#LoqiReddit is a link aggregator and bulletin board site where community members may submit links and text posts, vote on the submitted entries, and post comments on them https://indiewebcamp.com/Reddit
#aaronpkwhile they're not the prettiest things in the world, they get a *lot* of traffic, and are definitely worth documenting since they seem to be doing *something* right
#ben_thatmustbememade a few minor improvements to my reaction emoji UI
#tantekben_thatmustbeme, snarfed definitely feel free to add to / start /reacji#Criticism for why you find the term unappealing. worth documenting such impressions.
#snarfedsure! will do. tl;dr: everyone else uses "reactions." common terminology is more valuable than minor semantic differences.
#ben_thatmustbemethus why i think 'reaction emoji' actually fits my use quite well, as they are reactions that are ONLY emoji, while one could do the same with images or something
#tantekkylewm: it is the closest existing building block
#bearI created html for a deleted post that contained <html><head><meta http-equiv="Status" content="410 GONE" /></head><body></body></html> and a browser shows it as 200 status
#tantekbear of course there is no existing implementation
#GWGgRegorLove: If I get there, I look forward to shaking your hand.
#gRegorLovetantek: I didn't understand the reasoning for charging people who might be interested in IWC but aren't set up yet, vs free for the rest of us
#tantekgRegorLove: it's a minimal fee to get more accurate counts for participation, since we're opening it up to everyone who wants to attend
#bearso i'll repeat my above assertion - if my static site has no way of being able to return a 410 for a deleted post how will it work for me to send a webmention update for a deleted post if the receiver gets 404 or 200
#tantek(instead of just people with their own site)
#gRegorLoveHm. It doesn't sit well with me, even if it's a minimal fee.
#aaronpkwell last year we didn't charge anything for tickets and had about 50% no-shows from the tickets that were registered
#gRegorLoveSo it's to help filter out people who might RSVP but then not show up?
#kylewmwe had pretty good turn out in SF last year from people who registered on Eventbrite, but I think that was down to Andi more than the registration mechanism
#tantekgRegorLove: also the language we've had in the past around creators only or people with their own sites only etc. tended to discourage a lot of people, especially those who were not naturally self-assertive
#gRegorLoveI guess I would feel more comfortable if it was a minimal fee for everyone then, rather than just those who don't post on their own site.
#gRegorLovetantek: Sure, though I thought we iterated on that pretty well last year.
#tantekso instead, we're opening it up broadly, but simultaneously putting a minor fee on it just so people make it a conscious decision to attend, instead of just the "RSVP to all the things" crowd
#gRegorLoveIs a blog post saying you're coming still a valid free RSVP this year?
#kylewmhmm, we should start banging the drum on that "scholarship" fund too
#tantekgRegorLove: good Q. I think aaronpk wanted to reduce the # of ways to RSVP
#gRegorLoveI just don't like the tiers it implies, I guess.
#aaronpkokay there's enough chatter here for me to drop a link here
#tantekit's a lot more than $5 worth of time / work to get RSVPs working on your own site, so yes that's incentive
#kylewmgRegorLove: $5 is less than domain registration ;)
#gRegorLoveIndie RSVP or edit the wiki? Free. All others, pay.
#gRegorLoveIt's not really about the amount ($5). Having a domain already wasn't a requirement last year.
#aaronpkit's a classic problem of hosting free events
#tantekgRegorLove: you're missing the point. if someone doesn't want to pay $5 to participate then they're unlikely going to want to pay money to buy their own domain etc.
#tanteknothing about that said having a domain already
#aaronpk"why is it free if I have my own website?"
#bearhmm, most of the example deleted posts on /deleted don't actually return a 410
#tantekbear - definitely worth noting as nested bullet items * on them!
#tantekreverifying IndieWeb Examples of any kind is worth it
#kylewmbear: I added http-equiv support to my webmention receiver if you want to try it!
#bearwhat is the link I should use to generate a webmention?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "link I should use to generate a webmention" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10KG
#kylewmbear: if you send me a mention (e.g. on https://kylewm.com/2016/04/cats-are-magical), then you should be able to http-equiv delete it, resend the mention, and the comment shuld disappear from my site
#tantekaaronpk++ for http://2016.indieweb.org/ - this is looking really nice and much more like a "proper" event page than our wiki, and better than a silo event page too
#tantekI'm tempted to implement deleted the same way to help provide incentive for more webmention receivers to implement it
loic_m joined the channel
#tantek!tell snarfed, kylewm Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?).
#Loqimarcthiele: aaronpk left you a message on 4/29 at 7:44am: voxpelli is right, the problem with the login is when it's trying to take you back to the Düsseldorf page. if you click on the home page and log in from there it will work fine. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-29/line/1461941090580
#Loqimarcthiele: aaronpk left you a message on 4/29 at 7:52am: it looks like for whatever reason, Google is not actually showing the link to your website in the HTML response that indieauth.com gets. They have a nasty habit of changing the HTML they send back depending on who's fetching it. I would start using Github instead of Google. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-29/line/1461941543544
#cyberjar09hello all just learned about indiewebcamp am excited to being my journey
#cyberjar09I have just bought my own domain and have setup a RPi2 at home but not sure how to go about setting up synamic DNS so it is available online .. any guides out there?
#[jgarber]Good morning/afternoon/evening, all! DC’s still looking for a home for this week’s HWC. Is anyone here local to the Washington, DC area and know of a good place to meet?
mlncn, alexhartley, alexhart_, Rev_Illo, snarfed, tantek, nitot_ and wolftune joined the channel
Lancey, shiflett, frzn and PFMurph_ joined the channel
#kylewmJgarber: cc Kevinmarks I think he had a place to recommend
#Loqikylewm: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 33 minutes ago: Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?). http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-05-02/line/1462174846944
Leeky_ and dym_cx joined the channel
#dym_cx> "Notifying post authors of webmentions, comments and other interactions with their posts" /chatbots
#dym_cxthis would be a big leap since right how webmentions only go to those who have it
#cyberjar09I use namecheap they have a guide for setting up dynamic dns. I did not need to use my router but I installed a client on my RPi instead .. am I missing anything?
saurik_, anarchivist_, hecliunyx_, M-Kodo, benborges, hs0ucy, g3funk and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 50 minutes ago: Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?). http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-05-02/line/1462174846944
#snarfedtantek: POSSE to github is arguably just git push. looks like that FB project is about mapping an internal code base to an external project, sanitizing confidential strings, etc
#tantekhuh - I wonder if I have the backlink to bridgy publish for FB, does it need to auth?
#snarfedno. eg it doesn't auth for webmention publish, only for interactive
#tantekthat is if I use the Bridgy web UI to POSSE a post, but the post already has the link to bridgy to publish, it the web UI could do it without auth right? since someone could send a webmention without auth?
#tantekthat's what I mean. interactive + backlink = no auth?
#[shaners]Maybe a local cache problem in my Slack.app.
#tantekwords to keep keeping in mind: "And even if the damned thing worked, it would not offer me the functionality I really want: which is to connect with my real friends, who are all on Twitter, Facebook, or (yes, even some) on G+. "
#chrisaldrichtantek: I think his intention was to do it weekly going forward to start softening the ground for IWC LA in November
tantek joined the channel
#chrisaldrichI can't speak for Shaners as he's got the keys to the location, but I'd suspect it's on, though not sure how attendance will do this week with me out....
#[benwerdmuller]I’m so behind the times, but count me in for IWC LA too
#tantekthanks for confirming and getting a venue shaners
#ben_thatmustbemefor me tagging is something i would prefer others not be able to do. If i do implement it, it would really be as a suggestion i would have to approve
#LoqiVideos about the indieweb are a great way to get a quick visual introduction to what is the Indie Web, why we need it, and how you can make a difference for yourself, and others https://indiewebcamp.com/videos_about
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: re: " If i do implement it, it would really be as a suggestion i would have to approve" in that case I should upload the screenshots I took of FB prompting me to approve a tag from someone else of somethird else in a photo of mine
#aaronpkis debating whether he should spend that time packing for Germany instead
#aaronpk6am flight in the morning means getting up eaarrrrly
#bearpacking is always a good thing - it doesn't grow stale ;)
#tantekaaronpk: did you see that bear got webmention deletes working from his site to kylewm's site via the meta 410? time for webmention.rocks to support meta 410!
#tantekmy ideal for how this should work on the server, is that web servers that serve static HTML files should pre-parse them for meta http-equivs, and then use those http-equivs as default HTTP header return values
#tantekthereby allowing HTML-level configuration of all that stuff instead of mucking with web-server-specific config files
#aaronpkinteresting, is there precedent for servers to do that for other headers?
#tantek.comedited /videos_about_the_indieweb (-133) "dropping "Digital Emancipation" video; 1st 15m (before vimeo failed), no mention of indieweb, more political rants/strawmans about surveillance, capitalism, silicon valley, also claims "The Web is the problem" whereas IndieWeb uses web as solution!" (view diff)
#tantekcool. was hoping you could share any insights as well, as I know I've seen you come up with answers/suggestions/refinements that have improved many an issue resolution
#[shaners]kylewm: I have the same slugging problem on my “to fix” list. Contractions should have ’s removed before replacing spaces with hyphens, imo.
#kylewmalso it removes https?://domain.com from URLs
#[shaners]aaronpk: Still seeing all the broken images in Slack. I’ve quit and re-opened. And it’s only the bridged (“bot” / irc) users’ avatars that are borked.
#tantekthus I blame the organizers of "decentralizedweb" for not paying attention to W3C Social Web work
#sandroAny chance we can change? Do you think anyone's flying to Portland on the 6th, ie not for IWC?
sandro joined the channel
#aaronpkheh speaking of pricing discussion, that conference is $75 for a ticket
#tanteksandro - it's also a bit odd since announced the IndieWeb Summit June 3-5 long before as well
#tanteknot really reasonable to expect people to fly back/forth just for one day of a conference that has not seemed to try to engage anyone else in any actual "decentralized" web community or implementation for that matter
#sandroI don't follow your logic. Just IWC and DW go together fine in my travel. Actually if we had SWWG on June 6-7, then everything would work perfectly.
#tanteksandro both IW Summit and SWWG are in Portland
#tantekdoesn't make sense to fly back/forth to SF just for one day
#tanteksince W3C SWWG meeting has been scheduled for quite some time
[benwerdmuller] joined the channel
#[benwerdmuller]Whoa. Just seen that event. A little sad that nobody pinged us (right?) about it, even though there are definitely some organizers who overlap with this community
#tantek(thus I'm assuming flights / hotels have been purchased especially by those traveling long(er) distances)
#sandroThey're using eventbright, so presumably a human needs to fill in the participants and hasnt done it yet. I registered and didn't show up automatically.
#aaronpkyou can add yourself to the IndieWeb summit list by sending it a webmention! ;-)
#sandroben_thatmustbeme, I don't know any of those folks. Any you know well enough to ask for some backstory? It looks fairly IPFS + Blockchain in style.
#tantekmisread that as "fairy IPFS + Blockchain in style"
#aaronpkit actually looks like an IPFS meetup more or less
#tantekwait, is anyone who has actually worked on a Mars mission participating in IPFS? Otherwise I dispute the "IP" part of that acronym.
#LoqiIPFS is an abbreviation for “InterPlanetary File System”, self-described as “a new hypermedia distribution protocol”, yet does not appear to be selfdogfooded, and thus should be considered risky and experimental at best https://indiewebcamp.com/IPFS
#aaronpkooh i think I wasn't looking for "Yes", only "yes"
#[benwerdmuller]I wonder if it’s too late to apply to that event with a “why I don’t believe in a completely distributed web [and indieweb is a better answer]” talk proposal
#tantekbenwerdmuller worth trying just to see what the response is
#[shaners]aaronpk: Gotcha. Should I change on my end? Or you wanna downcase on your end?
#aaronpki did a pretty faithful implementation of /authorship for XRay (which is what the site is using)
#tanteksandro, did the person who pointed at DW have any answers for why they seem to be completely ignoring or ignorant of W3C Social Web or IndieWebCamp state of the art?
#[shaners]If I fix and re-webmention, will it update my image or add a second rsvp of me to the list?