#LoqiGoogle+ (AKA Google Plus, GPlus, or G+) is both a social content hosting silo operated by Google, similar in many respects to Facebook, and a centralized Google identity service for other Google services like YouTube https://indieweb.org/G%2B
#tantekKevinMarks: is that G+ in particular, or Google Photos or both?
#LoqiGoogle Photos is a photo storage silo that incorporates machine learning tools to organize and categorize uploaded photos, as well as generate presentations called 'stories' based on them https://indieweb.org/Google_Photos
#KevinMarksHm. Good question. I haven't tried since it became Google photos
#tantekif you find a permalink to such a pano 3D, can you add it to either /G+ or /Google_Photos depending on where you found it?
#KevinMarksLooks like it does the 3d thing in cardboard camera now
nitot joined the channel
#tantek!tell GWG what is the difference between Google Photos and G+ Photos? Could you describe why you're using one over the other on /Google_Photos? Thanks!
#tantekKevinMarks: doesn't seem to work on G+ photos - nothing 3D special there
#tantekanyway if you figure it out, can you add it as an example with instructions to make it work "3d" etc. to /G+#Photos
#GWGtantek: Google Photos used to be Google Plus Photos. They spun it off.
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 20 minutes ago: what is the difference between Google Photos and G+ Photos? Could you describe why you're using one over the other on /Google_Photos? Thanks!
#tantekGWG see above URL from KevinMarks - it does not seem to be "spun off" just yet since the URLs are still plus.google.com/+ instead of photos.google.com
#tantekor maybe you can explain the discrepancy in permalinks?
#GWGI'll try. I don't really use it for anything but a backup of my photos. My primary is elsewhere
#tantekI think "use as a backup" is a very good silo use-case
wolftune, KevinMarks, Pierre-O, j12t, nitot, tantek, KevinMarks_, misuba, mlncn, Nnnbnzbbzvznzvzn and snarfed joined the channel
#snarfed!tell tantek sorry for the bridgy publish video failures! looks like it was over flickr's size limit (10MB), and maybe twitter's too. i'll add better error handling.
#aaronpkthe w3c i18n group opened an issue about text direction on micropub
#emmakaaronpk: does quill modify photos when posting? i tried an animated gif and it got corrupted somehow
#GWGGood. Internationalization is hard. Glad there are eyes on it
#tantekI don't really understand the issue(s) frankly - is there an implication that all human readable text requires side channel information of direction and language?
#Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 5 hours, 19 minutes ago: sorry for the bridgy publish video failures! looks like it was over flickr's size limit (10MB), and maybe twitter's too. i'll add better error handling.
#GWGtantek, it allows for proper storage, at the least
#tantekGWG, that's a tautology. That's like saying you need it because you need it.
#tantek"proper" is just another way of saying "need"
#tantekcustomizing a whole page by language can be done with HTTP ACCEPT LANGUAGE headers etc.
#tantekno need for anything at the content / markup level
#GWGBut when I have an interesting idea, even if I do not need it, I try to note it.
#GWGtantek, I hate to elaborate after admitting that I don't need it, but I was just thinking of how you might publish it using Micropub
#aaronpkthere's obviously nothing stopping anyone from creating a post anywhere, micropub or not, in multiple languages. it's only a challenge to discuss if you need the languages marked in a machine readable way, which i have not seen a use for for the contents of posts.
cyberjar09 joined the channel
#aaronpkthere are plenty of examples of localizing an interface, presenting interface elements in multiple languages, which i think is what this issue is about
#aaronpksince it's talking about the "name" value of the syndicate-to request
#aaronpkalso from what i can tell, there is no need for a text direction attribute since utf-8 encoding supports RTL text itself. i included an example of typing an RTL name for a syndication button in my micropub endpoint and having it show up correctly in Quill
#tantekhmm - would this be more suitable for #indieweb-dev? I wasn't sure at first because it would be useful to know if anyone here had use-cases
#aaronpkthat kind of looks like it's taking only one frame of the gif but not the first. a frame of a gif animation can include only pixels that changed in that frame.