tantekGWG, how about the IndieWeb plugin default support for rel=me and IndieAuth? That's kind of a big deal for helping WordPress users get started on the IndieWeb
torroristGWG: i'll def be interested to talk wordpress stuffs with you at the summit…i had to hack together a rel=me link in a sidebar widget (not difficult for me to figure out, but a cleaner version would be awesome!).
torroristGWG: see, and this is another reason why i wanna chat with you more. i know there are wordpress plugins for better indieweb functionality, but finding them all is something i haven't had time for yet.
GWGIt is why there has been a philosophy of trying to keep each piece of functionality separate. But that is worthy of more discussion because of the reverse effect.
acti-linkaaronpk: thanks for the bug fix. That was fast! Do you have an idea of a timeframe for the implementation of the deletion feature in Webmention.io?
npdotyI've written up instructions for migrating a personal site to HTTPS on WebFaction, including how to use a utility to get/renew Let's Encrypt certificates
tantekwe have a bunch of /webhosting providers documented - based on personal experience by folks in the community - please go ahead and add /WebFaction to that list too!
miklbhmm. Got syndicate-to working with Quill, but I think since I have to wait for Jekyll to build it won't post the tweet since the link initially is a 404 :-(
miklbBut I had the same problem with bridgy and worked around that by sending the webmentions in my build process after the new post was built and published.
voxpelliI have that set up for my site and thinking I can chain the rest of my services on top of that rather than adding more GitHub-specific stuff :)
voxpellikylewm: thinking something that find my to be, but not yet, syndicated posts and sends them to correct place + updating the post over Micropub with the permalink a of those syndicated posts
miklbvoxpelli there was a demo during the jekyllconf day on the subject. The person that gave the demo works for bonsai and offered a free sandbox dev account with a public read API so I'm going to test it out. If nothing else, get some familiarity with the tech.
miklbI have zero experience with elasticsearch, but I see it useful for a WordPress project I'm working on so want to start to familiarize myself with it, figured my own site is a good place to start
tantekThere's lots more reasons why Webmention > Pingback > Trackback, but the documented reasons should be sufficient for anyone seriously considering implementation.
tantekWebmention is simpler & more reliable than Pingback, more thoroughly specified, and designed specifically to support rich social web interactions such as cross-site comments, likes, reposts, RSVPs, and more.
tantekWebmention is simpler & more reliable than Pingback, more thoroughly specified (e.g. explicit support for updates & deletes), and designed specifically to support rich social web interactions such as cross-site comments, likes, reposts, RSVPs, and more.
tantekNote that Pingback is not mentioned on Hixie's wikipedia page - ben_thatmustbeme feel free to add it since you discovered "its just something on someone's personal website" :)
tantekit's really not useful to debate the minutae of HTML(5) publishing, unless you really want to get into an intricate rathole, for which #indiechat is probably more appropriate (none of that particular minutae is indieweb related AFAIK)
tantekhuh, though I certainly appreciate the adding to the wiki, I though Webmention used to have a "Why" section that maybe got moved in the spec / extra stuff separation process? aaronpk ?
tantekKartikPrabhu: going to be pedantic for a moment, pingback is pretty widely *deployed*. I believe there are actually many MORE implementations of Webmention now.
tantekKartikPrabhu: only in the short term. in the long term implementations either fail at edge cases due to lack of good spec, or you get implementations *defining* the details, which makes it *harder* for other implementations (they have to reverse engineer), which then hurts interoperability again (higher bar for additional implementations)
ben_thatmustbemeKartikPrabhu: its more of a question of knowing that its the same spec as everyone else. The only reason I have to trust that the spec is correct is that wikipedia links to it... which isn't much trust. Add that to the fact that its on a .ch domain name, and going to the root directory links to his personal blog and its not a ton of trust. However, W3C is a much more recognized name. if there were an RFC, or some
ben_thatmustbemeother group of people reporting to edit it. Hell even just getting a domain name that is pingback.net or something has a bit of a higher level of trust than that. hell i could make pingback.net and publish a modified version of the spec and confuse everything.
tantekhey aaronpk I note on https://webmention.rocks/ that it says "The formal test suite for testing Webmention receivers is still in progress." do you think we have a chance of getting something working there for IWS?
aaronpkbasically the tool should log you in via indieauth, then provide a UI where you can drop a link to your post, and the tool will generate a source page with your URL as the target, and try to send a webmention to it
snarfedmost of them seem to be working on much more ambitious, boil-the-ocean stuff. it'll be interesting to see whether they grok and/or care about indieweb, and vice versa
tantekis going to repeat the point that unless there are people working on IPFS that have worked on NASA/JPL missions to other planets, specifically the protocols to communicate with planetary probes, then the "P" is more like "pure hyperbole"
tantekI'm just going to leave this here: "Berners-Lee initially considered releasing it under the GNU General Public License, but eventually opted for public domain to maximize corporate support."
tantekKevinMarks: I recall the opposite, that his proposals for adding "broadcast" to IP to solve the problems for satellites and farther probes was soundly rejected by engineers that actually work on said things.
tanteksnarfed, doubt they have an actual intranet with planetary probes (too open to exploits/vulns), but rather a dedicated comms connection (not network) to JPL, which then provides access via a console of some sort. Doubtful there's *any* automatic routing of anything through that console to the probes.
LoqiAll text and images contributed to the IndieWebCamp.com wiki are released to the public domain per CC0, as they were required to be copyright owned by the contributor prior to contribution and agreed to CC0 upon wiki editing, or already in the public domain or equivalent when contributed https://indiewebcamp.com/Copyright
colintedfordAlso, copyright, Copyright, and Copyrights also claim to be redirected, but to what I don't know -- I guessed from the title that Copyrights was canonical.
aaronpkyou'll see a lot of things like that with the wiki :-) things that look super broken/awkward now, but they are there for some legacy mediawiki reason
LoqiVersioning is the practice of keeping previous versions of a post or other work available (possibly through a record of edits) https://indiewebcamp.com/versioning
bearHTTP2 is an IETF working group project to define and standardize the successor to HTTP/1.1 that currently drives the modern world wide web, see https://http2.github.io for more.