#tanteku-featured was only for display purposes in the newsletter for *upcoming* events, never for being a featured photo of the /this-week POSSE copies itself
#aaronpkthe facebook featured photo is also a shorter height (different aspect ratio), not sure if shortening ours would help even more but that's definitely a difference
#aaronpki don't know tho, I look at that facebook event and it definitely looks like those people were at that july 13 event
#KevinMarks_We used the "lots of faces" composite before
#LoqiKevinMarks_: tantek left you a message 2 weeks, 2 days ago: looks like we have an existing issue re: mobile presentation https://github.com/indieweb/wiki/issues/27 please add more details there!
#tantekhmm - I think I adjusted the height / aspect ratio to better fit the photo, but maybe I was thinking too "photo-like" rather than "feature-impression-image" like
#tantek(to explain the difference between wiki page and FB event)
#LoqiKartikPrabhu: tantek left you a message 2 days, 11 hours ago: Would be great to have you at IWC NYC2! 2016-08-27…28 https://indieweb.org/2016/NYC2
#KartikPrabhutantek: I'll probably be moving at the time of the IWC so won't make it
#KartikPrabhuwhy does the log show a lot of blank lines?
#aaronpkif you notice anything broken please let me know because it shouldn't be
#sknebelaaronpk: not sure if related and not super important, but https://news.indiewebcamp.com gives an HTTPS error instead of redirecting to news.indieweb.org
#sknebel(my browser remembers way to much from the old domain ;))
KevinMarks joined the channel
#aaronpkoh thanks. That's not related but I should fix it anyway
#aaronpkActually wait that url has never had https
#voxpelliis still amazed at how bad the plugin system is in WordPress
#petermolnarbut it makes money for many, many, many "coder"
#miklbI have a lot of respect for Boone, and he is a core committer, so I trust that with BP taking that approach, won't be long before core does too
#voxpelliif they were to allow for multiple versions of the same plugin then one could support a legacy and a nextgen plugin at once
#petermolnarmiklb I would not hold my breath, core is becoming rather boneheaded
#voxpellithe only way to progressively introduce new language features into code is to allow two versions of the code base to co-exist – something eg. Drupal, node.js/npm and probably lots of other package managers allow
#miklbI learned not to hold my breath on a lot of things WP related a long time ago :-)
#petermolnarpersonally I would got nuts without static:: and, lately, namespaces and closures, so I'm not even pushing anything to the official wp repos any more
#voxpellipetermolnar: in js-land they would use all the cool new bits and just transpile it to old boring code ;)
#petermolnar5.3 is 7 years old, I wouldn't consider those features new & shiny :P
#marinintimhi, folks, I'm thinking of writing an article on indieweb for frontiermag.ru, what do you think I should cover? I plan it as gentle introduction with pointers to wiki and akin.
#marinintim(but probably I should sit down and implement posting on my own site first, huh)
#tanteksingpolyma, btw, one thing we added since you were last here was a new channel #indieweb-dev for dev-focused/specific questions/discussions (usually involves underlying technologies). also archived. check it out! http://chat.indieweb.org/dev/
#[chrisaldrich]I found out this morning that the local Pasadena Apple store has a nice little conference room (which they typically use for business services and meetings) hiding in the back of the store. They occasionally let it out for community building purposes, so I've just gotten back from a brief pitch meeting to see if they'll give the Los Angeles area HWC space for regular meetups. It might be a worthwhile idea for other cities to explore if they ne