2016-07-31 UTC
AngeloGladding, KevinMarks_, wolftune and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
# 02:21 ChrisAldrich Good Evening AngeloGladding! Thanks for coming out on Wednesday night to HBC in Pasadena.
wolftune joined the channel
# 02:40 AngeloGladding my pleasure.. as simple as the conversation was it got the juices flowing
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:41 AngeloGladding aww a warm return
AngeloGl1 joined the channel
wolftune and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 04:35 ChrisAldrich Angelo, sorry I'd walked a way for a bit. Seems like a while since you've visited IRC ;)
mlncn and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 04:45 ChrisAldrich It looks like newer CSS and is much more design-forward, especially for a chat log..
# 04:56 ChrisAldrich the menu options for the various chats certainly take up more space by putting them on the left rather than on the top, but the logo square gives some more visual interest
# 04:57 GWG tantek: You didn't think I was too critical? I was worried it would be seen that way.
Ruxton joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:05 ChrisAldrich Glad your juices got flowing... and that we'd already taken care of Tantek's message before it was delivered.
# 05:06 AngeloGl1 yeah full IndieWeb compatibility is only part of my platform's desired capability
# 05:06 AngeloGl1 I'm definitely interested in all HWC & IW events in the area
# 05:07 ChrisAldrich I heard from a friend that the regional Apple office here called to check on a reference for me. Hopefully they'll let us have their conference room space at the main Pasadena Store in the near future.
# 05:08 ChrisAldrich Currently the HWC schedule has us at every two weeks. I'm game to try to keep that pace if you are.
# 05:08 aaronpk ChrisAldrich I'm not sure what the problem is. Can you post a screenshot showing the problem as a github issue? I'm done for the evening but can look again tomorrow. It looks fine to me in chrome OS X
# 05:09 ChrisAldrich aaronpk: sure thing, I'll clear caches and try another browser or two as well...
# 05:09 AngeloGl1 I'm down for biweekly meetings. Is Apple's conference room in the back somewhere or in their main open-air space?
# 05:10 AngeloGl1 haven't been there in years
# 05:11 ChrisAldrich they've got a huge conference room behind the back wall of the store. Space for about 20 at the main table and extra chairs for up to about 35 maybe. Also multiple large monitors on every wall for improved presentation.
# 05:14 AngeloGl1 sounds good to me
# 05:15 ChrisAldrich I've also had two people reach out to say they were sorry they couldn't make it across town in traffic to join us, so we'll likely need bigger space soon.
# 05:16 AngeloGl1 cool. I'll be there every time.
# 05:17 AngeloGl1 I was just at the coffee shop down the street from me. That will work as well but I'm more than happy to have you set it up.
# 05:18 ChrisAldrich Is that coffee shop quieter than Wednesday was (at least on the early side?)
# 05:19 AngeloGl1 yes definitely
# 05:19 AngeloGl1 lol. for better and for worse.
# 05:20 AngeloGl1 there's an upstairs space for group meetings that i could definitely square away.
# 05:20 AngeloGl1 the owner lives two doors up
# 05:20 ChrisAldrich I think I know the one you're talking about. Over by the train tracks on the edge of South Pas? I drive through there almost every day.
# 05:20 AngeloGl1 nope. that one's nice and bright and central but doesn't have bathrooms!...
# 05:21 AngeloGl1 this one is off the beaten path and kind of simpleton but, again, close and spacious
# 05:22 ChrisAldrich if you want to give it a try, I'm game. having a better space for a group would be more conducive until something larger shows up
# 05:25 AngeloGl1 I can talk to them beforehand about reserving the upper deck (as you can see from their home page)
# 05:25 AngeloGl1 do you by any chance have a projector?
# 05:25 AngeloGl1 when we've got something set up I'll ask Nathan to come out
# 05:28 ChrisAldrich I don't have one on hand, but could possibly acquire one from a colleague.
# 05:31 AngeloGl1 I'll reach out to him
# 05:31 AngeloGl1 I'm actually trying to work through the IndieMarks right now
# 05:32 AngeloGl1 I'm currently at posts
# 05:32 ChrisAldrich If you talk to "Charlie" and confirm that, I'll put the details in the wiki, make an event post and POSSE to Facebook then.
# 05:35 AngeloGl1 lol. I'll talk to the barista behind the counter. Either way I can guarantee enough space.
# 05:36 AngeloGl1 they close at 8p fyi
# 05:36 AngeloGl1 pretty lame in that regard
# 05:36 AngeloGl1 possibly flexible if I ask ahead but yeah you're right
# 05:37 AngeloGl1 yup. :) I came in earlier to keep the juices flowing.. do you think a personal wiki page update would be classified as a "note" post?
# 05:38 GWG Don't worry so much about classification
# 05:38 AngeloGl1 i'll get right on an event post type
# 05:39 ChrisAldrich I do event post types so infrequently... you may find more value working on other types first. :)
# 05:40 ChrisAldrich Though I do remember coding some events by hand in raw html once or twice. Doing that's always a nice exercise.
# 05:41 AngeloGl1 i'm trying to build a platform first that conforms to the IndieWeb
# 05:41 AngeloGl1 so events are first class citizens
# 05:42 AngeloGl1 events are so core that I'm having a hard time figuring out the simplest method of implementing them
# 05:42 AngeloGl1 if that means anything
# 05:44 AngeloGl1 i'll prioritize it nonetheless
# 05:45 ChrisAldrich Is anyone aware of a project that does auto-syndication for events? I think I've always POSSEd manually.
# 05:46 ChrisAldrich I suppose most silos that do events have such low traffic... no one may have found it worthwhile.
# 05:48 AngeloGl1 can you expand on that?
# 05:48 AngeloGl1 I create an event on my calendar.. Are you asking about automatically posting to Facebook, et al.?
# 05:49 ChrisAldrich There are many projects that allow you to post a note (status update) and programmatically syndicate it (POSSE) to Twitter, for example.
# 05:50 ChrisAldrich The post to your site and to Twitter essentially happens at the same time.
# 05:50 ChrisAldrich I don't think anyone's built anything to automatically post an event to Facebook, Lanyard, or others for events in this manner (yet).
# 05:51 AngeloGl1 really? why not?
# 05:52 AngeloGl1 lacking API support?
# 05:54 AngeloGl1 is there currently any best practice that you know of for pushing an event to Twitter?
# 05:58 ChrisAldrich For twitter, I suspect one would use the event title followed by date/time, URL maybe?
# 05:58 ChrisAldrich Dumping details into a Twitter card could give native viewers additional information.
# 06:00 AngeloGl1 yeah. I've hooked in to the Twitter API for blog posts. I'll look into the Facebook API and the event post type. I'll document all in a wiki page that declares my platform IndieMark level 1.
# 06:00 AngeloGl1 Twitter card?
# 06:02 ChrisAldrich They're generally cards that appear below tweets with photos, summaries or other information that are meant to drive additional interest in a particular tweet.
# 06:06 AngeloGl1 nice. RSVP'd. lol at Twitter "cards". "Run your URL against the validator tool to test. If you are working with a Player Card, request approval for whitelisting. All other Cards do not need whitelisting."
# 06:07 AngeloGl1 I'll read up on it
# 06:07 AngeloGl1 FYI your events' end dates have been days behind your events' start dates twice now
# 06:07 AngeloGl1 Time: 2016-07-27 18:30
# 06:07 AngeloGl1 Ends: 2016-07-23 20:00
# 06:09 AngeloGl1 so now that you've posted an indie event what is the protocol for "posting" attendance?
# 06:10 AngeloGl1 oh yeah the error was duplicated perfectly
# 06:10 AngeloGl1 double the error
# 06:12 ChrisAldrich if you need some twitter cards references, almost all of my personal twitter posts include them...
# 06:15 AngeloGl1 yup that's it
# 06:15 AngeloGl1 ok I've got some goals for the evening
# 06:16 AngeloGl1 I'll work on note/blog/event/rsvp post types and reach out to Nathan for 8/10
# 06:16 ChrisAldrich if you're on Facebook and RSVP there, the RSVP also posts back to my original IndieWeb event. But naturally the goal is to post on your own site and webmention the original.
# 06:17 AngeloGl1 ahh, yes. thanks for that.
# 06:19 ChrisAldrich Apparently by creating a Facebook event, I automatically RSVP yes to my own indie event!
# 06:20 AngeloGl1 because bridg.ly backfeeds from FB to your WP?
# 06:21 ChrisAldrich In this case, the indie event is on my Known install rather than WordPress, but yes.
goodoo joined the channel
# 06:25 AngeloGl1 yeah i've perused the user pages.. I'm going to try to index my itches on my own wiki page for no other reason than to test its functionality
# 06:26 AngeloGl1 I'll check back in tomorrow hopefully with updates
# 06:26 AngeloGl1 for now I'll get to hacking
# 06:26 AngeloGl1 thanks for all the info
AndChat|566325 joined the channel
goodoo, __number5__, AndChat|566325, cyberjar09, loicm_, catsup, Pierre-O and bashrc joined the channel
catsup, moredhel, mlncn, bashrc, leg, raretrack and frzn joined the channel
# 16:03 sknebel aaronpk: why did loqi remove the domain from the URL in that tweet?!
wolftune joined the channel
mlncn, miklb, goodoo, CherryPuffs, begriffs, wolftune, Pierre-O, AngeloGl1, KevinMarks, comzeradd, LanaCoyote, bashrc, AndChat|566325 and kerozene joined the channel