a bigger deal than anything technical
# 20:54 tantek KevinMarks: that's too deep of a question for me
# 20:56 snarfed tantek: btw this whitelisting won't be able to differentiate levels of privacy per silo
# 20:56 snarfed ie it will backfeed all responses, even if a human could still look at one of your posts and say "that's obviously still private"
# 20:56 tantek snarfed totally ok, I'm willing to be the canary burdened with figuring out the subtleties
# 20:59 snarfed also tantek i assume might as well do g+ too, even if you're inactive?
# 21:02 tantek snarfed, yes, G+ too. Not sure about Flickr's privacy controls
# 21:07 aaronpk switching to showing full article contents in my feed views
# 21:09 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 21:15 aaronpk well now granary is showing the relative image URL in the feed. is that going to work in readers?
# 21:15 aaronpk i doubt it, since the only reference to aaronparecki.com is the <id> element
# 21:17 tantek we explored this a few days ago, and KevinMarks pointed out that RSS didn't specify how to handle relative URLs in embedded HTML
# 21:18 aaronpk not even urls with an absolute path but no hostname?
# 21:18 KevinMarks feedparser works hard to get it right following xml rules, but it's tricky
# 21:18 aaronpk well, i think granary can do the resolving then, since it knows the URL the HTML came from
# 21:19 KevinMarks right. that's the problem, if you don't have Content-Location you're in trouble
# 21:20 aaronpk wow, a totally arbitrary subset of my old articles didn't get their images imported correctly when I did the batch import
# 21:20 aaronpk looks like i've got some cleanup to do. good thing i left a copy of my old site online.
# 21:21 aaronpk i decided to start a convention of leaving a snapshot of my old sites online on a subdomain of the year i switched away from it
# 21:22 aaronpk so 2015.aaronparecki.com and 2008.aaronparecki.com are up right now
# 21:23 aaronpk not quite, but soon, after i'm confident enough with things running on the new stack
# 21:23 kylewm that's quite a nice idea, i should definitely do that with my site
# 21:23 snarfed aaronpk: tantek: re relative urls, granary outputs atom, not rss :P
# 21:24 aaronpk 2012.aaronparecki.com is spiderpigged because it was mediawiki and I don't want that software on this server
# 21:27 aaronpk snarfed: any reason not to have granary replace the relative URLs with absolute URLs in the conversion?
# 21:28 aaronpk any idea how well that's supported in rss/atom readers?
# 21:28 snarfed if you're talking about fully qualifying individual elem values, sure
# 21:28 tantek snarfed, looks like a compromised WordPress install, per the "twentytwelve" references in the source
# 21:28 snarfed aaronpk: if you mean inside the HTML content, i'd be reluctant
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# 21:29 petermolnar re: singpolyma "I think libpurple has whatsapp/telegram/facebook/skype" 3rd party, yes; I have them running on my bitlbee server
# 21:30 petermolnar re SMS: I hope they'll stay alive forever; Europe would be unusable without it due to roaming
# 21:31 tantek petermolnar: the rest of the world SMS is unusable due to lack of roaming
# 21:32 petermolnar if I'm abroad ( EU, we're talking about a few hundred kilometres when abroad ) I don't have data and if I do need to send something, SMS is always there
# 21:32 kylewm oh that's funny, redwind was still running on my server, just wasn't exposed
# 21:32 petermolnar ( I have a backup thingy running that copies it to my mail account though once it has data connection )
# 21:32 KevinMarks snarfed: I'd recommend resolving the urls yourself, given the Content-Header issues
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# 21:34 aaronpk kylewm: don't forget to set robots.txt to deny all
# 21:35 snarfed honestly i'm still leaning toward xml:base. i really don't want to try to intelligently rewrite relative URLs inside arbitrary HTML
# 21:36 tantek kylewm: would you consider a 404 handler on kylewm.com that checked to see if 2015.kylewm.com has the path and serve it if it does?
# 21:36 aaronpk i am pretty confident i got all my redirects working properly, so i dont think i will
# 21:37 aaronpk also i have a fallback where if a post matches the URL structure of the old site and no post is found, it redirects to the day of the post in case i missed on
# 21:40 tantek is your use of Swarm still purely silo separate from your site?
# 21:40 aaronpk i don't have any concept of checkins on my site yet. it's been a "todo" for years, but i haven't solved a couple fundamental issues yet
# 21:40 tantek right, I'm working on those fundamental issues ;)
# 21:41 aaronpk nah that's not a checkin because 1) I already had checked in before I posted that photo, and 2) that post would look the same if I had posted it a day later
# 21:42 tantek "already had checked in" - no evidence of that on your site
# 21:42 KevinMarks when I posse from instagram to Swarm, that creates a checkin in swarm - is it one instagram If I don't?
# 21:43 aaronpk yeah no evidence on my site because i don't post checkins yet!
# 21:43 aaronpk and if i *had* had checkins on my site, i still would have posted that photo at that time
# 21:43 tantek but the "I" there is disconnected, so that can't be used as evidence
# 21:43 tantek the argument of "would look the same if I had posted it a day later" is interesting
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# 21:44 tantek there may be an opportunity here for behavioral design
# 21:44 aaronpk yes, I am reluctant to post photos with venue tags significantly later than they were taken, but I do end up doing that. however for me a checkin isn't a checkin unless the timestamp matches the date i was there
# 21:45 tantek that's a good criteria in general, though some of us (myself included) use "Post(squares)." for after the fact checkins
# 21:45 aaronpk i have done that occasionally when i've forgotten to check in right away, but i would prefer to backdate the checkin
# 21:46 aaronpk it's actually a note to myself to correct those dates when i import my checkins finally
# 21:46 tantek hence the need for timestamped offline checkins
# 21:47 tantek I am thinking that photo > venue > text > geo/adr
# 21:47 aaronpk the foursquare permalink doesn't show the time, but the list view does. it was posted at 8:51am
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# 21:51 KevinMarks hm, looks like foursquare stomps the initial checkin time with the photo time if you post a photo in the smae place
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# 21:53 tantek goes to resolves some Post Type Discovery issues
# 21:53 KevinMarks not sure if it is the timestamp from the photo or the time instagram calls them
# 21:54 KevinMarks if you go to your userpage on the swarm app it gives you ghost checkins thta you can add
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# 21:55 KevinMarks just posted an image to slack, but looks like loqi doesn't xfer
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# 21:56 aaronpk sadly no, they don't show up as chat messages in the api
# 21:58 tantek KevinMarks: You need to sign in to see this page. :(
# 21:59 tantek KevinMarks: doesn't prove anything. could just be they display dt-updated in list view
# 22:00 snarfed davidpeach: interesting! it tries hard to send only once, but definitely not guaranteed
# 22:00 snarfed and bridgy actually does intentionally resend sometimes, eg if someone edits a comment
# 22:00 davidpeach could i link my homepage to see if I've done anything silly in markup?
# 22:01 snarfed should be unrelated. what's your bridgy user page?
# 22:01 tantek (I knew I was close to this last time I considered it in my head)
# 22:01 snarfed davidpeach: do you mean you're seeing duplicate bridgy wms rendered on your site?
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# 22:02 davidpeach bridgy is hitting my site multiple times and im getting multiples of the same replies - hours apart
# 22:02 KevinMarks nope, I checked the api, they overwrite the createdAt timestamp for the checkin, even though the photo has a separate one
# 22:04 snarfed i can also check on bridgy's side if you send an example
# 22:04 KevinMarks it makes sense for their primary use case of 'when was kevin most recently confirmed there'
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# 22:07 davidpeach Anybody know whether there's a brighton-based indiewebcamp in plans this year? I missed last years one.
# 22:08 davidpeach im actually near Birmingham UK but would love to go to Brighton
# 22:08 tantek davidpeach: I think there should be! ping adactio about it
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# 22:14 gRegorLove tantek, kylewm: I did find when logged in on Goodreads I can view a friend's books and under settings turn on the "Owned" column and sort by that. But it's not a very obvious user flow to get to that.
# 22:16 tantek how can you tell which you actually own / have?
# 22:18 gRegorLove If you're logged in (and presumably connected as a friend?), you can then sort by the owned column, which either has a checkmark or is blank.
# 22:18 gRegorLove If you're not logged in, doesn't appear they let you sort. Not sure why.
# 22:19 gRegorLove You have to turn it on under Settings at the top right. Sometimes you have to turn it off and on -- UI doesn't always refresh for me.
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# 22:27 gRegorLove Yep, "Settings" link does nothing with js off. With it on it slides down a list of columns that can be turned on/off
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