2016-04-27 UTC
# 00:10 tantek yes aaronpk , it is just Twitter, the old Twitter
# 00:10 tantek "two people texting with each other where the conversation is public" is how Twitter got started
# 00:15 miklb heh, I can't even remember how pre- @user was used.
# 00:16 kylewm tantek: would you have preferred "influencers"?
kbs joined the channel
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snarfed, miklb, tantek, wolftune and squeakytoy joined the channel
cweiske joined the channel
squeakytoy joined the channel
begriffs, gRegorLove and loic_m joined the channel
# 06:08 begriffs Set up an hcard+pgp header link tonight and feel all geeky and virtuous.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 06:16 begriffs @aaronpk I signed in using my site's twitter rel="me" link but I didn't know I could use my key to do so. That would be even better.
# 06:17 aaronpk begriffs: yeah with a rel me to your key you can use it to sign in!
# 06:18 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: not sure what you mean the IRC URLs, but w3c has their own IRC server
# 06:25 Loqi Internet Identity Workshop 2016-04-26
# 06:25 KevinMarks the second half is blockchain advocates saying what block chain suck at, which is an interesting
# 06:29 tantek aaronpk: where did we get with the meta 410 propossal?
# 06:29 tantek I realized it did not come up in socialwg telcon today
# 06:29 KevinMarks there was a session on replacing it with openid connect, but something more like indeiauth makes sesne to me
# 06:36 aaronpk Tantek: I haven't seen anything new but I thought there had been a proposal on the wiki for quite some time
# 06:43 tantek yes - I mean in terms of incorporating into Webmention the spec so it would be in a WD that implementers could look at
# 06:43 tantek I forgot who with a static site was trying to pass the Deleted test
jihaisse, DePhraser, Jammy_Stuff, benward__, M-Kodo, bret, begriffs, cweiske, miklb, marcthiele, Pierre-O, nitot_, calumryan, quite, nitot and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 09:10 petermolnar !tell GWG have you thought about periodically revalidating webmentions and deleting comments (or this could be an additional comment status, remotely deleted, for example) with the wordpress webmentions plugin?
# 09:10 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
arthurspooner, j12t, nelson, martinBrown and nitot joined the channel
friedcell, hs0ucy, j12t, danlyke and kbs joined the channel
# 13:32 GWG petermolnar: Deleting I put in hooks for, but didn't write the code to remove. Revalidation...on what schedule?
j12t, arthurspooner, snarfed, hs0ucy and friedcell joined the channel
# 14:14 kylewm wow, I got a lot of pure indieweb interactions yesterday, so cool
# 14:25 kylewm this superfeedr thing is so interesting.. there's like weird emergent behavior
# 14:25 kylewm that reply didn't show up here until I replied to it
# 14:28 kbs sorry what is the emergent behavior? [curious :)]
# 14:29 kylewm kbs: tino's post didn't show up in irc when he posted it, it showed up six hours later when I replied to it
brianlovewords_ joined the channel
# 14:31 kbs Somewhat obsessed with notifications at the moment :-) wondering if there any indieweb interactions that don't involve notifications somewhere along the way.
# 14:33 snarfed kbs: of course there are! notifications are entirely optional, right?
# 14:33 kylewm hehe, kbs I lost notifications when I switched back to redwind last week. only see replies by checking kylewm.com/mentions
# 14:34 kbs snarfed: true; though it strikes me it has the flavor of "if a tree falls in the forest and noone hears it..." :)
benborges and kbs joined the channel
# 14:50 kbs maybe notifications are also more of a side-effect - the thing I'm obsessing over is more around things that are most interesting as an update to something. e.g. a comment, blog post [anti-example: opening a calculator]
# 14:50 kbs maybe indieauth; unless the auth mechanism comes out-of-band I guess
brianlovewords_, shiflett, Garbee, mlncn and nitot joined the channel
j12t, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:05 jkphl.is created /2016/Nuremberg/IndieWeb-Hack-Day (+1600) "Created page with "<div class="h-entry vevent"> '''<dfn class="p-name summary">IndieWeb Hack Day Nuremberg 2016</dfn>''' is an all day IndieWeb introduction and hack session, held as part of the [h..."" (
view diff )
# 16:14 tantek Except I think it can be its own 2016/... event rather than being a sub page of Nuremberg
# 16:14 tantek I think we preferred subpages of an IndieWebCamp just for sessions of that specific IndieWebCamp
snarfed1, uranther and kbs joined the channel
# 16:28 bear tantek - i'm working on the webmention delete for my static site, currently running into "so, you are now the manager of this team... here is your inherited task list" :)
# 16:33 tantek which team? at work? or in terms of "make this work for static sites"?
# 16:34 bear sorry - was trying to be silly-funny about me being given the SRE team at work to manage
# 16:34 bear and the "ok, so your now responsible for all ops"
# 16:35 bear SRE is Site Reliability Engineering and is used to describe the team responsible for the care and feeding of an infrastructure
# 16:36 bear it's been a busy couple of days, but I have a serious itch to get update and delete finished very soon
# 16:40 tantek webmention.rocks has been a very good motivator
snarfed and [emmak] joined the channel
# 16:44 [emmak] i'm trying to log in to woodwind, and its calling my auth endpoint with no scope set. is that a valid type of request?
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# 16:53 aaronpk [emmak]: yeah that's valid, it is just an "id" request then
# 16:54 aaronpk not requesting authorization to post to your site, just authenticating you
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# 17:00 aaronpk the client can set response_type=id but if response_type is not set then the default is id anyway
# 17:00 aaronpk if the client is requesting authorization, then response_type=code
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# 17:14 aaronpk response type is a parameter used in an IndieAuth (and OAuth) request to indicate whether the website is trying to simply sign you in or whether it is requesting permission to post to your site
kbs and squeakytoy joined the channel
# 17:22 tantek !tell shaners is HWC LA/SM still a go for tonight? Can you make sure folks are on IRC / Slack and take notes? And a photo? Thanks!
# 17:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
gRegorLove and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:35 tantek kevinmarks do you have anyone else with you with indieweb sites that can play a part in your demo?
[emmak] joined the channel
# 17:59 [emmak] after making an "id" request, the client has no need to contact the token endpoint, right?
# 17:59 snarfed just FYI all, we're upgrading bridgy to FB API v2.6. it may find and send some old RSVPs and comments. let me know if you see anything broken or weird!
Gold joined the channel
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# 18:30 aaronpk [emmak]: correct, the client can just verify the code at the authorization endpoint
kbs and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:39 [kevinmarks] this is the 'do the same demo 12 times to people every 5 minutes' thing
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:43 tantek Indie reply with automatic POSSE threading is pretty effective IMO
# 18:44 tantek ownyourcomments and make sure the person tweeting (or whatever) sees your reply
# 18:44 tantek and a stark demonstration of the silo vs indieweb false dichotomy
# 18:48 [kevinmarks] eg I reply to kyle in woodwind, and then show that it is on my site, on twitter and on his
# 18:48 tantek doing it via Woodwind is *better* because it demonstrates 1. how a modern "reader" SHOULD work, with inline buttons to reply, like etc. (Google Reader never had that)
# 18:48 tantek and 2. the one-click reply inline UI is much more akin to the silo-UX convenience people are used to today
mlncn joined the channel
# 18:58 [kevinmarks] because hosted known is not implementing the new syndication model yet, so woodwind is having to make up labels
miklb and wolftune joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 19:14 GWG petermolnar: Re earlier...how often would you want to reverify? I'm worried about malicious actors there
kbs joined the channel
# 19:22 [kevinmarks] if you're comfortable with me posting inane comments on your notes as a demo
shiflett and snarfed joined the channel
# 19:40 [kevinmarks] hm, granary/twitter-atom makes me the author of my consumption feed, so I get my avatar by each post
# 19:45 snarfed granary can do twitter lists. may just not be exposed in the UI
# 19:49 snarfed i believe it. guess i don't really expect unescaped #s in URLs :P
# 19:53 snarfed yes. technically @app instead of @all, but either should work :P
# 20:01 snarfed fixed the search query encoding. shift-refresh to see the new js. thanks again for reporting [kevinmarks]!
[shaners] joined the channel
# 20:14 [shaners] tantek: We are still a go for tonight. I will make sure a photo happens and notes in the channel.
# 20:15 [shaners] I’ve been AFK since Sunday when my van got burgled in Palm Springs while we were eating dinner. Our backpacks with laptops, ipad, passport, wallets, phone… all gone.
# 20:17 [shaners] The only data I lost though was my lightning talk slides for yesterday.
KevinMarks and begriffs joined the channel
# 20:30 Loqi [gRegor Morrill] Hi @kevinmarks. Here's a test note syndicated to Twitter from my site. #iiw
# 20:32 gRegorLove [kevinmarks]: Let me know if you want me to post anything else.
# 20:46 tantek does webmention discovery require doing a HEAD request first? and if so, it should require that if an endpoint is found, that it MUST NOT retrieve the document itself
# 20:47 GWG tantek: I think it is recommended.
# 20:49 gRegorLove That second part "MUST NOT" in the question doesn't seem to be specified.
# 20:50 GWG The rewrites I'm doing on the webmention plugin have it retrieve the document only if it doesn't find the header links, to see if the endpoint is in the HTML itself, which is permitted
# 20:50 gRegorLove "Senders may initially make an HTTP HEAD request [RFC2616] to check for the Link header before making a GET request."
# 20:56 Loqi tantek meant to say: I think that "may" should be a SHOULD
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KartikPrabhu and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 21:28 aaronpk KevinMarks: what was that "huh?" about the quill login URL?
# 21:29 aaronpk you can't share those URLs cause they're tied to a session cookie and also temporary
# 21:33 aaronpk quill doesn't look for syndication targets until after you log in
# 21:34 aaronpk oh I am wrong, it does try to find them right away
miklb joined the channel
# 21:38 KevinMarks !tell kylewm can you log into Quill with your known site? known.kevinmarks.com (hosted) fails
# 21:38 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Lancey joined the channel
tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:03 KevinMarks so, a good part of the demo is the webmention.herokuapp.com live updating
# 22:03 KevinMarks I think I'll make a page on my static site with a tiny post just for demos
# 22:04 aaronpk you could use webmention.rocks for that too. it shows comments in realtime
tantek joined the channel
# 22:08 bear that's the only bit of javascript i've had the urge to install - something that just polls and sees if the page's etag updates
# 22:09 bear to get that magic-update feel other folks have
# 22:09 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: Markdown is a an abstracted language but HTML isn't?
# 22:09 tantek reasoning with some decent principles: longevity, author-friendliness, separation of styling
# 22:10 KevinMarks marking up with mf2 so you can extract clean HTML is another answer
# 22:10 tantek KevinMarks: I think his point one hints at the key difference, less "cruft" in the content
# 22:11 tantek where cruft is anything besides the actual content
# 22:11 KevinMarks he likes their link format though, so we're not likely to agree
# 22:11 tantek oh? I thought I was the only one that dislikes the Markdown link and image formats
# 22:13 aaronpk I can barely ever remember the order of the markdown [] vs ()
# 22:13 gRegorLove I can never remember the right way to do links on github (whatever flavor of MD that is)
# 22:13 tantek link syntax is a way of expressing a hyperlink, with a URL and link text, in plain text, such as Markdown, MediaWiki syntax, etc.
# 22:14 KevinMarks angle brackets are too hard, so lets use round and square ones instead
# 22:15 aaronpk url first? text first? url goes in the round ones or the square ones?
# 22:15 KevinMarks at IIW 2 people volunteered to make diagrams of the plumbing for the indieweb comments demo
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# 22:17 bear to be honest I have the same complaint about mediawiki link - is it [] or () or {} and is the text first or last
# 22:17 aaronpk the rules for mediawiki link syntax are very simple though
# 22:18 aaronpk URL first makes sense cause it's the closest to the HTML I would write instead
# 22:18 bear url first to me is wrong because i'm writing text and *then* want to have that text get a link
# 22:18 gRegorLove Link text is optional, so makes sense to come after the link.
# 22:19 bear the link only then becomes the text if it's standalone
# 22:19 gRegorLove snarfed: No? External links in MW are [ ], internal are [[ ]]
# 22:20 bear i'm just pushing back because of the variations on "easy to remember" i'm seeing
# 22:20 snarfed easy to remember varies widely from person to person. not a very objective argument.
Lancey joined the channel
# 22:21 KevinMarks fair point; I suppose it's me knowing URLs can't have spaces in
# 22:21 aaronpk and markdown doesn't support mediawiki link syntax
# 22:28 tantek Hmm I still need a name for my fixed version of Markdown / alternative
# 22:29 tantek interesting, I chose linktext before URL in my syntax, because the linktext is what a user is reading first and foremost more than the URL it links to
# 22:30 tantek Posh has too many negative (elitist?) connotations
# 22:31 bear writable - because that is just what it is
# 22:33 tantek if we really want to pick unspellable by hearing, plaintekst
# 22:34 tantek hah textfirst already is a hashtag that means text before calling etc.
# 22:48 gRegorLove tantek: text first makes sense the way you describe it. My perspective is mostly from writing HTML links and MediaWiki syntax for so long.
# 22:49 KevinMarks the dynamic UI is write the text then select it to add a link in almost all authoring tools
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# 22:51 bear that also fits my mental model of what a footnote is (which is what I view a link as for a very old reason)
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# 22:54 tantek just a pattern I picked up from wikipedia. transclusion for templates
# 22:56 bear FYI - if you have projects on readthedocs.org they will now be hosted on readthedocs.io
# 23:04 tantek gRegorLove: doubtful since it's more work to type the caps.
# 23:04 tantek (except when tab completing "greg" in IRC ;) )
nitot_ joined the channel
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# 23:16 tantek re: naming of my fixed markdown. I'm trying to determine either syntax mnemonics of common principles that a name could be used to infer and thus rederive any/all of the syntax.
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# 23:20 bear I was trying out variations of words that mean the act of creating a composition or body of text - so that the name says exactly what it is doing, getting out of the way so you can compose your thoughts
# 23:20 gRegorLove KevinMarks: Didn't get many responses to testing out cross-site replies, or just needed that one comment?
# 23:21 tantek bear interesting that I came to the same conclusion you did re: text before link
# 23:21 gRegorLove Speaking of fixed Markdown, I wonder what the status is of the one-true-Markdown they were working on a year or so ago.
# 23:21 KevinMarks also to my own site as webmention.herokuapp.com is instant (that needs a better name)
# 23:21 bear for me its because I was writing text long before html was a thing
# 23:22 tantek for me it's because the text is the *primary* content, and the link is a "see also"
# 23:22 tantek all my changes are about putting the primary content first, then secondary, tertiary etc.
# 23:22 KevinMarks "we plan to announce a finalized 1.0 spec and test suite in early 2016." is it still early?
# 23:23 bear right, add only that special marker that enhances the text
# 23:23 aaronpk maybe we can call webmention.herokuapp.com "TWEPTNABN" the webmention endpoint that needs a better name
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# 23:26 tantek just as long as you don't name a webmention sending service SHOCK
# 23:30 kylewm I'm happy as long as it's not YAWE (Yet Another)
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# 23:52 tantek !tell KevinMarks please capture all the user frustrations you experienced today while trying to demo various indieweb tools. That real-time experience and your immediate reactions / insights are invaluable for future user-centric improvements
# 23:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next