2016-05-02 UTC
KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
# 00:03 tantek GWG, I'd say delete it, because that's the dominant silo UX
# 00:03 tantek and then if you want to do extra work, you could put a "this comment deleted by author" if there were responses to the comment
# 00:04 tantek but strictly speaking I don't think that's necessary
# 00:04 kylewm ^that's what I was wondering, do hackernews and reddit show tombstones even if there aren't replies?
# 00:04 tantek kylewm: not sure - perhaps worth documenting them? I don't really take either of those to be bastions of UX
# 00:04 Loqi Reddit is a link aggregator and bulletin board site where community members may submit links and text posts, vote on the submitted entries, and post comments on them https://indiewebcamp.com/Reddit
# 00:05 aaronpk while they're not the prettiest things in the world, they get a *lot* of traffic, and are definitely worth documenting since they seem to be doing *something* right
# 00:09 tantek aaronpk: I suppose they're worth documenting if someone wants to base work on their prior art
# 00:10 tantek ben_thatmustbeme, snarfed definitely feel free to add to / start /reacji#Criticism for why you find the term unappealing. worth documenting such impressions.
# 00:11 snarfed sure! will do. tl;dr: everyone else uses "reactions." common terminology is more valuable than minor semantic differences.
# 00:13 ben_thatmustbeme thus why i think 'reaction emoji' actually fits my use quite well, as they are reactions that are ONLY emoji, while one could do the same with images or something
# 00:14 tantek snarfed, while you're here, do you think you'll be able to make it to IndieWeb Summit? especially the day 0 leader summit?
# 00:14 snarfed tantek: sorry, no. wish i could! we'll be in wyoming
# 00:15 GWG If I come to Portland, I'd get to meet snarfed?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 00:15 tantek KevinMarks: that sounds more like internet quit rather than just silo quit
# 00:18 tantek KevinMarks: their website radiohead.com return just returned nothing
# 00:19 kylewm do node people here have any recommendations for template engine? (for a small, pretty simple Express application)
# 00:23 miklb might be regretting that project name :-)
# 00:23 aaronpk i'm still surprised that it's the first one that superfeedr has picked up on
# 00:25 Loqi [markpilgrim] HTTP Error 447: Gone until I get the attention I deserve (posted 2003-11-25T15:34:31+00:00)
# 00:26 [kevinmarks] I used jade for pestagram.com, it was fairly easy, but a different syntax from jinja et al
# 00:28 miklb [kevinmarks] that pull request came from someone who saw your presentation last week.
# 01:09 kylewm KevinMarks: it looks like Swig is ~= jinja, think I'll use that
tantek, Phyks, alexhartley and snarfed joined the channel
# 03:03 bear does quill allow for edit/delete testin?
wolftune, alexhartley and Leeky joined the channel
# 03:48 bear now i'm trying to figure out how to return a 410 GONE using static files only
snarfed joined the channel
# 04:25 kylewm although you probably have an nginx trick up your sleeve :)
# 04:25 bear yea, found it (took longer than I want to admit - gotta start searching indieweb wiki first)
# 04:26 bear I do have some nginx thoughts - but first I want to validate that static html works
# 04:26 bear nginx way would be to have a location check for *.delete for location
# 04:28 kylewm I don't know of anyone that actually supports the meta http-equiv way right now
# 04:32 kylewm whoa, not much precedent for http-equiv=Status outside of our wiki
# 04:32 bear well - firefox doesn't honor <meta http-equiv="Status" content="410 GONE" />
alexhartley joined the channel
tantek, wolftune and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 04:40 bear yea, even if the only thing in the html is the meta tag it doesn't work
# 04:41 tantek it's literally a brainstorm/proposal here in indieweb to solve this particular use-case
# 04:41 bear inventing it here doesn't help my immediate need tho :/
# 04:42 bear deleting posts in a static environment
# 04:42 bear but it doesn't work when used as a meta http-equiv
# 04:43 tantek yes it has to be implemented by indieweb consumers also
# 04:43 tantek that's how everything we come up with here works
# 04:43 kylewm isn't meta http-equiv outdated in general, like for any use case?
# 04:44 tantek kylewm: it is the closest existing building block
# 04:44 tantek bear of course there is no existing implementation
# 04:45 GWG gRegorLove: If I get there, I look forward to shaking your hand.
# 04:45 gRegorLove tantek: I didn't understand the reasoning for charging people who might be interested in IWC but aren't set up yet, vs free for the rest of us
# 04:45 tantek gRegorLove: it's a minimal fee to get more accurate counts for participation, since we're opening it up to everyone who wants to attend
# 04:45 bear so i'll repeat my above assertion - if my static site has no way of being able to return a 410 for a deleted post how will it work for me to send a webmention update for a deleted post if the receiver gets 404 or 200
# 04:46 aaronpk well last year we didn't charge anything for tickets and had about 50% no-shows from the tickets that were registered
# 04:46 gRegorLove So it's to help filter out people who might RSVP but then not show up?
# 04:47 tantek and getting people to pay $5 makes them more vested in attending
# 04:47 kylewm bear: I think the idea is that webmention receivers would parse the HTML and look for http-equiv specifically.
# 04:47 GWG What will the proceeds go toward?
# 04:47 gRegorLove The amount of no-shows last year. E.g. Did it appear to be full and people didn't show up, when they could have?
# 04:48 bear then that should have been more clearly specified - here I am trying to use it to generate a http status code
# 04:48 aaronpk we ended up ordering way more food than we should have
# 04:49 kylewm we had pretty good turn out in SF last year from people who registered on Eventbrite, but I think that was down to Andi more than the registration mechanism
# 04:49 tantek gRegorLove: also the language we've had in the past around creators only or people with their own sites only etc. tended to discourage a lot of people, especially those who were not naturally self-assertive
# 04:49 gRegorLove I guess I would feel more comfortable if it was a minimal fee for everyone then, rather than just those who don't post on their own site.
# 04:49 gRegorLove tantek: Sure, though I thought we iterated on that pretty well last year.
# 04:50 tantek so instead, we're opening it up broadly, but simultaneously putting a minor fee on it just so people make it a conscious decision to attend, instead of just the "RSVP to all the things" crowd
# 04:50 gRegorLove Is a blog post saying you're coming still a valid free RSVP this year?
# 04:50 kylewm hmm, we should start banging the drum on that "scholarship" fund too
# 04:50 tantek gRegorLove: good Q. I think aaronpk wanted to reduce the # of ways to RSVP
# 04:51 aaronpk okay there's enough chatter here for me to drop a link here
# 04:51 tantek it's a lot more than $5 worth of time / work to get RSVPs working on your own site, so yes that's incentive
# 04:51 kylewm gRegorLove: $5 is less than domain registration ;)
# 04:51 tantek gRegorLove: no it's more like a discount code
# 04:52 tantek if someone doesn't want to pay $5 to participate then they're unlikely going to want to pay money to buy their own domain etc.
# 04:52 aaronpk if you post an RSVP from your site, and send a webmention to that page, you'll show up there
# 04:52 aaronpk when you check out through ti.to for the "free" ticket, it asks you to provide the link to your RSVP
# 04:53 bear k, webmention.rocks/delete/1 doesn't like http-equiv
# 05:01 gRegorLove It's not really about the amount ($5). Having a domain already wasn't a requirement last year.
# 05:01 tantek gRegorLove: you're missing the point. if someone doesn't want to pay $5 to participate then they're unlikely going to want to pay money to buy their own domain etc.
# 05:02 tantek nothing about that said having a domain already
# 05:02 gRegorLove aaronpk: Yeah, I do get it for food and such, and don't have a good alternative suggestion
# 05:02 tantek gRegorLove: a lot of this is from experience hosting free events
# 05:03 tantek part of making them work well is getting accurate counts. a minimal fee works wonders for that
# 05:03 tantek the incentive to get indie RSVPs working is a good thing
# 05:05 bear hmm, most of the example deleted posts on /deleted don't actually return a 410
# 05:05 tantek bear - definitely worth noting as nested bullet items * on them!
# 05:05 tantek reverifying IndieWeb Examples of any kind is worth it
# 05:07 kylewm bear: I added http-equiv support to my webmention receiver if you want to try it!
# 05:07 bear what is the link I should use to generate a webmention?
# 05:08 tantek kylewm what did you have to add to your webmention receiving code to process the http-equiv properly?
# 05:08 kylewm like, search the document for the meta tag, parse out the content and convert to an int
# 05:10 bear kylewm what url can I use as a mention to test?
# 05:11 kylewm bear: oh feel free to reply to any post you like
# 05:12 kylewm hmm, although your question makes me think we're miscommunicating
# 05:12 tantek bear how can a HTTP request return both a 410 and do a redirect? I"m confused
# 05:12 bear I had firefox dev tools open and that's what happened
# 05:18 tantek kylewm++ for implementing consuming http-equive status 410!
# 05:18 tantek congrats bear and kylewm! that sounds like you just got a pretty big interop milestone working!
# 05:20 bear goes to see what changes to ronkyuu will be needed for this
# 05:21 tantek kylewm: how hard was it to "search the document for the meta tag, parse out the content and convert to an int"?
# 05:21 snarfed sets up a reverse proxy to get around instagram's IP blocking
# 05:21 tantek snarfed, this feels like an unwinnable contest :(
# 05:22 snarfed tantek: only if they actually noticed and blocked bridgy specifically
# 05:24 kylewm tantek: like 15 minutes to add the http-equiv stuff?
# 05:24 kylewm snarfed: are you bouncing it off your snarfed.org server?
# 05:24 snarfed kidding. no, off huffduff-video. snarfed is on a shared server
# 05:25 kylewm oh huh, I thought huffduff was running on appengine too
# 05:25 snarfed nah, it needs all sorts of binaries and C modules that stock app engine (python) doesn't support
# 05:26 snarfed GCE would be fine, and maybe managed VMs, and *maybe* AWS lambda, except for the 5m request deadline
# 05:28 snarfed anyone who's been missing bridgy instagram backfeed over the last few days, feel free to go click your poll now button
# 05:35 tantek snarfed, which expression is more often used? the abbr or the phrase?
# 05:36 snarfed if you're picking where to document, go with the phrase
hecliunyx joined the channel
# 05:59 tantek ^^^ hey aaronpk was that ready to broadcast? ;)
miklb joined the channel
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# 07:35 tantek I'm tempted to implement deleted the same way to help provide incentive for more webmention receivers to implement it
loic_m joined the channel
# 07:40 tantek !tell snarfed, kylewm Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?).
# 07:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 08:12 bear ugh - had no idea it was already 0400 !
# 08:13 bear but on the bright side - my site is now handling updates and deletes for posts and webmentions
# 08:13 tantek bear clearly you must have been having fun :)
# 08:13 bear yea, lots of little refactorings to the support flask app I use for micropub and webmentions
# 08:14 tantek you got micropub update/delete working, and webmention sending of updates and deletes?
# 08:14 bear filed a bug for webmention.rocks - once that is done I will be 21/21 for webmentions 2/2 for updates and 1/1 for deletes
# 08:15 bear yes, micropub create, update and delete -- just using my own command line tools for now - haven't tested it with any online editor
# 08:15 bear and during any update of a post/article it scans webmentions for "freshness"
# 08:16 bear I save the original html and secondary data when I flag a post as deleted
# 08:16 bear so undelete is clearing a flag file and regenerating
# 08:17 bear but I don't want to say it's fully implemented until I test it with at least one external client
# 08:19 sknebel bear: is your micropub endpoint open-source somewhere?
# 08:20 bear it's still very much oriented to how I do things, but it's a flask app and shouldn't be too hard to tweak
# 08:21 bear kaku is a Python Flask app that is used to handle incoming micropub and webmention requests for bear.im
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
alexhartley joined the channel
alexhartley, dogada and Pierre-O joined the channel
ehlovader and Pierre-O joined the channel
chimo_ joined the channel
acegiak, finchd and renoirb joined the channel
# 10:55 Loqi marcthiele: aaronpk left you a message on 4/29 at 7:52am: it looks like for whatever reason, Google is not actually showing the link to your website in the HTML response that indieauth.com gets. They have a nasty habit of changing the HTML they send back depending on who's fetching it. I would start using Github instead of Google. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-29/line/1461941543544
alexhartley joined the channel
# 11:54 voxpelli :( looks like Düsseldorf will be a really awesome event, so wished I could be there
Garbee and cyberjar09 joined the channel
# 12:34 cyberjar09 hello all just learned about indiewebcamp am excited to being my journey
# 12:35 cyberjar09 I have just bought my own domain and have setup a RPi2 at home but not sure how to go about setting up synamic DNS so it is available online .. any guides out there?
# 12:36 cyberjar09 oh ok Ill have to check in that case
# 12:36 cyberjar09 will be back
# 12:36 cyberjar09 i use archer c7
hs0ucy joined the channel
[jgarber] joined the channel
# 12:44 [jgarber] Good morning/afternoon/evening, all! DC’s still looking for a home for this week’s HWC. Is anyone here local to the Washington, DC area and know of a good place to meet?
mlncn, alexhartley, alexhart_, Rev_Illo, snarfed, tantek, nitot_ and wolftune joined the channel
Lancey, shiflett, frzn and PFMurph_ joined the channel
# 15:14 kylewm Jgarber: cc Kevinmarks I think he had a place to recommend
# 15:14 Loqi kylewm: tantek left you a message 7 hours, 33 minutes ago: Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?). http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-05-02/line/1462174846944
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# 15:20 dym_cx > "Notifying post authors of webmentions, comments and other interactions with their posts" /chatbots
# 15:21 dym_cx this would be a big leap since right how webmentions only go to those who have it
# 15:21 cyberjar09 I use namecheap they have a guide for setting up dynamic dns. I did not need to use my router but I installed a client on my RPi instead .. am I missing anything?
saurik_, anarchivist_, hecliunyx_, M-Kodo, benborges, hs0ucy, g3funk and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 15:46 sknebel cyberjar09: benefit of using the router is that it knows immediately when the IP has changed
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:14 tantek from reading the thread I think (hope?) benwerd omitted a ;)
# 16:14 aaronpk for checkins, i'm still planning on checking in from foursquare and backfeeding them to my site
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:15 aaronpk I don't see a lot of value in POSSE'ing to foursquare, it would only add a lot of complexity to whatever interface I make
# 16:16 tantek LOL: "On its first day, my horrible affliction test had received 60,000 visits."
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 16:24 aaronpk it would be amazing if the Medium app supported micropub and could be used to post to your own site
# 16:24 kylewm Firefox is incredibly slow to load google domains for me
# 16:27 tantek kylewm: it does the opposite for me, it makes me want to avoid google domains
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:30 tantek kylewm - I don't think mobile vs. POSSE is a dichotomy, or rather, it's a false dichotomy
# 16:30 tantek though I do think there is something to be said for your idea (and plugin!) for a backfill approach
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:31 Loqi snarfed: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 50 minutes ago: Bridgy Publish to FB web UI is failing weirdly. several times in a row it is redirect to make me re-login to FB (I'm already logged in), then strangely failing with a FB UI error message, and then eventually it seems to randomly work (after 3-4 attempts?). http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-05-02/line/1462174846944
# 16:31 snarfed ugh, sorry about that. we can look, but if it worked eventually, i suspect FB API flakiness
# 16:31 tantek well the fact that I get login prompted every time is a bug
# 16:31 tantek I'm guessing that's the cause of the flakiness
# 16:32 tantek (login prompted into FB when Bridgy bounces to FB briefly)
# 16:33 tantek kylewm: good question. the buggy behavior is new as of perhaps the last month.
# 16:33 kylewm well bridgy has you auth before publishing by design
# 16:33 kylewm because it doesn't have any persistent idea of you being authed
# 16:34 tantek oh - to prevent random people from POSSEing from my site to my FB profile?
# 16:35 snarfed tantek: POSSE to github is arguably just git push. looks like that FB project is about mapping an internal code base to an external project, sanitizing confidential strings, etc
# 16:36 snarfed oh, except, that url doesn't actually answer this specific q
# 16:36 tantek huh - I wonder if I have the backlink to bridgy publish for FB, does it need to auth?
# 16:37 snarfed no. eg it doesn't auth for webmention publish, only for interactive
# 16:37 tantek that is if I use the Bridgy web UI to POSSE a post, but the post already has the link to bridgy to publish, it the web UI could do it without auth right? since someone could send a webmention without auth?
# 16:37 tantek that's what I mean. interactive + backlink = no auth?
# 16:39 kylewm i thought interactive was ok without a backlink
j12t joined the channel
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ehlovader and [shaners] joined the channel
# 17:06 [shaners] I’m seeing a bunch of broken avatar images in Slack. Anyone else?
# 17:07 aaronpk the same images are used in the web logs, are they missing there too?
yakker joined the channel
# 17:21 tantek words to keep keeping in mind: "And even if the damned thing worked, it would not offer me the functionality I really want: which is to connect with my real friends, who are all on Twitter, Facebook, or (yes, even some) on G+. "
# 17:26 tantek hey kylewm, ben_thatmustbeme did you either of you implement receiving tag-replies? especially person tag replies?
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:26 tantek I feel like we talked about this but don't remember where it ended up
# 17:26 tantek (this is for someone else person-tagging a post of yours, like a photo)
# 17:32 kylewm tantek: I don't recognize them as anything beyond person mentions
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:36 tantek seing pingback framed relative to webmention rather than vice versa
hs0ucy, dogada and [shaners] joined the channel
[benwerdmuller] joined the channel
# 17:56 [benwerdmuller] Categorically yes
# 17:56 [benwerdmuller] Really looking forward to it
# 17:56 [benwerdmuller] Awesome!
tantek joined the channel
# 17:59 tantek aaronpk: you too - need a venue for PDX (assuming you're in town before flying out!)
# 17:59 tantek shaners, hoping for a quick yes/no before updating the wiki
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 18:00 tantek chrisaldrich: maybe you know - is HWC LA/SM happening this week
# 18:00 chrisaldrich Shaners: if it helps, I'm going to be stuck this week and can't make it across town...
# 18:00 chrisaldrich Shaners: if it helps, I'm going to be stuck this week and can't make it across town...
tantek joined the channel
# 18:01 chrisaldrich tantek: I think his intention was to do it weekly going forward to start softening the ground for IWC LA in November
tantek joined the channel
# 18:02 chrisaldrich I can't speak for Shaners as he's got the keys to the location, but I'd suspect it's on, though not sure how attendance will do this week with me out....
# 18:02 [benwerdmuller] I’m so behind the times, but count me in for IWC LA too
# 18:03 Loqi [Shane Becker] First Homebrew Website Club in LA/Santa Monica, California
# 18:06 [benwerdmuller] Sold. My aunt and uncle live over by the Mormon Temple, so it’s also incredibly convenient for me :thumbsup:
# 18:07 tantek thanks for confirming and getting a venue shaners
# 18:07 ben_thatmustbeme for me tagging is something i would prefer others not be able to do. If i do implement it, it would really be as a suggestion i would have to approve
benwerd joined the channel
# 18:16 Loqi [Shane Becker] My #indieweb lunch time lightning tech talk (from 2016-04-26 at @pivotal).
# 18:17 [shaners] tantek: Did you mention some place on the wiki where I should link to that talk?
# 18:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:24 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: re: " If i do implement it, it would really be as a suggestion i would have to approve" in that case I should upload the screenshots I took of FB prompting me to approve a tag from someone else of somethird else in a photo of mine
# 18:24 aaronpk is debating whether he should spend that time packing for Germany instead
# 18:24 aaronpk 6am flight in the morning means getting up eaarrrrly
# 18:24 bear packing is always a good thing - it doesn't grow stale ;)
# 18:25 tantek aaronpk: did you see that bear got webmention deletes working from his site to kylewm's site via the meta 410? time for webmention.rocks to support meta 410!
# 18:28 tantek I'm thinking of following in bear's footprints and implementing delete with meta 410 as well
# 18:29 bear for those with no access to the web server - yes :)
# 18:29 aaronpk you don't need web server access, just a scripting language
# 18:29 tantek aaronpk - I have another use-case for it for you in particular: spiderpig :)
# 18:30 bear is that why the known instances both serve up 410 and then continue to deliver a page?
# 18:30 aaronpk HTTP allows a response body with 410, so that's not unusualy
# 18:30 aaronpk tantek: interesting point! should spiderpig keep pages that returned an http 410 or meta 410?
# 18:31 tantek it may need to *generate* a minimal html meta 410 page when it gets a 410 status code back!
# 18:31 tantek since the point is an archive you statically host
# 18:31 aaronpk should it do that? or should it just not archive the page?
# 18:32 bear yea, so for folks with static only pages then meta 410 is the only option
# 18:32 tantek I think it should archive the 410. not archiving the page would result in a 410 -> 404 information loss
# 18:35 tantek my ideal for how this should work on the server, is that web servers that serve static HTML files should pre-parse them for meta http-equivs, and then use those http-equivs as default HTTP header return values
# 18:35 tantek thereby allowing HTML-level configuration of all that stuff instead of mucking with web-server-specific config files
# 18:35 aaronpk interesting, is there precedent for servers to do that for other headers?
# 18:35 tantek aaronpk: I'm saying webserver should do it for *all* meta http-equivs. not just meta 410
# 18:38 tantek shaners that sounds like a pretty productive first HWC SM meetup! any HWC where someone walks away setup with their own site is a huge win
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 18:39 Loqi [Shane Becker] First Homebrew Website Club in LA/Santa Monica, California
miklb joined the channel
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# 19:00 tantek.com edited /videos_about_the_indieweb (-133) "dropping "Digital Emancipation" video; 1st 15m (before vimeo failed), no mention of indieweb, more political rants/strawmans about surveillance, capitalism, silicon valley, also claims "The Web is the problem" whereas IndieWeb uses web as solution!" (
view diff )
# 19:07 tantek shaners thanks for doing a 2016 indieweb video so we have at least one :)
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# 19:29 tantek now needs to adjust any LA trip schedules to be sure to stop by HWC LA/SM!
# 19:30 kylewm shaners++ nice talk, particularly given the circumstances
finchd-also joined the channel
# 19:32 tantek I mean LA there obv Portland was already in there
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# 19:38 tantek shaners I will try to make it there several times before November also
# 19:40 aaronpk just realized that Dreamhost has an office in portland apparently
# 19:40 aaronpk thinks that might be a great place to move Homebrew Website Club :D
# 19:40 tantek kylewm: would you be available for remote participation in an IWC Düsseldorf mf2 parsing issues resolutions session this weekend?
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# 19:42 kylewm tantek: I don't think so, family in town this weekend, but more than happy to defer to you three and/or weigh in asynchronously
# 19:45 tantek cool. was hoping you could share any insights as well, as I know I've seen you come up with answers/suggestions/refinements that have improved many an issue resolution
# 19:46 aaronpk think any of them would be interested in indieweb things?
# 19:49 aaronpk considers showing the date there instead of the URL
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 19:56 tantek (e.g. maybe webmention(.rocks) or maybe one on micropub?)
# 19:57 aaronpk I would love to do a "up and running with webmention.rocks" session or something
# 19:57 aaronpk wonders how "up and running" translates to German
# 19:58 tantek wonders what Twitter "app" would look like if you could set a setting to only show you tweets with photos (not just links to photos)
# 20:00 gRegorLove I would love if they'd let me filter tweets by source. Source=instagram, hide it.
# 20:02 Loqi [Shane Becker] My #indieweb lunch time lightning tech talk (from 2016-04-26 at @pivotal).
# 20:03 tantek wow I need to get myself a whiteboard scribe ;)
# 20:03 Loqi [Kenneth Auchenberg] Word wrapping/hyphenation using CSS.
# 20:04 aaronpk oh gosh. no wonder i always get it not quite right
# 20:05 tantek "walled garden - too rosy of a description. I don't want to eat anything grown there." LOLOL shaners is killing it.
# 20:15 GWG I just got the time off okay. Need to explore flight/accommodation
# 20:21 tantek shaners++ that was a great off the cuff no slides talk, nicely done
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# 20:26 aaronpk fixed the broken css, but i still think i'm going to replace it with the date instead of showing the URL
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# 20:47 [shaners] kylewm: I have the same slugging problem on my “to fix” list. Contractions should have ’s removed before replacing spaces with hyphens, imo.
# 20:48 kylewm also it removes https?://domain.com from URLs
# 20:51 [shaners] aaronpk: Still seeing all the broken images in Slack. I’ve quit and re-opened. And it’s only the bridged (“bot” / irc) users’ avatars that are borked.
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# 20:55 aaronpk everything looks fine in the backend. gonna blame it on a temporary slack error for now. if it stays broken til tomorrow i'll check again.
# 21:11 tantek I'm considering implementing /deleted in my storage back-end with a dt-deleted property
# 21:11 tantek and then if present, returning a meta 410 for that post permalink, no title/content, as well as skipping it in stream / archive views
# 21:12 gRegorLove aaronpk: Ti.to event says it's not live yet for IndieWeb Summit
# 21:19 tantek aaronpk: how about a schedule is subject to change note on the 2016.indieweb.org page?
# 21:19 tantek and perhaps a link to check the indiewebcamp wiki for the latest schedule details?
# 21:20 aaronpk oh also i only half finished updating the schedule grid
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# 21:32 tantek kevinmarks can you make it to IndieWeb Summit including Day 0 for the leaders summit?
# 22:00 tantek thus I blame the organizers of "decentralizedweb" for not paying attention to W3C Social Web work
# 22:01 sandro Any chance we can change? Do you think anyone's flying to Portland on the 6th, ie not for IWC?
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# 22:02 aaronpk heh speaking of pricing discussion, that conference is $75 for a ticket
# 22:02 tantek sandro - it's also a bit odd since announced the IndieWeb Summit June 3-5 long before as well
# 22:03 tantek not really reasonable to expect people to fly back/forth just for one day of a conference that has not seemed to try to engage anyone else in any actual "decentralized" web community or implementation for that matter
# 22:05 sandro I don't follow your logic. Just IWC and DW go together fine in my travel. Actually if we had SWWG on June 6-7, then everything would work perfectly.
# 22:06 tantek sandro both IW Summit and SWWG are in Portland
# 22:06 tantek doesn't make sense to fly back/forth to SF just for one day
# 22:07 aaronpk it *could* be IndieWeb Summit 3-5, W3C 6-7, Decentralized Web 8-9
# 22:08 tantek would prefer the day off between IWS and SWWG to recharge
# 22:09 sandro Yes, I was looking forward to that day off. But I'd also like to go with DW, especially since I'm going to be on the west coast.
# 22:10 sandro I was *also* looking forward to....
# 22:10 sandro I note the summit appears to have 17 organizers and 2 participants. :-)
# 22:11 tantek IndieWeb Summit only has 2 organizers currently :)
# 22:11 aaronpk IIRC we specifically chose the w3c dates to include a day in between to recharge/prepare
# 22:11 tantek sandro, perhaps you could try contacting them and asking if they could move theirs forward by a day?
# 22:12 tantek since W3C SWWG meeting has been scheduled for quite some time
[benwerdmuller] joined the channel
# 22:12 [benwerdmuller] Whoa. Just seen that event. A little sad that nobody pinged us (right?) about it, even though there are definitely some organizers who overlap with this community
# 22:12 tantek (thus I'm assuming flights / hotels have been purchased especially by those traveling long(er) distances)
# 22:18 sandro They're using eventbright, so presumably a human needs to fill in the participants and hasnt done it yet. I registered and didn't show up automatically.
# 22:19 aaronpk you can add yourself to the IndieWeb summit list by sending it a webmention! ;-)
# 22:20 sandro ben_thatmustbeme, I don't know any of those folks. Any you know well enough to ask for some backstory? It looks fairly IPFS + Blockchain in style.
# 22:20 tantek misread that as "fairy IPFS + Blockchain in style"
# 22:20 aaronpk it actually looks like an IPFS meetup more or less
# 22:21 tantek wait, is anyone who has actually worked on a Mars mission participating in IPFS? Otherwise I dispute the "IP" part of that acronym.
[shaners] joined the channel
# 22:21 Loqi IPFS is an abbreviation for “InterPlanetary File System”, self-described as “a new hypermedia distribution protocol”, yet does not appear to be selfdogfooded, and thus should be considered risky and experimental at best https://indiewebcamp.com/IPFS
# 22:23 aaronpk Loqi needs to have better text expansions of h-events
# 22:24 tantek aaronpk do you POSSE your indie event posts to Twitter?
# 22:24 tantek I'm wondering if there is any prior art for plain text event design that could/should document
# 22:24 [shaners] I tried to indie RSVP from the CLI, aaronpk. But got an “unknown errror”.
# 22:24 tantek because that's basically what you're asking for when you say "text expansion"
# 22:25 [shaners] Someone mind looking at mf2 on my rsvp post to make sure I’m not messing something up?
# 22:25 Loqi [Shane Becker] I'm going to the IndieWeb Summit
# 22:25 aaronpk ooh i think I wasn't looking for "Yes", only "yes"
# 22:25 [benwerdmuller] I wonder if it’s too late to apply to that event with a “why I don’t believe in a completely distributed web [and indieweb is a better answer]” talk proposal
# 22:26 tantek benwerdmuller worth trying just to see what the response is
# 22:26 [shaners] aaronpk: Gotcha. Should I change on my end? Or you wanna downcase on your end?
# 22:26 tantek aaronpk, shaners should p-rsvp be case-insensitive?
# 22:26 aaronpk i just added downcase, although that isn't the actual problem, cause you would have seen a different message
# 22:27 tantek yeah we should have written a response position piece to Brewster's post a while ago
# 22:27 tantek too busy actually building & shipping though ;)
# 22:27 aaronpk [shaners]: i just sent a WM for you from curl and it worked fine
# 22:29 tantek Loqi, how long until blockchain-all-the-things implodes the way XML-all-the-things imploded?
# 22:29 [shaners] Dang. I have my photo in my footer’s h-card. But not my h-entry’s h-card.
# 22:30 tantek sandro, did the person who pointed at DW have any answers for why they seem to be completely ignoring or ignorant of W3C Social Web or IndieWebCamp state of the art?
# 22:31 [shaners] If I fix and re-webmention, will it update my image or add a second rsvp of me to the list?
# 22:31 aaronpk (just don't change your source URL otherwise it counts as a different webmention)
# 22:32 aaronpk i'm not doing any redirect handling on that site right now
# 22:33 aaronpk the only thing in the spec is that the receiver should follow redirects when fetching the content
# 22:33 aaronpk nothing about updating the canonical URL of the webmention
# 22:34 tantek if not, then the updates section should explicitly mention it!
# 22:34 aaronpk there are two different cases to handle for redirects
# 22:48 tantek sandro, would "IPFS + blockchain meetup" be a more accurate description then?
tantek, gRegorLove and _fran joined the channel
# 23:04 kylewm KevinMarks: do you have any ideas for shrinking those syndication targets so they're a little more manageable?
[shaners] joined the channel
# 23:06 [shaners] aaronpk: Add my image to my entry’s h-card. Webmentioned from CLI again. Same error.
# 23:07 aaronpk that looks like an error from whatever tool you're using to send webmentions
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:09 [shaners] aaronpk: I don’t know the actual error. My gist is the only error I’m shown.
# 23:10 [shaners] Is there a curl snippet that I can copy/pasta from somewhere?
# 23:11 aaronpk what's that tool tho? it could really benefit from a little more error reporting
# 23:13 aaronpk i made a point of returning helpful errors from the webmention endpoint
# 23:15 [shaners] "Thanks! Your RSVP is listed on the event page now! Go ahead and register for the "Indie RSVP" ticket!"
# 23:17 aaronpk svg isn't one of the image types returned by the exif library, so i will have to check for the explicitly
# 23:17 aaronpk well, it will Just Work™ the same way that it will Just Work™ to upload executable php code to the server and pwn it
# 23:17 aaronpk (I download the image to the server and host it locally)
# 23:19 [shaners] aaronpk: Lemme know when you get time to add svg support and I’ll re-wm.
# 23:19 kylewm (KevinMarks: nevermind, I think the right answer is a service icon, and those are TODO atm)
# 23:22 aaronpk but yes i should do more thorough svg sanitization probably :/
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# 23:35 aaronpk in the mean time, plz don't webmention with an svg with javascript in it
# 23:44 [shaners] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ All I know is that my avatar was MUCH smaller as svg than as png/gif/jpg
# 23:44 aaronpk even smaller than png/gif? i'm surprised! it seems like it would compress well that way
# 23:47 [shaners] Wouldn’t be true for a photo, of course. I just happen to have an image that works well as vector.
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