#snarfedmy facebook converter, https://facebook-poco.appspot.com/ , is on an old API version, and i need to upgrade if i want it to keep working...but i'm not sure anyone cares any more
#neilpdxi haven't used it but i think it could be a useful concept for bluetooth beacons. but so far, all that i have seen with bluetooth beacons is the ability to send HTTPS URL's.
#aaronpkthere's apparently a new version of that being developed in OAuth 2 land
#LoqiPortable Contacts (often abbreviated as PoCo) is/was a proposed 2008 specification for exchange of contact info that uses a one-off JSON format https://indieweb.org/PortableContacts
#tanteksuffice it to say the expression "OpenSocial standards work and specifications beyond OpenSocial 2.5.1" is the empty set, and thus you may evaluate the remaining assertions accordingly.
#tantekbasically there was no point in beating a dead OpenSocial effort/foundation etc. into the ground.
#tantekaside: Twitter sends "âš¡ï¸" (yes, four odd character variants) instead of "âš¡ï¸" in the emails it sends to my Twitter account. Oddest Unicode corruption I've seen yet.
#aaronpkI wonder at what point that's failing. âš¡ï¸ is a multibyte char, so it could be failing anywhere in the chain from twitter's email sending servers to your mail client
Pierre-O, John_Duh, chrisaldrich, rrix, AndChat|566325, goodoo and j12t joined the channel
#aaronpkGWG: an itinerary is a plan, a trip is something i've actually done. I post my itinerary posts way ahead of the date of the trip, and it includes my flight/train info, and can include multiple legs of the trip: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/07/24/1/ My trip posts are posted after I've actually completed the trip, and includes the actual GPS data from the trip: https://aaronparecki.com/2016/07/25/17/
#Loqi[shaners]: mblaney left you a message 3 days, 14 hours ago: my favourite thing about your logo design is that it looks like simple building blocks. mine doesn't capture that, would be interesting to find a way that could.
#[shaners]!tell mblaney Thanks. That is the goal for the IW one. It’s just a matter of finding the time to do it.
#John_DuhInstagram and facebook I haven't bothered with yet
#aaronpkit checks out fine on indieauth.com so it looks like a bug on indiewebify.me :/
#John_DuhReally?! Phew, I've spent all evening reading tutorials and installing wordpress. Makes me so happy if something is actually working now!
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
#KevinMarks1is it an https ->http thing? I think twitter always uses https for t.co now in profiles
#aaronpknot sure. i spent a long time making indieauth.com's verification work properly including following all the redirects. not sure if indiewebify.me is quite up to par with it
#tantekif it helps, the current RelMeAuth PHP library implementation also works with confirming rel=me with a Twitter profile