2016-07-09 UTC
tantek and mlncn joined the channel
# 00:15 begriffs Uh oh, guess I should have taken care to write more clearly. :(
# 00:15 KevinMarks1 it's a deep dive - you walk people through a lot of command line stuff
# 00:16 KevinMarks1 !tell kylewm any idea why my woodwind instance says 'mismatched CSRF token' when I try to login?
# 00:16 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 00:17 begriffs @KevinMarks1 I guess those were questions that I myself had so I answered it for myself, but the audience is maybe not so clear for the article.
# 00:18 KartikPrabhu begriffs: that is good practice though, to write about stuff that you figured out on the way
# 00:19 begriffs DNS is the web part, since having your own domain is based on all that.
# 00:20 begriffs (A reply to a note earlier)
# 00:23 KevinMarks1 yes, but you don't make a web page, you then set up email
benborges, cweiske_, bnvk, emmak, cyberjar09 and Lancey joined the channel
# 01:52 miklb hmm, need to figure out how to debug dupe replies from Bridgy
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:55 tantek SO close to being done with my blog post version of State of the Indie Web
# 01:55 tantek anyone around that can look over a draft for anything glaringly wrong or typos etc.?
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 02:07 KevinMarks1 'atteneded'
# 02:08 snarfed heh, love it: "kept his wits in the face of impending design by committee"
tantek joined the channel
# 02:10 snarfed errant capitalization, "Beyond empowering each other, We"
# 02:10 KevinMarks1 Edinburgh not Edinboro
# 02:11 KevinMarks1 Hombrew Website Club Nürnberg
# 02:11 snarfed extra comma (first one) and mixing you/we: "By sharing your stuff, publicly on the web, putting open source in places like GitHub, we empower those that we haven’t even met."
# 02:13 tantek snarfed - it's discoverable from the Posts about # 2016 link
# 02:13 tantek deliberately not directly linking to a rant, that would be "rewarding" such behavior
# 02:13 KevinMarks1 it is interesting to see how terse my notes are in comparison
# 02:14 snarfed grammar, "One is Salmentions, and this is something we have a bunch more implementations."
# 02:15 snarfed consider "There are" in "There’s no person-tags there because Twitter does not have an API to let you set the person-tags in a photo yet."
# 02:16 snarfed remove "not"? "These are not just sites where people have their own URL"
# 02:19 snarfed minor subjective nit: consider s/10s of thousands/tens of thousands/
# 02:21 snarfed done. this is great! my only high level feedback is that it's clearly a transcript of spoken text, which often sounds better than it reads
comzeradd joined the channel
# 02:21 snarfed if you wanted to spend more time, you could edit it to work better as written text, but that's totally up to you. it works fine as is.
# 02:23 tantek snarfed, this is edited down! if you check the actual-ish transcript, it's much, uh, messier ;)
# 02:23 snarfed KevinMarks: re terse, yeah, makes sense, since you had to do it live and couldn't pause or rewind
# 02:23 tantek (has taken way too many hours and days to do)
# 02:23 snarfed tantek: oh i believe it! it's effectively transcribed. it just clearly reads as text that was originally spoken. still totally fine though!
# 02:23 tantek I wanted to keep that "as spoken" tone a bit at least
# 02:24 tantek to give it a feel like you're hearing me, rather than just readin gme
# 02:24 tantek snarfed, ok I think I fixed everything you reported! (Great catches!)
# 02:25 tantek now I just need to come up with something like rel=proofreader for my links to y'all ;)
# 02:26 tantek REALLY appreciate the last minute proofreading
# 02:31 tantek snarfed, are indiewebcamp URLs working for you?
# 02:35 tantek ok I think it might be combination of internet access through a captive portal (maybe some overzealously caching proxy somewhere along the line)
# 02:36 tantek snarfed, hence I think it was my hotel internet access
# 02:37 tantek these are all https URLs so that shouldn't be possible
# 02:37 tantek unless there's some sort of DNS level "exploit" that's possible for routers to misdirect you to the wrong IP.
leg, snarfed, wolftune, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_, nitot, KevinMarks, begriffs, cyberjar09, goodoo, friedcell, tantek, Pierre-O, j12t, loicm_, dogada, nitot_, AndChat|566325, raretrack and cweiske joined the channel
# 10:15 cweiske miklb, re sending webmentions for static sites: I built stapibas exactly for that
# 10:15 cweiske it reads the site's atom feed and sends out webmentions for linked pages
j12t joined the channel
# 11:05 petermolnar there is a "save page now" thing on the wayback machine; is anyone aware how to trigger that remotely via a script for certain urls ?
Kopfstein joined the channel
# 11:13 Loqi An archival copy is a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time, that can be used as a reference if the original disappears or is temporarily unavailable https://indieweb.org/archival_copy
# 11:21 petermolnar it looks like my idea of snapshotting all mentioned urls - text only - wasn't that great; so far, it resulted ~260MB text in my database, so I'm rethinking this idea a little; one of them was that when I mention a url via webmention, I'll trigger an automatic archive for that url
mlncn, j12t and cmal joined the channel
AndChat|566325, j12t and mlncn joined the channel
KevinMarks, j12t and benborges joined the channel
Garbee and CherryPuffs joined the channel
cmal and mlncn joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
j12t, mlncn, friedcell, wolftune, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
j12t, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
friedcell, ben_thatmustbeme and mlncn joined the channel
# 16:31 aaronpk I did actually add <a> to the list of allowed HTML tags in mediawiki core
j12t and leg joined the channel
# 17:19 aaronpk whoa, new mediawiki uses push state to update the browser URL on redirect pages
# 17:29 aaronpk okay wow my dev IWC wiki is looking really good. so good that I keep accidentally editing wiki pages on it instead of on indieweb.org
# 17:29 aaronpk might be able to do the wiki upgrade sooner rather than later
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
j12t, Lancey, friedcell and quails joined the channel
j12t, snarfed, wolftune, Kopfstein and mlncn joined the channel
# 20:43 petermolnar post type and microformats question: this may not be useful or needed at all, just a question. In case of a stream, many different type of content can show up, including, let's say, a random photo with friends. Since this has a photo, it will be a type: photo. But what is the corresponding person posts art type photos as well? Can this be somehow indicated, such as important [x] type post or not important [x] type post? Is this something t
# 20:44 petermolnar for me, it would, as if I follow creatives, I may not be interested in their personal lives but their art
# 20:48 petermolnar "The IoT needs a simple/light equivalent of WordPress so devices can have simple static web pages. Any suggestions?" oh dear god, no. Please don't let a coffee machine write a blog.
# 20:49 aaronpk i want my coffee machine to have its own blog are you kidding!
# 20:51 aaronpk it could post a photo of the full pot of coffee when it's done brewing
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:54 petermolnar ok, log entries of coffee pot emptiness/fullness, I would see a point in that if someone would want to draw nice graphs of coffee consumption during the day; but a picture of this is just a waste of space
# 20:55 petermolnar aaronpk there is nothing subjective there; a log entry is a few bytes, a photos is at least a few hundred kilobytes
# 20:57 aaronpk point is, if you don't want your coffee pot to have a blog that posts photos of coffee when it's done brewing, then don't. but don't tell other people they shouldn't do it either!
# 20:57 petermolnar I disagree here. There are things I value; for example, my 20k+ photo. But I'm aware that it's waste; most of them I won't ever look at again in my life, because there is no time for that. No one will. Therefore, it's waste. It's taking up space, it's eating energy, but it's not doing any good.
jkphl joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:40 KevinMarks !tell petermolnar would a category/tag not work for your art vs selfie distinction?
# 21:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:41 petermolnar it would, but that is local to the site and is not a thing for post-discovery
# 21:50 KartikPrabhu petermolnar: you could filter by the tags instead of trying to do post-type-discovery for different kinds of photos
mlncn joined the channel
# 22:20 KevinMarks Look at existing practice first - do you see distinction between art and photos in current sites?
# 22:21 KevinMarks Always better to see what people do than try to make something up for them.
jkphl joined the channel
# 22:43 aaronpk wow i can't figure out why the logo won't update on the mailchimp template
jkphl_ joined the channel
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel