2016-07-10 UTC
wolftune, singpolyma and mlncn joined the channel
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 01:50 KevinMarks1 hm, how do I POSSE that to FB?
[kylewm] joined the channel
# 01:52 [kylewm] kevinmarks1: you have to create the FB event manually, I can do it if you’d like? (thanks for picking up my slack on the indie event)
# 01:52 Loqi [kylewm]: KevinMarks1 left you a message 1 day, 1 hour ago: any idea why my woodwind instance says 'mismatched CSRF token' when I try to login?
# 01:53 KevinMarks1 aha. Known didn't know how, and brid.gy said nope: Facebook doesn't support type(s) h-event, or no content was found.
# 01:54 KevinMarks1 I didn't realise you were doing it by hand
# 01:54 KevinMarks1 the odd part is that it was working before
# 01:57 KevinMarks1 could it be flask micropub? that sends a error='mismatched CSRF token'
# 02:01 KevinMarks1 yes, though I tried others too and got same issue
# 02:01 KevinMarks1 at HWC I logged in with silo.pub twitter and it worked great
# 02:02 [kylewm] I just logged in with kylewm.com known.kylewm.com and it worked :confused:
# 02:04 KevinMarks1 sorry, Woodwind.xyz is fine, it's my instance that is being weird
wolftune joined the channel
# 02:12 [kylewm] I only just barely understand that stuff, so not sure :stuck_out_tongue:
# 02:13 KevinMarks1 is it using redis for that?
# 02:27 KevinMarks1 looks like cookies aren't being set
mlncn, miklb, emmak, snarfed, wolftune, anarchivist, JasonO, cweiske, Kopfstein, Pierre-O, friedcell, j12t, KevinMarks, ben_thatmustbeme, comzeradd, KartikPrabhu, jacus, bjoern, lmorchard, prtksxna, raucao, sonicrocketman, slick, sensiblemn, myfreeweb, rhiaro, voxpelli, jonnybarnes, catsup and lukasros joined the channel
# 09:40 lukasros I tried to test Woodwind but it would not let me log in.
# 09:41 lukasros kylewm: It's not working on Firefox - is that a known issue or should I file one for it?
j12t, Garbee, cweiske, mlncn, catsup, KartikPrabhu1 and cmal joined the channel
j12t, wolftune and [kylewm] joined the channel
# 15:16 [kylewm] Lukasros: not a known issue, it definitely works in Firefox in general. Do you have any interesting extensions installed? Is there an error when it doesn't let you log in?
# 15:17 lukasros Let me investigate this ... I'll get back to you later if I found something.
mlncn, wolftune, j12t, snarfed, Pierre-O, leg, rcarls, colintedford, Lancey, bamfomet, begriffs, ben_thatmustbeme, emmak and JasonO joined the channel
# 19:17 lukasros But I think this extension is something of an edge case and I don't really need it so no priority for working on it.
j12t joined the channel
# 19:23 sknebel lukasros: wow, might want to report that as a bug to them
# 19:23 sknebel at least from the basic description on their page it doesn't sound like it is intended to interfere with websites
j12t, M-rongladney, snarfed and eran joined the channel
# 20:46 GWG snarfed, I was thinking about Micropub over the weekend
# 20:48 GWG snarfed, I am doing some work on the Post Kinds end to improve the output on that end. Moving toward using Micropub for some types of posts.
singpolyma joined the channel
# 20:50 GWG I just spent part of a long drive I listening to two WordPress people discuss arguments against content ownership
# 20:52 GWG snarfed, thinking of writing the host a note.
# 20:54 GWG snarfed, with Post Kinds, the Post UI is the hardest part. There's a reason why outsourcing it to Micropub is appealing
# 20:57 snarfed understood. are there micropub clients with UI you're happy with? enough to recommend to your users?
# 20:59 GWG snarfed, I am not unhappy with them, but more testing is required. The reason I backed away last year was the specification was fluctuating too much
# 21:00 GWG I sat there, already having unit test troubles and finding that something changed
# 21:00 GWG The clear specification document that is now out helped
# 21:03 GWG And Post Kinds has been moving toward storing mf2 parameters more clearly as post metadata in that time.
# 21:06 GWG I just am trying to move towards something that doesn't take as much work and confusion to use now... the top feedback with all Indieweb plugins.
# 21:11 GWG Hmmm... petermolnar programmed his webmention endpoint to save to archive
# 21:11 GWG .org each time a new source is received
# 21:15 miklb GWG I had to target the .hentry in a WP project I did this weekend :-)
# 21:16 miklb theme was using .post for a masonry type javascript thing, and my custom code used a CPT, breaking the display. So had to edit the js to use hentry since it is applied to all post types
# 21:20 miklb needless to say, I chuckled to myself as I was doing it
# 21:23 GWG No wonder I couldn't get Core to change it
# 21:27 GWG Rereading the Micropub specification again
Gold joined the channel
# 21:47 GWG Wondering if I should move the format for Post Kinds closer to jf2
miklb, CherryPuffs, mlncn, friedcell, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel