#GWGDoes it make sense to keep taking a break from one project to work on another, not necessarily finishing any one thing?
#kylewmspose it depends if you are procastinating or doing one when you get burned out or stuck on the other
#GWGWell, in this case, I learned so many tricks about the HTTP API while working on webmentions I wanted to improve my link preview code with the same.
#GWGThe link preview code is built into Post Kinds. It parses microformats. If there aren't any, or it can't find the field it is looking for, it falls back on meta/ogp.
#GWGI had to write some things with meta tags in webmentions because pfefferle was using get_meta_tags, which retrieves the source from a URL. But the code already retrieved it.
#GWGTo be precise, the current stable version, if you have both Semantic Linkbacks and Webmentions installs, to process a single webmention retrieves the remote source at least 3 times.
#tantekplus if you're looking to scrape (which is basically what you're doing by inspecting random meta tags), you should look for a *visible* date(time) in the page, and then figure out some way of accessing that e.g. via a CSS selector
#GWGI wasn't going to try for much longer. I was going to see how many of these odd tags are standardized.
#GWGI was hoping the whole thing would give me a mental break from figuring out a better design for Semantic Linkbacks that would allow the file to be dropped into a plugin folder with webmentions and just work optionally as one plugin or two.
snarfed joined the channel
#aaronpkTantek: I'm seeing stuff like this in my "reader" "[Tantek Çelik] a jpgSometimes you just feel like ..."
#Loqitantek meant to say: aaronpk, updated my production cassis.js to append a ". " to the alt. Hopefully that will look better by default in text views of the content
#dym_cxirc is recreating a real-life "meeting place" the most, given how bad it handles concurrent discussions
Pierre-O joined the channel
#Ginger1I've been an IRC user since the mid-nineties..just nice to see an active community
#Ginger1between 1998-2005 there was a very active place where I hung out - but these days it's pretty dormant...a few of the old guard there but without any interaction
#dym_cxyou know the moto, "still better than mail-list"
#tantekwelcome Ginger1! Pretty sure we don't have a "manifesto" per se, but we do have indiewebcamp.com/principles!
#Ginger1nope...but have thought about creating one for a while
#Ginger1the concepts tie in nicely with my belief in the need for broad skill development -
#Ginger1I work in IT - where there's a great celebration of "Digital Natives", who might be active on Twitter but no so little about how technology actually works
#aaronpkcan someone review this page and make sure the "how to" instructions are clear and have examples? I'm going to be pointing people at this page https://indiewebcamp.com/RSVP
#bearkylewm - for my system right now, yea - I check the source url and if it's me and the target is the same ... it's just a hacky way of triggering the template generation
#tantekjust rewrote this a bit to hopefully make more sense: what do you all think? https://indiewebcamp.com/rsvp#Why Especially those of you who do not have RSVP examples listed yet!
#bearbecause right now sending webmentions from the commandline is easy
#GWGtantek: I backdated the feature to old posts, so I'm unsure what is actually oldest.
#bear.imedited /rsvp (+4) "simple word adjustments and make the keyword pattern consistent" (view diff)
#beartantek ^^ some small word adjustments and also made all of the yes,no,maybe keywords bold like the first ones
#GWGbear: Why is it every time you say that, I hear a cultured voice in my mind explaining about 'artisanal webmentions, lovingly crafted with you in mind'?
#chrisaldrichHow about you GWG? Figured out the next big project?
#chrisaldrichShaners on Wednesday mentioned that there was some theme related bug in WP that was preventing core from implementing mf2 because of a bug that propogated across the system. Is it documented somewhere?
#GWGChrisAldrich, you prompted a Semantic Linkbacks issue
#GWGThe Post Kinds changes were improvements to the link preview handling. I broke that piece out because working on webmentions made me learn a lot about the WordPress HTTP API
miklb joined the channel
#chrisaldrichYes Post Kinds... semantic Linkbacks when you're wrapping up...
#GWGThe improvements to Semantic Linkbacks are still ongoing.
#GWGWebmentions is nearly wrapped up, but you won't see much functionality change yet. I am waiting for merge before adding more features that depend on what I did.
#GWGFor example, the webmentions plugin now knows that a code 410 exists, but doesn't act on it
#GWGAlthough that is partially because I wasn't sure if 410 should trigger a delete or change the comment to a notice that it was deleted. Seems more user preference.
#chrisaldrichHave you started on building a separate plugin for the portions you're taking out of semantic linkbacks? I'd been reading through portions of the code lately and thinking about what that would look like. (While also dusting off some coding skills).
#GWGChrisAldrich, I am not taking out any functionality
#chrisaldrichis the hcard and relme functionality better done in plugins as a stopgap for later support within themes themselves? Or is it smarter to try to push core to include some of that?
#benborgesthinking facebook privatized RSS in some way..
#GWGThe idea is quick drop, but that a theme could do extend the functionality
#GWGThat is part of why I am trying to write it in such a specific way
#chrisaldrichI also think of some of as which way could best help more people within the WP community to adopt these general principles more rapidly...
#chrisaldrichIn about two weeks, I'll be finishing up two side projects I've been working on. Perhaps an in person call would help me to better understand the direction you've been moving in so I can be of more specific help.
#GWGAnd the existing webmentions plugin is the best way to work on the code.
#GWGI think that breaking the plugin into pieces that can stand on their own means that I can try to get each piece in.
#kylewmEek bad time to be getting into the Instagram API, alpower :/
#chrisaldrichIs all of the webmentions stuff currently passively relying on Akismet? Which piece would need to be modified to better improve spam implementation? (About half of my webmentions end up in my spam folder.)
#GWGSo, I separated the webmention receiver from the sender. And I want to see what I can do similarly in Semantic Linkbacks by filing small tickets for changes.
#GWGChrisAldrich, Akismet thinks all Linkbacks are spam.
#GWGBut there are features such as Vouch to support moderation
#chrisaldrichseparating them does seem like a smart thought; I'll let you get back to work... but let's touch base around the 15th and set up some time to chat live.
#chrisaldrichWebmentions originating from Facebook could potentially be auto-approved as the social "glue" that exists there creates a natural damper on spam (and Facebook has a vested interest to shut spammers down as well)
#GWGChrisAldrich, I have some code that does that, but I have a better idea I want to try that works on that principle.
#GWGIt is why I got author_url, which is the comment field used by webmentions for the source added as an option to WP_Comment_Query
#aaronpkWe were thinking about on the second day, having a "workshop" track where someone can lead people through setting up wordpress with all the necessary plugins
#aaronpklast year it seemed that there was quite a bit of interest in that, but nobody was really ready to lead that
#GWGI have a question I asked earlier. Do people generally delete in response to a 410 or replace the mention with a deleted notice?
#bearfinding out that my logging makes it hard to tell :/
#bearoh, the change I made to respond to updates now means that any reference to older posts will cause a "scan for new outbounds" to happen because the meta data file isn't present for older posts
#GWGI'm just wondering if someone would rather replace it with an explicit notice....not showing the content, but saying, this is no longer available? Or such?
#aaronpkIMO that's a very subjective decision and depends on the situation