2016-08-01 UTC
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, tantek, CherryPuffs, snarfed, wolftune, mlncn, mblaney, frzn, AngeloGl1, goodoo, cweiske, jihaisse, loicm_, Pierre-O, adactio and Garbee joined the channel
# 11:49 Kongaloosh Hey Jammy_Stuff, I finished my new photo uploader and album editor.
cyberjar09 and hs0ucy joined the channel
# 12:20 Jammy_Stuff Kongaloosh: When do I get to see? I am so hype.
# 12:24 Jammy_Stuff let's save it for pgp burrito night
# 12:24 Jammy_Stuff gives me stuff to look forward to
# 12:27 Jammy_Stuff I shall try
# 12:27 Jammy_Stuff I think HWC Edinburgh will not happen this week
# 12:27 Jammy_Stuff tbrb and neanias are both (probably) busy
# 12:28 Jammy_Stuff but next week, I shall deliver the most excellent sermon on Erlang
cyberjar09 joined the channel
# 12:39 Jammy_Stuff Kongaloosh: I may be going on a domain splurge...
tantek joined the channel
leg, friedcell, cyberjar09, wolftune and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Garbee, kegan[m], CaptainCalliope, mattl and tommorris joined the channel
# 14:19 aaronpk Kongaloosh: i'd love to see your photo and album stuff too! i've been brainstorming about photo albums recently
# 14:22 Kongaloosh aaronpk: the layout is kind of based on snarfed's albums; I'll probably put up an example and an explanation later today.
adactio, friedcell, snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 14:57 voxpelli aaronpk: in Quill, how do you link to things in a note? html? I pasted a url straight into it, but it wasn't auto-linked and not sure whether the client, the endpoint or the one rendering the content should be the one to autolink a URL
# 14:58 aaronpk quill just sends plaintext for notes, so it's up to the endpoint that receives it to do the autolinking
# 14:58 aaronpk you could either autolink it when you get the micropub request, and store HTML, or you can autolink when you render it
# 14:58 aaronpk I prefer the latter, so I store the plaintext that quills sends
# 14:59 voxpelli kind of suprised that my jekyll didn't autolink it :P
Pierre-O joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
M-rongladney and M-nd joined the channel
begriffs joined the channel
Pierre-O, TheGillies, rrix, cweiske, tantek, hs0ucy, snarfed, gRegorLove, CherryPuffs, M-nd, M-rongladney, kegan[m], M-RyanRix, M-hotzeplotz, bashrc, AngeloGl1, mlncn, goodoo and neilpdx joined the channel
# 20:09 neilpdx hello from portland oregon USA
tantek joined the channel
# 20:44 neilpdx hi Gregorlove. what's new
# 20:46 gRegorLove Not much. Might have garnered some more interest for HWC Bellingham via reddit
# 20:47 neilpdx i'm doing great i'm learning django web framework and some other stuff too
mlncn joined the channel
# 21:08 Kongaloosh aaronpk, Jammy_Stuff, neanias, tbrb: I finally put up an example album
# 21:09 aaronpk interesting, you interleaved images and text as well
# 21:10 aaronpk i'm curious, for you, how is this different from a post with a bunch of images in it?
# 21:10 aaronpk is there something in particular that makes this an "album"?
# 21:10 tantek looks more like an article than an album that is
# 21:11 tantek there's clearly a story / narrative being told, like an article does, and the images serve to support that story
# 21:11 aaronpk that's my initial reaction too, but snarfed's example of an album is the same
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 21:12 aaronpk so i'm curious what is the thought process that led both of them to call this an "album" vs an article that has a lot of photos
# 21:12 tantek aaronpk, calling something a "duck" does not make it a duck, but rather, if it actually has the features of a duck
# 21:12 aaronpk right, but why did they both call this the same thing?
# 21:12 tantek I have a feeling I'm going to have to make a statement like that in post type discovery
# 21:13 aaronpk snarfed: wow that's totally different from your other example!
# 21:13 tantek Kongaloosh: scrap-books typically are *just* collections of scraps of things, literally /collection posts
# 21:13 Kongaloosh I mean, the only distinction seems to be whether or not they actually provide any context
# 21:14 aaronpk snarfed: those are much more like what i would think of as an album post!
# 21:14 Kongaloosh a lot of people that scrap-book, from my understanding, try to collect the story that is associated with images
# 21:14 aaronpk i'm curious, is the tiling done automatically or is it something you do by hand?
# 21:16 Kongaloosh I define an album component as @@@[alt](image)-[alt](image)....@@@
# 21:17 Kongaloosh part of that is making it work with fancybox (which I nicked from snarfed's example)
# 21:19 Kongaloosh aaronpk, tantek: I guess I would call anything with a bunch of pictures--regardless of text content--an album. Personally, I'd say that an article would just be more focused on the textual content, while an album is focused on the image's content. All of the text I post is really just explaining the images. That includes who's there, where they are, what's going on.
# 21:20 aaronpk my initial thoughts on what an album was did not include the idea that text would be interleaved with images
# 21:20 aaronpk the silo examples i included on that page support this
# 21:21 tantek right, I think as soon as you start interleaving text, you have made the text more primary as it becomes the overall story of which the images are merely leaf nodes
LanaCoyote joined the channel
# 21:22 tantek Kongaloosh, I think that's pretty cut & dry per existing examples. And it's what happens when you consider that the story starts to make sense even *without* the images (i.e. listening to the text being spoken)
# 21:22 tantek making sense without the images = images are clearly secondary
# 21:23 Kongaloosh A lot of physical albums I've seen people make are similar to what I've done.
# 21:23 tantek people use a type writer to add text between images clipped to a physical album?
# 21:23 Kongaloosh for instance, I can think of a few people who do what I did for each holiday they go on.
# 21:23 tantek that sounds more like a "book" and less like an "album"
# 21:24 Kongaloosh what I mean is that they have a collection of images after they finish travelling
# 21:24 tantek and there's no general interleaved text, but they do sometimes have annotations / descriptions attached to each photo
# 21:24 tantek sure, snippets alongside a photo are supported in Flickr albums (or maybe what they call a Gallery)
# 21:25 Kongaloosh personally, I feel like this is way easier for me to consume and enjoy later on. This will be way more functional for me to share with other people.
# 21:25 tantek same reason people include images as part of a story! I've written blog posts that way too
# 21:26 Kongaloosh yeah, I just feel like an article would just use photos to elaborate on a story
# 21:27 Kongaloosh whereas I, to me, my text is really just going through and explaining each set of photos.
# 21:27 tantek except that as someone reading your text, it makes sense just read straight through even not looking at the photos
# 21:28 tantek whether you intended to or not, you ended up writing a story for which each set of photos has become additional info for the story
# 21:30 Kongaloosh Sure, but I feel like if I printed the photos out, stuck them in an album with the annotations, and showed them to people, it would be considered an album.
# 21:30 Kongaloosh or if I broke up the annotations and made them pop up with the shadowbox
# 21:31 tantek or some set thereof per your "explaining each set of photos"
# 21:31 tantek the text as it is currently when it spans under / above multiple photos, seems like it is at a higher information hierarchy level than the photos
# 21:31 tantek thus it implies it is the primary content / narrative
# 21:32 aaronpk when each piece of text is connected to a single photo, then it's what I think of as an "album"
# 21:32 tantek presentationally, that is the information hierarchy and thus semantic being communicated
# 21:32 tantek aaronpk - right, even there it could be a story
# 21:33 aaronpk there are many different ways to present an "album" on the screen
# 21:33 tantek each paragraph is arguably connected to a photo, and yet, if you read them consecutively, it's a story
# 21:33 aaronpk one of which is the flickr layout of tightly packed images with no text, and you click on a photo to see its info
# 21:33 aaronpk another layout is like tantek's where each photo has text next to it
# 21:34 aaronpk if you can switch the layout between these different options and still retain the meaning of the album then that's an album
# 21:34 tantek since there would be nothing interrupting the paragraphs of text
# 21:34 aaronpk but if the meaning of the post requires a specific layout of text and images then IMO it's an article
# 21:35 aaronpk where i'm going with this is: can you POSSE that album from your site to e.g. Flickr and have it retain its meaning
# 21:38 tantek aaronpk, OTOH, POSSEing to a silo and having something only retain "downlevel" meaning is ok too - e.g. I POSSE RSVPs to Twitter, and Twitter has no notion of RSVPs. It just looks like a text note there.
# 21:39 tantek Though I suppose I could start using emoji for each for explicit typing in POSSE copies
# 21:41 Kongaloosh aaronpk: I could totally POSSE it to flicker and have an album of graduation pictures, but you guys seem pretty keen on calling it an article.
# 21:41 aaronpk well I mean, if each section of text in your post is associated with a single image, then on flick you'd post that text as the photo description. would that be approximately equivalent once it's on flickr?
# 21:42 aaronpk the text is important to that post though isn't it?
# 21:43 Kongaloosh like, I just want a way to collect my favourite images from a *thing* in a way that doesn't rot
# 21:44 aaronpk aha, that's an interesting description that focuses on a user need!
# 21:44 Kongaloosh If that's an article, then fine. Inherently it's better than an album for later use.
# 21:44 tantek the who is person-tags on a photo, the what is description (or other tags), the when is the dt-created of the photo (or dt-published as a fallback), and the why would presumably be in the description as well
# 21:45 Kongaloosh Especially if you start adding additional image-specific annotations, which I support but am too lazy to care about
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:45 tantek but when all that text for (who, what, when, and why) is mixed together in prose format, then it starts looking like a story rather than just preserving context
# 21:46 tantek (modulo the limitations that aaronpk has documented re: timezones / location etc.)
# 21:46 snarfed fwiw, i've always tagged my pictures with words in their filenames
# 21:46 Kongaloosh snarfed: I find it annoying to keep up with that after a while
# 21:46 aaronpk oh yeah don't even get me started on timestamps in exif
# 21:46 snarfed kinda silly, but it's been nice for longevity. the metadata is embedded in each file, and readable without parsing EXIF
# 21:47 Kongaloosh snarfed: I have real issues with this, which is why I'm doing it the way I am.
# 21:47 snarfed Kongaloosh: yup, definitely takes work to edit down and name a few hundred IMG_* files per album, but it's usually worth it down the line
# 21:51 tantek snarfed, I do (did) something similar, which was to cluster photos from some specific even into a folder with words in the filename
snarfed joined the channel
# 21:57 KevinMarks_ If you posse your images to Google, Joe Smarr's code will make a story for you with maps in
# 22:00 aaronpk i feel like i just documented everything i do with my location data, where is that...
# 22:02 aaronpk hm can't find it in the usual places, perhaps i should summarize on my user page
lhynes joined the channel
AngeloGl1, AndChat|566325, snarfed and neilpdx joined the channel
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