2016-07-29 UTC
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
jkphl joined the channel
KevinMarks and kerozene joined the channel
# 01:34 GWG Howdy, gRegorLove. Any news from you?
# 01:35 gRegorLove Not much. Made some progress on the ProcessWire Webmention plugin. Submitted an implementation report for the w3c webmention repo
neilpdx joined the channel
# 02:11 gRegorLove I posted about our HWC on reddit in r/Bellingham. Will be interesting to see if it brings in anyone.
# 02:11 gRegorLove First time posting on reddit despite having an account for years, haha
# 02:12 aaronpk Can't wait to do the logged in thing with the logs too
# 02:14 aaronpk So once you log in with IndieAuth it'll know what nick you are for the web chat
mlncn joined the channel
# 02:21 gRegorLove It probably won't work with registered nicks either (with nick protection on)
Gold joined the channel
# 02:37 aaronpk Yeah I'll add fallback rules like all IRC clients have when the nick is taken
mblaney joined the channel
# 02:40 Loqi mblaney: [shaners] left you a message 2 days, 9 hours ago: Thanks. That is the goal for the IW one. It’s just a matter of finding the time to do it.
shiflett joined the channel
# 03:08 mblaney I've just finished working on SWAT0 and made a little video to demonstrate.
Gold, emmak, KevinMarks, AngeloGladding and pl_ joined the channel
# 03:52 Loqi mblaney has 14 karma (13 in this channel)
# 03:55 aaronpk now we gotta find some more people for you to test that with! that's awesome that you can play all three roles now!
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 04:08 GWG [kevinmarks]: Regrettably, implementation isn't standardized in the WordPress community. If we got it stable, it could go to anyone using a WordPress site.
tantek joined the channel
# 04:26 mblaney kevinmarks: yes I remember her saying that, go the Aussies then ;-)
# 04:49 GWG acegiak has been rather busy of late, alas.
shiflett, wolftune, KevinMarks and mlncn joined the channel
# 05:57 tantek looks like Swarm supports multi-photos on checkins now
pl_ and goodoo joined the channel
cweiske, AndChat|566325, jihaisse, cyberjar09, loicm, KevinMarks, tvn and [shaners] joined the channel
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 08:48 rMdes_ the other day I loged into Quill with https://www.rmendes.net - the next day I was lazy to type all this, so I typed https://rmendes.net to log in, this is when Quill told me that I had already a profile with www. - there was no way but to log off and login back with https://www. - I was wondering if there would be a way to tie both domains, for the sake of simplification, or is that a non-issue ?
# 08:56 cweiske not-www redirects to www, so quill could do the same
# 09:01 rMdes_ strange part is my domain is supposed to redirect non-www to www, but it seems Quill can't do it
acegiak, chndr_s, Pierre-O, KevinMarks, rMdes and rMddes_ joined the channel
# 10:35 rMdes unless it's actually the name of the tab ?
# 10:39 rMdes it's OK it actually #KnownChat but the name of the tab is #Known
loicm_, Garbee and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 12:33 j4y_funabashi Hey does anyone know how I can markup different versions of a photo? Eg fullsize vs resized?
# 12:35 j4y_funabashi I resize all my photos and display the resized version but I would like to link to the original
# 12:37 cweiske I use <a href="orig.jpg"><img src="small.jpg"/></a>
tantek joined the channel
# 12:46 j4y_funabashi cweiske: I don't really want to link to the original from the thumbnail as the originals are >4mb
# 12:49 j4y_funabashi So I can have multiple photos in a photo post and a way to tell which is a thumbnail and which is original
# 12:50 voxpelli j4y_funabashi: just put the "u-photo" on the "view original" and not on the other?
# 12:54 voxpelli j4y_funabashi: well, readers should like eg. Facebook does resize and render the images themselves in the format that's suitable for them
# 12:54 voxpelli if you give them the small one then it will be impossible for them to render at a larger format than your thumbnail
# 12:54 j4y_funabashi Multiple u-photo seems like the right way to go but would need a way to indicate that 2 photos are versions of the same image
loicm_ joined the channel
# 12:55 voxpelli when I worked at Bloglovin I was always annoyed when we were given small thumbnails in the RSS as it made it much harder for us to present a good image
# 12:56 voxpelli j4y_funabashi: if you want to do it "right", then you could do a <picture> or img srcset and put u-photo on that, but I think few/none parsers yet support picture/srcset
# 12:56 voxpelli my workaround at Bloglovin was to start download the images people gave to Facebook instead as those were more often high res
# 12:57 voxpelli it would just fallback to the img src while browsers would pick the most suitable size
# 12:58 voxpelli and parsers could start parsing srcset if they wanted size alternatives
# 13:03 j4y_funabashi OK that sounds interesting, will have a read of the picture spec, thanks voxpelli
goodoo, Tristitia, mlncn, singpolyma, frzn, IceCat, CherryPuffs, wolftune, KevinMarks, cmal, rMdes, snarfed, shiflett and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
Tristitia, loicm_ and cleverdevil joined the channel
Tristitia and mlncn joined the channel
Tristitia joined the channel
Tristitia, tantek, cweiske, IceCat, CherryPuffs and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:03 aaronpk it's still spamming the crap out of my irc client
Tristitia joined the channel
# 17:03 bear that is the first thing I turn off in my IRC clients: join/part notifications
Tristitia and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:08 tantek aaronpk: banned Tristitia from the channel until they sort that out
# 17:08 aaronpk cool. they're also in #pdxtech so I asked in there what's up
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 17:09 aaronpk funny enough, not doing the rapid join/part in that channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
# 17:36 miklb first examples of verified from new system. everyone else I've seen on Twitter who applied got turned down. Was starting to think it was just a publicity stunt
# 17:45 Loqi facebook has -16 karma (-15 in this channel)
# 17:46 tantek portable contacts, provoking silos into siloing since ... forever?
# 17:48 singpolyma sometimes I think things aren't necessarily much better here than in USA, but then I read another CFAA case
# 17:48 singpolyma (I mean for me of course, with all my privilege. we definitely have less police shootings, etc, but that's a different problem)
# 17:48 miklb voxpelli have you tested that webmention microservice yet?
snarfed, snarfed1 and wolftune joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed1 joined the channel
AngeloGladding and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
cmal, neilpdx and bdnim joined the channel
snarfed, mindB and CherryPuffs joined the channel
snarfed and tantek joined the channel
# 20:59 aaronpk added to the newsletter manually to make it in before the cutoff
# 21:00 aaronpk had to add it manually cause loqi won't regenerate it again and mailchimp polls the feed at 2pm
# 21:01 tantek oh ok, and then that last 10 min is for manual fixups only? there's no regeneration at 14:00?
# 21:01 aaronpk yeah i don't know when mailchimp actually fetches it, cause it's set to send it out at 14:00
# 21:02 aaronpk apparently they fetch it more than 1 minute before tho :(
# 21:02 tantek huh, maybe so they can claim to actually send it out at 14:00:00 on the dot?
Lana and shiflett joined the channel
# 21:16 tantek And Brighton gets the Twitter photo this week!
# 21:17 tantek aaronpk: is that POSSEd using Bridgy, or silo.pub, or ... ?
# 21:17 tantek and if it's using silo.pub, could it send up to the first 4 photos? (since silo.pub supports multi-photo posts to Twitter)
shiflett, KartikPrabhu and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
# 21:38 chrisaldrich1 They've got an express service that takes just a few minutes and uses their site for verification. They've also got a Pro version (all free I think) that allows https use as well as the ability to white-list notifications.
# 21:39 chrisaldrich1 it also allows the ability to send custom messages that aren't just based on site updates
snarfed1 and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:53 [chrisaldrich] The service is free while in beta and allows 10,000 notifications/mo for free forever.
# 21:54 tantek chrisaldrich, nice turnout for HWC LA / Pasadena!
shiflett, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and snarfed1 joined the channel
snarfed, AndChat|566325, AndChat-566325, goodoo, KevinMarks and snarfed1 joined the channel
leg and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and snarfed1 joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:41 tantek hey two active people here agreeing - that's good enough to start with :)
# 23:45 aaronpk silo-hop is when someone quits a silo and moves their content to another silo
KevinMarks joined the channel