2016-07-07 UTC
# 00:11 KevinMarks1 hm. I could add h-recipe markup to that in about 15 minutes, but adding tests would mean actually building it, which is more like 2 days
# 00:13 miklb wouldn't run into same issues GWG with the hentry/h-entry?
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# 00:17 KevinMarks1 the hrecipe there doesn't do anything - no properties
# 00:18 miklb I don't follow. I just meant that WordPress uses hentry and they have basically shot down switching to mf2
# 00:19 aaronpk they probably included that class because they're styling stuff on it
# 00:19 miklb that's the argument for not changing it, yes
# 00:20 miklb at least in a round about way from what I've read in the trac threads
# 00:40 miklb KevinMarks1 in general that's their argument for not switching to mf2 in core.
# 00:41 miklb would effect too many themes to remove hentry
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# 01:34 aaronpk is there an equivalent for making operations that actualy *do* take a long time seem like they're worth it, instead of having the user feel impatient?
# 01:34 aaronpk i'm thinking specifically of all the rel-me checks that happen on indieauth.com
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# 02:18 KevinMarks Maybe it is a phrasing thing - it is like the case Braden refers to there. (I know turbotax does this)
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# 07:58 Ruxton_ come from twitter though, not a directy indieweb like
# 07:58 Ruxton this is a big part of why I don't pull back from twitter
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# 08:35 miklb I blocked the account and it removed the like from my Twitter client. Wonder if it will filter through to bridgy
# 08:38 Ruxton can the webmention endpoint handle that? :) Bridgy looks to just scrape HTML to get likes, so if one is removed and it rescrapes I wonder what happens
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# 09:28 miklb At least it got me to fix the layout issue with those :-/
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# 12:31 hs0ucy GWG: Good morning
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# 14:28 GWG aaronpk: Apparently, I'm attending the Pre-Summit Meeting for NYC2 on Friday.
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# 15:43 [kylewm] aaronpk: sorry I missed your question. no silo.pub doesn’t support emoji reactions on github
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# 16:10 GWG aaronpk, check the ti.to settings?
snarfed, jacus, leg, goodoo, KevinMarks, mlncn, KevinMarks_, jdp and cmal joined the channel
# 18:03 cmal is anyone messing around Grav for Indieweb stuff? (PHP-based flat-file CMS with Markdown and Twig templating)
# 18:04 cmal I didn't find anything about it (yet) so I'm starting on my own but if some people would like to coordinate on this matter, we can talk :)
# 18:04 aaronpk no indieweb examples there, but add yourself if you're using it!
# 18:05 cmal for now I'm down to forking the official theme and the aboutme plugin for microformats support, and my changes to the theme have already been merged back in the project so there may be microformats2 support out of the box with the next release
# 18:08 aaronpk it looks very similar to how i structure things on my own site
# 18:08 cmal what about p3k aaronpk? do you intend to release the full project as free-software ?
# 18:08 cmal haha that's precisely what I thought when I first read about it :D
# 18:09 aaronpk I do want to eventually, but part of releasing it is doing all that meta-work of making good documentation and making installs/updates super easy, and that is a lot of work to do well :)
# 18:10 cmal are you still having a lot of backward-compatibility-breaking updates in regard to the content itself? or is it mostly about themes/plugins/config?
# 18:10 aaronpk once I have a couple more sites on it, I'll need a smooth update process myself so that will necessitate building that part
# 18:11 cmal I'm sure benborges would be up for testing your software quite intensively ;)
# 18:11 aaronpk and yeah i haven't thought about plugins at all yet, and only barely have it so that it's "themable" right now
# 18:12 cmal well if you need people to help with building a user-oriented documentation don't hesitate to ping me :)
# 18:13 cmal sure, I'm not always available and I'm currently writing some stuff, but I'll keep you updated when I have some time (probably in the next weeks)
# 18:14 cmal arf I've never registered there, I was running Known on https://cmal.info but due to a friend not paying a bill I lost the server and had no time to restore a backup
# 18:14 cmal I guess my plan at the moment is to get full Indieweb-compatibility for Grav and then setup https://cmal.info using Grav :-)
# 18:15 aaronpk oops! cool. well you can always start small and just launch a basic site with Grav there to start
# 18:15 aaronpk all you need in order to sign in to the wiki is the rel=me links to a twitter or github profile
# 18:15 cmal yup, I'll probably do this in the next hours
# 18:18 aaronpk i'm a big fan of making small steps! turns out i've never regretted doing that, and usually regret putting things off in order to do a big launch.
# 18:24 cmal I also need to fork the events plugin to add mf2 to the events… hope I can get this merged, too :D
# 18:42 cmal regarding compatibility with other indieweb project, should the content marked as dt-start and dt-end be human-readable as well or would the clients take care of that?
# 18:43 aaronpk the mf2 value should be the full ISO8601 date, but you can use the HTML tags to put a human readable version inside
# 18:43 aaronpk e.g. <time class="dt-start" datetime="2016-07-04T19:00:00-0700">July 4th 7pm</time>
# 18:43 cmal okay so I can just put the markup on the start and end hour and it wouldn't matter (as in, pick up the hours to display as start and end dates)
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# 18:48 KevinMarks anther pattern is to put human-friendly 'x hours ago' inside the time, though that makes more sense for dynamic sites
# 18:54 snarfed (and yes the usual problem is that they go stale if the page is open for a while. ah well.)
# 18:55 snarfed helps to put the absolute date in the title attr so you see it on hover
# 18:55 aaronpk also if you screenshot the site you lose all the date info. IMO there are very few good uses of relative dates like that.
# 18:58 aaronpk especially before twitter added the JS embed, people would screenshot tweets and include them in articles
# 18:58 snarfed eh, sure, but still a tiny fraction of the amount they just use a product directly
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# 19:01 [benatwork] I’ve never heard a single complaint about relative dates in Known. (It uses JS, so the relative dates update while the page is open.)
# 19:03 aaronpk i think my biggest complaint about relative dates is that it's often ambiguous as to when the thing actually happened. github is probably the worst at this.
# 19:05 aaronpk "a month ago" is the worst tho. is that last calendar month? what if it's the 1st right now, would something yesterday be shown as a month ago?
# 19:14 cmal aaronpk +1 relative times and reading times are the two things I find most annoying when I stumble upon a Known blog
# 19:16 aaronpk reading times are a whole different rant. i literally never find those useful on any site.
# 19:17 cmal they're also very relative and very useless unless you can configure your reading speed in your browser (which you can't atm)
# 19:17 cmal (some people read thrice faster/slower as others)
# 19:18 aaronpk i remember the first time i saw one, i thought it was being smart and analyzing how much time people spend on the page on average
# 19:29 cmal that would mean on my concerts page I would have two h-feeds with events inside; wouldn't that be confusing for clients to find which one is relevant?
# 19:29 cmal should my sidebar events display be just a bunch of h-events outside of an h-feed?
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# 19:38 snarfed cmal: lots of people have multiple h-feeds on their sites
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# 19:40 cmal although, as it's a sidebar widget it doesn't have its own URL so does that make sense to put it in an h-feed without a u-url?
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# 19:44 cmal I guess it would make sense to display it every where on the site as an h-feed with a u-url pointing to /concerts, and not having it in the sidebar on the concerts page
# 19:46 snarfed cmal: design is up to you, but h-feed internal to a page is still fine
# 19:47 aaronpk i don't think any current readers will find a second h-feed on a page, but then again i don't know how many existing readers handle h-event feeds at all
# 19:59 snarfed bridgy isn't a reader, but it definitely supports multiple h-feeds
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# 20:08 KevinMarks I think a smart move for relative datetimes would be to never show 1 of anything
# 20:09 KevinMarks so 0-119 seconds, 2-119 minutes, 2-47 hours 2-13 days 2-8 weeks, 2-23 months 2- years
# 20:11 KevinMarks also solves the plural problem, especially if you use 'now' for <2 seconds
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# 20:32 cmal KevinMarks awesome idea, is this already referenced somewhere on the wiki?
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# 21:06 cmal I just need to remove a few hard-coded links in the templates (adding a config option) and then I'll PR this on the upstream events plugin
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# 21:06 cmal I'll do this tomorrow, I'll be off for the night
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# 21:15 KevinMarks relative dates are a way of converting date-times into a human friendly form like "10 minutes ago" or 4 days ago.
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# 22:13 aaronpk turns out Mail app on my phone acts as a decent offline posting client via Quill's post-by-email feature
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# 22:32 [kevinmarks] Aaron, check I got your comments right. Everyone else, add other relative date examples if you like
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# 23:21 [shaners] Anyhow, posterous' whole posting ui was email only in the beginning.
# 23:24 miklb yes. I have a friend from Habari who will be very intrigued by that feature.
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# 23:44 [kevinmarks] Aaron's question about applying the user calming to indieauth is a good one.