#indieweb 2016-08-13

2016-08-13 UTC
KevinMarks joined the channel
hmm silo.pub didn't include the photo in my last post
KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, doesntgolf, ChrisAldrich and AngeloGladding joined the channel
Thinking back to the earlier definition of lobste.rs, I can't think but help that https://news.indieweb.org/ is similar to that and hackernews, it's just missing the ability to use your own site to vote articles up/down... it's an indieweb DIGG. Though I also wonder what if Twitter could show today's top news based on the number of likes/favorites.... sadly, it probably wouldn't be very pretty (quality wise).
going by "trending" on twitter, which at least here in Germany often also contains random phrases from news reports, it seems what Twitter cares about is a really weird subsection of stuff
if news.indieweb added a comment-thread-viewer and voting it would be really close to HN/lobsters
I'm sure they have some human editing/curation for their trending topics...
one could post a like/comment on their own site with a webmention to news.indieweb which could then tally things up...
one thing that's not clear how to express is the difference between comments on the aggregator submission vs the original post
e.g. reddit or HN comments on an article are not necessarily good stand-alone comments on the article itself
if you submit to indienews via a bookmark post they could be comments on that?
that would certainly work, bookmark-of and in-reply-to at the same time...
!tell gkbrk: you mentioned webmention support for reddit: would you want all comments on reddit to be backfeed to your site? or just a single mention to tell you that there is a discussion on reddit?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
that could be an issue for sites/posts that might experience the "Robert Scoble Effect"
What is the Robert Scoble Effect?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Robert Scoble Effect" yet. Would you like to create it?
The Robert Scoble Effect is the potential of unexpected consequences or crashes when famous people begin using or interacting with websites, apps or especially social networks and their resulting network effects.
[indieweb] "@CaptainKurtis Hope it works. URL Forwarder is awesome; this post inspired many in Indieweb to use it for mobile http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/sharing-from-the-indieweb-on-mobile-android-with-apps-and" by Chris Aldrich http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/captainkurtis-hope-it-works-url-forwarder-is-awesome-this-post
miklb and wolftune joined the channel
[indieweb] "Events scraping properly or improper markup? · Issue #3 · indieweb/this-week https://github.com/indieweb/this-week/issues/3 In today's (8/12/16) edition, the upcoming note about HWC for 8/24 includes most of" by Chris Aldrich http://stream.boffosocko.com/2016/events-scraping-properly-or-improper-markup-issue-3-indiewebthis-week-indiewebthis-weekissues3in
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Heh, when I first launched indienews it supported threaded comments on posts that you'd syndicate to indienews like you do posts
and had upvote and downvote arrows you could use after you sign in with IndieAuth
but nobody was using it, so I took out those features to simplify it to make it easier to understand
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
You could make it like woodwind.xyz and use micropub for like and comments, with a webmention. And then salmention to the original
KevinMarks_, snarfed, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and AngeloGladding joined the channel
You're also acting against the principles of indieweb, and that is something that people should consider more.
tantek_, tantek and cmal joined the channel
another good reason for #indieweb - to be able to make your site as minimal and efficient as possible, to work better worldwide, across more countries, cities, wifi hotspots that may be slow, overloaded, flakey or all the above.
I'm going to focusing on improving that aspect of my site even more in the next few days
speaking of lobste.rs, someone should add h-entry to the site: https://github.com/jcs/lobsters :)
what is .rs?
It looks like we don't have a page for ".rs" yet. Would you like to create it?
squeakytoy joined the channel
!tell GWG try a Twitter search for #PDF14 @t - you should find a bunch more NYC folks to consider reaching out to for IWC NYC2! If you could capture their name/@-name on the IWC NYC2 Planning page and reach out to them that would be great! Thanks! -t
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
squeakytoy2, mindB and doesntgolf joined the channel
Tech giants gather for a billionaire summer camp. Screw them and their digital slavery, join the #Indieweb ! http://www.recode.net/2016/7/6/12106900/sun-valley-tim-cook-summer-camp-for-billionaires
marjolein, thebaer, Lana, gkbrk, snarfed, keroberos, wolftune, trevor-b and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Weconsecrate should see aaronpk's squarespace ad edit
doesntgolf, mlncn__ and KevinMarks joined the channel
Site deaths: Blab is dead…long live Blab. http://nzzl.us/zQVSCqe via @nuzzel
i uh..
i've never heard of Blab
so that article sounds kind of like satire
is some kind of video broadcast thing, yes?
livestreaming thing it looks like
I know someone who was into it, but never actually looked at it.
ChrisAldrich joined the channel
ah, so it's more of a pivot
KevinMarks_, nitot, emmak, ChrisAldrich and mlncn__ joined the channel
@Hummigbird1 ich sehe es als Stärke der Web-Standards. Weiterentwicklungen können nicht von großen Firmen verhindert werden. ZB #IndieWeb
Looking for something to watch? Check out the great shows on our #Roku / #RokuUK ch. #indie #indiefilm #indieweb #original #film #classic
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, nitot_, leg and Pierre-O joined the channel
!tell snarfed bridgy isn't finding my facebook posts anymore. is it something to do with IDs? do I need to change my syndication URLs on my posts?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
mindB, doesntgolf, KevinMarks, ChrisAldrich, cmal, AngeloGladding, ben_thatmustbeme, KartikPrabhu, mlncn__, wolftune, gkbrk, Guest10513, gkbrk_, mlncn and snarfed joined the channel
aaronpk: ruh roh, sorry about that. got an example? i looked through your recent fb and site but didn't find an obvious missing one
snarfed: petermolnar left you a message 4 days, 10 hours ago: brid.gy doesn't like me :( https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/692
snarfed: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 35 minutes ago: bridgy isn't finding my facebook posts anymore. is it something to do with IDs? do I need to change my syndication URLs on my posts?
ChrisAldrich joined the channel
snarfed: yeah my latest facebook post has a FB syndication, but bridgy says it didn't find the original URL https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/12/6/smoothie
[Aaron Parecki] Smoothie time #summer https://aaronparecki.com/2016/08/12/6/photo.jpeg
i don't see a syndication link on that post
stale cache?
on my site? it's the tiny facebook icon
it shows up in the mf2 also
[Aaron Parecki] Coffee Smoothie * 4 oz cold brew coffee * 1 large banana * ~ 2/3 cup almond milk * ~ 1 tbsp honey * ~ 1 cup ice Add everything into the blender. I use a Nutribullet with the large cup. Fill to the fill line with cold water, usually only tak...
oh no, the one i linked
dontTrustOver25 joined the channel
i wonder if your post velocity is actually higher than bridgy's limit per crawl
looking at the last crawl, none of the posts have slugs, which i'm guessing means they're lower priority posts - sleeps, bookmarks, favorites, etc
sbruce joined the channel
Ohh is Bridgy only polling /all?
well /all in addition to everything else, but only the first 10, and only...however often
I could make a new feed that only includes syndicated posts
right now every 6h
so yeah you're probably often faster than 10/6h
that makes sense
i wonder if anyone else has this problem yet :P
how easy would it be for you to guess some rough stats? avg per day for the last n weeks, biggest recent bursts, etc?
just curious
dumb fix is for me to bump up the fastest tier crawl rate. i'll do that
looks like a conservative estimate is 200 users currently in that tier. if i bump it up to every 2h, that's a crawl every ~90s, which is totally fine
done. i'll also add in that post manually
@WintanaMN #indiewebcamp & @withknown seem like good twitter & Facebook replacements to me. They can still interact w/ twitter & Facebook...
manually clicks retry buttons on https://brid.gy/facebook/11500459
dontTrustOver25 and snarfed joined the channel