ChrisAldrichI like the word silo-hop for that concept! Is there a corresponding word for non-indiewebbers who post on a silo and syndicate to a silo? POSSTAS?
ChrisAldrichmy list is ever growing too... speaking of which, have you tried Whisperfollow? I couldn't get it working the other day, and suspect it may not be supported by newer versions of WordPress.
ChrisAldrichI do wish that WordPress's reader was a bit more configurable and directly integrated into my dashboard/workflow. Otherwise, I'm generally using others like
ChrisAldrichtypically it's with people who are in the development/blogging world and they usually see the value proposition immediately. The few outside of that take a bit of convincing, but usually see the value in the concept; sadly they feel that it's beyond them because there isn't a "product" that will deliver the value to them directly.
ChrisAldrichI've found that personal conversations help the cause more. Directing some at the website has just scared many off... It is making progress lately though.
ChrisAldrichSome projects are really right on the verge of prime time. Some better WordPress documentation and a few new indieweb available themes and Gen2 can start flowing in the doors
ChrisAldrichThe dozen or so people in the wordpress community (either hobbyists or devs) that I've spoken to one on one in the past few weeks have really taken to the general concept. Need to have more follow up conversations and it'll happen slowly but surely.
ChrisAldrich100 seems like a reach with only 3 that are relatively active. I'm trying to do some outreach in person at related meetups and hoping that will help a lot.
ChrisAldrichWork isn't too bad lately, but it'll pick up pretty seriously in September. I'm also about to start a new grad math class (for fun) and that always eats up a chunk of time.
ChrisAldricha lot of corporate stories like are hilarious specifically because they're so universally true. I wonder what the lampooned version of the indieweb would look like right now?
ChrisAldrichThat one looks new to me and is much more recent than what I remember. Do you get the impression that they'll accept it? Looks promising based on the exchange.