2016-05-27 UTC
# 00:00 willnorris I'm also not wild about the fact that there are now tests for at least some proposed (but not yet accepted) changes to mf2. The recent one I ran across was using video.poster as an implied u- property
# 00:00 gRegorLove I'm pretty sure the tests repo is the output of glennjones parser (node? mf-shiv? same thing? unclear to me)
# 00:01 willnorris a library adding support for these proposed changes is one thing, but I don't think they should be captured in microformats/tests until they're formally accepted (whatever that process looks like)
# 00:03 willnorris aaronpk: tests repo is indeed just the data. The question/concern comes from what the expected values (captured in the *.json files) are.
# 00:04 aaronpk oh, I thought the .json files represented the canonical expected output of any parser
# 00:04 willnorris yes, that's true, but how do you decide what that canonical expected output should be?
# 00:04 willnorris today, it's basically whatever the nodejs or shiv implementation outputs
# 00:04 gRegorLove Based on inspecting one test, I'm pretty sure the json is from MF Node parser
# 00:05 willnorris the flip side of all this of course, is that unless you actually have multiple implementations regularly running the test suite, the current situation is the only outcome possible
# 00:05 aaronpk i thought the mf2 parsing algorithm described a canonical output
# 00:06 willnorris doing value-class-pattern on datetime values is also a bit all over the place. Part of that is from some of the -issues stuff not getting integrated into the core spec pages, which tantek has since fixed
# 00:07 willnorris well, "all over the place" from my limited perspective. It may actually be completely fine, but the tests were actually ahead of the spec for a while
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# 00:24 gRegorLove But at least we've decided on one suite to fix the bugs in? Heh
# 00:25 gRegorLove microformat node "is the same codebase as microformat-shiv project, but used the ultra-fast HTML DOM cheerio."
# 00:25 tantek genuinely glad to have you around these parts again willnorris
# 00:29 tantek willnorris - re: formally accepted mf2 parser issues, I look for two things, rough consensus among the discussion of an issue, and then at least one parser implementation of it (i.e. someone demonstrates the resolution is implementable)
# 00:30 tantek that being said, I very well may be behind on incorporating some resolved mf2 parser issue into the spec
# 00:31 tantek when you find specific instances of that, please raise them to my attention. really appreciated.
# 00:31 willnorris tantek: that sounds completely reasonable. My concern is more when things hat do not yet have consensus or are not yet integrated into the spec make it into the test suite. Then other implementations have to added support for what may be experimental features if they want to continue passing the test suite. It's basically the vendor prefix problem
# 00:31 tantek yikes hopefully not as bad as vendor prefix problem
# 00:32 willnorris will do. I've still got a bit more work to do to get the go library fully passing, so may find more of these
# 00:32 tantek I believe glennjones has been updating the test suite in sync with his microformats node implementation which means when he implements a resolved issue, there is a time when the test suite may be ahead of the spec
# 00:33 willnorris if these were tests that were just for the node implementation, then I wouldn't care. But they're presented as THE test suite which all implemtnations should seek to pass
# 00:34 willnorris it's unclear to someone like me who comes along and just sees that the tests don't match the spec. it's very difficult for me to know if that's because the tests are wrong, or because the spec is just lagging a little bit
# 00:35 tantek they were just the node implementation, but since they are so far ahead of any other microformats test suite attempt, they are becoming the defacto canonical test suite
# 00:35 tantek willnorris: understood about the unclear / difficult to know aspect
# 00:36 tantek we had similar challenges with CSS1 and the CSS1 Test Suite and browsers :)
# 00:36 tantek this is part of the reality of polishing a standard
# 00:36 tantek there is some time lag between such different piees of the puzzle
# 00:36 Loqi tantek meant to say: there is some time lag between such different pieces of the puzzle
# 00:37 tantek and that time lag is preferable to strict bureaucracy to keep everything in sync which would actually slow *everything* down, and thus ironically contribute to more legacy problems
# 00:37 tantek I think in "data" circles this is called "eventual consistency" or something?
# 00:37 willnorris fair point. And I certainly don't mean to sound ungrateful. The fact that this test suite exists *at all* is amazing, and way better than not having anything
# 00:38 tantek yup - no ungratefulness taken :) the questions you have a perfectly reasonable
# 00:38 Loqi tantek meant to say: yup - no ungratefulness taken :) the questions you have are perfectly reasonable
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# 00:55 tantek there is no again, the iteration should be continuous
# 01:09 [kevinmarks] Yes, I mean that Glenn built the "parse this with all the things and compare" tool before
# 01:10 tantek oh right, what willnorris is now building via all the JSONP support
# 01:18 aaronpk here's an example of a receiver test for webmention.rocks where i'm not sure the best way to test for this: "Verifies that target is a valid resource for which the receiver accepts Webmentions"
# 01:18 aaronpk how do I know what resources the receiver accepts webmentions for? I could assume that no legitimate receiver would accept webmentions for example.com but that isn't necessarily true
# 01:18 tantek that is, you send them a target of their domain with some total and utter nonsense
# 01:19 aaronpk i might want to accept webmentions of URLs on my domain that don't necessarily correspond to a file or post on my site though, just to see what people are linking to
# 01:19 aaronpk as a way to catch my own mistakes for example, if i forget to properly handle redirects when i move files
# 01:19 tantek not quite, we have receivers that will accept on behalf of a particular set of domains
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# 01:20 tantek aaronpk: one way would be to try a URL that will likely return a 404, then assuming it does, use that as the target
# 01:21 aaronpk nothing says you shouldn't accept webmentions for URLs that return 404
# 01:21 tantek aaronpk, you may also be running into a need to explicitly specify the difference in implementation class(es) between "receivers" and "proxy receivers"
# 01:21 tantek GWG, lots of debate on that one, up to the site
# 01:21 aaronpk that's a good point, that might make this more obvious
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# 01:22 tantek differentiate implementation class of "receiver" and "proxy receiver"
# 01:22 tantek and then start capturing sections/quotes of spec text that may apply differently to each
# 01:23 tantek e.g. "Verifies that target is a valid resource for which the receiver accepts Webmentions" applies to receivers but not proxy receivers
# 01:23 tantek and for now, since the spec doesn't specify "proxy receiver" as an implementation class, we acknowledge that limitation and document it
# 01:24 aaronpk so, which side should the webmention.rocks test take?
# 01:25 tantek the existing defined implementation class, "receiver"
# 01:25 tantek Define new implementation class "proxy receiver" and how it differs in requirements from "receiver"
# 01:26 tantek "Verifies that target is a valid resource for which the receiver accepts Webmentions"
# 01:26 tantek that's the whole reason we're having this discussion
# 01:26 aaronpk right. that means the receiver decides what resources it accepts.
# 01:26 tantek proxy receivers have no way of complying with "Verifies that target is a valid resource for which the receiver accepts Webmentions"
# 01:27 aaronpk there's also this in the spec: "A Webmention Receiver is an implementation that receives Webmentions to one or more target URLs on which the Receiver's Webmention endpoint is advertised."
# 01:27 aaronpk but there's no way to make an automated test to check that
# 01:27 tantek the negative of the inverse is not required by the spec
# 01:28 aaronpk is beginning to think that tonight's task is going to be to simply document all the tests required rather than implement any of them
# 01:28 tantek i.e. the spec doesn't say "A Webmention Receiver is an implementation that MUST reject Webmentions to any target URLs on which the Receiver's Webmention endpoint is NOT advertised."
# 01:29 aaronpk it actually does: "The receiver SHOULD check that target is a valid resource for which it can accept Webmentions."
# 01:30 aaronpk but there's no way to test it except testing the inverse
# 01:30 aaronpk the point of the implementation report is to have a checkbox for every part of the spec that means something. so i have a checkbox for that sentence. but i can't make a test to test that sentence without testing the inverse of it.
# 01:33 tantek there is a spec assertion for which we need a test
# 01:37 aaronpk yes, I am making issues for the other checkboxes as well
# 01:37 aaronpk the next interesting one is "it must perform an HTTP GET request on source, and follow any HTTP redirects (up to a self-imposed limit such as 20)"
# 01:38 aaronpk one way to handle this is to first have someone describe their implementation features like this, then test against that
# 01:38 bear why a GET - does HEAD not satisfy the requirement?
# 01:39 GWG aaronpk: Didn't I ask about the HEAD as a amplification attack prevention measure?
# 01:39 tantek is that after the SHOULD do an HTTP HEAD first?
# 01:40 bear yea, I thought it was HEAD first, validate that it's ok, GET to retrieve html and process
# 01:40 aaronpk we added that, but didn't clarify the HEAD/GET issue
# 01:41 bear IMO setting a limit of 20 is unnecessary
# 01:42 bear unless we survey all http handling libraries in all of the languages to find out what the average is ...
# 01:42 aaronpk some of my own URLs have 2-3 redirects because of the way I deal with changing my permalinks
# 01:42 aaronpk and if you don't set a limit you can end up in an infinite loop
# 01:43 bear MUST follow redirects; SHOULD limit number
# 01:43 aaronpk which is why the spec says "up to a self-imposed limit such as 20"
# 01:43 bear right, i'm just saying that *20* isn't needed IMO, just say "SHOULD limit the number"
# 01:44 bear but i'm not a spec writer so I'm not going to press on this
# 01:44 aaronpk well the good news is that sounds like an editorial change, so that's easier :-)
# 01:44 bear the limit can be mentioned in the discussion of ddos mitigations
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# 01:50 bear HEAD first can be in the security section
# 01:51 aaronpk i agree it's kind of misleading to have the text say " it must perform an HTTP GET request on source" when it actually is fine to do HEAD first
# 01:54 bear the point for me is this -- since the purpose of the request is to verify that the resource exists, HEAD is the proper call
# 01:54 bear later in the process when the HTML is required, then a GET can be performed
# 01:55 tantek no, that's definitely a normative requirement change
# 01:55 tantek a fix to comply with what was intended and what implementations are doing (checking HEAD before GET)
# 01:56 aaronpk it's suggesting a possible improvement to handling, but not all implementations are checking HEAD first
# 01:56 bear I really want to add my implementation but man, the itchy feeling I get approaching this WG makes me pause
# 01:56 GWG I set mine up to...but I'm still waiting for the merge.
# 01:56 tantek bear, implementers don't have to be part of the WG
# 01:57 bear IMO any implementation not doing a HEAD is wrong (meant to be strong wording)
# 01:57 tantek implementations SHOULD do a HEAD request first
# 01:57 tantek that leaves an out for someone not doing a HEAD request, but only if they provide a *very good reason*
# 01:58 bear really, if the spec says HEAD and someone does a GET, then they are just doing it badly but it's not the end of the world
# 01:58 bear but if the spec says GET that means I can't really do a HEAD
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# 01:59 bear what is the section that references this - don't have links to the spec handy
# 02:01 mblaney tantek: regarding fragment identifiers in urls to fetch specific comments, that technique would work for multiple h-feeds on a page too.
# 02:02 mblaney I'm guessing that's something we need all the mf2 parser libraries to add?
# 02:17 tantek considers begging kylewm for an indie event and FB POSSE copy
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# 02:21 [kylewm] I have a feeling there are all sorts of nasty edge cases with representative h-entry and authorship when you get into parsing from fragment identifiers
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# 02:27 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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# 02:29 tantek wow I totally misread it because it wasn't 1 2 3 4 list items
# 02:31 [kevinmarks] The point is that wildcard receivers and opaque get is a viable combination
# 02:31 [kylewm] tantek: you didn’t have to beg! the threat of begging was enough :wink:
# 02:32 tantek !tell snarfed nevermind apparently I parse ordered lists diferently than stream of prose
# 02:32 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:34 aaronpk why do i find myself using the british spelling of words more lately?
# 02:34 bear i've worked with some many canadians and EU folk that colour is normal to me now
# 02:35 tantek aaronpk: because you were in Europe a lot recently?
# 02:37 aaronpk google says "advertize" is the correct "american" spelling
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# 03:00 Salt hey, anyone around who can help me debug my h-card? I want to get the rsvp sent but something isn't validating...
# 03:03 Salt could be it is looking at a cached version...
# 03:04 aaronpk interesting. are quotes required around HTML attribute values now?
# 03:04 aaronpk I see stuff like "<div class=h-entry>" in your source
# 03:06 Salt let me check where, everything is being generated in middleman so it may be doing weird haml parsing
# 03:09 Salt well with class that is definitely off
# 03:11 Salt I don't see the weird quotes you are mentioning
# 03:13 aaronpk (it's going to appear on 2016.indieweb.org as soon as this works anyway)
# 03:13 Salt let me fix the one bug I did catch, then yes
# 03:14 KartikPrabhu so it seems HTML allows unquoted attributes but they can not have a space in them i.e. no multiple values
# 03:15 aaronpk i thought that was handled by the http client pretty seamlessly, but...
# 03:15 Salt alright, so here is the website with hcard located on homepage, haven't tried to scan the rsvp post yet
# 03:16 Salt I can attempt to upload a non gzipped version, pretty easy to redeploy
# 03:17 Salt ah, yeah, I do see what you mean, all of the h-card stuff does have quotes, interesting that it isn't inserted on the others
# 03:18 Salt aaronpk, see, that is what I expected to see!
# 03:19 aaronpk it is sending the "Content-Encoding: gzip" header so i'm not sure why that doesn't work
# 03:20 Salt curl is a unix tool, it doesn't do the un gzipping for you
# 03:20 aaronpk i thought i normally don't have to do that, and curl takes care of it
# 03:21 aaronpk anyone with more low-level http experience have any ideas?
# 03:21 Salt I am going to try uploading a non gzipped version, my guess is it isn't unpacking
# 03:22 Salt though that would be a shame if it broke my rsvp capabilities
# 03:22 aaronpk i find it hard to believe nobody has tried using gzip on their site with mf2 parsers before
# 03:24 Salt aaronpk, working now that I disable gzip
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# 03:25 Salt excited to talk about this at the summit :P
# 03:25 Salt so, the question becomes should I keep it ungzipped for now?
# 03:26 aaronpk you could always send your rsvp webmention and then re-enable gzip 😂
# 03:29 Salt aaronpk, kay, will fix some h-entry then do that, thanks
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# 04:08 Salt aaronpk, know if it is best practice to include the article title inside the <article> element?
# 04:10 aaronpk that's the idea as far as html is concerned, but it doesn't matter for microformats2
# 04:10 tantek Salt, I'm not sure article markup actual makes any difference any ore
# 04:10 Loqi tantek meant to say: Salt, I'm not sure article markup actual makes any difference any more
# 04:11 Salt sure, but trying to suit both, just that the validator isn't picking up a couple of tags, pin13 does, but not the other
# 04:11 tantek it was optimistically added to the HTML5 spec years ago (along with a bunch of new semantic elements) but browsers etc. never did anything with it
# 04:12 aaronpk looks like there's two elements with h-entry on them
# 04:13 aaronpk "allowed" is different from whether anything will recognize it :-)
# 04:13 Salt basically I want every article to have an h-entry, whereas that post specifically has the rsvp h-entry
# 04:14 tantek an RSVP really should *just* be that, an RSVP
# 04:14 Salt so I don't need the sub h-entry, makes enough sense
# 04:15 tantek I think it's good to require that only the simple things work
# 04:15 Salt tantek, an rsvp is just like any other post on my site, blogs, tweets, etc, all one template
# 04:15 tantek good to discourage excessive nesting / tables / hierarchy etc.
# 04:15 tantek a permalink to a post only needs one h-entry for that post, so it should have only one
# 04:15 Salt and in this case, I am trying to include the rsvp with some post content around it
# 04:15 tantek anything nested should at most be comments etc.
# 04:16 Salt will see what parses when I remove that
# 04:17 Salt alright, well that did collapse it a bit, still isn't registering e-content or p-name
# 04:19 aaronpk "h-entry" and "e-content" can't go on the same element
# 04:20 tantek that's a common enough bug that the validator should check for it and tell people
# 04:24 Salt I was thinking that might be the case, but didn't see a decent way to go around it
# 04:24 tantek it makes no sense if your post is an actual article with an article name
# 04:25 Salt p-name I know what is wrong, e-content I am still not clear on
# 04:26 Salt so should I do some sort of e-content div that wraps all of the paragraphs?
# 04:31 Salt sooo, anyone care to do a once over before I rsvp this up?
# 04:35 gRegorLove Though you can always adjust and re-send the webmention; it will update.
# 04:38 Salt kinda hack and slashing to get this rsvp out, I have ~10 95% finished posts that I should edit and put up first, but I want to get this in incase slots fill up
# 04:42 Salt looking forward to refining this stuff and spending the hack day working on more middleman incorporation... I really should try to find the time to upgrade to v4 before doing too much hacking on it
# 04:44 Salt so I did the ti.to registration but as an RSVP, though it seems to have ticked off one of the via ti.to only instead of RSVP slots...
# 04:45 aaronpk the tickets on ti.to are linked so the counts for both kinds of tickets will always match
# 04:46 Salt so maybe cron needs to run *twiddles*
# 04:48 Salt hmmm, looks like I am missing the webmention part
# 04:48 aaronpk ohh that's the "manual cron" you're waiting for ;-)
# 04:48 aaronpk maybe we shuld just drop the count from that page if it's confusing
# 04:49 Salt gRegorLove, no, rying to figure that out
# 04:50 Salt historically I am paid to make sites for other people and care about these things, but I am crud at doing it for myself :P
# 04:50 Salt I could have sworn I saw an easy "enter link here to webmention" somewhere along this evenings links
# 04:50 gRegorLove #2 on indiewebify.me you can just plug in your rsvp url to send a webmention
# 04:51 Salt I keep wanting to put time into doing more
# 04:52 Salt from what I understand this is a good way to get that!
# 04:52 Salt cest la vie, will work on this more later
# 04:52 aaronpk but yes you can always change the page and send the webmention again!
# 04:53 Salt oh... does the hcard need to be on EVERY page?
# 04:54 Salt I need a new avatar anyway, that one has way less hair than is currently the case :P
# 04:55 bear salt - reading the scroll back my only thought/suggestion is that content-encoding is not the same as content-type so anything processing your site for mf2 will not automatically gunzip it
# 04:56 Salt aaronpk, gRegorLove you say not necessarily, well right now it doesn't have name or avatar...
# 04:56 bear Content-Type=application/tar-gzip (from memory)
# 04:56 gRegorLove Salt: I think you can just link to the page that has your h-card (homepage) with u-author class.
# 04:56 aaronpk i'm looking for an example without sending you down too deep of a rabbit hole :)
# 04:56 Salt bear, so I have removed the gzip stuff I was doing, I can reup as that if you want to take a look
# 04:57 gRegorLove That's what aaronpk does, though he might find a simpler example: <a class="u-author" href="/"></a>
# 04:57 Salt bear, sec, will reup and fix the author issue, see if it does parse
# 04:57 aaronpk yeah i do that but my h-card is down at the bottom of my site
# 04:57 Salt gRegorLove, just adding u-author to my header link
# 04:58 aaronpk the trick is you'll need to make sure there's an "author" property *inside* the h-entry, but that only needs to link to your home page which is where your h-card is
# 04:58 aaronpk that's why i have the blank link like gRegorLove pointed out
# 04:59 aaronpk it's a weird hack that tantek probably wouldn't like ;-) but i can't think of a better solution
# 04:59 bear are you using Rack::Deflater to get middleman to gzip the html?
# 05:00 bear or `activate :gzip` in your :build configure?
# 05:01 gRegorLove That doesn't have to be in the h-entry; usually in the <head>
# 05:01 bear what do you use as your webserver then - nginx, or something else?
# 05:01 tantek really prefer to avoid such empty markup if at all possible
# 05:01 aaronpk because i don't have anywhere on the page where i want my name to show up except in the footer which is the h-card
# 05:02 tantek I'm always surprised when people don't sign their posts with at least their name
# 05:02 Salt I tried to implement all of opengraph
# 05:02 aaronpk my site has my name on it more than enough already
# 05:02 Salt just re-upped with gzip if you want to take a look
# 05:02 bear my main feed mentions my name once, but each post has my name in the byline
# 05:03 aaronpk looks like XRay does implement rel=author so if you do that it should find it
# 05:03 tantek it's pretty normal authoring convention to sign what you write, visibly so
# 05:04 tantek every social media site does it for you automatically
# 05:04 tantek "site has my name on it more than enough" is irrelevant - people go to your permalinks directly from search engines
# 05:04 tantek cannot assume anyone will have the context of your "site"
# 05:04 aaronpk tantek: take a look at any of my permalinks and tell me if you think it needs more occurrences of my name ;-)
# 05:05 tantek the rest if just figuring out where to put the markup
# 05:05 Salt tantek, interested in debating this point, but not tonight, been up since 5a
# 05:05 aaronpk gRegorLove: i made it generate the first draft on thursdays
# 05:05 tantek Salt - I appreciate, design debates can go on :)
# 05:05 aaronpk tantek: i do the same thing so feel free to suggest how i can improve my markup
# 05:05 bear k, Salt - your config seems sane - all the proper headers are in place
# 05:05 tantek sleep well and see you in the morning! congrats on getting an indie rsvp working!
# 05:06 aaronpk gRegorLove: ohh i should hide it from the feed until friday
# 05:06 Salt bear, right? so I presume the parser's fault
# 05:06 bear the pattern others are seeing is that it looks like your using middleman's minify html - which strips all unnessary chars
# 05:06 Salt tantek, yay only paying for gas to attend conferences :)
# 05:06 Salt some day I will have the funds to do more
# 05:06 Salt but turning off gzip fixes the parser
# 05:08 bear hmm, the headers look ok but my browser is sending and accept header
# 05:08 aaronpk but what's suspicious is that curl also gives me a bunch of junk back
# 05:08 Salt if you pipe the curl to gunzip it is legible
# 05:09 bear yea, I suspect this is because s3 is being used as a cdn
# 05:09 aaronpk i just thought curl handled unzipping stuff automatically
# 05:09 bear have curl dump what the response headers were
# 05:11 bear what's wrong that it's also sending back Content-Type text/html
# 05:11 bear let me dig deeper into middleman and s3
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# 05:11 bear i'll do a !tell to you when I find something
# 05:11 Salt hey wolftune, lots of people here helping get my rsvp properlike :)
# 05:12 Salt bear, sounds good, probably going to stop messing with the site for now, maybe finish editing a few of these back-posts
# 05:12 wolftune Salt: have you never done IndieWebCamp anything before?
# 05:13 Salt wolftune, nope, hadn't heard of it until you mentioned it
# 05:13 Salt I did opengraph stuff, and html5 content types, but not micro
# 05:13 wolftune oh! Well, it's superb, glad you're connected! The website is a hugely valuable store of resources/links too
# 05:13 tantek Salt, opengraph makes sense since FB consumes it and it has an impact immediately
# 05:13 Salt yeah, I am very excited about this stuff, it is basically what I built my site for
# 05:14 tantek I'm curious what motivated "html5 content types"
# 05:14 Salt plus, going to the summit, I will have time to build POSSE into middleman
# 05:14 Salt tantek, I have always tried to keep to strict validation and was following the spec as it was coming out
# 05:14 wolftune still needs to do all this more himself, but is still novice in the tech side, never run a server ever yet…
# 05:15 tantek Salt, yes, that used to be my methodology too
# 05:15 tantek still valid of course, just using fewer and fewer tags (only those that make a difference somehow)
# 05:15 Salt wolftune, I will be moving things off of AWS eventually, part of why I don't have analytics is no consistent server to run piwik
# 05:15 bear Salt and also, are you using s3cmd to upload to S3? if not then you may have to set the attributes on the file so that S3/CloudFront know how to return the content
# 05:15 tantek I realized that's one of the antipatterns that drives people into semweb astronomy
# 05:16 tantek I mean if that's your hobby then sure, more fun to you!
# 05:16 Salt bear, I will attempt to look at this through blurry eyes >_>
# 05:16 tantek I've just found I have too many real world itches to spend time to bother with markup for markup sake anymore
# 05:16 bear read it later - it's not going to be a quick fix :)
# 05:17 Salt tantek, yeah...I have many many things taking time
# 05:17 Salt tantek, this is the person site, it should be a hobby imho
# 05:18 Salt bear, mind if I gunzip it for now and look at this later? or were you going to keep poking?
# 05:18 bear I'm around at any time for server side ops help
# 05:19 Salt hahaha, I JUST bout uploaded all of my unfinished posts
# 05:20 bear you think I would already have that on a tshirt
# 05:20 Salt right along with the git stash fire alarm
# 05:26 Salt hrm, the empty link does not appear to be parsing
# 05:31 Salt okay, going to fade to sleepy ops and check back later, g'night all
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# 05:39 kylewm What's the git stash fire alarm? That sounds like something I need
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# 07:24 colintedford aaronpk: I feel weird asking, but is there a reason you couldn't put the h-entry higher up (e.g. on <body>)?
# 07:26 colintedford & then use either your footer h-card or header home link for the author property.
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# 15:29 aaronpk i guess if i moved my h-entry tag higher up, then for my list pages i'd turn it into an h-feed
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# 15:40 [kylewm] ha, did the IWC t-shirts get to the UK before California??!
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# 15:58 bear that is very fast, I wonder if they have a printing setup somewhere in the UK
# 15:59 aaronpk i think they do. when you set up a campaign you can choose to have it "based out of" europe
# 16:00 bear yea, I see the shipping faq mentioning that
# 16:07 ben_thatmustbeme as far as the head thing, i think a copy-pasta of the section of 3.1.1 saying you can do head first would solve the issue
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# 16:14 ben_thatmustbeme no but this is the right room to mention i'm going to be working on an offline html5 MP client
# 16:16 Loqi tantek meant to say: at first I read that as offline HTML MP3 client
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# 16:19 tantek thisismyjam had a mobile web app that played your friends's jams
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# 16:26 tantek aaronpk: this would actually be a good thing to test in webmention.rocks - that the requester explicitly does a HEAD request FIRST, and then two subtests: one where the HEAD has the link header and then the sender sends a webmention WITHOUT doing a GET, and another where the HEAD lacks the link header, and the sender does a GET for endpoint discovery.
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# 16:29 tantek the thing is, if the test suite has it, implementations will almost certainly all do it, because test suites in practice tend to drive implementation details MUCH more than any spec prose details
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# 16:29 tantek (where the test suite explicitliy tested some features not documented in CSS1, everyone implemented them - interoperably! - and then the CSS1 spec had to be updated accordingly)
# 16:30 tantek (and it took like a year for folks to discover the spec/test discrepancy)
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# 16:34 calumryan IWC t-shirt came today - did have a customs declaration but seemed to have come from inside EU - Germany
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# 16:44 [kevinmarks] There is the appengine issue where if you don't implement HEAD explicitly you get a 5xx error
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# 16:47 bear ^^ I tend to forget how exiciting IndieWebify.me was when I started
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# 16:50 snarfed [kevinmarks]: re app engine and head, i believe it's a 405, not 5xx
# 16:51 tantek huh I didn't even consider HEAD for link verification
# 16:51 tantek you could return LINK headers for everything you claim your content links to
# 16:51 tantek and that SHOULD be trustworthy enough to not have to bother doing a GET. HOWEVER, yes it is kind of side-file like
# 16:52 tantek and worse, it quickly runs out of steam in terms of upgrading the "mention" to be more meaningful
# 16:52 bear yea, even as a user of "sidefiles" :P -- this one has a DRY smell
# 16:53 tantek oh boy just going to brainstorm this outloud so it gets me into trouble later
# 16:55 tantek or even more sketchy, we extend the params to any h-entry property
# 16:56 tantek better to state it and debunk it than let someone else think they came up with the idea later
# 16:57 tantek or I'll just collect it for the inevitable "metaformats" spec
# 16:57 bear running down bad ideas is very useful for docs and specs
# 16:58 bear so much bikeshedding is prevented by being able to point people to documentation of why things are not done
# 16:58 tantek right, idea considered and rejected. do you have new information? etc.
# 16:59 aaronpk so the github thread that bear opened was *only* about HEAD requests on webmention verification
# 16:59 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Posting to the indieweb from your phone
# 17:05 tantek aaronpk - right, hence my LINK header examples are for verification, not discovery
# 17:05 tantek I'm sure all the js;dr folks would love it too ;)
# 17:06 aaronpk you'd have to pack JSON data into the HTTP headers for them to like it ;-)
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# 17:23 ben_thatmustbeme snarfed: i don't know if you saw, but at the last IWC @ MIT I made my site save offline posts made on my web client , but it doesn't cache the site
# 17:35 tantek u-uid is a microformats2 property for representing a unique identifier for the item, e.g. an unchanging permalink, like a u-url but without any user-authored parts like a slug.
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# 17:40 [scottgruber] webmention? I’m using p-name on an anchor tag and <img class="u-photo”
# 17:41 aaronpk [scottgruber]: your post is missing an author property
# 17:42 tantek I'm guessing that author/footer is the same for your whole site?
# 17:43 tantek and then add p-author *on* your h-card directly so it links it up
# 17:44 tantek also you can drop the p-author here: class="p-name p-author u-url fn url" to just class="p-name u-url fn url"
# 17:45 tantek also you want <time> not <date>. there's no <date> element
# 17:46 [scottgruber] Much thanks. Working it up now.
# 17:46 tantek lastly you probably want to change <p>RSVP: to <p class="p-name">RSVP:
# 17:47 tantek and <time class="dt-published">2016-05-23</time>
# 17:47 tantek assuming that's the date you published the RSVP
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# 17:57 ben_thatmustbeme wow, actually, most all of this is going to be exactly the same... its just a matter of getting the login mechanism working correctly
# 18:00 [scottgruber] Thanks again. I’ll post my notes so I won’t forget and improve my site’s html.
# 18:03 [scottgruber] dance hands
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# 18:08 tantek also on your home page, since it's primarily a feed, you could add <body class="home h-feed">
# 18:10 tantek scottgruber, interesting, in your RSS feed you have <title>Scott Gruber's Blog</title>, however no equivalent on your home page
# 18:10 [scottgruber] I need to add canonical urls and fix up the header html, setting up my building blocks as part of my indieweb goals.
# 18:10 tantek you could add an <h1 class="p-name">Scott Gruber's Blog</h1> on your home page
# 18:13 [scottgruber] i have a [blog](https://scottgruber.me/blog ) that has the rss that I removed from my nav but I left rss in head. Is it ok to have multiple rss feeds, 1 for articles rss and one for notes rss and one for blog (if I publish it.)
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# 18:34 tantek oldest live like example appear to be snarfed's
# 18:36 snarfed aww there are bridgy likes older than the oldest known indie like?
# 18:38 tantek snarfed, Bridgy supposedly started sending backfeed likes as of end of 2013
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# 18:38 tantek.com edited /like (+214) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ comment out sandeep and benwerd as their permalinks either 404 or lack like markup respectively" (
view diff )
# 18:38 snarfed (bridgy was actually backfeeding as early as 2012, just not via mf2/wm)
# 18:39 ben_thatmustbeme darn... i was going to run my new client entirely off of github pages, but i can't login from JS because of CORS, and I can't host the php i need on github.io
# 18:40 tantek bumping Bridgy down to its own category - Services
# 18:42 tantek wait is bridgy still publishing u-like? I thought I sent a pull request to fix that
# 18:46 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 18:54 snarfed (i'd been working on it since summer 2011, but in a private repo)
# 18:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:56 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 18:56 KartikPrabhu if posts are not written as templates how does one keep the markup up-to-date?
# 18:57 tantek these are all posts that *used to* have p-rsvp
# 18:57 tantek KartikPrabhu: I don't understand your question
# 18:58 KartikPrabhu tantek: I write articles in HTML and so had to go an update all older posts by hand when adding say "u-featured"
# 18:59 aaronpk not sure why that one didn't import right, but in yaml, "yes" is an alias for "true", and that post had "true" stored for the rsvp value instead of the string value "yes"
# 18:59 aaronpk so because true != "yes", my code didn't add the rsvp markup
# 18:59 tantek sees an advantage to "going to" in the start of the prose text of a reply meaning "rsvp:yes" ;)
# 19:00 tantek is tempted to pick up some Superdry branded clothing for the next W3C event.
# 19:00 aaronpk the rest of the RSVPs imported correctly, so no idea why that one didn't
# 19:01 tantek and that makes bret the oldest RSVP still working
# 19:05 tantek and with 10+ publishers, and 5+ consumers, p-rsvp is so stable it would be harder to change it than not change it, so it just got promoted to core h-entry
# 19:05 tantek we have more different documented RSVPs than likes, reposts, or photos
# 19:06 tantek compared to what, 13 RSVPs on 2016.indieweb.org
# 19:07 aaronpk i would expect to see a "How to consume RSVPs" on that page to go along with "How to publish"
# 19:11 tantek I know GWG has not yet added himself to a lot of the IndieWeb Examples lists
# 19:11 tantek but he's been doing likes for a while (pretty sure)
# 19:12 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:14 tantek aaronpk: re: "how to consume an rsvp" not well defined, should it be on its own? or should it be just one part of "how to interpret a valid webmention" ?
# 19:14 aaronpk it's useful to have the reference to it on the rsvp page, but also should be part of the normal process of handling webmentions
# 19:14 tantek like two steps? 1 is this an rsvp? 2 what is the rsvp?
# 19:15 aaronpk i do it the other way around. first is this a valid webmention, then is this a reply, then is this an RSVP?
# 19:16 aaronpk it sounded like you were checking if the post is a reply first
# 19:16 tantek " is this a reply, then is this an RSVP?" is just part of a larger "how to interpret a valid webmention"
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# 19:48 tantek e.g. from their linked site, or at worst their Twitter avatar
# 20:02 bret i want to but I'm on the fence about organizing, i've been dealing with some personal issue lately
# 20:18 aaronpk does this mean indieauth.com is one of the only openid providers left?
# 20:18 tantek I have no idea what this is, just saw @jcn's tweet and felt it was site-death worthy
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# 20:30 aaronpk oh tantek last time the newsletter included the featured image you said it should not!
# 20:31 tantek I meant for PAST events it should not show a u-featured
# 20:32 tantek because obviously the u-featured was not a photo taken at that tevent
# 20:32 tantek and past events with photos implies very strongly that the photo was from that event
# 20:32 tantek but for *upcoming* events, u-featured photos make sense!
# 20:32 tantek just as they show up for upcoming events in like every silo ever
# 20:36 tantek ^^^ help ? I fixed a few photos, requires manually looking up the person *somewhere* (e.g. their website, their twitter etc.) and putting in an image from there
# 20:36 tantek dang we really should have a featured image for IWS
# 20:36 tantek since this is the last newsletter that will go out before the summit!!
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# 20:40 [shaners] If someone else found all of the photos, I’ll put together the gif.
# 20:43 aaronpk looks good but the email will have it at full height
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# 20:51 tantek KevinMarks: Two big things for GG: Webmention CR (27+ implementations), 6th Annual IndieWeb Summit is next Friday-Sunday
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# 21:17 sknebel ben_thatmustbeme: re your github issue, you can generate an oauth token in your github account and then use that from client-side JS... not that nice a login flow, but works
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# 22:33 tantek goes down an input type=file capture rabbithole
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# 22:55 [benatwork] it’s handled in a very inconsistent way by mobile browsers
# 22:55 tantek I'm having trouble even finding a bug on it in Bugzilla
# 22:57 tantek wow, the "check for duplicates" search when filing a big is so much better than actually searching bugzilla
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