ChrisAldrichThinking back to the earlier definition of, I can't think but help that is similar to that and hackernews, it's just missing the ability to use your own site to vote articles up/down... it's an indieweb DIGG. Though I also wonder what if Twitter could show today's top news based on the number of likes/favorites.... sadly, it probably wouldn't be very pretty (quality wise).
sknebelgoing by "trending" on twitter, which at least here in Germany often also contains random phrases from news reports, it seems what Twitter cares about is a really weird subsection of stuff
sknebel!tell gkbrk: you mentioned webmention support for reddit: would you want all comments on reddit to be backfeed to your site? or just a single mention to tell you that there is a discussion on reddit?
ChrisAldrichThe Robert Scoble Effect is the potential of unexpected consequences or crashes when famous people begin using or interacting with websites, apps or especially social networks and their resulting network effects.
tantekanother good reason for #indieweb - to be able to make your site as minimal and efficient as possible, to work better worldwide, across more countries, cities, wifi hotspots that may be slow, overloaded, flakey or all the above.
tantek!tell GWG try a Twitter search for #PDF14 @t - you should find a bunch more NYC folks to consider reaching out to for IWC NYC2! If you could capture their name/@-name on the IWC NYC2 Planning page and reach out to them that would be great! Thanks! -t
aaronpk!tell snarfed bridgy isn't finding my facebook posts anymore. is it something to do with IDs? do I need to change my syndication URLs on my posts?
Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message 3 hours, 35 minutes ago: bridgy isn't finding my facebook posts anymore. is it something to do with IDs? do I need to change my syndication URLs on my posts?
Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Coffee Smoothie
* 4 oz cold brew coffee
* 1 large banana
* ~ 2/3 cup almond milk
* ~ 1 tbsp honey
* ~ 1 cup ice
Add everything into the blender. I use a Nutribullet with the large cup. Fill to the fill line with cold water, usually only tak...
snarfedlooking at the last crawl, none of the posts have slugs, which i'm guessing means they're lower priority posts - sleeps, bookmarks, favorites, etc
snarfedlooks like a conservative estimate is 200 users currently in that tier. if i bump it up to every 2h, that's a crawl every ~90s, which is totally fine