#[emmak]and also confused over "indieauth.com" vs "indie auth protocol"
#aaronpkor rather, a subset which makes a bunch of decisions that OAuth 2 left unspecified
#aaronpkyeah that part is my fault, i never should have called that service indieauth.com
#[kylewm]aaronpk: the confusion I have had sometimes is that the authentication flow verifies your code against the authorization_endpiont, but the authorization flow verifies the code against the token_endpoint
#aaronpkin the authentication flow, there is no token endpoint, so it's verifying the code at the authorization endpoint
#aaronpkin the authorization flow, it's not "verifying" the code, it's actually exchanging the code for a token, so it talks to the token endpoint
#kylewm!tell snarfed fyi, it looks like there may be a few people using huffduff-video to download audio from soundcloud (which is already available *on* soundcloud)
#[kevinmarks]Yes, and Allen is too. Also Peter Shanley is moving there and says we could use Civic Space
npdoty joined the channel
#npdotyhey indiewebcamp, I'm thinking about implementing an ephemeral URL system on my site, and wonder about prior art
#npdotybasically, I would add "/until6pm" to the end of a URL, and my server would give back a short url that forwards to the original URL if it's before 6pm that day, and afterwards returns 410
#npdotybut I'm curious if people have thoughts on this, or if someone has already done it and I can just use their code
#aaronpkwhat happens if you just take off the "/until6pm" part of the URL?
#npdotyI would give out a URL that didn't contain "until6pm", but was just an opaque short URL that redirected
#npdotyand maybe the landing page would know it was an ephemeral redirection and could include a banner asking the user not to share the URL
#npdotyI hadn't been to a mapping event in a while and was surprised at the number of familiar faces including people I thought lived in other states :)
#LoqiExpiring content is content that is only temporarily (ephemerally) relevant, and also part of a larger post, that can and should be (preferably automatically) removed once a particular datetime has passed (the expiration date) https://indiewebcamp.com/expiring
#bearsheesh - i've had the code editor open to add delete support to my webmention handler ... for 3 days now
#bearI knew about all of the challenges being an older person is tech held -- but no one warned me that I would get the most angst from simple the rate of change and having to manage it
#aaronpkinteresting indieweb use case, my realtor has a domain name that is her name, but it's just a redirect to her profile page at whatever firm she is currently at. I've known her for a few years now and she's moved around between firms, but keeps her domain name and email address throughout those moves.
#beara lot of professionals (myself included) always have a mix of personal and firm/company cards on hand)
#GWGIt shows up as a comment, as opposed to a like which shows up differently.
#GWGkylewm: I'm not sure how to best identify these things.
#GWGI'm wondering if Bridgy should give me a sign or if it is better to figure it out on my own.
#kylewmI'm trying to stay out of the reacji stuff :)
#GWGkylewm: I'm getting them. I have no interest in sending them, but I'd like them to be recognized as not a comment.
#GWGI guess I have to check for a single character content scenario?
#kylewm!tell ben_thatmustbeme hey there's a stray </div> on line 73 of your homepage (should be a </a>) that means I'm not getting your posts in woodwind :(
#snarfedkylewm: yep! hdf definitely sees plenty of usage. avg 60 files/day, 62MB/file
#Loqisnarfed: kylewm left you a message 5 hours, 30 minutes ago: fyi, it looks like there may be a few people using huffduff-video to download audio from soundcloud (which is already available *on* soundcloud) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-28/line/1461888508715
#snarfedand yeah i don't mind the soundcloud thing, totally fine
#kylewmsnarfed: heh, not at all. had a podcast on soundcloud that i wanted to huffduff but couldnt' find the mp3 for it, so i went to see if anyone had done it already
#marcthieleI'll give it a try again there. Just wondering as it used to work.
#marcthieleAlso, this morning over here, I get this error, no matter if I try to authenticate with GitHub or Twitter: "An unhandled lowlevel error occured. The application logs may have details."
#aaronpki wonder why the URL isn't getting encoded properly
miklb and kerozene joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell marcthiele voxpelli is right, the problem with the login is when it's trying to take you back to the Düsseldorf page. if you click on the home page and log in from there it will work fine.
#aaronpk!tell marcthiele it looks like for whatever reason, Google is not actually showing the link to your website in the HTML response that indieauth.com gets. They have a nasty habit of changing the HTML they send back depending on who's fetching it. I would start using Github instead of Google.
#aaronpkyeah because it assumes you're going to host the resulting folder at the same domain that was archived, so there's no way to reference other-domain images
#KevinMarksI think they have an image hosting domain
gRegorLove joined the channel
#aaronpkit's made specifically for turning a rails/node/php site into HTML and continuing to serve that site from the same domain
#KevinMarksalso, I hotlinked a lot of stuff on epeus, which is my own fault
#aaronpkso externally referenced images will still be externally referenced
#ben_thatmustbemereactions sounds like just a general response though
#Loqiben_thatmustbeme: kylewm left you a message 14 hours, 20 minutes ago: hey there's a stray </div> on line 73 of your homepage (should be a </a>) that means I'm not getting your posts in woodwind :( http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-28/line/1461907673451
#gRegorLoveThe missing definitions should show up when /this-week is regenerated. I added missing periods.
#aaronpkomg hahaha I have a bunch of emoji comments now
#loqi.mecreated /poopji (+68) "prompted by ben_thatmustbeme and dfn added by ben_thatmustbeme" (view diff)
#voxpelliinteresting regarding the custom emojis at Slack, so reacji is more of an "image"-response than an emoji response I guess? then it goes hand in hand with the sticker/animated-gif replies that Facebook Messenger uses as well
#kylewmtantek: /reactions is short but pretty much describes what we're talking about imho? Like, Dislike, LGTM, LOL, etc.
#tantekkylewm - yeah hence some more major wiki page rewriting is needed
#snarfedtantek: you're right that reactions has a page and definition (likes + reposts + rsvps + ...), but in practice i rarely hear people use it as that, here or elsewhere
#voxpellihave we documented sticker/image responses? would be interesting to look into where the line between sticker/image responses and reacji are. When does it become a reacji instead?
#tanteksnarfed, agreed, and that's my point, need to think about how to update ours based on recent silo uses
#tantekkylewm: agreed - their use is quite different, especially when labeled as such in UIs
#tanteknot going to let 1% edge case uses dictate definitions
#voxpellikylewm: favorite / "starring" and bookmark certainly isn't the same thing, but they do have some crossover and can on certain occupations certainly mean the same thing
#tantekkylewm, voxpelli I'm less and less convinced of the start -> bookmark assertion. they're not searchable like bookmarks (typically) are, they often disappear into an uniterable list, etc.
#gRegorLoveI like "responses" as the overall term, still.
#Loqitantek meant to say: kylewm, voxpelli I'm less and less convinced of the star -> bookmark assertion. they're not searchable like bookmarks (typically) are, they often disappear into an uniterable list, etc.
#voxpellitantek: on GitHub they are very much searchable :)
#tantekgRegorLove: yes, responses are what we settled on (instead of interactions) after a lot of debate
#LoqiA favorite is a common webaction on many silos (like Flickr, Twitter), typically visually indicated with a star symbol that fills in with a color when activated (pink, orange). A favorite is similar to but somewhat different from a like https://indiewebcamp.com/star
#sknebelIf you follow somebody on github you see when they star something
#gRegorLoveI guess there's the stream of "[user] starred [repo]"
#voxpelligRegorLove: if you follow me and I star a project then you will see that I starred it and the creator of the project will see that I starred it
#tanteksnarfed, aaronpk we have to give these things (sets) explicit names so that when we're talking about a specific set of them we know which set we are talking about - because there are different sets in terms of what shows up in UI, how they interact etc.
#tantekwell if someone can get ahold of their product pitch they make to why companies should pay for slack, including list of features, perhaps that will answer it :P
#gRegorLoveThe hover prompt in Slack says "Add reaction"
#kylewmAdobe calls photoshoping an image "editing an image in Adobe Photoshop(TM)"
#snarfedkylewm: true! and i doubt any other community is consistently still using the term "reacji" today
#LoqiSlack is a closed-source team communication tool similar to IRC but with expanding support for various types of content such as emoji polls, inline images, and attachments https://indiewebcamp.com/Slack
#voxpellikylewm: probably a reason for an indieweb reacji to support custom emojis through images in additions to standard emojis, only way to know the correct reaction will be carried through
#voxpellihard thing about custom emojis in indieweb: how to know many people are posting the same emoji unless one starts tagging that emoji through alt-text or similar
#kylewmjumbomoji is dumb, jumboji sounds way better
#voxpellino one else agreeing that just as much as a Facepile is a design element popularized by eg. Facebook, then Reacji is a _design element_ popularized by Slack?
#voxpellithe voting part isn't necessary I think, one could decide merge to make reacji's more facepily as well
#voxpelliit's kind of odd actually to show an avatar for a repost and a like, but not to show an avatar for a reacji, one probably has to do one or the other – either do voting for everything or facepiles for everything
#tantekwere you to sketch/build your own way of summarizing reacji, then we could have a discussion about it :)
#voxpelliKevinMarks: yeah, both you and me actually use emojis already to badge our facepiles :)
#tanteksknebel: a-ha! two examples, perhaps take tight screenshots and compare to see if you can discern all the common elements
#voxpellitantek: so yeah, both me and KevinMarks kind of already have emojis in our facepiles, I just need to parse out reacji-data so that we can badge the faces with those as well
#voxpellithe upside of Slacks presentation compared to a face-pile presentation is that Slacks presentation are also buttons, so one can easily add the same reaction (and that typically happens a lot)
#Loqijumbomoji is Slack's term for presenting enlarged emoji's when a post contains nothing but emojis – a design concept popularized by Facebook Messenger https://indiewebcamp.com/jumbomoji
#voxpelliKevinMarks: I was pixels away form accidentally ordering a new premium domain name for $10k before I realized that it didn't cost the $55 I expected it to
#tantekmore like it highlights a silo we had not yet blacklisted
#voxpellitantek: I think it applies across many of the new TLD:s, which is a bit dangerous as https://domainr.com/ gives great suggestions with them :P
#KevinMarksI also have meemoji.com which I need to do something with
#aaronpkeven if you don't do any other indiewebcamp related things, we encourage people to have their own domain because that's where data and identity ownership starts
#aaronpkand just to clarify, this blacklist is on wiki logins, not on indieauth.com
#tantekwell no kidding. our pages are smaller, faster, and better marked up than the bloated cesspool spiral that the "corporate" web is diving into
tbbrown_ joined the channel
#tantekwow I just got the most awesome warning message in Twitter on an "older" Safari: You are on Twitter Mobile because you are using an old version of Safari.
#tantekI need to fix that anyway, shaners filed an issue about h-x-username making it sound like a microformat in progress / experiment which it isn't really
#tantekhe made the point that anything "microformatty" (not sure if he said that word in particular) in my markup in particular is something he was paying extra attention to (thus others may) as something to copy