#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 15 hours, 30 minutes ago: try a Twitter search for #PDF14 @t - you should find a bunch more NYC folks to consider reaching out to for IWC NYC2! If you could capture their name/@-name on the IWC NYC2 Planning page and reach out to them that would be great! Thanks! -t
ChrisAldrich, snarfed, wolftune and doesntgolf joined the channel
#Loqi[Richard Carls] h-feed and pagination; distinction between full and partial feed? u-* properties for previous, next, first, last? #indieweb
#voxpelli!tell aaronpk No time limit on Loqi's Superfeedr import? Does it pull in posts whenever Superfeedr finds them, no matter if they are posted weeks ago? Maybe limit to last X days?
#cmalso the French ministry of labour and prime minister just gave a vibrant homage to the now-defunct previous leader of the biggest workers union in France, the CGT. Officially (according to both gov and CGT) they're adversaries trying to tear off each other, but I think that's just the most truthful manifestation we've had so far of the collusions between the two
#cmalin the past months during the labour law reform opposition movement (which gathered literally millions of people, destroyed many banks and sent many both cops and demonstrants to the hospital), the CGT had its militia assaulting demonstrants and working hand in hand with the police to "stop lawbreakers"
#cmalso I think it's sort of funny to have a national-socialist government paying its regards to the former head of the fascist pro-business militias who keep it in power :-/
#cmalto get back to the implicit topic, with all the censorship and repression facing activists, we need out-of-the-box encryption/authentication on the #Indieweb (ping aaronpk)
#LoqiOpenPGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a message exchange format that uses public key cryptography to enable people to exchange encrypted and/or signed data https://indieweb.org/pgp
#cmalwe were more precisely talking about using PGP signatures as auto-validation mechanisms for webmentions (if remote user PGP key is already locally cached and hasn't been revoked and the content of the source of the webmention is provided with a valid signature, then there's not necessarily a need to parse the source of the webmention)
#cmaland also potentialy as a vouching mechanism using the PGP Web of Trust (say, allowing person N to interact with you if they have a valid signature from someone you follow)
#voxpelliwouldn't you need to parse it anyhow to get the signature that you need to verify?
#voxpelliit's pretty much like Vouch, but instead of relying purely on https and domains, one has signing mechanisms as well
#voxpelliit could even be Vouch depending on how Vouch defines that an identity should be detected
#cmaltypically a webmention has a source & target, but if you add a third argument containing the signed HTML+mf2 then you don't need the parsing
#Loqimessaging refers to one user sending another user a message (memo, letter, txt, photo …) that they read sometime later; on the IndieWeb, either directly via a personal site, or from one site to another https://indieweb.org/messaging
#voxpelliI prefer the alternative solution to the private webmention one
#cmalyou mean the private-messaging-brainstorming?
#cmalsounds overly complicated, with tokens and all… I think asymmetric cryptography solves many of these problems at once
#voxpellithe tokens and such are involved in the private webmention one as well
#cmal1. authentication can be assured by keys defined in the h-card (that can be cached locally by remote endpoints), 2. encryption is easy 3. giving your endpoint only a subkey of your master key (which you can revoke and change at any time) makes it easier to tackle full-compromission
#cmalindeed, but maybe that's precisely something that's not that useful? (I'm not sure, I'm wondering)
#voxpellithe alternative solution is basically just a way to discover each others messaging server and then to ensure that A is actually the one sending something to B
#voxpelli"2. encryption is easy" – not sure everyone would agree on that part ;)
#voxpelliI think signing of messages can be great as an enhancement, but not needed as a requirement as long as https is used
#cmalvoxpelli: well HTTPS doesn't authenticate the user themselves, it identifies a subdomain/machine which I think is a difference to take into consideration
#cmalI don't think relying on HTTPS for private communications is a good idea at all. GPG over HTTPS seems slightly better.
#voxpellicmal: yes, hence the enhancement part, you at least know it's the right machine and depending on the privacy needs that can be totally okay
#cmal(because you have server-to-server authentication/encryption via HTTPS, and user-to-user authentication/encryption via GPG
#voxpellithe step from https-only to https+pgp is smaller than from nothing to full on https+pgp
#cmalI mean, it should just be the default out-of-the-box :-/
#voxpelliI feel such progressive enhancement is important in the indie world, to make it possible for people to build out new functionality step by step, dogfooding their way into the future
#cmalalso I think it's going to become a critical point for one specific reason: without proper authentication mechanisms we're just going to be spammed all over and over and over
#cmalfor now there's no huge incentives for spammers to troll the Indieweb (although I recall streams.withknown.com has its lot of spamming), but big orgs will think about it twice before implementing webmentions if there's no spam-tolerant easy implementation of webmentions
#voxpellibut it's totally something we need to focus more on
#cmalseems limited to me, it only requires ONE SINGLE LINK to the vouchee's domain (from the voucher's domain) to get a vouch, am I correct?
#voxpelliwill focus on such things in his endpoint once his Salmentioning and SWAT0:ing is done
#cmalso that means any XSS undermines vouch, and anyone sharing a subdomain with you (say, in different subfolders) can vouch in your name by just adding a link on their blog
#cmal(that's my recollection of Vouch as exposed on the wiki)
#voxpellithe vouching URL would probably be one that doesn't accept user input, and I think it makes sense to ignore any links with eg. rel-nofollow on them
#cmal(but then if people implement it with followers/contacts lists then it's starting to be a good mechanism)
#voxpelliso it wouldn't be any link on any page of a domain, but rather a link from a single user profile page
#voxpelliand I think it's mainly a way to add an easy mechanism to extends ones web of trust, as it's hard to get a good conversation going of one maintains just a strict static whitelist
#voxpelliprobably makes sense to have other ways to dynamically extend it as well
#cmalwell I think in the context of the social web, this could be handled by followers lists (or, depending on vouching settings, lists of people who follow you and whom you follow)
#cmalso this is where public-key cryptography can come in handy: when sending a webmention to someone who doesn't trust you yet, you could sign with your key a vouch request to a mutual friend and attach it to the webmention, then the receiver of the webmention could query the mutual friend with the signed vouching request, and if it matches your key and a request to your h-card url, then it would return a valid vouch
#cmalthe problem with this technique is we're back to needing to send a request to the voucher, which might be replaced by some web-of-trust
#cmalanyway, sorry I think I need to crawl the wiki some more and talk about it with a few friends, then I'll make clearer contributions to the debate
#cmalmostly right now I'm just pointing out the edge-cases limitations of what people have already wonderfully come up with
#cmalbut if some people are interested in having a precise debate around these specific issues, maybe we could do this some time?
#voxpellian IWC is a perfect time if you're planning to attend one
#cmalunfortunately not anytime soon, but I guess a meeting on IRC + Etherpad could go fine as well? maybe even some Mumble?
miklb, dontTrustOver25, aliasd, snarfed, AngeloGladding and mlncn joined the channel
#Zegnatcmal: it would take some coordinating, but IRC + Etherpad + IWC can work as well. voxpelli and I had some interesting multi-language debate on IRC during IWC Düsseldorf.
dontTrustOver25, nitot, leg, cmal and mindB joined the channel
#cmalactually, I think indieauth could be a very powerful tool to promote both the indieweb and public key authentication on the client side (browser implementation is a nightmare, but indie apps could pave the way)
wolftune joined the channel
#Zegnatsknebel: have you considered going to IWC Düsseldorf?
#Loqiaaronpk: voxpelli left you a message 3 hours, 57 minutes ago: No time limit on Loqi's Superfeedr import? Does it pull in posts whenever Superfeedr finds them, no matter if they are posted weeks ago? Maybe limit to last X days?
#aaronpki'm going to start by including the date in the line that Loqi reports
#petermolnara friendly note for markdown users: pandoc is at least 1, of not 2 magnitude slower that Parsedown (Extra), but on the other hand, if you're compatible with pandoc, you're compatible with everything
gkbrk, Lana, KevinMarks_, squeakytoy, ChrisAldrich and dontTrustOver25 joined the channel
#LoqiIPFS is an abbreviation for “InterPlanetary File System”, self-described as “a new hypermedia distribution protocol”, yet does not appear to be selfdogfooded, and thus should be considered risky and experimental at best https://indieweb.org/IPFS
#Loqiok, I added "http://www.atnnn.com/p/ipfs-hosting/" to the "See Also" section of /IPFS
#KevinMarks_Is the array error loqi's way of saying no page?
#aaronpkhuh, i thought he checked for the page before trying to add it
Guest49, dontTrustOver25, bttf, reidab, wagle, cmal and KevinMarks joined the channel
#aaronpk!tell snarfed I made a new page, https://aaronparecki.com/syndicated which only includes posts that are syndicated elsewhere. Hopefully that works with bridgy better now!
#petermolnarI mentioned on -dev: careful with launching the ipfs daemon, I got a rather surprising mail from hetzner (the company I'm renting my server from): http://pastebin.com/VmVPQU6i
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
#sknebelpetermolnar: yeah, because they scan the local subnet to find local peers... recommended workaround is blocking local networks via firewall: https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues/1226 (IMHO they really should add a commandline switch or something for tha)
#Loqisnarfed: aaronpk left you a message 1 hour, 4 minutes ago: I made a new page, https://aaronparecki.com/syndicated which only includes posts that are syndicated elsewhere. Hopefully that works with bridgy better now!
#snarfedyou did the right thing by putting it above /all in your html. bridgy does simple in order traversal, first 10 only, per crawl
#miklbsnarfed I've posted a few notes and POSSE'd to Twitter with bridgy but without a link to the note. replies to the note on Twitter don't link back to the original as I understand it?
#snarfedyeah, in that case you'd need a syndication link on the post on your site