#indieweb 2016-08-12
2016-08-12 UTC
Loqi [indieweb] "Comment on The Indieweb Frees Me From “Awaiting Moderation” by Chris Aldrich" by Chris Aldrich http://boffosocko.com/2016/08/10/the-indieweb-frees-me-from-awaiting-moderation/#comment-31678

Loqi [indieweb] "Notes from tonight's Homebrew Website Club SF http://www.kevinmarks.com/hwc2016-08-10.html #indieweb" by Kevin Marks http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/notes-from-tonights-homebrew-website-club-sf-hwc2016-08-10html-indieweb

wolftune joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb] "By: Chris Aldrich" by Chris Aldrich http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/mike-its-an-edge-case-for-many-to-be-sure

Loqi [indieweb] "By: Mike Sugarbaker" by Mike Sugarbaker http://theha.us/2016/this-is-nearly-the-opposite-of-an-effective-pitch-for

CherryPuffs and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
wolftune, KevinMarks and chrisaldrich_ joined the channel
Loqi Just generated the first draft of this week's newsletter! https://indieweb.org/this-week/2016-08-12.html I'll generate a draft again tomorrow, so please add to it before then! https://indieweb.org/this-week#How_to

CherryPuffs, mindB, Jammy_Stuff, doesntgolf_, shiflett, wolftune, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks_, goodoo, KevinMarks, rhiaro, friedcell, Lana, Kopfstein, marjolein_, chillpenguin, Pierre-O, loicm, jboy, cmal, aliasd and gkbrk joined the channel
@cmal_PP @RomainBurrel That's the problem with nazis (they get sympathy) & centralized platforms (they practice control and censorship). #Indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/764039229886390272)
loicm_, dns53, aman`, ericrest, mindB2 and gkbrk joined the channel
petermolnar gkbrk can you please give us an example?

petermolnar which site are you trying to log in with?

petermolnar interesting

petermolnar you'll need to ping aaronpk

test and friedcell joined the channel
jboy gkbrk: You can probably file a report at https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues. It looks like there's already an issue having to do with umlauts: https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/115
petermolnar urls are ascii only

petermolnar in reality

petermolnar even the extreme ones are translated in the background

petermolnar but you urls seem to be fine

petermolnar so it's an interesting question, what breaks it

mlncn_ joined the channel
thebaer, Pierre-O, mlncn_ and mlncn__ joined the channel
jboy gkbrk: That's odd though, you'd think a parser looking for instances of <link rel="me"> elements wouldn't choke on something like that.
jboy but my knowledge of ruby isn't good enough to figure out what the parser does.
doesntgolf_ joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "collaborative editing" yet. Would you like to create it?_

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "pad" yet. Would you like to create it?

doesntgolf, keroberos, mlncn__ and danielcberman joined the channel
ehlovader joined the channel
friedcell and singpolyma joined the channel
ehlovader joined the channel
aaronpk i can't remember why i added this https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/commit/0bb9effe70eecaac1c5cb3531b1412e66a4b3154

KevinMarks joined the channel
aaronpk that sounds like this one, i was just taking a look at it https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/115

aaronpk whee look at all the non-ascii https://github.com/aaronpk

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Add an emoji?

petermolnar add ő or ű

petermolnar those are fun; they were the only two hungarian chars out of the easter europe 8859-2, so they kept showing up as Å, Å or ô

[kevinmarks] There is a ꜳ character you could start your name with

aaronpk alright fixed the other issue voxpelli reported too https://github.com/aaronpk/IndieAuth.com/issues/115

tommorris TIL: the UK's Government Digital Service Manual (the document that explains to civil servants and government suppliers how to build web/digital services for government) includes reference to microformats - https://www.gov.uk/service-manual/making-software/apis.html

wolftune joined the channel
mindB2 hey everyone. is there any established standard for keeping a h-entry marked up paginated feed machine readable? I can imagine a use case where the traditional 10 first page entries wouldn't be enough to show in a reader.
mindB2 yes thanks.
aaronpk check out my page for an example: https://aaronparecki.com

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Also ref backs are declining as https takes over

leg joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Right, but referrals from Google, Twitter, Facebook etc are now missing due to https

danielcberman joined the channel
aaronpk i have *lots* of referer logs with twitter URLs https://aaronparecki.com/uploads/Screen-Shot-2016-08-12-09-36-09.png

gRegorLove joined the channel
begriffs joined the channel
mindB, thebaer and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove Jeena: Was there a Göteborg HWC on 8/10?

[kevinmarks] Gillmor Gang time. Anything I should mention?

Loqi [indienews] New post: "Homebrew Website Club 2016-08-10" http://www.kevinmarks.com/hwc2016-08-10.html

AngeloGladding, wolftune and rafasf joined the channel
mindB joined the channel
sknebel cmal: I meant those listing pages: https://news.ycombinator.com/from?site=aaronparecki.com If my site had something like that, and you have a list of posts by others linking to you (since you got webmentions for them), you could relatively quickly check which one of those I've linked to before (and might trust, at least that seems to be the idea behind Vouch)
gkbrk https://reddit.com/domain/aaronparecki.com for example
friedcell joined the channel
aaronpk i actually had that on my last site http://2015.aaronparecki.com/links-to/tantek.com

[kevinmarks] You're asking for Technorati again

KartikPrabhu what is technorati?

Loqi Technorati was a real-time blog search engine that provided comprehensive date-ordered results within seconds of when people published on their blogs https://indieweb.org/Technorati

[kevinmarks] It was a "who linked to me?" service originally

[kevinmarks] Blogs, via ping service and recently updated lists

Pierre-O joined the channel
[kevinmarks] The blog tools all pinged it one way or another

[kevinmarks] It stopped crawling after I left in 2007

[kevinmarks] Or rather went from about 100M blogs to 100K chosen ones

[kevinmarks] I wrote the spiders

[kevinmarks] Right

KartikPrabhu no "social media" site supports webmentions natively, that is done by bridgy

KartikPrabhu a lot of people here send webmetions from their own sites

KartikPrabhu what is webmention?

Loqi Webmention is a simple way to notify any URL when you link to it on your site https://indieweb.org/Webmention

KartikPrabhu GWG is working on convincing the wordpress people

Toba_ how does webmention protect against spam
Toba_ it seems like it would be highly spammable
KartikPrabhu webmention by itself does not but there are extensions like Vouch

misuba joined the channel
KartikPrabhu what is vouch?

Loqi The Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention https://indieweb.org/Vouch

KartikPrabhu you can also add in your own anti-spam measures

Toba_ interesting
[kevinmarks] Spam fighting was a huge part of Technorati

KartikPrabhu [kevinmarks]: are technorati's strategies against spam documented somewhere?

KartikPrabhu might be useful prior-art

[kevinmarks] Not really, it was non public

Toba_ no
[kevinmarks] Well, it depends.

[kevinmarks] Giving them an Oracle is often bad.

Toba_ Computer Facts
Toba_ ”@computerfact
Toba_ if you're in a hurry here's the answer to every question about computers: it depends
KartikPrabhu what is the common crawl?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "common crawl" yet. Would you like to create it?

gkbrk KartikPrabhu: https://commoncrawl.org/
KartikPrabhu common crawl is https://commoncrawl.org/

[kevinmarks] common crawl is a huge database of web crawl data

[kevinmarks] Too late

Loqi common crawl is a huge database of web crawl data https://indieweb.org/common_crawl

AngeloGladding what is scutter
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "scutter" yet. Would you like to create it?

AngeloGladding what is scutter?
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "scutter" yet. Would you like to create it?

AngeloGladding has anyone heard of a scutter?
AngeloGladding from back in the RDF days -- a semantic web crawler
gRegorLove Hah. Loqi requires the <dfn> to with the text gkbrk.

gRegorLove Pretty sure he won't go in a loop with his own text though :)

gRegorLove Interesting. Looks like an alternative to Internet Archive

[kevinmarks] I only know of a scutter from red dwarf

AngeloGladding nice
AngeloGladding you're half way there
AngeloGladding scutter is a semantic web crawler
gRegorLove That sentence does not compute to me, haha

gRegorLove Loqi responds to various things.

gRegorLove Who is Loqi?

Loqi Loqi is a friendly and useful bot present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indiewebcamp.com/User:Loqi.me

gRegorLove ?

AngeloGladding kevinmarks: wed i mentioned webmention + crawler as core functionality for robust indiewebsite -- technically i meant a scutter
gRegorLove gkbrk: What's broken?

AngeloGladding quite possibly the technorati crawler could have been defined as such
[kevinmarks] Well, it parsed feeds and web pages heuristically

wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove And only for like 10 minutes after the ask. Or maybe 5.

AngeloGladding yeah obviously Google and the rest use heuristics but they really must traverse all links
AngeloGladding i imagine commanding your personal scutter to find all events 3-4 degrees of separation from you
AngeloGladding by no means a full web crawl
AngeloGladding but a focused, localized crawl in search of specific semantics
AngeloGladding maybe the difference is ... semantic
[kevinmarks] In effect webmentions drive that

AngeloGladding ok
AngeloGladding i'll reserve thought on the matter until I've fully implemented webmentions
[kevinmarks] As to send them you end up fetching the target

[kevinmarks] And to receive them you fetch and parse the source

AngeloGladding what if an event is posted and you aren't explicitly mentioned?
[kevinmarks] Hahah

AngeloGladding lol
AngeloGladding like a big event
AngeloGladding not one you weren't invited to
AngeloGladding :)
[kevinmarks] Well, wordpress has antispam with akismet which has to cope with trackbacks

gkbrk GWG: so according to this page (https://akismet.com/development/api/#comment-check) you only need user ip and user agent. On top of that you can add the author url and the ping time and akismet should have enough data to detect spams
[kevinmarks] Hm, dev in slack not being mirrored to irc is confusing

ChrisAldrich joined the channel
ChrisAldrich GWG++ for his trojan horse methods on behalf of indieweb ;)

ChrisAldrich I love that you just popped up into chat earlier with the welcome: "Did someone mention WordPress?"

AngeloGladding lol
AngeloGladding hey Chris
ChrisAldrich morning Angelo!

ChrisAldrich or maybe afternoon now for 5 minutes

ChrisAldrich I visited Cross Campus this morning in Pasadena to see if we could cop some free space from them for HWC meetings

ChrisAldrich Angelo, in case you missed it, I'm now the organizing lead for IndieWebCamp in Novemmber. I'm expecting you to RSVP and volunteer to help...

ChrisAldrich or maybe co-organize?!

AngeloGladding sure
AngeloGladding I'm more than willing to help out
AngeloGladding do we need to find a new host for IWC?
ChrisAldrich for now, I view it as outreach to the LA-area development communities, but we were already starting to do that for HWC

ChrisAldrich shaners said that Pivotal was still in, I'll try to go by and visit the management shortly. They host a few other Meetup.com groups in LA (Ruby I think is one.)

gkbrk-- oh the bot probably won't get his messages
neilpdx joined the channel
ChrisAldrich GWG, on the earlier conversation about akismet/spam, I've noticed there's much less webmention commentary being marked as spam on my install now.

ChrisAldrich I do too and just got KevinMarks ping from a bit ago.

ChrisAldrich Mostly the only webmention spam I get marked now is from me using my own Known install

ChrisAldrich does webmention.io do that? and isnt' there a heroku app too? I've been contemplating a static site, just for fun...

ChrisAldrich sadly my WordPress poison ivy is too inflamed recently to dabble in the static world.

ChrisAldrich Oooo... Gilmor Gang soon! KevinMarks, could you please twist his arm into offering an audio only RSS feed?

[kevinmarks] I told them to use huffduff-video.snarfed.org to make one

[kevinmarks] You missed it, it was 10am PT today

ChrisAldrich I had been doing that for a while, but it seems like they quit using any video services that worked with huffduff

begriffs joined the channel
ChrisAldrich Oops, that mobile notification was painfully late then.

gRegorLove lambda-comments lets you add comments to a static site. Jim was at the IndieWeb Summit this year. https://jimpick.com/2016/05/05/introducing-lambda-comments/

gRegorLove I think he added/was adding webmention support to it? Don't recall.

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
KevinMarks A better answer than comment parade could be using silo.pub for webmention comments

KevinMarks So if you don't have an indieweb site, comment on twitter/tumblr etc

loicm_ joined the channel
neilpdx just in case anyone here is using FastCGI. i am wondering if FastCGI handles AJAX requests differently based on the verb. so i am wondering if something different happens when the request is get versus post.
Loqi Just generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 2pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2016-08-12.html

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] You could add them to bridgy and/or silo.pub

gRegorLove Huh, commentpara.de doesn't show up as new in that version^. It did before.

miklb just saw this for gh based static sites for comments https://github.com/eduardoboucas/staticman

gRegorLove gkbrk: What's lobsters?

gRegorLove Heh

Loqi Generated the final version of the newsletter! This will be sent out at 2pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2016-08-12.html

KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove Not on the wiki, that's why I asked :)

gRegorLove Wasn't sure if it was something to wikify or not

gRegorLove Anyone can ask; doesn't have to be someone else

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "lobsters" yet. Would you like to create it?

gkbrk lobsters is a technology-focused link-aggregation site similar to Hacker News https://lobste.rs
gRegorLove Cool :)

KevinMarks_, KevinMarks and goodoo joined the channel
@devonzuegel @ChrisAldrich Thanks for pointing me towards Hypothesis & IndieWeb! Both look right up my alley. Excited to spend the day reading about them (twitter.com/_/status/764209232136679424)
Loqi [indieweb] "I took your table and filled it out with some Indieweb technology pointers here: https://indieweb…" by Kevin Marks https://medium.com/@kevinmarks/i-took-your-table-and-filled-it-out-with-some-indieweb-technology-pointers-here-https-indieweb-963f369eb18d?source=rss-------1

Loqi [indieweb] "I took your table and filled it out with some Indieweb technology pointers here: https://indieweb…" by Kevin Marks https://medium.com/@kevinmarks/i-took-your-table-and-filled-it-out-with-some-indieweb-technology-pointers-here-https-indieweb-963f369eb18d?source=rss-d2f50a6a3291------2

@anildash @openupdigi there are lots of folks in the indieweb movement who are building tools to do this on a tech level. Key is platform integration. (twitter.com/_/status/763697767038513152)
@kevinmarks @petermolnar @anildash think he means generation 3 or 4 on this chart - building into hosting companies https://indieweb.org/generations (twitter.com/_/status/764210966535909376)
KevinMarks I just need to keep reminding him we exist

ChrisAldrich Just noticed that indieauth allows clef.io now -- that's pretty nifty looking...

aaronpk turns out Clef is basically what I was outlining with https://indieweb.org/kirby-login-app

goodoo joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich @devonzuegel If you have questions, feel free to ask. There's a helpful group on IRC/slack if you need anything https://indieweb.org/IRC (twitter.com/_/status/764223444414177280)
KartikPrabhu and KevinMarks joined the channel
gRegorLove What is Clef?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Clef" yet. Would you like to create it?

aaronpk Clef is an application that enables websites to authenticate users without passwords. https://getclef.com

Lana and goodoo joined the channel
gRegorLove Looks cool. What rel do I need to add to try it?

cmal and chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
AngeloGladding aaronpk: do you have a geocoding service?
mlncn__ joined the channel
AngeloGladding cool, thought so. can i ask what dataset you're leveraging?
AngeloGladding i see the source code
AngeloGladding thanks