petermolnarit appears I've been using numerous formats for bookmarking via plain text during the past 4-5 years, and by that, I ended up categorizing tonnes of my bookmarks as notes
Loqitommorris: tantek left you a message 1 week, 3 days ago: how does one even go about repairing an article like this? where to start? Also, how is an obscure outdated purely academic phrase "notable" for WP?
tommorrisLoqi: historical concepts are still notable for WP. even bad ideas can be documented. and, alas, there seems to be a book on it, so notability might be kinda fine
adactiotommorris: Just to clarify, I didn't organise the HWC sprint day—that was Tatiana. She's way more organised than me. (Although perhaps arranging it for the same day as Brighton Pride wasn't wise ...most sensible people will rightly want to watch the parade)
tommorristantek: re. social semantic web on WP - historical concepts are still notable for WP. even bad ideas can be documented. and, alas, there seems to be a book on it, so it *probably* satisfies notability
sknebelhs0ucy: you'll need a list of new/changed pages, and then send webmentions for them. there is quite a few libraries and tools in different languages linked from the wiki, depends on what you use/like
Loqi[Will Norris] webmention is a go library and command line tool for assissting in sending
Install the library by running:
go get
To install the command line tool, run:
go get
aaronpk"Thanks to everyone who is interested in #shopedmond! Please note, the hashtag is for our paying advertisers, as we own the trademark for marketing & advertising. Thanks for your understanding."
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 2pm Pacific time.
gRegorLoveHaha. /site-deaths "2009-06-11 shut down by Google " Today: " was founded by well-known social pioneer Orkut Buyukkokten (creator of and a small group of ex-Google engineers. "
snarfedyeah, confusing. two entirely different products. the old one ended up (and died) inside google. the new one got the domain, started inside google, then spun out
tantekthere aren't that many examples of launch / shutdown / launch / shutdown cycles on the same domain - so that might be worth capturing just for that